The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, July 23, 1925, Image 10

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• ^*+++++++++4+ 4«+4^+M*+4+++****** ***+***++++ +**+** THE NEW FORD B A T T E R Y If A S 13 PLATES :i TO EACH CELL ■j ! j [ AND A [i ' ' ! 1 RUBBER CASE $16.50 [ | ' j i' ■ | j ; ■ • i FORT VALLEY MOTOR CO. , ■MMt+++++***++**-M.*+****-r'M<++*****'M-**-H-*************4 INDIAN SPRING HOLINESS CAMP MELTING years ago camp were common, particularly in the South. The country was rather sparcely settled, travel was much more difficult thnn now and people could not go long distances to church and return in a day; hence Camp Meetings were frequent, the people came in large numbers for miles and I camped in covered wagons, tents anil shacks for a week or ten days and great were the religious and social times. But the old time Camp Meeting is almost a thing of the past. Here and there a few of them are left; but these rarely hold the place in the in terest of the people which such gath erings held in the days of our lath ers. There is, however, a distinctive type of camp meeting which flourishes to¬ day and is a mighty power for good, Perhaps the greatest of all these in the South is the Indian Spring Holi ness Camp Meeting, held near that famous spring in Georgia every year beginning on Thursday night before the second Sunday in August and closing the third Sunday night. There are some hundred cottages, many of which are comfortable homes; an i'these are taxed to their capacity to care for the families and their guest who journey annually to this great Southern Camp. A hotel and several boarding houses on the grounds accommodate some five hun dred people and they are filled to , overflowing every year. The cot¬ tages and accommodations on the grounds will take care of more than a thousand people, and easily a thousand more come in from the surrounding country every day, when METHODIST CONFERENCE The third quarterly conference the Fort Valley charge will be held at the Methodist church, Monday at 8:30 p. m., the presiding elder, Rev. W. F. Smith, of Macon, presiding. The work of the church for the three months will be reviewed and HATE: I cent per word. No advertiHoment taken for less than 25c for each Insertion. Each additional consecutive insertion or¬ dered at time of placing first insertion, if less than 25 words, le a word; if 25 or more words, 20 per cent discount. Black-face or capital letters, double rate. Cash must accompany orders from those who do not have regular monthly accounts with us. Answer advertisements just as advertisers request. We cannot furnish names of adver Users or other information not contained in the advertisements. When replies are to be received care this paper. double rate. While we do not accept which we have reason to believe are of a questionable nature, wo have no means of as¬ certaining the responsibility of all ers. LOST—My watch chain with ductor” badge attached. Reward. Flournoy. 6-4-tf FOR SALE—Slipshuck Corn jjaied Johnson Grass Hay, or less. Elmwood Farm, Roberta, Phone 3221. FOR SALE—FORD COUPE, ONLY SIX MONTHS OLD, ATTRAC¬ TIVE PRICE, GOOD CONDITION. APPLY AMERICAN FRUIT GROW ERS, WOOLFOLK BUILDING, PHONE 372. 7-23-2tpd THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA., THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1925. every space on the grounds is taken by the throngs from Atlanta, Macon, For¬ syth, Barnesville and the country for miles around. In speaking of this unique work, Dr. J. M. Glenn, Presiding Elder, of the Dublin District of the Methodist church and Secretary-Treasurer said: “The Camp Ground has sustained its heaviest loss this year in the death of its President, Rev. George W. Math ews. No saintlier man ever lived and labored in Georgia, and many who knew and loved him will make spe cial effort to attend the Memorial Service during the camp meeting this year.” Dr. Glenn announces that Dr. H. C. Morrison, will be the leading preacher at the meeting this year, j Dr. Morrison is one of the great preachers of America and will be heard by multitudes from several states in the Southeast. He will be assisted by Rev. C. H. Babcock of California, one of the outstanding Holiness preachers of the country. Prof. Ilamp Sewell of Atlanta, Ga., author and publisher of Gospel Mus¬ ic and one of the best directors of sacred music in the South, will have charge of the music of the camp. He will be assisted by Thomas Eden and ^ sister, two singers of rare ability in the evangelistic field ,nnd a great or chestra and chorus. Many who have heard the music at this meeting pro nounce it the most inspiring, Special services for young people and children will be a feature of the meeting. For this purpose there is a i separate tabernacle and special workers will hold services daily. —-— - “ reports submitted by the heads of the various departments. The