The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, August 27, 1925, Image 6

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Legal Advertisements + +++ +++++*++*++++ ***** * *+ Georgia, Pearh County. All creditors of the estate of Miss A. I. Jackson, late of Peach county, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said estate are required to mak. immediate payment to me. This 3rd day of August, 1925. g-6-bt. T. S. VI6SCHER, Administrator of Miss A. . Jackson, deceased. ‘ SHERIFF SALES Georgia, Pearh County: Will be sold bel«*»« HI** tioor of the Court house of Peach County, Georgia, between the i*gal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in September, 1925, to th« highest bidder for cash: "All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in the 9th District ->f Peach county, (formerly Houston county) Georgia, and in a suburb of Fort Valley, Georgia known as Friendship Park, and known, designated and described upon a map or plan of said Friendship Park made by J. H. Mathews, County Surveyor, on )ecember 14th, 1910, n. lota Numbers Seventeen and Eighteen (No. 17 and No. 18) in Block C ;<*ach of said lot* being 38 feet wide and 100 feet :n depth. Levied upon and to be sold a« the prop erty of Joe i’erry. defendant in fi. fa. to MitiHfy an execution i ued from tin* City Court of Houston county on the 11th day id December. 1923. in favor of W. K. llrown, Tran.ferree, v«. Joe IVrry, for the principal ( sum of $300.00 bo-lik'H interest, Attorney* fee* and Court cost. Written notice of levy given Joe I'erry, \ defendant in fi. fa. Al«o at the »ame time an I place the fol¬ lowing described property: ' All that certain tract, lot or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the State of Georgia, County of Peach and in the 6th District therein con¬ taining 100 acre*, more or lea*, hounded on the North and East by lands of Dr. (5. 1*. Cline; on the South by lands of C. F. Jackson and on the West by lands of T. H llrown. Levied upon and to be sold as the prop¬ erty of Livingston Howard to satisfy an ex¬ ecution issued from the City Court of Houston County on the 28th day of Decem¬ ber, 1922, In favor of Byron Warehouse Co. vs. E. L. & L. J. Howard. Written notice of levy given Livingston Howard, defendant in fi. fa. This August 5th. 1925. *-6-4t G. D. ANDERSON. Sheriff. RECEIVER’S SALE Under and by virtue of an order • f the Honorable Malcolm I). Jones, Judge of the Superior Courts of the Macon Circuit, in the case of William M. Wright and George O. Wright., Eexecutors et a I vs. T. R. Bennett, Superintendent of Banks et a!, tinted May 18, 1925, the undersigned, as Receivers of the court, will sell before the court door of Peach county, at Fort Valley, Gcor gin, on the First Tuesday in September. 3925. between the legal hours >f sale, at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, subject to the confirmation or rcjeitmn by the court, ns provided in said t rder, tha following portion of the estate of W. C. Wright, deceased, in the hands of the court for administration; to-wit: That certain tract, lot or parcel of land situated and being in the city of Fort Valley in the Ninth District of, formerly Houston county, now 'each county Georgia and more particularly described as follows, Said lot located at the Southeast cornet* of East Miller and Church streets and measured as follows, commencing at said corner and run ning thence East along Church street for a distance of 142 feet, more or less, to the William M. Wright lot; thence South along the line of the William M. Wright lot for a distance of 288 feet, more or less, to the George O. Wright lot ; thence East along the line of*the George O. Wright lot for a distance of 142 feet, more or less, to East Miller street; thence North along said East Miller street for a distance of 238 feet, more or less, to the starting point. Said lot bounded North by Church street; West by East-Miller street ; South by the George 0 Wright lot and East by the William M. Wright lot. Said lot being the same on which is built a two story brick building erected by said W. C. Wright as a residence. Said property will he sold freed of liens and the highest bidder at said sale will be required to pay the amount of his bid on the confirmation of said sale by the court. The said sale will be reported to the court cm Wednesday, September the Second, 1925, for rejection or confirmation, at his discre¬ tion. Prospective bidders are further referred to said order authorizing said sale on file in the Clerk's office of Peach county Super¬ ior court. This August 8rd, 1925. I). C. STROTHER, 8-6-4t A. C. RILEY, Receivers of the Court. LAM) SALE Under and bv virtue of the power of sale contained in a deed to secure debt from Will Jones to Mrs. Julia J. Reese dated March 17. 