The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, July 09, 1925, Image 7

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OFFICIAL Fort of Valley the ORGAN THE KIWANIS KALL and Get Full Value Kiwanis Club Published Weekly Thursday by the Kiwanis Club of Fort Valley, Ga. for Your Money on Vol. 1 Here’s the beverage that delights taste, satisfies thirst and refreshes. Every bottle is sterilized—insur ing absolute purity Fort Valley Bottling Cfl W. G. II RISEN DINE, KIWANIAN J. W. Wool folk W. L. Snow Ralph Newton J. W. Woolfolk & Co. Spray Material, Peas & Peaches Fort Valley, Georgia EVANS CLARK CO. Inc. Marketing and Dealers in Asparagus and Peach Crates and Supplies. A. J. Evans E. G. Clark Kiwanian Kiwanian Your account, whether large or small, IF , respectfully solicited on the basis of P sincere appreciation. PROMPT COURTEOUS EFFICIENT U£ SERVICE Bank of Fort Valle y Manufacturers of CHILDREN’S UNDERWEAR FORI VALLEY KNITTING MILLS F. O. MILLER, Pres. A. J. EVANS, Treas. & Gen’l Mgr. T. F. FLOURNOY, Supt. KIWAN1ANS l Business Block Laid in Ruins j i J p nil |j§v *v X 'Ay V.W ^ +my* V ; - m $ i n I One of the big business buildings of Santa Barbara, Cal., as it appeared after the earthquake had shattered it. Photograph sent over the wires of the American Telegraph and Telephone company. MUST KILL WEEDS TO SAVE PASTURES -- j One of the greatest damages to pastures is done by weeds, and be- j cause of the prolonged drouth in practically all parts of the state, many pastures have not produced much grazing on account of the pre¬ valence of weeds, says H. C. Apple ton, field crops specialist at the "fcate College of Agriculture. 'Weeds and the grasses are con tinually in competition for plant food and moisture, and in many pas¬ tures this year where there was not enough for both the grass suffered, says Prof. Appleton. “As a conse quence these pastures have not of feredi much grazing this year. “To have a good pasture the weeds must be prevented from getting the upper hand of the grass. The best THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA., THURSDAY, JULY 0, 1025. way to destroy weeds is through the use of a mowing machine. All weedy pastures should be gone over with a mower this summer if the condition 0 f the land will permit, .. While mowing a pasture will not Laborers Wanted for Icing Cars HIGHEST WAGES Restaurant and Sleeping Quarters on Premises. PAY OFF DAILY REPORT AT ONCE Atlantic Ice & Coal Company FORT VALLEY, GEORGIA. THURSDAY, JULY 9. 1925. The Drifters T HERE are many drifters in this world going with the cur¬ rent, wherever it may happen to carry them. They stick to a job simply because it is easy and if it becomes hard they leave it and go on their way, looking for some other job that is soft. Honestly, deep down in their hearts, they intend some day to do something big—but they live only in yesterday and tomorrow. Today, alive with opportunity, has no meaning to them. The way of the drifters is always down stream—so that opportunity is always moving away from them. Unless you know where you’re going and are really row¬ ing as hard as you can to that point—you are drifting. Unless you are willing to accept responsibility and real¬ ly work—you are drifting! Unless you can actually see each day's work moving you ahead in force, strength and efficiency—you are drifting. The drifter always goes down—never up. And he fi nally either goes over the falls of failure or lands in some still pool of mediocrity, where he remains all the rest of his life. Don’t be a drifter! Ambition doesn’t mean thinking wonderful dreams, while you float with the tide. It means taking off your coat, rolling up your sleeves, and pulling your boat upstream! N EXT meeting, following the peach season recess, on ■ Friday, August 7. Dues were payable July 1. Send Your check to Secretary E. G. Clark. permanently destroy the weeds it will thin them out and give the grass a chance to grow. After the weeds are cut off with the mower, the sprouts and hushes should be removed with a grubbing hoe. “Good pastures produce as much or more feed than many other parts of the farm and deserve to have 25c FREE COUPON BLOOD-LAX The NATION’S BLOOD Tonic A LAXATIVE BLOOD TONIC This coupon when presented to your Druggist is worth 25c on the purchase price of one $1.00 bottle of Blood-Lax. Blood-Lax is compounded especially for the Liver, and Blood. Blood-Lax makes you eat better, sleep better and work better. Blood-Lax will rid your system of that tired, rundown feeling. Stop those pains in your hack, and cleanse your system of all those impurities that cause Pimples, Boils, Carbuncles, Biliousness, Dizzi¬ ness, Sour Stomach, Indigestion, Constipation and Rheumatism. One bottle of Blood-Lax will relieve these troubles at once. Get a bottle today. Manufactured By The Blood-Lax Laboratory ATLANTA, GA. I some attention. They are not differ¬ ent from other crops of the farm which require care in order to pro¬ duce a good yield. Not So Very Bright It seldom happens that a man who thinks he is a shining light needs dlm niers. Baltlmore Sun. Number 45. The Fori Valley Oil Co. Manufacturers of COTTON SEED PRODUCTS FORT VALLEY, GA. 1). G. STROTHER & K. M. WHITING. K1WANIANS GREEN-MILLER COMPANY Peach Growers’ Supplies GREEN-MILLER COMPANY GLKNMORK GREEN. KIWANIAN Georgia Agricultural Works QUALITY SERVICE HARDWARE & 44 We’ve Got It F, 0. MILLER, Kiwanian For SPRAY MATERIALS SPRAY MACHINES CRATE MATERIALS Call on SOUTHERN BROKERAGE COMPANY F. W. Withoft, Mgr. Kiwanian C HALL KIWANIAN THE TIRE MAN LOW OPERATING COST FULLER & JOHNSON MODEL i“N” GASOLINE ENGINE Thousands of Fuller & Johnson engines have given satisfactory and constant service for ten to twenty years, at a very low operating cost. That’s because every Fuller & Johnson engine is constructed with sufficient weight and strength to withstand the shock and strain of continuous operation under full load. The materials used are the very finest and the highest type of engineering and mechanical skill is employed in their construction. It costs you less to use the best, See the ILL samples on our display floor. & T. M. Anthoin^ FT. VALLEY. GA. ft# fl Built in sizes 1 2 K. 3, 5, 7, 9 and 12 H. P. t/iJry" Gasoline, Kerosene, Distillate Engines I’■ SL risi & EXCURSION JULY 11 — TO TYBEE $ 7.00 For the Round Trip Tickets on sale for all trains July 11. Return limit leave Savannah prior to midnight, July 15, 1925. SLEEPING CARS AND COACHES Spend four delightful days in beautiful Savannah or on the beach at Tybee - - “WHERE OCEAN BREEZES BLOW ” Numerous attractions for entertainment of visitors. Visit Tyhrisa on Tyhee Island Largest and most attractive Bath House, Dance Pavilion, and Amuse¬ ment Balance on South Atlantic Coast. Also on Tyhrisa is the Olean¬ der Tea Garden where delicious food is served at a reasonable price. Ask Ticket Agent for further information CENTRAL GEORGIA OF RAILWAY THE RIGHT WAY