The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, August 06, 1925, Image 9

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Legal Advertisements NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND £«orgia, Peach County. ^ All creditors of the estate of Bennett Hartley, late of Peach County, deceased, ^hereby ^the undersigned notified to render their demands according to law, and pergons indebted to said estate are to make immediate payment to me. This July ISth, 1926. MRS. LEILA. B. HARTLEY, Administratrix with the Will annexed Estate of Bennett A. Hartley, 7-16-6t. Mrs. Bessie Mae Loyd vs. "William Irvin Loyd Divorce, etc. September Term, 1925. Superior Court. The defendant, William Irvin Loyd, hereby required, personally or by his torney to be and appear at the Term of the Superior Court of County, Georgia, to answer the of Mrs. Bessie Mae Loyd in the above and stated case. In default of such appearance and ing. this Court will proceed as to shall appertain. Witness the Honourable H. A. Judge of said Superior Court of Peach fc ty, this July S, 1925. EMMETT HOUSER. Herbert Vining. Attorney Mrs. Bessie Mae Loyd. 7-9&16; 8-6&13. Divorce. Etc. Peach Superior Court. September Term, 1925. Mrs. Ikie Hobbs Taylor VS. John Thomas Taylor The defendant, John Thomas Taylor, hereby required, personally or by his torney, to be and appear at the Term of the Superior Court of Peach ty, to answer the petition of Mrs. Ikie Taylor in the above named and stated In default of such appearance and ing, the Court will proceed as to shall appertain. P Witness the Honorable H. A. Judge of said Superior Court of Peach i This June 29, 1925. EMMETT HOUSER, Clerk Superior Court Peach Herbert Vining, Atty. for Petitioner. 7-2&9 ; 8-6&13. Georgia. Peach County. All creditors of the estate of Miss A. Jackson, late of Peach county, deceased, hereby notified to render in their to the undersigned according to law, and persons indebted to said estate are to make immediate payment to me. This 3rd day of August, 1925. 8-6-6t. T. S. VISSCHER. Administrator of Miss A. I. deceased. RECEIVER'S SALE Under and by virtue of an order (f Honorable Malcolm D. Jones. Judge of Superior Courts of the Macon Circuit, in cast> of William M. Wright and George Wright, Eexecutors et al vs. T. R. Superintendent of Banks et a!, dated 18, 1925, the undersigned, as Receivers the court, will sell before the court door of Peach county, at Fort Valley, gia, on the First Tuesday '.n 1925, between the legal hours of sale, public outcry to the highest bidder for subject to the confirmation or rejection the court, as provided in said t-rder, following portion of the estate of W. Wright, deceased, in the hands of the for administration; to-wit: That certain tract, lot or parcel of situated and being in the city of Fort in the Ninth District of, formerly Houston county, now Peach county Georgia and particularly described as follows, Said located at the Southeast} corner of East Miller and Church streets and measured follows, commencing at said corner and ning thence East along Church street for distance of 142 feet, more or less, to William M. Wright lot; thence South along line of the William M. Wright lot for a stance of 238 feet, more or less, to the George O. "Wright lot; thence East the line of the George feet, O. Wright less, Ipt to for a distance of 142 more or Miller street; thence North along said East Miller street for distance of 238 feet, more or less, to the starting point. Said lot bounded North by Church street; West by East-Miller street; South by George O Wright lot and East by the William M. Wright lot. Said lot being the same on which is built a two story brick building erected by said W. C. Wright as a residence. Said property will be sold freed of liens and the highest bidder at said sale will be required to pay the amount of his bid on the confirmation of said sale by the court. The said sale will be reported to the court on Wednesday, September the Second, 1925, for rejection or confirmation, at his discre¬ tion. Prospective bidders are further referred to said order authorizing said sale on file in the Clerk’s office of Peach county Super¬ ior court. August 3rd, 1925. D. C. STROTHER, fc-G-4t A. C. RILEY, Receivers of the Court. * land sale Under and bv virtue of the power of sale contained in deed to secure debt from Will Jones to Mrs. Julia J. Reese dated March 17, 1923. Will be sold before the door of the House of Peach county, Georgia, on the LOW OPERATING COST FULLER & JOHNSON MODEL GASOLINE ENGINE Thousands of Fuller & Johnson engines have given satisfactory and constant service for ten to twenty years, at a very low operating cost. That’s because every Fuller fin Johnson engine is constructed with sufficient weight and strength to withstand the shock and strain of continuous operation under full load. The materials used are the very finest and the highest type of engineering and mechanical skill is employed in their construction. It costs you less to use the best, See the samples on our display floor. -/a T. M. Anthoixe, J rr. VALLE*. GA. Built in sizes 1^.2^, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 12 H. P. Gasoline, kerosene, Distillate Engines . 