The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, July 30, 1925, Image 6

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/ a MISS FORT VALLEY at NIAGARA FALLS! There, she will spend the day; she will see the Canadian and American Tails , the Whirlpool, the Rapids, and leaving, ivill have a ride on the Scenic' Gorge Route, sail down the Niagara river , across Lake Ontario to Toronto , Canada. .. Miss Tort Valley 99 will visit , on her Wonderful Two Weeks Tour - New York, Washing <> ton, Philadelphia , Atlantic City , Baltimore , Cincinnati, Savannah, and cither points. She ivill have the trip of here lifetime with all expenses paid. ) Oil CAN TAKE THIS TOUR. GET VOTES BY DEALING WITH THESE FIRMS Adams Tire. Battery & Mrs. M. T. Wise Georgia Grocery and Filling Station Copeland's Pharmacy Franklin Theatre Singletary’s Cash Market and Tea Room Fort Valley Motor Co. Georgia Agricultural Works *T * DEATHS BY CAUSE. RACE AND SEX FORT VALLEY, GEORGIA, 1924 .DEATHS BY CAUSE \ 4dcbox SET TWIN SLUG for tabulation CAUSE OF DEATH Total White Male Female Negro Male Female ALL CAUSES 99 21 11 10 78 37 40 Epidemic and infectious diseases 15 0 0 0 15 3 12 Typhoid fever 2 0 0 0 2 0 2 IMalaria 2 0 0 0 2 0 2 Measles 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 Whooping cough 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 Epidemic cerebro-spinal meningitis 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 Tuberculosis 8 0 0 0 8 1 7 Cancer 3 2 1 1 1 0 1 Pellagra 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 Diseases of the nervous system 9 5 3 2 4 3 1 Apoplexy 4 2 o 0 2 2 0 Diseases of the circulatory system 8 3 1 2 & 3 2 Organic heart disease 4 2 1 1 2 1 1 Diseases of the respiratory system 15 O 1 1 13 6 7 Broncho-pneumonia 2 0 0 0 2 0 2 Pneumonia 12 2 1 1 10 6 6 Asthma 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 Diseases of the digestive system 11 1 0 10 3 7 Diarrhea and dysentery under 2 yrs. 6 1 1 0 5 2 3 Diarrhea and dysentery 2 2 0 0 0 o 0 o over yrs. Diseases of the genito-urinary tract * 11 4 1 . • > * 7 3 4 Brights disease i 11 4 1 3 7 S 4 Malformations f 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 t Diseases and conditions ( peculiar to infancy 7 1 1 0 6 4 2 Senility # 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 External causes if 10 o 1 1 8 7 l Accidents 7 ♦> 1 1 5 4 i Accidents i 1 0 0 0 1 l o by firearms 1 Homicides 3 0 0 0 3 3 o ■ Homicides by firearms 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 Causes illdefined 7 1 1 0 6 3 3 ' (EDITOR’S NOTE: Dr. W. A. Davis, director of the State Board of Health Bureau of Vital Statistics, sends the above report to The Leader Tribune for publication, saying in part: “There may be some errors in this gheet. If there are, it is due to errors in the death records and it will call the attention of the people to such errors and will probably prevent them in the future.) GEORGIA-ALABAMA BUSINESS COLLEGE At Macon, Ga., this institution has been in operation for thirty-five years. It has trained and placed in positions with first class business houses approximately twenty-five thousand boys and girls, men and women. Its students range from 18 to 45 years in age. Some are widows with the family burden suddenly fall¬ ing upon them, some are heads of families, who found late in life that the untrained man has unequal chance in the struggle for success. The boys and girls are being prepared before life’s burdens fall upon them. The college has made a national repu¬ tation through its methods and the success of its graduates. It has often been able to boast that not a gradu¬ ate was without employment. It trains private secretaries, bookkeepers, ste¬ nographers, bank clerks, secretary treasurers, and Linotype and Inter¬ type operators. Its course is nation¬ ally accredited, which means that no- thing better can be had in a school of this kind. Three firms this year placed an order for every diploma winner that the business department could graduate. Write for catalog. EUGENE ANDERSON, Pres. 7-30-lt. Life is largely a matter of going some place, coming back or staying where you are. Specializing In GEORGIA PEACHES AND MELONS Wire or Write FLORIDA FRUIT EXCHANGE i H. BEIT MAN, Proprietor West Palm Beach , Fla. References: First American Bank and Palm Beach Bank and Trust Co., West Palm Beach, Fla.; any jobber or The Packer. A THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA„ THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1925. VITAMINS IN FOODS BETTER THAN IN DRUGS j Take your vitamins in foods and not in drugs, if you would keep j healthy, say nutrition specialists of , the Georgia State College of Agri- j culture. Vitamins are those elements or factors or “somethings” in foods about which scientists have been car rying on so much investigation in recent years, and so far five of them have been found. Some vitamins are found in some foods, while others are found in other . foods, and about all the average per¬ son needs to know about them is their distribution. The advice of the nutri¬ tion specialists is to eat a ’wide va¬ riety of foods, and go to the garden or market for them and not to the drug store. In case of a suspected deficiency in the diet, corrective measures should be sought from suitable natural foodstuffs they say, and not from commercial vitamin preparations. If a person consumes a plenty of dairy products, eggs, spinach, lettuce, I cabbage, beans, topmtoes and other * ATLANTA AND WEST POINT RAILROAD COMPANY THE WESTERN RAILWAY OF ALABAMA ■ * GEORGIA RAILROAD The West Point Route operates thru Pullman cars between New Y'ork, Washington, Montgomery and New Orleans. Tourist car all the way from Washington to San •» Francisco. Also dining car ,parlor car and observation car ac¬ commodations on certain trains. Close connections at New Orleans for the West. The Georgia Railroad offers the most direct sendee to South and North Carolina points via Augusta, includ¬ ing thru Pullman sleepers. Use the “OLD RELIABLE. »> Ask any Ticket Agent for information as to rates, routes, etc., or write to the undersigned. We will be glad to assist you in every way possible. J. P. BILLUPS i- *r-t General Passenger Agent j Atlanta, Ga. J vegetables he will not be worried a malnourished condition of his tem, the experts say, and it is important that children be with these foods in order that bodies may develop normally, PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION. Renew Your by Purification Any physician will tell you “Perfect Purification of the Sys tern is Nature’s foundation Perfect Health. » » Why not yourself of chronic ailments are undermining your vitality Purify your entire system by ing a thorough course of —once or twice a week for weeks-and see how Nature wards you with health. Calotabs are the greatest of system purifiers. Get a package, containing full tions, price 35 cts.: trial in o+o At nrtv d-m* wtoi-p. Conventions Coming, (West Point News) On Monday, August 24th, the Con¬ vention of Royal Arch Masons of the Sixth District will meet at West Point, for a one day session. On Mon¬ day, September 21st, the Press Asso¬ ciation of Georgia will convene, also at West Point. These meetings of representative men and women from many parts of the district and State mean much to West Point and the people here take great pleasure and interest in hav¬ ing them meet here. West Point is famous for its hos¬ pitable and cordial reception of guests and will endeavor, on these occasions to increase its reputation as an entertainer. the attendance at these conventions | will be large. Come and learn of our j j vast industrial enterprises, our beau- 1 tiful valleys and hills, our schools and j our civic organizations. You will be 1 received with sympathetic hearts and open doors. WHAT BECOMES OF ALL THE MILK? What becomes of the oceans of | milk produced annually by the 26, | 000,000 cows being milked in this | country ? In the first place, old bossy kicks over the bucket, which with other spillage takes away about 3 per : & k. a 1 i T i I — 1 n II / T Why Suffer? Pain interfere* witH x business, spoils pleas¬ ure and wrecks the human system. Hundreds of thous¬ ands of sufferer* find relief by taking \ DR. MILES* I Anti-Pain Pills Why don't you try them? Y our druggist r sells them «* P^-war pnces-25 or dose, , ^ cents. Economy pack age, 125 doses $1.00. v IWs, I: HI V iM m We carry a complete line— O 7/ 4 TYPEWRITER RIBBONS : .1 CARBON PAPERS % E I o ft SECOND BOND SHEETS PAPER. 3 F LETTER Etc. I B OUR PRINTING PLANT is the Best u c Equipped in this section for turning out printing of all kinds. Our prices are Low¬ S E M P est—quality of workmanship and material considered— We can make-— 5! R LOOSE LEAF S I To Fit Any Style LEDGER Book SHEETS u N or Any System of Bookkeeping. Give us a call or phone 119 P T for our Representative— I P N L 'c G I The Leader-Tribune E S IS s’ § n* cent of the grand total, according to best estimates of the United States Department of Agriculture. More dependable statistics than mere estimates are to be had, how¬ ever, for the remainder. Last year the total production was 114,666,201, 000 pounds, of which 46.9 per was used in manufacturing different products; 46 per cent for household ♦ I U HttW v JOHN T. SLATON 4 } ' «, «•**« of All Kinds . * * ; ___/ represent a number of strong old reliable com• [ ponies. Any business entrusted to me will receive •> "™""" <*»*•". «»<* appreci. ;; .. ated. < > WOOLFOLK BUILDING PHONE 283. EAO LE jYo.n-h 1 ( ;) W hie 0 j ~ YELLOW PENCIL KEJ3mara.tAmaA.lfan WADE aaraup ‘loitk the RED BAND BY Ji . X THELAP61ST FTHC1L FACTORY ' CAGLEPENCIL CO. NEW YORK.US. A. RL THE. WORLD / fyheceQceanBcQezesBloY?'* REDUCED / ROUND TRIP , * rARES a or u i If f V, “ \\ ■s'* 5 V Va¬ a f fi. 7 ;> 24 v ___■> CentraujGeorgiaRailway ttC 7Fie flight Way” j purposes, and 4 per cent for feeding calves. Of the manufactured products, creamery butter utilized about one fourth of the total production, farm j butter about 11 per cent, cheese of all kinds 3.6 per cent, ice cream 3.4 P er cent, and condensed and evapo- j rated milk 3.7 per cent.