1923. Will be sold before the door of the Court House of Peach county. Georgia, on the 1st day of September, 1925, between the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder for cash "all that certain tract, lot or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the City of Fort Valley, Peach (formerly Houston) County, Georgia, containing one-half acre, more or less, and being the North-west corner of the old Charlotte Marshall lot; the tract hereby conveyed fronting West on Hiley street a distance of one hundred five (105) feet, more or less, and running back East with uniform width of 105 feet a distance of two hundred ten (210) feet, more or less, ami bounded on the North by lot of Andrew Hollinshead; East by lot of J. R. Kinney; South by lot of Ed Felder, and West by Hiley street, be¬ ing the lot whereon the said Will Jones has resided for the past three years.” The indebtedness originally secured by said deed to secure debt in the sum of $205.00. On the 11th day of June, 1925, for a consider¬ ation of $88.50 the said deed to secure debt and the indebtedness thereby secured, to gether with all title, rights, privileges and options contained in the deed to secure debt were transferred to the said J. W. Woolfolk; and the said J. W. Woolfolk is now' the owner and holder of the deed to secure debt and the indebtedness thereby secured, the balance thereof being the sum of $88.50 be¬ sides interest thereon from the 11th day of June. 1925, at eight per cent per annum. The proceeds of said sale shall be applied first to the payment of the indebtedness se cured by the dot'd to secure debt, together with cost of this sale; and the surplus, if any, shall be paid over to the said Will Jones, his heirs or assigns. Deed will la* made to the purchaser or purchasers at said sale by the undersigned as provided in the deed to secure debt. This Aug. 4th, 1925. J. W. Woolfolk, Transform. By C. L. Shepard, 8-G-4t His Attorney at Law. Georgia. Peach County. Whereas, Nettie Pickett, Administratrix of Minnie ‘ranklin, represent* to the Court In her petition, duly filed and entered on re¬ cord, that she has fully administered Min nie Frnnklfn'a estate; This is, therefore, to rife all persons concerned, kindred and credi¬ tors, to show cause, if any they can, why Mild Administrator should not be discharged from her administration, and receive Letter* of Dismission, on the first Monday in Sep t ember, 1925. K-13-41. M. C. MOSLEY, Ordinary. GEORGIA, Peach County. Court or Ordinary At Chambers, August 10, 1925. The Ap Praisers on the application of Jennie Walden, willow of Jeff Walden, deceased, for a Twelve Months’ Support for herself, having duly filed their return, ail persons are here¬ by cited to show cause, if any they have, at the next September Term of this Court, why said application should not be granted. 8-13-41 M. C. MOSLEY Ordinary. GEORGIA, Peach County, Ordinary’s Office. August 10th, Vashti Walden has applied for letters of Administration on the Estate of Gene Walden, deceased. This is, therefore, to notify all concerned that the same will he heard on the first Monday in September next. 8-13-41. M. C. MOSLEV, Ordinary. Bosch Court of Ordinary, August Term 1925 T. 8. Visscher, administrator of the estate of Miss A. I. Jackson, late of Peach county, deceased, having duly applied by petition for leave to sell the lands belonging to said es¬ tate. Said application will be heard at the regu¬ lar term ©f the Court of Ordinary for said county, to be held on the first Monday in September, 1925. This 3rd day of August, 1925. 8-13-4t. M. C. MOSLEY, Ordinary. In re charter The J. W. Woolfolk Company STATE OF GEORGIA—PEACH COUNTY The petition of J. W. Woolfolk. W. J. Lipfert, Ralph Newton, and W. L. Snow, all of said state and county respectfully shows: (1) Petitioners desire for themselves, as¬ sociates and successors, to be incorporated for a term of twenty (20) years, with privi¬ lege of renewal, under the corporate name of THE J. W. WOOLFOLK COMPANY (2) The principal office and place of business of the corporation shall be in Fort Valley, Georgia, and the right is asked to establish branch offices there or elsewhere, as the corporation, acting through its di¬ rectors, may from time to time decide. (8) The object of the corporation is pe¬ cuniary gain to itself and ita stockholders. (4) The principal business to be carried on by the corporation is the manufacture, transportation, distribution, purchase and sale of insecticides, fungicides, and all manner of spray material and chemicals, machinery and appliances, farm and orchard and other sup¬ plies