The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, September 17, 1925, Image 7

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Professional Directory J Claude M. Houser Samuel M. Mathews 4 HOUSER & MATHEWS ATTORNEYS AT LAW Practice in all the State and r Courts Loans made upon City Property monthly payment plan and loans upon farm property. Woolf oik Bldg. Phone Fort Valley, Ga. C. L. SHEPARD ATTORNEY AT LAW Woolf oik Building Phone Fort Valley, Ga. Practice in all the State and Fede Courts Loans M»d« on Realty A Louis L. Brown Louis L. Brown, BROWN & BROWN ATTORNEYS AT LAW W'right Building. Phone 9 Fort Valley, Ga. Practice in all the State and Federal Courts Loans on Realty Negotiated GEO. B. CULPEPPER, JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW Citizens Bank Building Phone 374 Fort Valley, Ga. DR. W. L. NANCE DENTIST Miss Florence Taylor, Assistant Citizens Bank Building Fort Valley, Ga. Phones: Office 82 ; Residence 115. I DR. W. H. HAFER i DENTIST Office over Copeland’s Pharmacy. Fort Valley, Ga. I ’PHONES Residence 50-J. Office 14-J. We Insure Everything Insurable KENDRICK INSURANCE AGENCY Woolfolk Fort Valley Phone Bldg. Ga. 58-J. JOHN T. SLATON INSURANCE AGENCY FIRE, TORNADO & AUTOMOBILE Prompt and Satisfactory Service Guaranteed Woolfolk Bldg. Phone 283. Vetch Your Land And Add 15 Bushels An Acre To Your Corn Yield Next Year Farmers can increase the yield of corn 15 bushels an acre in an ordi¬ nary season by sowing hairy vetch in the fall on the land they will plant to corn the next spring. The vetch grows through the winter and early spring then is turned under and the land planted to corn. No crop is lost while making this gain in fertility. The 15 bushels increase in yield made by the vetch costs the corn grower around thirty cents a bushel. The bankers of Georgia through their Agricultural Committee, C. 0. Carpenter, Chairman, and H. M. Cot m Cramped m v. % I and Suffered B0 m “My back and head would w ' 6 had i 8 ^ . ache, bed,’’says and Mrs. 1 W. to L. Ennis, go to jg of Worthville, Ky. “I just could not stay up, for I would cramp and suffer so. I was Sk 1 T ,.. very nervous. My children m Etf would‘get on my nerves.’ It 1 ■i wasn’t a pleasure for me to j try to go anywhere, 1 felt so bad. 'A I VA /jT. I For Female Troubles 1 r4i VA at one time, so she insisted f jgj that I try it. 1 took four bot- I 83 y\ ties of Cardui, and if they one An should see me now \Ao. wouldn’t think I had ever M been “I sick. have gained twenty [z< 83 An pounds, and my cheeks are Y& [0j rosy. 1 feel just fine. 1 am M regular “Life and is haven’t pleasure. the pain. I can Sjgj KO. m a 83 do my work with ease. I gs{ m An give Cardui the relieved praise.” y) Cardui has many I I thousands and female of cases trouble, of pain and Sg [gf should help you, too. m At All Druggists’ EX- 22 OFFICIAL Fort of Valley the ORGAN THE KIWAINIS KALL and BUY Get AT Full HOME Value Kiwanis Club Published Weekly on Thursday by the Kiwanis Club of Fort Valley, Ga. for Your Money Volume 2. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1925. Number 3. Here’s the beverage that delights The Objects of The Fort Valley Oil Co. *3 taste, satisfies thirst and refreshes. Every bottle is sterilized—insur- Kiwanis International Manufacturers o! ing absolute purity COTTON SEED PRODUCTS Fort Valley Bottling Co. To give primacy to the human and spiritual, rather than to the material values of life. FORT VALLEY, GA. * * * To encourage the daily living of the Golden Rule in W. G. RRISKNDINB. KIWANIAN all human relationships. I>. C. STROTHER Sr E. M. WHITING. KIWANIANS * * * To promote the adoption and the application of higher social, business, and professional standards. * * * J. W. Wool folk W. L. Snow Ralph Newton To develop, by precept and example, a more intelligent, GREEN-MILLER COMPANY aggressive and serviceable citizenship. J. W. Woolf oik Co. * * * To provide through Kiwanis clubs, a practical means to