The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, August 20, 1925, Image 5

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i I % :: «• • • ■> - ■ ■ 7 55 ray 9 + Miss Edna Brinkman of is visiting Miss Evelyn Tift. •J* 4* 4* Mr. J. A. Houser left Saturday several days trip to Florida. A A * . Mrs. Otis Jones is visiting Sallie Bowen in Tifton. * * * Miss Etelle Morgan of is visiting Miss Annie D. Wilson. " * * * Miss Ruby Sanders is spending ^week with relatives in Beuna Vista. * * * Martha Gray Carithers visited chie Carithers in Macon last week. * * * Mrs. J. D. Kendrick and are visiting friends at Warm Springs. * * * Miss Annie Ruth Wasden, of Ty, visited Miss Dora Poole a few <days this week. 4* 4* 4» Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bassett will eaD their young daughter, born Aug¬ ust 14th, Mildred Bassett. * * * ^ Miss Sara Adams of Atlanta, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. George Culpepper. * * * Miss Katherine Pate of Albany, was a week-end guest of Misses Pauline vCarter and Mamsye Ousley. I * A * Mrs. George Mathews, Sr., and Miss Lucy Mathews have returned from Indian Springs camp meeting. *4 V 4* Mrs. B. H. Fincher and children have returned home after a pleasant visit to relatives in Culloden. ♦;-* *> Mr. Albert Shirley and Mr. Ben J. Joyner went to Royston for a week end visit to Mr. Shirley’s mother. *> *> Miss Mamsye Ousley has returned home from a pleasant visit to friends in Macon. * * * Mr. Eugene Fowler of Union Town, Ala., was a week-end visitor, guest of Miss Susie Mae Holcomb. i 4tt William Carithers has returned S home after a pleasant visit in Cross 1 j j Hill, S. C. * » * I Dr. and Mrs. E. G. Thomas have come in home Atlanta after at the spending Purtell home. two J weeks , ♦ * 4* * Mrs. Lee Houser is at home after a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Garrett, in Miami. * * * »• Lula Brooks of Columbus, is j . vi3iting her father, Mrs. W. G. Jor- , dan. : * * * Mr. Sam Mathews went to Central, j S. C., this week to be present at the j marriage of Mr. Louis Brown, Jr., to Miss Valeria Posey. * * * Mr. Charles Shepard, Tom Shepard j < and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shepard are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. , Tom Shepard. A A A Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Woodard of [ Eatonton were visitors this week, guests of their sister, Mrs. Houser Edwards for a day and night. A A A Miss Elizabeth Brown is at home for a vacation, after a year’s work in Jjavannah’s social service activi¬ ties. \ 4 4* 4* Miss Odille Ousley returned Wed¬ nesday from New York, where she has been studying at Columbia Uni¬ versity. A A Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Crandall and children returned Saturday from a delightful two weeks’ trip to St. Si mons. - w 4* 4» 4* Sidney McMillen, Jr., is spending j several weeks with relatives in Welch, W. Va., where his sister, Miss Margaret McMillen, is also a visitor. * * * Mrs. Hansell Hall and of W. 1 son, Palm Beach, Fla., and Mrs. Jesse Da vis, 4: Pen-y, are guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Hiley. i Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Farmer returned home from a visit in * » * Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Flournoy, Macon, were ^Sunday visitors to tives here. 4" * A Mrs. J. W. Morgan, of is visiting her mother Mrs. Anderson. A ❖ 4 Miss Joe Royal is in Ky., on her usual business trip, chasing hats for the fall season. * 4 + Mrs. Stewart McCarty of Montezu ma, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Geo. j Carty. * * * Mr. Oscar Pearson and have returned from a cottage at St. Simons Island. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Houser have returned home from a visit to rela¬ tives in Rome. «!» «$• «f» Messrs. J. S. Millen and Jack Mc¬ Coy are spending a week or ten days in Florida. ♦ + + Mrs. S. F. Price and Miss Pearl Price of Albany are guests of Mr and Mrs. W. B. Austin this week, 44 4 Miss Louise Wilder of Cochran, is spending the week with Miss Annie V. Knight. * A A E. M. Whiting enjoyed his vaca¬ visiting relatives at Camilla and also enjoyed a trip of ten days on the east coast- of Florida, * * * Miss Edwina Houser is the guest of Miss Mildred Watts in Shellman this week, * A * Miss Lucy Pound has returned to her home in Athens, after a visit of several weeks to her sister, Mrs. Russel