The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, August 27, 1925, Image 8

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| Features Of The i j • I NEW FORD I ! Lowered Chassis Closed Cars in Color Stream-line All-steel Bodies No Increase In Price Orders filled in order received. ORDER NOW. HOTEL. PAVED ROADS AND CHAMBER PROGRAM I (Continued from Front Pago) urer of the local Kiwanis Club, who ha* moved to Florida. President Mur ray and Ralph Newton spoke in glowing terms of praise of the ability, character and personality of Mr. Clark. They declared that he was a man who always was found “adhering to the strictest principles of business ethics, always accommodating, al¬ ways cheerful and smiling,” giving himself wholly to the cause of hu man aervice and civic progress, The club instructed President Murray to write to the president of the Kiwanis Club in Mr. Clark’s new home town, expressing the local club’s sentiments of high esteem and urging for him a cordial reception. It was foolish for a girl to try to swim the English Channel. She could have worked her way on a steamboat. AUG. 29&31 AUG. 29&3I I SATURDAY SATURDAY f <"‘<i MONDAY and MONDAY Last Special two days Selling of our % » HE* < 9 \ i fC » - •% 0. i ) ’tW' Cr if? )•/ t: I ’• % Last Special two days Selling of our / 2S n Cam paign V'll ***'/»/ Cam paign > J [f A P 5P i * '/ V m m m . COTTON SEASON SPECIALS \ % ONE TABLE ODD LOTS HIGH GRADE SHOES OF AND OXFORDS. PAIR S2.50 TOPKIS, HANES AND SUITS, I NOW INDE 8.v WORK SHIRTS, BLUE ONLY—VERY SPECIAL 39<' GOOD HEAVY BLUE OVERALLS—32 TO 42 SIZES. NOW m 81.19 ALL LEATHER HANDBAGS—SPECIAL 25 Per Cent Off W ORK PANTS—ASSORTED COLORS S1.25 Pr ALL EARL & W ILSON COLLARS, SOFT AND LINEN 1(U Each SPECIAL LOT ASSORTED COLORS NECKBAND SHIRTS OIS TABLE. Values to $2 $1.00 12 DOZEN MEN’S UNION SUITS 50c Each FORT VALLEY, GA. JOHN VANCE FORT VALLEY, GA. Want V, r I ; i RATE: 1 ccnl per word. No advertisement j i taken for less than 25c for each insertion. Each additional consecutive insertion or dered at time of placing first insertion, if lees than 25 words, lc a word; if 25 or "plMcHr TanViiMetto™. double rate. who“"d„ To? h“ uTSufar"men". h ly 1 ' with us. Answer advertisements just ns advertisers request. We cannot furnish names of adver Users or other information not contained in the advertisements. When replies are to be received care this paper, double rate. While we do not accept advertisements which we have reason to believe are of a questionable nature, we have no means of as¬ certaining the responsibility of all advertis¬ ers. FOR SALE—Young milk cows, with young calves. Geo. II. Slappey. 8-20-2t FOR RENT—Furnished and unfur¬ nished housekeeping rooms. Phone 83-W. 8-20-4t FOR SALE Fine young peach or- THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA„ THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 1925. chard for sale in North Carolina. Box 200, Aberdeen, N. C. 8-20-4tp FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. Prefer couple without children. L. L. Row den, 410 Persons street. 8-27-if FOR SALE—Abruzzi rye and Ful K hum oat seed. Andrew Houser, phone 231i. 8-27-tf | WANTED—A good second-hand two horse wagon. Lester Wilson, City. 8-27-lt j WANTED—Board where there are no children. Must have a quiet place, The Leader-Tribune. 8-27-lt — —...... .... ..... - ....... - | FOR SALE—Houses and lots on Ma con street in F'ort Valley, Ga., Mrs. Nettie Stallworth or Paul Stallworth, 2530 Oakland avenue, Macon, Ga. 8-27-ltp 1 - - i FOR SALE—1925 model Ford Tour ing car. Price right. Clarence Mur- | phone 149-W. 8-27-ltp 1 ray, ! FURNITURE FOR SALE—I have been authorized by Mr. F. S. Mur- j ray to dispose of all household furni¬ ture remaining now at his home in F’ort Valley. There are some good values that the ladies may wish to buy. See me. W. M. Mathews. 8-27-tf ----- | FOK SALE—Seven room house and largo lot. Fronts 104 feet on Macon I street. Room to build another house. T. F. Young, Roberta, Ga. 8-27-3t - FOR SALE- Very large, well broke I /-goat. Works in harness like a mule. I f p Young, Roberta, Ga. 8-27-3t FOR SALE—100 pound capacity re frigerator, one bed, one dresser-: cheap. Mrs. Glenmore Green. 8-27-tf ONE DEAD, FIVE INJURED IN MILL DISASTER - / (Continued from Front Page) their turn to reach the gm with their loads of cotton. None of the drivers of these vehicles was hurt The total loss was estimated at about $5,000. J. M. Farr is married and has five children, two of them grown. People of China eat 1,000,000 pounds of macaroni a month. GEORGIA TAX REFORM LAWS MEET DEFEAT (Continued from Front Page) important committees from their re spective houses early in the week, one being the Atlanta viaducts commit tee, and the other the W. & A. com mission to treat with the city of Chattanooga relative to extension of Broad and Eleventh streets through Georgia’s railway property in that city, Danger of an* Pxtra session was averted by lasUminute passage of the general appropriations bill, Gov ernor Walker having announced that if the bill failed to pass he would call an extra session, commencing today, and that the extra session be called upon to enact tax re¬ form legislation. Tax Bill Fails Dying in the senate when it failed to receive the necessary constitution al majority vote for passage, the classification tax bill failed in the last-minute jam early Sunday morn ing. This left the act repealing the inheritance tax act the only tax re form legislation enacted by the 1925 assembly. The house bill appointing a com¬ mission with power to treat with Chattanooga regarding disposition of W. & A. properties not needed for railway terminal purposes in that city was one of the measures which succeeded in ^ettinp through the