The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, September 17, 1925, Image 3

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Wild Animal Slum Here September 21 The rarest collection of wild mals in America is exhibited in menagerie department of Lee 4*ild Animal Show. Six black sixteen lions, ten leopards, eight a giant blood-exuding mus, tapir, horned horse, Bengal tigers and a nursery of kit¬ tens and cub jungle creatures are in this unique and priceless menagerie ' The animal specimens are pe , ei physical .... types and represent years ' of labor their gathering . and invest- . . in ment of fabulous sums of money. All the strange beasts of the jungle that are rarely met with by explorers are to be seen in this collection. There are two herds of performing ■elephants that do most unnatural and ^onderful tricks, The bulky beasts move about with astonishing speed and take their cues for the different turns without the slightest hesitancy. The giant fellows go through chang¬ ing figures of dance with light and graceful steps and sway their huge ^bodies with the rhythmic sympathy and enjoying spirit of accomplished human nature. They even go through with the broad humorous features of a farcical skit and provoke heartiest laughter by their unctuous treatment of the comical incidents. Call it gray matter, or what you will, the effect is a chapter of experimental know¬ ledge that is well worth the study of all who are interested in animal life. Shapely horses of aristocratic breeding and education lend further attractiveness to this department of the huge shows. These high-spirited beasts have been patiently taught to make the most of their great beauty and to see them maneuver in mili¬ tary displays, archly evolve the intri¬ cate measures of fashionable dance and recklessly dash into thrilling pur¬ suit of the hunter’s quarry are -cenes of stimulating enjoyment nev¬ er before met with in any amusement institution, however colossal and en¬ terprising. There are nearly 200 horses with the Lee Bros. Wild Ani¬ mal Show and many of these are equines of superior pedigree, won¬ derful symmetry and extraordinary value. The horse fair alone, as this feature of the show has been aptly called, has arounsed the keenest in¬ terest and admiration among all lov- * TWO SEPT. AND ONLY 22™ DAYS 21 st EXTRA SPECULS ACCOUNT THIS SAT., CLOSED STORE HOLIDAY SEPT. RELIGIOUS WILL ON BE * Just To Stimulate Sales For Next Week And To Give Us The Opportunity Of Showing You The Large Stock Of New And Stylish Merchandise We Have On Hand The Following items Are Very Special • • • • 15c 25c 25e $2.50 LADIES’ ONE LOT LADIES’ LADIES’ $3.00 FINE HEAVY DRESS $ 6.00 SLEEVELESS SHEETING OUTING GINGHAM FELT HATS SKIRTS SWEATERS SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL 8 YARDS FOR SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL $1.00 18 c 15 c $ 1.48 $ 1.98 $ 1.48 $ MEN’S SUMMER SI.50 MEN’S MEN’S WHITE BACK BOYS’ SI.50 KNEE MEN’S S2.50 SCOUT 14.00 HEAVY UNIONS DRESS 220 WEIGHT PANTS WORK SWEATERS £ SPECIAL SHIRTS OVERALLS SHOES IN NAVY, AND BROWN MAROON 39 c SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SUIT 89 c $ 1.35 98 c $ 1.98 $ 2.95 raw: We have Special Prices On Our Large Stock of New Fall Goods, Such As Ladies’ Coats, Dresses And Hats; Winter Underwear, Comforts And Blankets. Men's Cloth ing, Shoes And Hats. It Will Pay You to Look Over Our Stock As There Is A Saving Here For Y ou. L RAILROAD H. MOSKOVITZ FORT GEORGIA VALLEY 4 sn Q n—iwm -i m iSsnSriiSs u §jri F"iLir , iUE?s "SJPLo - A VACATION FOR THE COW Experiments have shown beyond a 1 reasonable doubt that it does not pay j to milk a cow continuously right up to the day of her freshening. Almost any good cow can give milk right up to the day her calf is born but it is a better and more profitable practice to dry her up several weeks before this. This rest that the cow gets before her calf comes enables her to Vroduce much more milk after fresh ening and puts her in good strong condition to withstand the strain of heavy milking period without so much . danger , of , sickness • , and . weaken- , . of . , her constitutional . . ,, ing vigor. tinuous milking up to freshening time undoubtedly tends to reduce a cow’s productive life. Generally it pays to dry up a cow from six to ten weeks before her calf is expected to be born. Some heavy producing cows are , ' not easy to dry up. But it is always , possible to dry a cow up within a period of from two to three weeks by cutting down on the amount of grain or meal feed and green feed and by milking her less frequently . and by failing to remove all the milk from her udder. Do this gradually and get the milkings farther and farther apart until she is giving only a quart or two of milk daily. As soon as a cow is dry she should be given all the rough feeds she needs to get her in good sappy