Edwards. •4 * *4 Mrs. J. W. Woolfolk and children are at home after a visit to Mrs. Woolfolk’s mother, Mrs. Blackman in I Athens, Ala. | 4* 4* 4* ; The many friends of Mrs. Helen Hume will be glad to know she is convalescing at home from a serious operation at the Oglethorpe Infirm ary in Macon, * * * Dr. J. H. Ford, of Douglas, Ga., is , with Copeland’s Pharmacy to succeed 1 Dr. M. S. Bazemore. Dr. and Mrs. ! j Ford reside at Mrs. M. C. Green’s on Anderson avenue. * * * ; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Broadrick and : Miss Grace, Elwood and*! motored to Dalton last Sun . ay) where they are spending the with relatives, A * -4 Misses Helen and Bessie Mae Aus have returned from Albany where have been for the past three with their grand parents, Mr., i Mrs. S. F. Price. * + * Messrs. Bob Berry, Lowry Wheeler Shealey, and John Berry eom a motor party spending last at Jacksonville and Pablo mid-week* ‘service ’ Union at the are attracting large congre during the summer months, union meetings will continue the month of August. * * 9 Mr. A. J. Evans is able to be out after being confined at home 1 heveal days, suffering from a ‘ infection in his foot. * * * - Mrs. A. S. Jewett, who has been. her niece, Mrs. Ed Green, j the summer months, will re¬ to her home in Washinton, D. next Wednesday, ►> ♦> Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Clark left Tues- j morning to make their home in Mr. Clarke will operate a of grocery stores in Florida. friends regret to see them leave are wishing them well as they go their new home. THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA., THURSDAY, AUGUST, 20, 1925. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Wilson Tuesday in Atlanta. + + + ;; Miss Helen Murray, of Atlanta, « visiting her parents, Mr. and !! J. E. Murray. 4 4 + >1 Miss Helen White and H. A. •; ingale, of Macon, were pleasant ! itors to friends here Sunday, 4- 4- + Mr. and Mrs. Louis Smisson 4 . spending their vacation in I visiting relatives. *j. • Mr. Harris McArthur is with • and Mrs. Harold Saxon in J bee, Fla., for a few weeks. * * * i Mr. and Mrs. Ashby McCord Mr. and Mrs. Brisendine spent I week-end at Pablo Beach. * * * j Mr. and Mrs. Ben Anderson returned from a pleasant visit > Florida. 4* 4* 4* I Mrs. W. B. Kent and children spending this month with Kent’s parents in Mitchell, Ga. * * * Miss Florence Jones of ; spent Monday with the family of II. Sammons. * * * Mr. Sam Peddicord, recently of lanta, is now at home where he recuperating from a recent and minor operation. * * * Mr. T. M. Anthoine is spending month of August most visiting relatives in Vermont I Maine. + + + Mr. and Mrs. Peyton Sheilie, Perry, were visitors Sunday, of Mrs. Mattie Skellie and Skellie on Persons street. AAA Mrs. Mattie Carpenter ana spending some time in North lina. father have returned home * * * Dr. Roy Smisson was among Fort Valleyians visiting in Florida ' Mrs. Smisson spent the time with the past week. During his absence Mrs. Houser Davidson. A 4- 4 Misses Claire and Louise Green of Milledgeville, -» « • 1 i l - j i former p popular * mem of the Fort Valley school ty are visiting Mrs. R. M. Houser. * * * Friends I r,ends of of Mrs Mrs B B. R. R Marshall Marshall are glad she is able to be up and is improving rapidly from her recent illness of fever. •:« -i Mr. and Mrs. William Wright have returned from a motor trip to West Palm 'Beach and other points in Florida. * # * Miss Beulah Davidson ! s at home after a pleasant motor trip with the Bairds to their summer place in New J erse y * * * Houser’s Mill is a popular resort these warm evenings, where many in formal supper and bathing parties are seen enjoying outings. * # * Mr. Tim See was carried to the Middle Georgia Sanitarium this week treatment. Friends wish for him an early return to health and home. * * * Mrs. N. H. Baldwin has been off duty at the post ofice and has been taking his vacation at home on ac- j of slight illness. His friends ; be glad to see him back at his well and happy again. *44 Miss Jameson, the popular guest Miss Rub y e Duke wl11 be the hon - at several pretty social affairs her visit in Fort Valley, one of will be a tea given by Mrs. C. Almon. ❖ A A Mr. Will Shepad left several weeks for Miami to make his home. Shepard and the children joined there the past week ’ Their here are ashing , them sue and happiness^their new home. I Mr. and Mrs. George McArthur, Reba McArthur of Albany and Dott Blackman of Macon, were visitors, gliests of Mr. and rs '• N *- -ountree. - - <4 *1- A Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Hale are on motor trl P to P olnts In Florida. 