The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, July 16, 1925, Image 10

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FREIGHT CONTAINER BUREAU ENGINEER LEAVES PEACH DISTRICT Mr F. C. Iliff, Engineer, Freight Container Bureau, 110 Vcsey N.'w York City, will leave Macon for Washington on July 15th, Mr. Iliff wishes to thank the peach shippers for the very close tion that they have extended to him in the work that he has been doing, That the results of this work produced excellent results is seen in the reports relative to age returned to the shipper by his broker. Mr. Iliff speaks as follows: “My sincere thanks are extended to the peach shippers of Georgia, Ki wanis Clubs and the Georgia Exchange, for their courtesy and hos pitality. Not anywhere has anyone been unwilling to listen to me or to give me of the of their valuable time. I appreciate this spirit of co operation more than I can express. I also wish to thank the press for their willingness to print the several articles that I have prepared. This method of imparting new methods of crate construction and loading of cars has been invaluable to me, es¬ pecially since it has been impossible for me to visit every packing house. “Georgia impresses me very strong¬ ly and it is my opinion that the state of Georgia holds forth excellent op¬ portunities for men of all ages and all walks of life. Georgia is just com ing to the fore as a producer of all /kinds of fresh fruits and vegetables, feed crops and manufactured pro- LET US MARKET YOUR < PEACHES * We Are The Largest Receivers of Consignments and Records Will Prove It ROBT. T. COCHRAN & CO f J 288-290 Washington St. New York, N. Y. AWYER DAY, Inc o K Commission Merchants i We handle of the finest makes of Georgia. F r Wire Us for Market some out We want more quality fruit. Information > Ask The Leader-Tribune RIGHT OW! >< GEORGIA PEACHES WATERMELONS, CANT A LOUPES* TOMATOES PURSE BROTHERS *L DISTRIBUTORS DETROIT , MICH. FRUITS and VEGETABLES TOLEDO, OHIO . REFERENCES: Wayne County and Home Savings Bank, Merchants National Bank, Detroit, Mith.; Commerce Guardian Trust & Savings Bank, Toledo, Ohio; First Nation¬ al Bank, Seaford, Del.; Chicago Packer and Red Book, t A- *n*i iif^iijrwu'Fn. THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA., THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1925. I ducts. I believe that the South of day is the West of tomorrow, especi j ally as applied to Georgia. | “I hope that I will have the oppor tunity to again visit in Georgia , renew the many friendships that I have made. I will always remember them and the peasant time that I have had here.” i. Vote As You Drink ** There are a great many innovations j n the prohibition line but the most 1 the demand of noted of unusual is a ficial to “vote as you drink.” He ar g ues the prohibition question from the standpoint of hypocrisy and, of course, he touches a lot of folks, a K roat big lot of them, who would vo t e dry under pressure but who drink and encourage drink under cover. There isn’t any doubt but that the prohibition question will not be set¬ tled firmly for ten years. There are changes in the temperature of the prohibition enforcement division. Men employed to ferret out liquor are drinking it and allowing it to get by for funds. Chicanery and fraud are rampant and on top of it, some of the best customers the bootleggers have are men of affairs, who would be shocked and grieved to be publicly called law violators. Yet, oc course, I they are. Georgians haven’t nearly so valid | an excuse as the federal people government, in other j states where the is enforcing prohibition against the ! | will of the people of the state. In j Georgia we had the most rigid pro- i I iiibition law that was ever invented j or surmised. It was on the statute books and still is. Our people were I for it and not one-tenth of the men, ' who now buy liquor from bootleggers would openly go to the polls and vote them for the might wet ticket, although many to of J get up courage open ly demand a less rigid law than the ! one Georgia has—Thomasviile Times Enterprise. ; Hall’s Catarrh | 1 MeOlGltlC Treatment b«b Ioca , and internal> and has been success f u j | n ,h e treatment of Catarrh for over forty years. Sold by all druggists, 1 ( F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio Established 1874 Geo. 13. Booker Co. 102-104-106 East Fourth Street WILMINGTON. DEL. WANT 2 CARS GEORGIA PEACHES DAILY. TRY THIS MARKET. France doesn't seem to be approach ing this debt matter very francly.— Little Rock (Ark.) Gazette. _ - RgllGW I OUT OCalth prj-^fic&tlQn # Any physician will tell you that (( Perfect Purification of the Sys tem is Nature 's foundation of perfect Health, > t Why not rid yourself of chronic ailments that are underminin'-' your vitality 1 Purify your entire system hy tak mg a th'oroueh course of Calotabs, —once or twice a week for several weeks—and see how Nature re wards you with health. Calotabs are the greatest of all purifiers. Get family . .. system containing full a direc package, price 35 trial package, tions, cts.; (Adv. in etc At anv dm" store. EA<5 L.E * JVOJ74 The /^^YELLOW PENCIL Ten \ nr ni t must lITKfH UHTliO ft 4/0 the RED BAND MADE 8/ , s' ‘with \ TBElARfitn Iti/ltiL PCTCIL WORLD FACTORY A / TaGLEPENCILCO. NEWYORK.USA, as The Crystal Bros. Co. CLEVELAND, OHIO GEORGIA PEACH GROWERS Have invested the capital and labor in producing the luscious Georgia Peach. But, whether your crop is large or small, the important thing right now is not only to GRADE and PACK your fruit properly, but also to see that your fruit is WELL SOLD. Experi¬ ence has taught many fruit growers that best possible returns are gained from The Crystal Bros. Co.