presid ing elder will not preach this round but will come at a later date for that purpose. Low Rate Excursion — TO — FLORIDA — VIA — Central of Georgia j i Railway | ROUND TRIP FARES I FROM Fort Valley ; TO JACKSONVILLE ____ $ 7.00 MIAMI _____ $16.00 TAMPA or ST. PETERSBURG $14.00 j j Correspondingly low fares to oth¬ er important Florida cities. Tickets on sale for all regular and I special trains of July 25. Through Coaches and Sleeping Cars Ample Equipment ' Tickets to Jacksonville, Pablo j turning Beach and leaving St. Augustine destination good prior re to midnight of July 29, 1925. | | Tickets to Miami, Tampa, St. Pet j ersburg and other South Florida points good returning leaving desti nation prior to midnight of August 2, 1925. Stopovers permitted south of Jacksonville. | Apply to Ticket Agent for further; information regarding fares, sche-! i dules, reservations, Etc. J [ CENTRAL of RIGHT GEORGIA WAY RAILWAY THE 1 Drug Company Installs Own lee Plant Anderson Drug Co. has installed Frigidair system which offers an to Fort Valley. This is an making system which permits the freezing of ice cream with the old method of ice packing, FORT VALLEY MAN HAS FINE PEACHES Friends of Tom S. Murphy, a form resident of this community, will interested in the following news which appeared recently in Atlanta Constitution: Barnesville, Ga., July 15.—A. O. Tom S. Murphy are busy ship¬ their crop of Elberta peaches, will probably run to 20 or 25 Their fruit this year is about largest and finest ever seen in section of Georgia, practically of it being of the two-one quality. It is understood they have sold entire crop at a very satisfac price. CARLOTS IS 1923 SHIP¬ MENTS THIS TERRITORY (Continued from Page One) placed for loading Thursday, that ordered by A. J. Evans. The shipments this week by days was: Monday, 33 cars; Tuesday, 33 i cars; Wednesday, 18 cars. ; Watermelons are beginning to | move in full force. Seventeen carlots j hail been shipped from the Fort Val¬ | ley territory up to Wednesday night. Two cars were shipped Tuesday and four cars Wednesday. Five cars had been placed Wednesday night and were being placed Thursday morning for loading. COL. DARKAH IS DISTINGUISH¬ ED VISITOR TO THE CITY (Continued from Page One) shown them while here by the citi¬ zens and peach growers, and were perfectly carried away with our or¬ chards and farming lands. Colonel Darrah has traveled all over tbe wor ]d. He stated that this is the most beautiful country he had ever seen> ant i he will write an ar tj c i e f or the Army and Navy Journal 0 f this wonderful section. They returned to Atlanta with their large army automobile loaded with the finest of Peach county peaches. Colonel Darrah said that on Saturday he would distribute throughout the Headquarters, in¬ cluding General Douglas McArthur, the choicest peaches with the most complimentary sayings of Ft. Valley. Scrap of Wisdom I had rather have u fool to make me merry than experience to make me •ail. —Shakespeare, PEACH LANDS FOR SALE 202 1-2 acres of high well drained red land 3 miles from Woodland, Ga. in good neighborhood, on mail route , and school truck route. Land is above the average and will make an ideal peach orchard. No improvements. Price $6.00 per acre. Terms $400.00 cash, balance I to 5 years at 7% in tprest i 185 of well ... improved , , land , lo- . acres cated on main . , highway . , from „ Talbot- _ „ , ton to Columbus, routes 41 and 22, just 3 1-2 miles from Talbotton, Ga. Good barns, stables, tenant houses, plenty of wire for hog and cow ture and is an ideal place for a good country home. Has a nice two story 6 room residence and 3500 two-year old Elberta trees on it. This is a great bargain. Price $20.00 per acre. Terms $1000 cash, balance 1 to 5 years at 8Co interest. J. W. Jordan 746 2t Talbotton, Ga. Renew Your Health by Purification SSLuwof th? Syf tem is Nature’s foundation of Perfect Health.” Yvhy not r;d yourself of chronic ailments that are undermining your vitality) Purify your entire system ( alotabs, by tak ing a thorough course oi once or twice a week for several weeks—and see how Nature re wards you wrth health. Calotabs are the greatest of all « SeX ;rcL pr hNyaL;;;;^^^ Wm. S.” Hart n Fort Valiev for This Week Not “Wm. S.” Hart the original of moviedom, but “Old Bill” himself, the Hart who is trying put a heart in the public for the show by promoting better Mr. Hart is in the city this week with his auto calliope, assisting W. L. Brandenburg, of the Franklin in offering special induce¬ ments to the people of Fort Valley to attend the picture shows. Dr. Snap}) To Virginia For Two-Weeks Vacation Dr. Oliver I. Snapp, director of the S. Department of Agriculture’s Peach Insect Laboratory here, left Tuesday night for a vacation of two weeks in Winchester, Va. Dr. Snapp has won a place of great confidence in the hearts of our peach growers by reason of his close