The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, August 13, 1925, Image 10

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? -A- J 4 \ •j /■%$ Saturday QP&NlNGr OEt jQHA MZ^BL JB M2k£k Saturday Aug. 15 Aug. 15 * Jn our opening announcement ive do not intend to have a whole lot to say about our merchandise or prices. r We are going to leave lluit entirely with you and we feel satisfied when you have inspected this stock and seen the prices , you will , do the talking for us. You will note that we are not opening with a great big sale. We do not intend running any big sales. THE 1 COST MONEY. j I But we do intend to sell you staple Merchandise at all times AS LOW AS ANY SALE IN THE CITY. We are listing below a few of the many BARGAINS that we will have for you. CONVINCED. * COME AND SEE - BE Ginghams, Suiting, Cheviots, Percales anti other Tub Fabrics. A full line of Men’s $2.50 Value Scout Bal Work Shoes, $1.75 Overall Jumpers ................ §1.25 ................................. _ Sheets and Bed Spreads—RIGHT! Best 220 Denim Overalls $1.25 $3.50 A Banco Value__________ Bottom Army Shoe, $2.50 ___ A beautiful line of Madras and Shirtingfor the Boys’ School Blouses. 20c Nice quality,----------------- Line Dress Ginghams, 12 A Good Blue Chambray Work Shirt 59c SILKS—SILKS Men’s Balbriggan Undershirts 35c Men’s Union Suits 85c 1 45c One of the greatest lines of Men’s and Women’s Hosiery ever shown here. Boys’ Blue Chambray Shirts .. See the- New Plaid and Striped Materials for Early Fall Dresses. A beautiful line of Ladies’ Felt and Velour Hats at popular prices. A line of new Fall Dresses in the new colors and stvles. * NOTIONS A complete line of Men’s and Bovs’ underwear. Everything that should he in a Notion stock, we intend to have it. Ladies Gowns in Muslin and Crepes. LADIES’ NECKWEAR AND LACES—MEN’S SHIRTS. Towels at Unheard of Prices COME—WE THANK YOU. Sheetings and Bleachings at prices tha t you can t resist. THE WILSON COMPANY % South Macon Street Fort Valley’s Little Department Store i * Legal Advertisements **************** * **** * *** NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS Georgia, Peach County. AH creditors of the estate of Bennett A. Hartley, late of Peach County, deceased, are hereby notified to render their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said estate are required to make immediate payment to me. This July 13th, 1925. MRS. LEILA B. HARTLEY, Administratrix with the Will annexed of Estate of Bennett A. Hartley, deceased. 7-16-6t. | Mrs. Bessie Mae Loyd V8. William Irvin Loyd Divorce, etc. September Term, 1925. Peach Superior Court. The defendant. William Irvin Loyd, is hereby required, personally or by his at¬ torney to be and appear at the September, 1925, Term of the Superior Court of Peach County, Georgia, to answer the complaint of Mrs. Bessie Mae Loyd in the above named and stated case. In default of such appearance and plead¬ ing, this Court will procmi as to justice ahall appertain. Witness the Honourable H. A. Mathews, Judge of said Superior Court of Peach coun¬ ty, this July 3, 1925. EMMETT HOUSER. Herbert Vining, Clerk. Attorney Mrs. Bessie Mae Loyd. 7-9616; 8-6618. Divorce, Btc. Peach Superior Court. % September Term, 1925. Mrs. Ikie Hobbs Taylor vs. John Thomas Taylor The defendant, John Thomas Taylor, is hereby required, personally or by his at¬ t torney, to be and appear at the September Term of the Superior Court of Peach Coun¬ ty, to answer the petition of Mrs. Ikie Hobbs Taylor in the above named and stated case. In default of such appearance and plead¬ ing, the Court will proceed as to justice ahall appertain. Witness the Honorable H. A. Mathews, Judge of said Superior Court of Peach County. This June 29. 1925. EMMETT HOUSER, Clerk Superior Court Peach Co. Herbert Vining, Atty. for Petitioner. 7-269 ; 8-6613. Georgia. Peach County. All creditors of the estate of Miss A. I. Jackson, late of Peach county, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said estate are required to make immediate payment to me. This 3rd day of August, 1925. 8*6-€t. T. S. VISSCHER. Administrator of Miss A. I. Jackson, deceased. SHERIFF SALES Georgia, Peach County: Will be sold before the door of the Couit house of Peach County, Georgia, between the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in September, 1925, to the highest bidder for cash: "AH that tract or parcel of land lying and being in the 9th District ot Peach county, (former!