The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, July 30, 1925, Image 3

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THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA„ THURSDAY, JULY ,10, 1925. r A Mammoth, Gigantic, Stupendous f Bf IB gm • HI J* B Bf 9 A ■ ^ A. , I 1 - -V SI^H7 yj .r ^B |B B fff JB B V JB I B mf \^Wf JVM B ■ Mh Bw / N IBs M| ^BMw Jr «■; K^Mi ^Bh ^^Bt Bf l^^B ^^B B ' I m / i v It’s Clean Up Time Reductions Are Tremendous ALL SUMMER STOCKS MUST GO Our corps o/ buyers who make the Gigantic Purchases for the Lee Chain of Stores , which enables us to ‘'Sell for Less” are now in the big Eastern Markets with orders from headquarters to BUY —BUY— BUY. We anticipate the Greatest Fall Business in Georgia since the war and in order to make room for the heavy purchases of Fall Merchandise ALL SUMMER GOODS MUST BE CLEARED OUT IMMEDIATELY. Prices have been cast to the winds, profits forgotten as we slashed right and left our tremendous Summer Stock for this Greatest of All-Time Clearance Sale. * 1 . REMEMBER:-Our Tremendous Buying Power--We Always Sell for Less EXTRA READY-TO-WEAR EXTRA SPECIALS One Normandy rack Ladies’ Voiles; 1 Dresses also , Gin printed g ha and m quality Another but lot priced Silk Dresses high , not as so $15.00. good in SPECIALS as SEAISLAND Dresses. These Dresses have sold this Men’s Pin-Check 1,000 Yds. heavy quality season as high as $4.95 each. EXTRA SPECIAL $ 6.95 PANTS 36-inch Seaisland—while it EXTRA SPECIAL $ 1.00 $ 1.00 «* lasts- 10 c Yard Crepes Flat Allgoodquality Voile, Silk and Cotton- Good grade Boys’ CREPE Silk Dresses , Canton , CRASH PANTS Crepes , Crepe de Chines , Printed and Mixed Crepes, Printed and Plain ef¬ 8 to 16 sizes Regular SI.00 Value in plain effects. Values in this lot year Printed Crepe, silk and cot¬ up to fects values up to $7.50. 50 ' Pair $24.50. , ton— J 09 r } <u 'd EXTRA SPECIAL $3.95 Men’s EXTRA SPECIAL $9.95 SUN HATS NORMANDY l Regular 25c sellers Wx VOILES 10 c Each Regular 48c value FALL SHOES New numbers arriving daily—the most attractive new styles in Footwear for the 29 c } (ir( t be lady glad who to is show looking them towards to you. the first days of the Fall season. Come in; we will CAPS ■ One lot Men’s and Boys’ reg SOLID COLOR ular 98c value caps, slightly VOILES m soiled—- 50c Value TRUNKS, SUITCASES SPORT WEAR [ftr Each 39 c Yard PONGEE AND HANDBAGS Good quality Ladies’ Misses' sizes— Khaki Suits, 6 to 16 SHIRTS TWEED KNICKERS year One table Men’s $ 2.98 $2.00 Shirts, odds All-Silk Good quality black enamel Black Fibre Steamer Trunks, and ends, all sizes, with and 89c Yard Hat Boxes— $ 4.98 thing heavily for reinforced; a motor trip— just the Ladies’ Khaki Knickers, out- Misses’ $ 3.98 Scout Suits without collars— Small lot 32-inch $ 5.95 sizes— $ 2.98 5Qc Each VOILES Genuine all-leather cow hide Ladies’ Khaki Shirts and Extra! good quality Hand Bags, kid lined— Blouses— Men’s in colors—SPECIAL $10.00 Trunks, We are Bags headquarters and Suitcases. for Regular $ 1.98 Sizes $ 1.98 UNION SUITS JQc Yard We have in stock most any Ladies’ All-Wool Bathing 72-80 count Pajama Check Extra good quality Fibre kind wanted from Seward’s Suits, values up to $3.95. One table Ladies’ Trunks, $ heavily 10.95 reinforced— $32.50 Trunk Wonderobe to a $5.95 Wardrobe Steamer Ladies White $ 1.98 Duck Knickers Special at— $ 1.95 09c Suit OXFORDS Trunk. Men’s and SILK SOCKS STRAPS if ik- 17 I T ?, In white, grey, black, cordo¬ Regular S3.50 values FOhe I Jh van and blue $ 1.95 LE|E ,r 25c Pair S * 1 f*' Boys’ Long Grey 1 CHAIN A I -0 Men’s \ SEERSUCKER TROUSERS / \ 8 to 16 year sizes \\ j IT PANTS $ 1.98 Pair ^DEPARTMENT STOftEn FOR LESS 1 III DEPARTMENT STORES $ 1.79 Pair FORT VALLEY-GEORGIA