condition before calving. It is not necessary or advisable to feed a dry cow heavily on grain or meal feeds. A cow should be fat but not overly fat when her calf comes. Do not let a cow go unbred too long after calving. It does not pay. It is recommended that a cow be bred between one and four months after calving. Failure to breed a cow promptly results in financial loss and in some cases long-delayed breeding is thought to result in the cows’ be¬ coming barren. F. R. EDWARDS, Animal Husbandman, Georgia Experiment Station. Easier a girl is to look upon the harder to stop looking. ers of the perfect in equine breeding. The Lee Bros. Wild Animal Show will exhibit in Fort Valley on Sept. 21st, giving two performances—at 2 and 8 p. m., rain or shine. THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1925. 7,538 CARS OF PEACHES Handled from Georgia BY SOUTHERN RAILWAY Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 15.—In the | movement of the 1925 Georgia peach j crop, the Southern Railway System jset ' of cars a new handled, high record with the as to number same prac ^ tically 100 per cent performance which has characterized its handling of this highly perishable fruit in oth er years, 7,538 cars having been transported to markets in other states and 130 cars to points in Geor gia, making the Southern’s total i movement . „ 7,674 This . cars. compares ’ with ... 0,014 .... cars in . 1924 and 5,700 cars in 1923, the previous high records, All of the 7,538 ears handled to distant markets reached destination on time. Through the Southern’s At lanta terminals 6,740 cas moved; 4, to the East through Potomac Yards; 2,622 to the Central West through Cincinnati and Louisville, and 93 to destinations in the West and South. From Atlanta 133 special peach were run to Potomac Yards; and 127 to Cincinnati. From Green ville, S. C., 13 special trains were' run to Potomac Yards, handling 344 j cars from Northeast Georgia. From Chattanooga 422 cars were moved to I rTVERY— MEAL GLEYS makes your food do you more good. Note how it relieves _ that stuffy feeling after hearty eating, < Sweetens the Y ►v breath, removes 04r; food particles 4N <•> from the teeth, w l - St gives new vigor to tired nerves. Comes to you fresh, clean and full-flavored. # ,Y f 123 Cincinnati, from Macon 37 cars to Florida, and from Augusta 7 cars to the East. Swatting flies is better exercise than cussing the gvernment unc helps things along more. First signs of fall is when you find overcoats are too high. - mmmmm BUS SCHEDULE NORTH BOUND SOUTH BOUND Lv. 1:00 p. m. (C. T.) FORT VALLEY Ar. 1:00 p. m. (C. T.) Ar. 2:00 p. m. (C. T.) MACON A r. 12:30 p. m. (E. T.) Ar. 0:30 p. nt (C. T.) ATLANTA Lv. 8:00 a. m. (C. T.) DIXIE COACHES OF GA. WINONA HOTEL, Agent. POINTING THE W AY ■•v Many of our customers, after long experience with us, will point with a positive hand to our shop as the place* which, given the care of your clothes, will make you happy. It’s a great thing to KNOW that your Suit or Dress will be given prompt attention in cleaning and pressing and will be returned to you with GREAT CARE. Our reputation is maintained by painstaking SERVICE. The reliable— j Piione 76 W. M. JOHNSON Phone 76 X, dealers At all Black is durable—ask VELVET For Pencil a soft that for \ /A Write for trial sample American LeadPencilCo. 3SK 220 Fifth Avc., New York \ Makers of the famous \\ VENUS PENCILS \ VELVET 73£ue 73/vmc6 ilk 55 9 The more things a loafer should be doing the happier ho is. Some people’s idea of clean movies is having lots of bathing girls. Swearing off drinking on the morning after doesn’t count. To make cake light and fluffy I touch off a keg of dynamite under I the blame thing. NEW FdlGES 01 Dll PBOMCTS! . Now In Effect. * ■ Sweet Milk in pint bottles .. __ 10c each ■ > Sweet Milk in quart bottle* .... 15c each Buttermilk .......................... .... 5c quart . Butter at market price. Cream............................... .........40c pint • » * I Term*: Ca*h in advance or itrictly weekly. W. J. Braswell’s Sanitary Dairy > Dairy Phone 3303 Fort Valley, Ga. Res. Phone 131 r. 555 .. MISS FORT VALLEY ** AT NIAGARA FALLS! There, she will spend the day; she will see the Ca¬ nadian and American Falls, the Whirlpool, the Rapids, and leaving, will have a ride on the Scenic Corge Route, sail down the Niagara river, across Fake Ontario to Toronto, Canada. u Miss Fort Valley” will visit, her Wonderful on Two Weeks Tour—New York, Washington, Phila¬ delphia. Atlantic City, Baltimore, Cincinnati, Sa¬ vannah. ami other points. She will have the trip of her lifetime with all expenses paid. YOU CAN TAKE THIS TOUR. GET VOTES BY DEALING WITH THESE FIRMS Adams Tire , Battery Fort Valley Motor Co. & Filling Station Copeland's Pharmacy Georgia Grocery and Singletary’s Cash and Tea Room Market * Mrs. M. T. Wise Georgia Agricultural Franklin Theatre Works