Radios Batteries and Tubes form enduring friendships, to render altruistic service, and to , build better communities. Spray Material, Peas & Peaches To co-operate in creating and maintaining that sound public opinion of righteousness, and high justice, idealism patriotism, which make and possible good will. the in¬ GREEN-MILLER COMPANY Fort Valley, Georgia crease GLENMORK GREEN. KIWANIAN The Objectives HOTEL WINONA For the Year 1925-1926 Georgia Agricultural Works To promote an intelligent, aggressive and serviceable QUALITY SERVICE citizenship emphasizing (he necessity of adequate instruction in r our schools as to governmental principles; vigorously combat- HARDWARE & FURNITURE EMORY COPPEDGE, Proprietor ling destructive influences in national life; and continuing our effort to secure a universal exercise of the franchise in all elec¬ tions. a We’ve Got It KIWANIAN To continue and enlarge (he program of enduring ser¬ F. 0. MILLER, Kiwanian vice for the under-privileged child. * * * To seek an adequate expression of (he ideals of Kiwanis as applied to business and professional standards and to pro¬ For whether large small, mote (he acceptance of (hose principles in business and pro¬ Your account, or fessional life. SPRAY MATERIALS dll I. ’■ respectfully solicited on the basis of * * * m. J sincere appreciation. To continue our effort to secure a better understanding SPRAY MACHINES f! between the farmer and the city man. CRATE MATERIALS PROMPT COURTEOUS * * * Call EFFICIENT To crystallize (he thought of Kiwanians on matters of on SERVICE national and international import through the presentation of SOUTHERN BROKERAGE COMPANY j; the facts on selected subjects by competent authorities through F. W. Withoft, Mgr. 1 Bank of Fort Valley the pages of the Kiwanis Magazine. , * * * Kiwanian To enlist the interest of all Kiwanis clubs in providing vocational guidance and placement fur young men and women through Kiwanis members offering advice in their respective classifications. Strictly H. Wholesa Y. FORT KELL VALLEY, le GA. CO. Phone 276 For B Luncheon E O N TI Tomorrow- M E C HALL Full Stocks Prompt Service KIWANIAN - C. L. FARMER, Mgr. Friday , Sept. 18th , 12 o’clock THE TIRE MAN | Kiwanian trell, Agriculturist, are using their influence to get farmers throughout the state to sow hairy vetch this fall on the land to be planted to corn next spring. Every bank in the state is asked to induce at least 200 farmer customers to sow vetch for this pur¬ pose. When land is sowed in vetch every fall, the fertility of the soil steadily improves until the yields become 40 bushels or more an acre. The average yield of corn in Georgia during the past 50 years has been around 12 bushels an acre. Vetch seed must be properly treat¬ ed to insure a heavy growth. Vetch seldom fails to thrive in an ordinary season when the seed is proparly treated. Nine out of ten failures with vetch is because the seed is not treat, ed in the right way before planting, Treatment is easy and simple. Ask your County Agent or the Georgia State College of Agriculture, Athens, Georgia, how to prepare the land and treat and plant vetch seed. Then you need make no mistake. Georgia specially needs two things: larger annual incomes for her farm ers and enough good farmers with capital to come into the state to cul- GEORGIA-ALABAMA BUSINESS COLLEGE At Macon, Ga., this institution has been in operation for thirty-five years. It has trained and placed in positions with first class business houses approximately twenty-five thousand boys and girls, men and women. Its students range from 18 to 45 years in age. Some are widows with the family burden suddenly fall ing upon them, some are heads of families, who found late in life that the untrained man has unequal chance in the struggle for success, The boys and girls are being prepared before life’s burdens fall upon them. The college has made a national repu- THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1926. DOES