0i OFFICIAL Fort of Valley the ORGAN I THE KIWANIS KALI and Get Full Value Kiwanis Club Published Weekly Thursday by the Kiwanis Club of Fort Valley, Ga. for Your Money on Vol. 1 Here’s the beverage that delights taste, satisfies thirst and refreshes. Every bottle is sterilized—insur ing absolute purity Fort Valley @eei(cic2a Bottling Co. W. G. HRISENDINE, KIWANIAN J. W. Wool folk W. L. Snow Ralph Newton J. W. W oolfolk & Co. Spray Material, Peas & Peaches Fort Valley, Georgia HOTEL WINONA EMORY COPPEDGE, Proprietor KIWANIAN Your account, whether large or small, 1 respectfully solicited on the basis of sincere appreciation. PROMPT COURTEOUS EFFICIENT SERVICE j Bank of Fort Valley □ Manufacturers of CHILDREN’S UNDERWEAR FORI VALLEY KNITTING MILLS F. O. MILLER, Pre». A. J. EVANS, Trea.. & Gen’l Mgr. T. F. FLOURNOY, Supt. KIWANIANS I day of September, 1925, between the leital hours of sale to the highest bidder for cash “all that certain tract, lot or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the City of Fort Valley, Peach (formerly Houston) County, Georgia, containing one-half acre, more or less, and being the North-west corner of the old Charlotte Marshall lot; the tract hereby conveyed fronting West on Hiley street a distance of one hundred five (105) feet, more or less, and running back East with uniform width of 105 feet a distance of two hundred j ten (210) feet, more or less, and bounded on the North by lot of Andrew Hollinshead ; East by lot of J. R. Kinney; South by lot of Ed Felder, and West by Hiley street, be¬ ing the lot whereon the said Will Jones has resided for the past three years.” The indebtedness originally secured by said deed to secure debt in the sum of 8205.00. On the 11th day of June, 1925, for a consider¬ ation of $83,50 the said deed to secure debt and the indebtedness thereby secured, to¬ gether with all title, rights, privileges and options contained in the deed to secure debt were transferred to the said J. W. Woolfolk ; and the said J. W. Woolfolk is now the owner and holder of the deed to secure debt j and the indebtedness thereby secured, the balance thereof being the sum of $83.50 be¬ sides interest thereon from the 11th day of June, 1925, at eight per cent per annum. The proceeds of said sale shall be applied first to the payment of the- indebtedness se¬ cured by the deed to secure debt, together with cost of this sale; and the surplus, if any, shall be paid over to the said Will Jones, his heirs or assigns. Deed will be made to the purchaser or purchasers at said sale by the undersigned j as provided in the deed to secure debt. This 1 Aug. 4th, 1925. J. W. Woolfolk, Transferree. By C. L. Shepard, 8-6-4t His Attorney at Law. * THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA„ THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 3025. ANNUAL EXCURSION TO NORTH AND SOUTH CAROLINA AND TENNESSEE ..AYTvmA.v MOUNIAIN RESORTS, ETC., AUGUST 21, ’ 1925. One „ fare , plus , 25 cents round , trip. . Tickets on sale August 21; final return limit September 2, 1925. Ask Ask Ticket ticket Agent Ae-ent lor for exact exact round round, trip fares, information regarding schedules, reservations, etc. rPMTRAi CENTRAL mr Oh rp-nRr'iA GEORGIA r?Aif RAILWAY way THE RIGHT way 8-6-3t THE WORLD SHALL BE ESTABLISHED Millions Now Living Will Never Die. Every once in a while some alarm¬ ist breaks into the news of the world with the announced discovery that the world is booked ahead until next Wednesday night at midnight, after which all dates will be off; for we shall all be in the midst of a roaring fiery furnace, in which our back yards stone walls and mill ponds will be fuel for the flames, and we ourselves will be turned to white-hot cinders. All this is very painful. At least it is for some of us until Wednesday night comes around, and we find it isn’t so. After that, we breathe more easily, and go along the same as be¬ fore. But there is one body of people W J, 0( though often improperly acCUS ed of such notions, entertain exactly opposite views. This is the Interna¬ tional Bible Students Association. These good folk believe and teach that the world, the good old literal world in which we live, will never, never, never be burned up at all; and that the idea that it would be is a sorry mistake. At the Franklin Theatre on Sunday, Aug. 9th, at 3:30 p. m., one of their speakers Mr. J K. Brown 0 f Brook lyn, N. Y., will present the evidence in support of the permanence of the earth. This evidence is of two sorts. One is that the earth is only just now | finding becoming out livable. what Men treasurehouse are only now the i a | earth