and products, or other articles of mer¬ chandise, and demonstration and use of the same upon its own property or that of others. (5) Incident to the conduct of its busi¬ ness petitioners ask for the corporation the right to make any contracts not prohibited by law; to establish, own, conduct, or co¬ operate in the establishment and conduct of agencies or branch offices wherever its di¬ rectors may decide is advisable; to subscribe for, purchase or otherwise acquire, own, hold, vote, hypothecate, alienate or otherwise dis¬ pose of shares of the capital stock of other corporations, where not expressly prohibited by law; to purchase, lease, or otherwise ac¬ quire, and to use, encumber or lell real estate or personalty, manufacturing plants, patents, copyrights, trade marks, or any in¬ terest therein, and expressly desire all rights, powers, privileges, immunities and exemp¬ tions now allowed, or that may hereafter be conferred by law upon corporations of like or similar nature. (6) The minimum capital stock of the corporation shall be one hundred thoiuaml ($100,000.00) dollars of common stock, divided into shares of the par value of One hundred ($100.00) dollars each, with the pri/ileg? of increasing the common stock, from time to time, as may then be determined by a vote of a majority in amount of the then out¬ standing stock of the corporation entitled to vote, to any amount not exceeding Two hundred and fifty thousand ($250,000.00) dol- ♦ » • • NEW PRICES ON DAIRY PRODUCTSI Now In Effect. ■ • • • • • Sweet Milk in pint bottle* .. __ 10c eacb Sweet Milk in quart bottle* .... 15c each Buttermilk 5c quart • • .......................... ____ Butter at market price. Cream............................... 40c pint • ■ ■ < > Term*: Ca*b in advance atrictly weekly. ■ • • » or W. J. Braswell’s Sanitary Dairy • • • • Dairy Phone 3303 Fort Valley, Ga. Res. Phone 131 < ■ • > N dealers At all Black is durable For Pencil a — soft ask that for \ VELVET W Write for trial sample k American Lead Pencil Co. 220 Fifth Avc.. New York SiiCv- Makers of the famous VENUS PENCILS \ ’l3iu£. f ELVEl 13/MUO 7 9 THE FORT VALLEY, GA., THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 1925. lara, divided into share* of like par value, and likewise, by the name method, to at any time decrease the amount of such increnec-J common stock to any amount not lead than the original capitalization. (7) Petitioners auk for the corporation the right to issue, in addition to its common Htock, eight per rent cumulative preferred Htock to the amount of Fifty thousand ‘$50, 000.00) dollars, divided into shares of the par value of One hundred ($100.00) dollars each, with the privilege of increasing the amount of such preferred stock to any amount not exceeding One hundred ♦hoi nan'I ($100,000.00) dollars, at any time, by the af¬ firmative vote of a majority of the common stock outstanding, provided, and provide I only that such increase of preferred stock U uu thorized and ratified by the affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of the then outstanding preferred stock, at a separate meeting of the preferred stockholders to be held on call of the directors, and of which meeting eacii preferred stockholder shall be given two weeks written notice. Such preferred stock, that originally au¬ thorized, or any increase thereof, shall be preferred both as to dividends and assets, and as to dividends shall be preferential cumulative from year to year. All not earninas of the corporation shall be applied, October first of each year to the payment of dividend, on the then outstanding preferred stock at a rate up to, but not ex ceding. eight, (8%) P f!f cent per annum, payable annually to the preferred stock holders of record on September first next prior to such dividend date, such dividend tc he calculated up to said Sept. 1 next pre Co cling the dividend date. No dividend to or other division of profits among the holders of common stock shall be paid nr made at any time or in any way until dividend* paid annually at said rate of eight (8%) percent from the issue of the preferred Htock to Kept. 1 next before imeh contemplated dividend to or division among common stockholders shall have been paid, and until the net undistributed earnings on hnnd, exclusive of the contemplated dividend to or division among common stockholders. are more than sufficient to pBy such pre ferred stock dividends for the current year. All earnings above auch eight (8%) per cent on the outstanding preferred stock mar r»« retained by the corporation or distributed among the common stockholders as the di rectors may determine. Upon the dissolidation or liquidation of the corporation from any cause, all its