*’ Houston county) Georgia, and in a suburb of Fort Valley, Georgia known as Friendship Park, and known, designated and described upon a map or plan of said Friendship Park made by ,1. K. Mathews, County Surveyor, on December !4th, 1910, as lots Numbers Seventeen and Eighteen (No. 17 ami No. 18) in Block C ;each of said lots being 88 feet wide ami 100 feet :n depth. Levied upon and to be sold as the prop¬ erty of Joe Perry, defendant in fi. fa. to satisfy an execution issued from the City Court of Houston county on the 11th day of December, 1928, in favor of W. K. Brown. Transferee, vs. Joe Perry, for the principal sum of $300.00 besides interest, Attorneys fees and Court cost. Written notice of levy given Joe Perry, defendant in fi. fa. Also at the same time and place the fol¬ lowing described property: “All that certain tract, lot or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the State of Georgia, County cf Peach and in the 6th District therein con¬ taining 100 acres, more or less, bounded on the North and East by lands of Dr. G. P. Cline; on the South by lands of C. F. Jackson and, on the West by lands of T. H Brown. Levied upon and to be sold as the prop¬ erty of Livingston Howard to satisfy an ex¬ ecution issued from the City Com*t of Houston County on the 29th day of iRcem her, 1922, in favor of Byron Warehouse Co. vs. E. L. & L. J. Howard. Written notice of levy given Livingston Howard, defendant in fi. fa. This August 6th, 1925. 8-6-4t G. D. ANDERSON, Sheriff. RECEIVER’S SALE Under and by virtue of an order if the Honorable Malcolm D. Jones, Judge of the Superior Courts of the Macon Circuit, in the case of William M. Wright .and George O. Wright, Kexecutors et al vs. T. R. Bennett, Superintendent of Banks et a!, dated May 18, 1925, the undersigned, as Receivers of the court, will sell before the court house door of Peach county, hi Fort Valley, Geor¬ gia. on the First Tuesday In September, 1925. between the legal hours of sale, at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, subject to the confirmation or rejo;tion by the court, as provided in said erdor, the following portion of the estate of W. C. Wright, deceased, in the hands of the court for administration; to-wit: That certain tract, lot or parcel of land situated and being in the city of Fort Valley in the Ninth District of, formerly Houston county, now Peach county Georgia and more particularly described as follows, Said lot located at' the Southeast corner of East Miller and Church streets and measured as follows, commencing at said corner and run¬ ning thence East along Church street for a distance of 142 feet, more or less, to the William M. Wright lot; thence South along the line of the William M. Wright lot for a distance of 238 feet, more or less, to the George O. Wright lot; thence East along the line of the George O. Wright lot for a distance of 142 feet, more or less, to East Miller street: thence North along said East Miller street for distance of 23S THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA., THURSDAY, AUGUST, 13, 1925. -+■ feet, more or less, to the starting point, Said lot bounded North by Church street; West by East-Miller street; South by the George O Wright lot arttl East by the William M. Wright lot. Said lot being the same on which is built h two story brick building erected by said W. C. Wright as a residence, Said property will be sold freed of liens and the highest bidder at said sale will be required to pay the amount of his bid on the confirmation of said sale by the court. The said sale will be reported to the court on Wednesday, September the Second. f° r rejection or confirmation, at his discre tion. Prospective bidders are further referred to said order authorizing said sale on file in the Clerk’s office of Peach county Super¬ ior court. This August 3rd, 1925. D. C. STROTHER, 8-6-4t A. C. RILISY, Receivers of the Court. j LAND SALE Under and bv virtue of the power of sale contained in a deed to secure debt from Will Jones to Mrs. Julia J. Reese dated March 17, 1928. Will be sold before the door of the Court House of Peach county, Georgia, on the 1st day of September, 1925, between the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder for cash "all that certain tract, lot or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the City of Fort Valley, Peach (formerly Houston) County, Georgia, containing one-half acre, more or less, and being the North-west corner of the old Charlotte Marshall lot; the tract hereby conveyed fronting West on Hiley street a distance of one hundred five (105) feet, more or less, and running back East with uniform width of 105 feet a distance of two hundred ten (210) feet, more or less, and bounded on the North by lot of Andrew Hollinshead; East by lot of J. R. Kinney; South by lot of Ed Felder, and West by Hiley street, be¬ ing the lot whereon the said Will Jones has resided for the past three years.” The indebtedness originally secured by said deed to secure debt in the sum of $205.00. On the 11th day of June, 1925, for a consider¬ ation of $83.50 the said deed to secure debt and the indebtedness thereby secured, to¬ gether with all title, rights, privileges and options contained in the deed to secure debt were transferred to the said J. W. Woolfolk; and the said J. W. Woolfolk is novr the owner and holder of the deed to secure debt and the indebtedness thereby secured, the balance thereof being the sum of $88.50 be¬ sides