1 will v.sit Mr. Hale s brother in Mr. Edwin Martin accom the Hales on the trip. f * ? Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Crawford will Friday to Fitzgerald, charge where the j Crawford will take company. Mr. Crawford has manager of the express com here, where he and his wife made friends, who will regret learn of their departure from our Miss Martha Ellis Green, of y Mr. and Mrs. Ed Green, will company her aunt, Mrs. A. S. is ' to Washington, D. C. where she be the guest of her cousins, Mr. Mrs. C. H. Jewett, for a month. ❖ *:* * Mrs. E. M. Fuller of Ludowici, the guest of Mrs. John Vance for few days last week. Mrs. Fuller a former resident of Fort Valley her many friends are always glad have her back. .}. .;. C. B. McCook motored over to ! beville, South Carolina and the week-end with friends. He j accompanied by his mother, Mrs. 15. McCook, of Lizella. * * * Miss Rosa James, of Albany was recent visitor, Baldwin. the guest of her Mrs. M. H. Miss James Miss Elizabeth Rundell were guests of Miss Miriam Edwards Tuesday. * * * Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Cardell, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Ray and son, 1 Macon, formed a motor party j where week they going visited to Knoxville, their brother, | H. Dickson. They also visited Chattanooga, Tate Springs and ville. * * * j Mr. Paul Murray is leaving week to make his home in He will have charge of one of Clark chain of grocery stores. j Murray will join him in Miami i in ' few weeks. ■> A A Letters to friends here from Ralph Newton, Mrs. Glenmore Kathryn and Bettie, and Mrs. Wynne indicate a most pleasant in the Blue Ridge Mountains North Carolina. * A A Friends of Mrs. D. A. Howard be pleased to learn that she is ily improving, has left the Sanitarium in Atlanta, and is now Lakemont, but expects to spend eral more weeks in the mountains of North Carolina as advised by her physician ... before , , she , undertakes , , , to come home. Mr. Howard plans to re turn by the first of September. -j- a Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Matthews, Charlie and Carter Matthews, left L Tuesday morning for a motor trip I,, Middleport, N. Y„ where Mr. Mat f m" ° f „ the , representatives f of the Niagra Spray company. * * * Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Marchman mo |tored to Clayton, Ga., for Miss Fran ces Marchman, who has been at Lau re j] Falls Camp for the past few weeks. Enroute to Fort Valley they i stopped several days in Atlanta. : * * * . Miss Margaret Shepard is at home : f or a visit after conducting a coure j n Y . W. C. A. work at the Florida State college at Tallahassee. Miss Shepard will have charge of the Y \y. C. A. work in the college at Grecnsboro, N. C., for the next year and expects to leave for Greensboro early in September. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Crawford, Mrs. g B. Wilson, Misses Carolyn and Harinell Wilson, Emily Morton, Fan ny Be n t ; ray> of Columbus, and Eliz abeth Berry of Barnesville, formed a congenial party that spent the week end at Jacksonville and Pablo Beach. 1 H: * * j Rev. A. S. Irons, former pastor of ! Presbyterian church, was a pleas- j ant visitor this week, guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Woolfolk for a short j visit. Mr. Irons is remembered quite pleasantly by many friends in Fort Valley, % * * Friends here of Mellard Reade will be interested to know that he is in the real estate and building business un der name 0 f Thos. M. Reade, Inc., j n Chicago; and that Mrs. E. Kuts chko> nee Migs Edith Reade> and hus _ ba "d. 1st lieutenant, E. Kutschko, and daughter, are spending a couple f mon ths in Hollywood, Los Ange les, Calif. Lt. Kutschko will be sta¬ tioned at Camp Meade, Md., after ■September 15. BIRTHDAY PARTY In honor of Mrs. C. L. .Shepard, a 1 birthday party was given by the Shepard families on Tuesday evening at Mionii Springs. A large number rt! l a tives motored to the springs, a tempting supper was enjoy after which all enjoyed evening the ride j the cool of the back to homes. I BAPTIST W. M. S. The August meeting of the W. M. of the Baptist church on Monday! was featured by reports the Georgia Baptist assembly Blue Ridge and a Missionary rally Roberta, which was attended by a Clopine Clippings , Revival meetings will begin Providence church next Sunday i noon. The first services will be 1 Sunday at three p. m. and the a day evening service will begin at p. m. Rev. T. H. Thomson of Fort Valley Methodist church do the preaching. Miss Mildred Wilson left last urday to visit relatives in Miami. 