assets shall first be applied to the payment to preferred stockholders of One hundred ($100.) dollars per share for all outstanding prefer¬ red stock, and in addition such amount as added to the dividends previously paid on such preferred stock shall aggregate eight (8%) per cent per annum from the date of issue of the preferred stock to date of liqui¬ dation, the residue of the assets to be the property of the holders of the common stock. Only the holders of common stock shall be entitled to vote at stockholders’ meetings. except that should the corporation fail to pay the eiitht (8%) Per cent preferred divi¬ dends, or any portion of the same, for two consecutive years, in that event the preferred stockholders shall be entitled to vote and participate in all meetings of stockholders upon the same basis as common stockholders, ntil all preferred dividends in arrears ahall have been paid up. At any time after five (5) years from date of issue of any preferred stock the cor¬ poration shall have the right to call in and buy and retire all or any portion of its out¬ standing preferred stock at One hundred and ten ($110.00) dollars per share, plus accrued dividends, such stock to be so called in and retired in the same order as originally is¬ sued, or pro rata among all preferred stcok holders, as the directors of the corporation may determine, the holder of the stock so retired to be given thirty (30) days written notice of such call, and the accrual of divi¬ dends on tile stock so called to cease at the expiration of thirty days from the giving of said notice. (8) Petitioners desire the right to have subscriptions to its capital stock, or any in¬ crease thereof, paid in in labor, money, prop¬ erty, or other thing of value, based upon a fair valuation. (9) Petitioners ask for snid corporation the right, power and authority to make and execute notes, bonds or other evidence of in¬ debtedness, and to secure the same by lien, or by pledge of personal property, or deed, mortgage or other lien upon any of its real estate, or interest therein, and to conduct its business with respect to making, incurring and discharging obligations, and in other res¬ pects, to the same extent permitted private individuals wherever not expressly prohibited by law from so doing, except that no mort¬ gage or other lien shall be executed on its real estate or improvements thereon without first obtaining the written assent of the holders of at least two-thirds (2-3) of its outstanding preferred stock. (10) Petitioners ask for said corporation the power and authority to apply for and accept amendments to or renewals of ita charter, either in form or substance, and power and authority to wind up the affairs of the corporation, and to discontinue or liquidate its business at any time, and to surrender its charter, by a vote of a majori ty in amount of its then outstanding stock ■ entitled to vote, upon compliance with the requirements of the law In the premises. . (11) Petitioners show that more than ten per cent of the said authorized capital stock has already been actually paid in. Wherefore, petitioners pray to be made a body corporate under the name and style aforesaid, with all the rights, powers and privileges prayed, and entitled to all the rights, powers, privileges and immunities fixed by law. W. H. HARRIS. Attorney for Petitioners. Filed in office this Aug. 10, 1925. EMMETT HOUSER. Clerk, Superior Court of Peach County. STATE OF GEORGIA, PEACH COUNTY. I, Emmett Houser, Clerk of the Superior Court of Peach County, Georgia, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and cor¬ rect copy of the application for charter for THE J. W. WOOLFOLK COMPANY, as the same appears on file in this office. Witness my official hand and »eal, this Aug. 10, 1925. 8-13-41 EMMETT HOUSER, Clerk. Special Election for Peach County To whom it may concern: Pursuant to an Act of the General As- 1 ■ * ATLANTA AND WEST POINT RAILROAD COMPANY + THE WESTERN RAILWAY OF ALABAMA GEORGIA RAILROAD The West Point Route operates thru Pullman cars >■ between New York, Washington, Montgomery and New Orleans. Tourist car all the way from Washington to San * Francisco. ' Also dining car .parlor car and observation car ac- | commodations on certain trains. Close connections at New Orleans for the West. The Georgia Railroad offers the most direct service ; to South and North Carolina points via Augusta, includ¬ ing thru Pullman sleepers. Use the “OLD RELIABLE. ft Ask any Ticket Agent for information as to rates, routes, etc., or write to the undersigned. We will be glad ;; to assist you in every way possible. J. P. BILLUPS «• General Passenger Agent •• Atlanta, Ga. ■ t The Best Vacation a trip by ship