interest thereon from the 11th day of June, 1925, at eight per cent per annum. The proceeds of said sale shall be applied first to the payment of the indebtedness se¬ cured by the deed to secure debt, together with cost of this sale; and the surplus, if any. shall be paid over to the said Will Jones, his heirs or assigns. Deed will be made to the purchaser or purchasers at said sale by the undersigned as provided in the deed to secure debt. This Aug. 4th, 1925. J. W. Woolfolk. Transferree. By C. L. Shepard. S-G-4t His Attorney at Law. Georgia. Peach County. j Whereas. Nettie Pickett. Administratrix of Minnie Franklin, represents to the Court in her petition, duly filed and entered on re cord, that she has fully administered Min nie Franklin’s estate; This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kindred and credi tors, to show cause, if any they can, why said Administrator should not he discharged from her administration, and receive Letters of Dismission, on the first Monday in Sep tember, 1925. 8-13-4t. M. C. MOSLEY. Ordinary. GEORGIA, Peach County. Court or Ordinary I At Chambers, August 10, 1925. The Ap p ra j at > rs on the application of Jennie Walden. widow of Jeff Walden, deceased, for a ! Twelve Months’ Support for herself, having 1 duly filed their return, all persons are here¬ i by cited to show cause, if any they have, at the next September Term of this Court, j why said application should not be granted, 8-13-4t M. C. MOSLEY Ordinary. GEORGIA, Peach County, Ordinary's Office. August loth. Vashti Walden has applied, for letters of Administration on the Estate of Gene Walden, deceased. This is, therefore, i to notify all concerned that the same will | be heard on the first Monday in next. S-13-4L M. C. MOSLEY, Ordinary. Peach Court of Ordinary. August Term 1925 T. S. Visscher, administrator of the estate of Miss A. I. Jackson, late of Peach county, deceased, having duly applied by petition for Friendly Hotel Invites you to Atlanta RATES: / Circulating i c e . One Person water and ceil¬ $2.50, $3.00 ing fans in every $3.50. ■■ room. $4.00 $5.00 Atlanta’s newest Two Persons and finest hotel. $4.50. $6.00, $7.00 $5.00 vllJjSSMhroUR' ft U in ■ Magnificent a p - « pr.iirt t I pomtiuents. The best place in Atlanta to eat. Special arrange¬ 5 dining rooms ments for hand¬ and al fresco ter¬ ling automobile race. parties. Garage. 4 The HENRY GRADY Hotel 550 Rooms—550 Baths 4 Corner Peachtree and Cain Streets JAMES F. deJARNETTE, V.-P. & Mgr. THOS. J.. KELLEY, Asso. Mgr. i The Following Hotels Are Also Cannon Operated: GEORGIAN HOTEL JOHN C. CALHOUN HOTEL Athens. Ga. Anderson, S. C. W. H. CANNON, Manager D. T. CANNON, Manager PRESIDENT L. A. DOWNS ON RAILROAD’S SERVICE - The factors which constitute satis factory service are discussed in an in teresting manner in a statement from L. A. Downs, President of the Cen tral of Georgia Railway. President Downs points out that the demand for transportation is continually in Creasing and that the Central of Georgia is able to keep pace with business because of money spent for improved and enlarged facilities, be of . Skater CO-operatlon . from its Cause patrons and because of increased ef ficiejjcy of its employes. The first seven months of 1925 showed the greatest volume of traf fj c ever handled in like period by the Central of Georgia and during the leave to sell the lands belonging to said es¬ tate. Said application will be beard at the regu¬ lar term of the Court of Ordinary for said county, to be held on the first Monday in September. 1926. This 3rd day of August, 1925. 8-13-lt. M. C. MOSLEY, Ordinary. past 10-years its revenue tonnage ha? increased 93 per cent. j the Mr. loyalty Downs and pays efficiency a high of tribute Central to of Georgia employes, which, he says, J is one of the main factors in the railroad’s ability to render good ser vice. He says that the 10,000 em ployes of the Central of Georgia consider themselves as members of one big family; that they not only at tend to their own tasks but solicit business, extend courtesy to patrons and consider each car of freight as a guest. The management reciprocates for this loyal service, he says, by provid¬ ing continuous employment as fair rates of pay, a pension system, group life insurance and most recently by f* r* __ jm. ty&ece Ocean BceezesSlov?* REDUCED / ___ ROUND TRWi / TARES 3 m, J i r V* 1 a* 4 \ $ ^ 4 ff :> v X v y 4-. 0 * > flight fyky W r the establishment of a hospital de¬ partment. A happy and contented personnel, along with a transporta¬ tion plant in fine condition, give the answer, says Mr. Downs, as to why the Central of Georgia is able to give a high type of service to its patrons. ST. ANDREW’S CHURCH Episcopal Holy Communion, 7:30 a. m. Church School, Mr. ,1. W. Robinson, Supt.; Mr. William Wood, Asst. Supt. 9:30 a. m. Morning prayer, 11:00 a. m. Evening Prayer, 7:30 p. m. Welcome all. E. J. Saywell, Pastor One thing best done on an empty stomach is eating.