1 Mr ' an<i Mrs. Charlie Worley R ' rm ' n K bani < Ala., who were j visitors of Mr. and Mrs. A. I. gle, have returned home. Mrs. a ley, who is remembered here as Virginia Peek, was a frequent ,’ tor to relatives here for ^ ears ‘ Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Cheek are joying a motor trip to friends relatives in Southern Alabama. ! Mr. Hubert Castleberry has I ed home after a pleasant visit friends and relatives at Jackson Indian Springs. Mr. W. J. Cheek was the farmer in this section to market ! bale of cotton. The cotton crop throughout this vicinity is fine ■ after a severe drought and ly no weevils are reported. The State Highway Department placing the main highway this section in fine shape. Work has been finished to Haddock’s store and plowing has been done to Mr. T. A. McCord s farm. This work will con tinue until the Peach county line is reached. number of the members of this so | ciety. Mrs. F. W. Withoft told of the re ,the ,f n Rehoboth , ° nC1 ° Association, 1 e y° un £ people held of irv Macon, of which she is leader. An other ,, interesting . , . part of the program was a vocal duet by Miss Beatrice C onnal and Mrs christine Hafcr ' Mrs , Betty Williams presented the program. | I* *V I I VW t.j tj l J Pjll w \ ■ 11 •___ , Tf’ . 1 S Miss JlZ Rubye n\ Duke assembed Frm ^. a num-' ^ ber of friends at her home Wednes day morning to meet Miss Jameson I and to enjoy bridge during a social hour. The home was attractively adorned in bright summer flowers and green ery, making an ideal setting for the enjoyment of the games and for the delicious luncheon served at the con¬ clusion of the games. MR. AND MRS. BOWMAN EN¬ TERTAIN WITH BARBECUE A number of friends of Mr. and ' Mrs. Walter Bowman enjoyed a post peach season barbecue at the : r home last Saturday. | j I Barbecue dinner with cooling drinks | was enjoyed under the packing shed, and this with the mingling and fel lowship of friends made the day a most memorable occasion, A few of Mrs. Bowman’s friends I remained after the dinner anil enjoy ed rook until late in the afternoon, i All the guests departed for home thanking the Bowmans for having shovhi such cordial hospitality and for the enjoyment of such a pleasant outing. When the A. M., spells J. O. B. the college graduate has something to be thankful for. ANNUAL EXCURSION TO NORTH AND SOUTH CAROLINA AND TENNESSEE MOUNTAIN RESORTS, ETC., AUGUST 21, 1925. One fare plus zv> cents round trip. Tickets on sale August 21; final return limit September 2, 1925. Ask Ticket Agent for exact round trip fares, information regarding schedules, reservations, etc. CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY THE RIGHT WAY LOW RATE EXCURSION TO AUGUST 29 , 19 2 5 Round trip excursion fares from , 10 TYBEE S7.00 to Tybee will he good return¬ ing leaving Savannah prior to mid¬ of September 2. Apply to Ticket Agent for tickets, and other information. of GEORGIA RAILWAY The Right Way i Listening In On Marshallville I By RUTH MONCRIEF : Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Donehoo and 1 children spent last week in Atlanta with Mr. Donehoo's parents. _ Miss Clyde Ware is visiting her brother, Prof. L. M. Ware at Auburn, Ala. Mr. James Craven, of Wilson, N. C , Messrs, llill and Lucas of Washing ton, Ga., and Mr. Frederick Long j worthy of Daytona, Fla., have been j visiting Misses Edla, Mollie and Ruth McKenzie. - Mrs. John Heflin, from Memphis, Tenn., is visiting Mrs. Helflin’s fa¬ ther, Mrs. F. J. Frederick. Mrs. J- W. Frederick is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Dr. Paulin, in Atlanta. - Mr. and Mrs. S. 0. Monk, Mrs. D. B. Frederick and Mrs. W. E. Lester, , enjoyed a delightful trip last week to Hendersonville, N. C., and other points of interest. While in Hender sonville they had the pleasure of hearing Dr. J. C. Massee preach. He is an old Marshallville boy, of whom we are justly proud. Mrs. W. M. King and son, of Gar¬ net, S. C., is visiting Mrs. J. R..King on Frederick street. Mr. H. M. Hargrove is visiting