C OMBINES the many pleasures and benefits of an ocean voyage with the comforts of a first-class hotel. The restful and healtful way to travel Large modern ships affording every travel comfort and convenience. Broad promenade decks. Spacious and restful lounge and music rooms. Meals that appeal, invitingly served in attractive, well ventilated dining¬ rooms. Stateroom choice ranges from the two-berth type (in¬ cluded in ticket) to those with twin beds and private bath at reasonably increased cost. REDUCED ROUND TRIP Summer Tourist Fares FORT VALLEY, GA., to NEW YORK $54.83—BOSTON $67.83 C ORRESPONDINGLY attractive fares from other points in the Southeast to New York, Boston and interior Eastern and New England territory. All fares include rail transportation to Savannah, passenger and baggage transfer at that point, also meals and stateroom accommodation aboard ship while at sea. Round trip tickets to Boston give purchaser the op¬ tion of return via Long Island Sound steamers (trans¬ portation only), Boston to New York thence this com¬ pany’s direct service to Savannah. For sailings, descriptive literature or reservations apply to your local ticket agent or I OCEAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF SAVANNAH 37 Bui! bt ■ Savannah, Georgia sembly, approved July 23, 1925, a special election ha* been called for September 16, 1925.for Peach county to determine if an Act creating a City court for Peach conuty shall be ratified by the electors at said election and also to elect a Judge and Solicitor for said court, in the event «aid Court is established, Those who wish to vote for the Act will have printed or written on 'their ballots the words "For City Court;" and those who op pose said Act will have written or printed on their ballots the words Against City Court.” Those voting fsr judge and solicitor for the court will have written or printed on their ballots the words. "For Judge of the City Court of Peach County." "For Solicitor of the City Court of Peach County”—Naming the person voted for. This August 4. 1925. M. C. MOSLEY, 8-20-4t Ordinary of Teach County. REPUBLICAN MEETING A number of the votsrs of the Re¬ publican party of Peach County, Ga., met pursuant to a call previously published in the court house of Peach county, at the Odd Fellows Hall in Poach County, Saturday, August 15, I 1926, and organized with G. V. Bar¬ nett, Chairman, W. A. Holmes, Sec¬ retary, and H. J. Jordan, Treasurer. An executive committee was also elected—A. M. Mitchell, John F. Turner and James Anderson. W. A. Holmes, Secretary. M. A. Holmes, Secretary. 8-27-lt A “That was ticklish business, said the man who was fined in Chicago for tickling a girl’s knee. A neighborhood is a place where they play saxaphones at bedtime and run lawnmowers at daylight. 6 PER CENT FARM LOANS 6 PER CENT AN UNLIMITED SUPPLY OF MONEY To place on desirable Peach, Hous¬ ton, Macon and Crawford County farms By N. P. BASSETT FORT VALLEY, GA. Phones 22 and 2004. 6% 10 YEARS 6% THE KIMBALL HOUSE Atlanta’s Best Known Hotel. 400 Rooms of Solid Comfort. The Home of Georgia People. Rooms, Running Water, $1 to $2. Rooms, with Bath, $1.50 to $5. Free Garage Service JACOBS & MAYNARD, Prop. E AO L E 2/oJi7+ w hie vfe. YELLOW PENCIL MADE BY ‘zoith the RED BAND 7® Lttttrr rrxat rACTotr 4 " TaGLEPENC/LCO. NEWYORK.USA iK.T8E WQIU.Q A We Friendly Hotel } •> \ Invites you to » cXtlanta RATES: Circulating i c e One Person f3i water and ceil¬ $2.50, $3.00 ing fans in every room. $3.50, $4.00 $5.00 A g&AZc'F* mil Atlanta's c « »$C' c - r b |r. newest Two Persons s and finest hotel. $4.50, $5.00 $6.UC, $7.00 is Magnificent a p - i« S r.r.r-t pointments. The best place in ? 7 ,; in sa s Atlanta to eat. Special arrange¬ 5 dining rooms ments for hand¬ and al fresco ter¬ ling automobile race. parties. Garage. The HENRY GRADY Hotel 550 Rooms—550 Baths Corner Peachtree and Cain Streets JAMES F. deJARNETTE, V.-P. & Mgr. THOS. J. KELLEY, Asso. Mgr. The Following Hotels Are Also Cannon Operated: GEORGIAN HOTEL JOHN C. CALHOUN HOTEL 4 Athens, Ga. Anderson, S. C. W. H. CANNON. Manager D. T. CANNON, Manager ¥ whereOceandteezesBlo^* REDUCED ROUND TRIP / tares —- > a cJ ft m j y t l\ Aar X’ 5 r* 4 ■> & 1 a 7. _S Central°jGeorgiaRajlway "Afte Way" flight j ¥ LOW RATE EXCURSION TO - TYBEE AUGUST 29, 1 925 Round trip excursion fares from FORT VALLEY TO T\ BEE $7.00 Tickets to Tybee will be good return ing leaving Savannah prior to mid night of September 2. Apply to Ticket Agent for tickets, .... * w schedules and other information. CENTRAL of GEORGIA RAILWAY *1 The Right Way FRESH Tender and Juicy WITH A FLAVOR SO GOOD * AT POOLE’S WEINER STAND You find them all the timi BARBECUE W EINERS and HAMBURGERS