is, and what uses to make of the infinite variety of resources at ! their hands. | Only how do men know how to l build homes, factories, railroad sta t tions, and a thousand and one other forms of structures that are at one and the same time both useful and THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 1925. I WE MEET AGAIN TOMORROW Friday, August7,12 O’clock —Be On Time The Junior Woman’s Club will serve luncheons during August. Sanders Harris will report Friday on his attendance as delegate at the International Kiwanis convention in Saint Paul. Sanders is bubbling over with good things to tell us. Much business of striking interest awaits attention following our peach season recess, Let every member be in his seat promptly at noon, ready lo get into harness for a joy ride of REAL PROGRESS. Gargle—spray—get your throat ready for a rich flood of sour and laughter. L. L. Brown, Jr., David Crandall and J. E. Davidson are t the committee for Friday’s program. Nufsed. LET’S LO ! beautiful. Only now do they know how to place these structures in sur roundings that make them ideal places in which to spend the busy hours. Only now have we electric lights, steam heat, telephony, telegraphy, ra( ]j 0) airplanes, automobiles, pal ace cars, and ten thousand other things that make our lives so inter estin £’ so exciting, that we can not thjnk of any other p i ace we wou l,| rat her be than on the surface of good old mother earth or sailing on her seas or floatin K among her clouds. And then the oth( . r Jine of evidence, and ^jj e mos t important of ail evi¬ dences, is the Scriptural proof that the whole subject has been misunder¬ stood. The fact of the business is that the West has erred in trying to read into the symbolical prophecies of the East something which they were nev¬ er intended to teach. All this will be brought out at the lecture. It will ho shown that the key to a right understanding of the Bible is the understanding of its symbol¬ isms, and that we have now come to a time when these symbolisms may be known. Examples will be given, and the most prosaic and matter-of-fact mind j will have set before it illustrations of, the use of symbolisms which will be) convincing to the last degree that', mother earth is here to stay. This will j be good news to some of us, and | should be good news to all of us. It stands to reason that the Almighty; is as well able to care for us here as He could do in any part of the uni¬ verse. Le’s go and hear the lecture. ■ 8-6-lt. COPE W. FLOURNOY I STILL IN NEWS CONTEST I am still in and will be an active; contestant in the Macon News sub- 1 scrl Pt lon contest to get a car, al¬ though I am out of town for a short time. I am depending on your support j to help me win one of the fine cars ‘ I copK w FLOURNOY, 8-6-lt. The Little Red Album A stamp collector declares that In pursuing this pastime “one learns art, geography, history and becomes studi¬ ous. alert, steadfast in purpose, and patient, and is trained to be method¬ ical.” It might be a good way to edu¬ cate the boy, after he gets through school. —Detroit News. Tlie Fort Valley Oil Co. Manufacturers of COTTON SEED PRODUCTS FORT VALLEY, GA. JD. C. STROTIIKR & K. M. WHITING, KIWANIANS GREEN-MILLER COMPANY Peach Growers’ Supplies GREEN-MILLER COMPANY OLENMORK GREEN, KIWANIAN Georgia Agricultural Works ’ QUALITY SERVICE HARDWARE & FURNITURE u We’ve Got It i * P. 0. MILLER, Kiwanian For SPRAY MATERIALS SPRAY MACHINES CRATE MATERIALS Call on SOUTHERN BROKERAGE COMPANY F. W. Withoft, Mgr. Kiwanian v HALL KIWANIAN THE TIRE MAN Unless you’re ashamed of yourself now and then you’re not honest. If you expect people to cheer you, you must take a chance on them laughing at you. BAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION. THE KIMBALL HOUSE Atlanta’s Best Known Hotel. 400 Rooms of Solid Comfort. The Home of Georgia People, (looms, Running Water, $1 to $2. Rooms, with Bath, $1.50 to $5. Free Garage Service JACOBS & MAYNARD, Prop. 4 : (J <■ ROUGH and DRESSED ALL KINDS BUILDING MATERIALS AND BUILDERS’ HARDWARE WINDOWS AND DOORS ( CEDAR AND PINE SHINGLES GALVANIZED AND COMPOSITION ROOFING Georgia Basket & Lumber Go. C. E. MARTIN, President f T. M. ANTHOINE, Vice President PHONE 38 J. E. BLEDSOE, Sec’y-Treas. Number 49. Some people just hate to see a Some businesses that think they man enjoy life and prosper at the need more capital need good manage same time. ment a lot more. ■ • ... • > • • Now In Effect. ■ • Sweet Milk in pint bottle* ...................... ____ 10c each • > Sweet Milk in quart bottles 15c each ....................... ...... Buttermilk ............................................ ...... 5c quart ■ • Butter at market price. Cream..................................-.................. _________ 40c pint < i. Term*: Ca*h in advance strictly weekly. • •• or W. J. Braswell’s Sanitary Dairy ' » Dairy Phone 3303 Fort Valley, Ga. Res. Phone 131 • -