his son, Chas. M. Hargrove at Tavares, Fla., and his daughter, Mrs. J. L. Cloud at Ovon Park, Fla. Miss Mary Kate Jones from Mont zuma, is visiting Miss Elizabeth Per¬ sons. Mrs Best ha8 returned to her I . home in Fort Gaines, after spending I | so - me time with her mother> Mra . T Leonard it Jones on East Mam street, | Miss Mary Files has returned home ! from a visit to Mrs. Hollis Fort in Americus. Mrs. N. W. Massee entertained the Kingdom Builders Circle of the Bap- j tist church, on last Monday after G. M. M A. . f GRADUATE , RAmTATW HEADS „ KAn<s WASHINGTON AND LEE SENIORS _ College Park, Ga., Aug. 15—D. | Curry Porter, Georgia of Rome, Military Ga., a Acade- grad- j j uate of the my, has been elected president of the l senior class at Washington and Lee University, Staunton, Va. This Uni- : versity will graduate about 150 men next year the honor conferred upon j Mr. Porter is of the greatest signifi- | : cance. At Georgia Military Academy Mr. | Porter was a cadet captain and grad- j uated with honor. The popularity! which attended him at prep school is further attested by his success at Washington and Lee. G. M. A. sends each year a number of boys to this university and already several have matriculated for fall entrance. j REVIVAL AT PROVIDENCE Revival services will be held at Providence church next week, con by Rev. T. H. Thomson, pas or the Fort Valley Methodist The opening service will be Sunday at 3 p. m. Through the the hour of meeting will be p. m. The members of the cordially invite their friends the public to attend the services, I REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Why pay rent when you can buy a home and pay for it like pay¬ ing rent, by the week or month. One small payment cash. 1 have houses on the following streets for sale: 2 houses and lots on Everett Square. 4 houses and lots on Knoxville st. 2 houses and lots on Persons st. 2 houses and lots on N. Macon st. 1 house and lot on Green st. 4 houses and lots on Fairground st. 3 houses and lots in Oakland i ifeights. 1 house and lot on East Main st. ! 3 vacant losts in Oakland Heights. | (i good farms near town. I also have several houses and lots in the colored sections of town for sale. If you have any property you want to sell iist it with me and 1 will find you a buyer. noon. After the Bible study and bus iness meeting, delightful refresh¬ ments were served and the members enjoyed a pleasant social hour. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Timberlak* have gone to Lanark, Fla. The Presiding Elder of this district filled the pulpit at the Methodist church on last Sunday. Their pastor, Dr. W. C. Lovett has been in a Sani¬ tarium in Atlanta for several weeks. He is improving rapidly and they; hope to have him back soon. Mrs. Pearlie Rumph, Mrs. I, F. Murph, Mr. Sam Henry Rumph, and Miss Virginia Banks, are in Saluda, North Carolina. Mr. Tom Brown, Jr., has gone ts New York with a party of friends from Macon. METHODIST CHURCH Thus. H. Thomson, Pastor Sunday school, 9:30, Judge H. A. Mathews superintendent. Preaching by the pastor at 11 a. m. and 8. p. m. Epworth League at 7 p. m. Union prayer meeting at Baptist church, Wednesday at 8 p. m. To all services the public is Cof* dially invited, REFRESHMENTS That REFRESH and bring cool ness and delight to the summer day or evening. Wheeler’s Pharma¬ cy Ice Cream and Cold Drinks, served at our tables or at the party or dinner in your own home, bring the full joy of perfect flavor. Candies, Cigars, Stationery, Toilet Articles—the BEST. Telephone 393 WHEELER’S V HA RMACY The Store with a Welcome Y©'!' 3 * jjy Purification ^ny physician vil 1 tell you that Purification of the Syu Nullire’s foundation of Health, 1 > Y.'hy l-ot rid of chronic ahtnents that undermining your vitality? your eutiiv pyste; i by tuk* a thorough course of CalotabS, once or tv ice a V s k for several r e hov/ Nature re* you with h I I 5 t Calotahs -are the " a' T of all* purifiers, a family ooptair :!l (iiree pvi o *; ■;:> - ct • t : ' package, ets At n •I...... • ■ :-t!. (Adv.) > 'If | l i m (/ .<31 It / •/ * r \ / ' m When your heart flutters, and palpitates, 4 when you're short of breath and dizzy, when you have smothering spells and faint spells, look out for your heart 1 DR. MILES’ Heart Treatment has been used with marked success for all functional heart troubles since 1 884. Your druggist sells it at pre-war prices — $1.00 a bottle.