YOUR BACK ACHE? Bad Backs Bring Suffering to Man, Fort Valley Folks. Is that dull, constant backache making you old and miserable? Does your back throb am’, ache until it seems you just can’t keep going? Do you suffer headaches, dizzy spells urinary disorders; feel weak, tired and and worn-out? Then look to your kidneys. Delay may mean serious kidney sickness! Use Doan’s Pills--, a stimulant diuretic to the kidneys (0 V. <r P m 'W4 A- ■x\ lo, > Strong Nerves You can’t be healthy, happy or even good when you’re nervous and irritable. Every organ of the body is controlled by i the nerves. When they’re out of order you're liable to have a nervous or phy sicial break down. Dr. Miles’ Nervine soothes irritated nerves and gives nature a chance to restore them |to their normal func¬ tions. Sold at pre-war prices— $1.00 per bottle. tivate her idle lands. Sowing hairy vetch to make corn pay will help to supply both needs. Hairy vetch makes corn a profit¬ able crop. The farmer who uses it need not send his cotton or tobacco money outside the state to buy grain for his work stock but can use the money at home for other purposes. Georgia’s average yield of 12 bush els of corn an acre has and will keep skillful farmers with capital from lo eating on our idle lands. It indicates to the home seeking farmer poor soil and unfavorable climate or both. The yield may be increased in a ' single to 30 bushels acre by year an the use of hairy vetch and to 40 bush els or more by using a moderate quan tity of fertilezer on the vetched land, Such yields will attract attention of home seekers from all over the corn belt and be a strong inducement l'or , them to locate in Georgia. Old Insurance Companies The oldest existing life insurance companies are the Royal Exchange As¬ i surance corporation and the London Assurance corporation, both of which ! were chartered in 1730 and began is suing policies in 1721. tation through its methods and the I success of its graduates. It has often been able to boast that not a gradu ate was without employment. It trains private secretaries, bookkeepers, ste nographers, bank clerks, secretary treasurers, and Linotype and Inter type operators. Its course is nation ally accredited, which means that no thing better can be had in a school ^ of this kind. Three firms this ] t year placed an order for every diploma winner that the business department ' could graduate. Write for catalog. | EUGENE ANDERSON, Pres. 7-30 Doan’s are recommended by sands. A. P. Bateman, prop, butcher Drayton St., Montezuma, Ga., “I could hardly get up or down account of the sharp, stabbing in my back. I didn’t rest well night and there were times when could just about turn over in r a TO > a L*i mm « 1 18 -L // Trade Mark If you want to make an investment in Long Service, Comfort and Fine Appearance, Put U. S* Tires on your car T HERE’S a U. S. Tire to meet your requirements no matter what they are. It is made right for the job. It is priced right. It gives you your money’s worth — long service and continued good looks. There is a U. S. Tire Dealer right near you. Go to him and talk over this tire question. Let him help you select the one ideal tire equipment for your needs from the full U. S. line—U. S. Royal Balloon, U. S. Royal Balloon-Type, U. S. Royal Cord—Regular or Extra Heavy, U. S. Royal Cord Bus-Truck, USCO Cord and USCO Fabric. UNITED STATES TIRES ARE GOOD TIRES Buy U. S. Tires from Adams Tire & Battery Company my back was so sore and stiff. My kidneys acted too freely and the se eretions were unnatural in color. Doan’s Pills wtre us,^d with results in my family so I used them. 1 was finally cured.” 60c, at all dealers. Foster-Miiburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. \. Warning Might Save The road to success should be post¬ ed with this little thought for th* fellow who can't stand prosperity: “Danger! Sharp Curve Ahead!” The money saved by not enjoying life is wasted.