study of con¬ ditions here and his always reliable and vital advice as to the treatment of peach orchards. FORT VALLEY PEACH TAKES N. C. HONOR CLP AT ASHEVILLE (Continued from Page One) stunt in a contest among ten states at the Asheville teachers’ training summer school. A program was rush- i ed to her, along with a crate of the j beautiful Hale peaches from the or- | chard of W. D. Murray. Thus Miss ; Hale was enabled to take first honor for Georgia with her stunt, as ex¬ i plained in the following letter to Mr. Vance: 60 F. S. Ha'!, Asheville, N. C. July 17, 1925 Dear Mr. Vance: Well, you are right, they are really the I finest peaches in the world. And we did win the cup, too, for having the ben stunt. I am prouder than ever of being «i Georgian and a Fort Valleyan. (I am still claiming it you see.) The stunt was beautiful. We had a wo* man to read the story of the pageant, and one girl to represent each country who came in as her name was called. The costumes were beautiful. Georgia was the only state represented and the peach was the queen of Georgia. She had several attendants dressed in green who carried peach houghs, and eight fruit bearers, dressed in pink petal dresses, carrying those lovely peachrs on trays. We also had a girl in a pink dress to do a pretty dance. It was decid_*dly the prettiest and most popular thing they had. ! The pictures will be in the rotogravure sec tion of the Atlanta papers soon. The judges were men from New York and they were high in their praise of the Geor¬ gia peach. L have gone into all this detail for Ola’s sake. She will probably be more interested in it than you are. The prize is a beauiful loving cup which Georgia holds till next year. There are about a hundred Georgians here and we were all very happy over winning the cup. since there were ten states entered and all the stunts were fine. Again want to thank you very, very much for helping us out so much. We never could have done it without you. My love to all the folks, I am Your friend truly. Mary Hale. Night Service Little Betty (sitting up in bed aft¬ er calling her mother several times) —“Mamma! Are you sleeping or are you just playing make-believe you’re a telephone lady?”—Georgia Pub¬ lisher. Aged Persons at Wedding At the golden wedding of a couple in England the bride’s mother at ninety-three helped her seventy-year old daughter and son-in-law of seven ty-two , to entertain . . . the guests, , many _ Georgia Publisher . PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION! LUMBER ROUGH and DRESSED bfi ALL KINDS BUILDING MATERIALS AND BUILDERS’ HARDWARE WINDOWS AND DOORS S ffi CEDAR AND PINE SHINGLES Lfj GALVANIZED AND COMPOSITION ROOFING W DC E ! q- RJ |- 3 U6Q| fi x. T O I [LI t C F I H 1C 1 fD ___ tT t • f J « ffi _ 1 ffi c. E. MARTIN, President T. M. ANTHOINE, Vice President !» UC , | | PH0NE 38 J - E ' BLEDSOE, Sec’y-Treas. I [ ; METHODIST CHURCH Stfid&y Thos. H. Thomson, Pastor school, 9:30 a. m. ( Judge A. Mathews superintendent. Preaching by the pastor at 11 a. m. 8 p. m. Epworth League at 7 p. m. Union prayer meeting, Wednesday 25c FREE COUPON BLOOD-LAX The NATION’S BLOOD Tonic A LAXATIVE BLOOD TONIC This coupon when presented to your Druggist is worth 25c on the purchase price of one $1.00 bottle of Blood-Lax. Blood-Lax is compounded especially for the Liver, and Blood. Blood-Lax makes you eat better, sleep better and work better. Blood-Lax will rid your system of that tired, rundown feeling. Stop those pains in your back, and cleanse your system of all those impurities that cause Pimples, Boils, Carbuncles, Biliousness, Dizzi¬ ness, Sour Stomach, Indigestion, Constipation and Rheumatism. One bottle of Blood-Lax will relieve these troubles at once. Get a bottle today. Manufactured By The BHwd-Lax Laboratory ATLANTA, GA. v’ig 1 v~ Vt-V m if & ? j fX / 4TM 1 ■ 11 ,-u. 5 -' m V 1 m *s53S-IVf m i 1 Ah / v\' 7/ a iriljfi', i<) v Ku {$ Wf 'i/: % /■1 Your roof can’t be satisfactory without this quality! U NLESS your roof lies flat, unless it stays as you put it on, then no matter how many other qualities it may have, it cannot be satisfactory to you. First, get “ The shingle that never curls, ” the Carey Asfalt slate Shingle—and you’ll get permanent satisfaction. Carey Asfaltslate Shingles have proven their worth by many years of satisfactory service. There can be no sub¬ stitute for “The shingle that never curls. »» The roof is the most important part of your home. Don’t slight it! Carey Asfaltslate Shingles are made in three colors, Blue Black, Red and Green. We will be glad to furnish samples and prices without any obligation on your part. w ASFALTSLATc SHINGLES THE SHINGLE THAT NEVER CURLS FORT VALLEY LUMBER COMPANY Fort Valley , Georgia at S p. m. at Baptist church. To all services the public is cor dially invited. Obedie. erative The head and the hoof of the Law and the haunch and the hump to— Obey!—Kipling.