jam. The report of the third conference committee on this bill was agreed to by both houses, and the bill now goes to the governor for signature. Passage of the general appropria tions bill came only after a second conference committee reported. The second conference committee reduced the bureau of markels appropriation from $100,000 to $75,000, and out out the salaries of the chief oil inspector hlS Clerk, HH Well as cutting the ten district A. & M. school funds back to the original house appropria tion of $15,000 each. The fight on the agricultural de partment’s oil inspectors was lost when a bill known as the gas dis tillation test bill, which would have cut the number of inspectors from 180 to 6, was defeated Saturday af ternoon in the senate by a close vote after passing the house. Panama City is to have a new elec¬ tric light and yower plant. PETITION FOK CHARTER State of Georgia, County of Peach. To The Honorable Superior Court of Peach County The petition of J. Center Wilaon and Martha Hinton wiiron, of the County of Peach. State of Georgia, and of Norman L. W tison and Mary Maud Wileon. of the County of 0sdc state of Florida, respectfully shows to the Court. 1. Petitioners desire for themselves, their associates and successors, to be incorporated and made a body politic under the name and style of "The Wilson Company" for a period of twenty years, with the right to renew the charter at the expiration of said time. 2. The principal office and place of busi of said company Hhall he in the City ‘ of Fort Valley, Peach County. Georgia, but I petitioner! desire the right to establish branch offices within thia State or elsewhere, when ever the holders of a majority of the stock may »o determine. 3. The object of said corporation is pecuni ary gain to itself and stockholders. 4. The business to be carried on by said corporation is the operation of a general mercantile business, dealing in dry goods, shoes, millinery, notions, and all other ar. tides of general merchandise ; as well as the general operations of farms, and petitioners desire the right to buy, sell, lease, operate. or otherwise deal in farm and city property. 5. The capital stock of said corporation Hhall he Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00), with the privilege of increasing same to the sum of Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ($25. 000.00) by a majority vote of the stockholders, id stock to be divided into shares of *100.00 each. Ten per cent of the capital stock has actually been paid in. S. Petitioners desire the right to sue and be sued, to plead and be impleaded, to have and use a common seal, to make all neceasary by-laws and regulations, and to do all other tilings that may be necessary to the sue ' I ceaafu) carrying on of said business, includ¬ ing the right to buy. hold and sell real es tate and personal property, and to execute notes and bonds as evidence of indebtedness incurred or which may »«• meurred m the conduct of the affairs of the corporation, and to secure the same by mortgage, security 1 deed, or other form of lien under existing laws. ‘ Petitioner. ,'iy 1,1 <*pt amendments to ,,, n ,, tnai barter r of <<i either f„ rm or uh.tanre by a vote of a majority <>f »•» dock outstanding at the time. They » 1 * 0 a * k authority for i " < -° r '’ oraUon to wind up. its affairs. liquidate and discontinue its business at any time it may determine by . a vote of two-thirds of its stock outstanding ' at the time. h. Petitioners desire for said incorporation all such other rights, powers, privileges, au¬ thorities and immunities as are incident to like corporations or permissible under the iaws of Georgia. WHEREFORE -Petitioners pray to be in¬ corporated under the name and style as Hall’s Catarsr!' , Medicine rid your system of Catarrh Dcafnesi caused by Catarth. SoW hy rfni^gi.V, for over 40 rear* F T. CFFVFV K- rn„ T, -Vdr., rv i . 4 / YOU CAN’T ^ GROWING will BANK insure AC¬ COUNT EAT you against the day of destitution. MONEY JJoLDING FAST is the thing that t e 11 s whether you are on Jh your way up or on your wav out. YOU CAN’T IS YOUR LITTLE EAT NEST EGG WITHOUT GROWING IT ? BANK OF FORT VALLEY aforesaid, with the powers, privileges, and [ immunities herein set forth, and as are now, or may hereafter be, allowed a corporation of similar character under the laws of Georgia. GEO. IS. CULPEPPER. JR., Attorney for Petitioners. Filed in office, this 25th day of August. 1925. EMMETT HOUSER. Clerk. Superior Court _ Office of Clerk of Superior Court of inch County. Clerk nf the Superior . l, Emmett Houser, Court of Peach County, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the application for charter, as the same appears of file in this office. This, the 25th day of August, 1925. EMMETT HOUSER, 8-2T-4t. Clerk, Superior Court. And in Germany, motorcycles are becoming popular with newlyweds. Love’s blind here. Maybe it’s | there. And when flivver airplanes are common every house will have a no parking” sign painted on the roof. Woman Afraid to Eat Anything “I was afraid to eat because I al¬ ways had stomach trouble afterwards. sjnce takintr Adierika I can eat and feel fine.” (signed) Mrs. A. Howard. ONE spoonful Adierika removes GAS ;in( j 0 f ten f )r j n g s surprising relief to h( , stonlac h. Stops that full, bloated Removes old waste matter, frQm j n testines and makes you feel happy and cheerful. Excellent for ob¬ stinate constipation. — Copeland's Pharmacy. Indian Rajah is in Londo. Has three wives with him. Imagine hav¬ ing to lie to that many wives. - Things are so quiet in Chicago now those now being shot at can catch a little sleep every night. Washington news: Andrews tells Roads planned for England in the near future will cost $35,000,000.