The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, September 24, 1925, Image 3

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POINTING THE WAY Many, of our customers, after long experience with us, will point with a positive hand to our shop as the place which, given the care of your clothes, will make you happy. It’s a great thing ^lt) KNOW that your Suit or Dress will be given prompt attention in cleaning and pressing and will be returned to you with GREAT * CARE. maintained painstaking SERN ICE. Our reputation is by The reliable— Phone 76 W. M. JOHNSON Phone 76 -r WHY HUY A NEW PAIR OF SHOES When we ean make your old ones as good and pretty as new? In many eases this is true. If your old shoes are in reasonably good condition for us to work on, we ean give you practically a new pair of shoes for the small cost of repairing. SEE OUR REMARKABLE NEW MACHINERY We have just installed extensive new nia chinerv which makes it possible for us to make the above statement. You are cordially invited to call and see this handsome new equipment. Give us a trial on that old pair of shoes and he convinced. DIXON’S SHOE SHOP RIGHT at the Old Water Tower £ £ £ s j £ j £ £ x<x £ $ -dr & A £ *■ v x 'A V. 5 Y /. a s : \f £ Vi: ' m. £ , ) \ i r ' I f £ v £ ^ > $ M £ M >< #5 .y" $ $ W £ Sfi v / £ \ 7/T £ £ £ £ New Fall Hats £ £ £ £ i £ The old summer “straw y» has had S its day! Drop in and inspect our ! line of the newest Fall Hats. See s £ the new greys , tans—same with m % greenish tints. Come early! £ Hang up the old “straw" until £ next summer. Put on a fell or a $ £ velour. £ $ 3 00 83 .50-84.00-83.oo - . £ £ %00-.87.o0-s3.0o s s John Vance tR ij Fort Valley • • Georgia THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, C.A., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2-1, li>25. “Do Fundamentalists Understand The Bible?" By W. C. CARTER l I must, in justice to myself and the millions of earnest, enthusiastic, patient searchers after the truth as it is unfolded in the Bible, return a negative answer to Dr. C. B. Wilmer. Fundameltalists do not understand the Bible. This is evident from the fact that the Bible is the Word of God and, as such, is the Book for the soul, the soul with its well-nigh illimitable capacity for the acquisi tion of spiritual knowledge and the apprehension of the Infinite One in Nature and Revelation. The prophet Isaiah, one of the most eloquent, and one of the most gifted alists of the prophetic era, and whose lips had been touched by a seraph with a live coal from off the altar, said, “For since the beginning of the world men have not heard nor per ceived by the ear, neither hath the eye seen, 0 God, beside Thee, what he hath prepared for him that wait eth for him. Saint Paul the peerless and the most eloquent Fundamental¬ ist preacher of the New Testament, says, For I determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ and Him crucified. . . And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power; that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.’ That which is purely conjectural, the offspring of a distorted mind and a corrupt heart, is devoid of script ural authority, constitutes no part of the Bible, and is considered'by all Fundamentalists as entirely apochry phal. Hear what St. Paul, the noted evangelist of the New Testament says: “But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man the things which God hatli prepared for them that love Him.” Therefore, I must say, Dr. Wilmer, Fundamental¬ ists do not understand the Bible; yet, Hall’s Catarrh Medicine is a Combined Treatment,both local and internal, and has been success¬ ful in the treatment of Catarrh for ovet forty years. Sold by all druggists. F. J. CHENEY &. CO., Toledo, Ohio like Paul the faithful, and one of the most valiant soldiers of the Cross, they are pressing forward toward the mark'for the prize of the high calling of God as it is in Christ Jesus.” Can you beat that? They are laying aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset them, and are running with patience the race that is set before them looking unto Jesus the author and the finisher of their faith.” Their invitation is, “Come thou with us, and we will do thee good: for the Lord hath spoken good concerning Israel.” Under the leadership and the tutelege of the great Head of the Church, Fundamentalists are study ing the Bible, are praying for “the wisdom which cometh from above," and for "the charity which hopeth ' all things, and endureth all things.” Possessing the Spirit of the Master, they “offer themselves a living sac rifice unto Him which is but their reasonable service.” Yet these same pure, faithful, consecrated, intelligent Christians “Count not themselves to have apprehended” the Truth in its unmeasurable fullness. Life is far too short for them in their pilgrim state to run the entire curriculum of Divine Inspiration, and sound the great Ocean of God’s super abound ing grace and infinite love. Funda mentalists have not finished the written Word. They are daily feed ing on its heavenly manna, and are rejoicing in the future epiphany of the risen Christ who will come again and receive them unto Himself. ed from a scriptural standpoint, it is clearly evident that, we are making commendable progress in this age of marked apostasy when so many are departing from the faith, and giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils, Niagara Falls Is Committing Suicide (BY LOUIS LUDLOW) Washington— Niagara Falls is rapidly “committing suicide.” That is understood to be the view¬ point of Herbert Hoover, Secretary of Commerce, who is an engineer and has devoted considerable study to the situation. With steadily in creasing rapidity, according to the opinion attributed to the Secretary of Commerce, the rushing water is wearing away the cut or v-shaped rock formation in about the center of the falls and as this is gradually deepened, the width of the falls is naturally diminished. This process, it is declared, has now reached a stage where it is constantly increasing and unless remedial action is soon taken, much of the scenic beauty of Ni agara may disappear within a period of some 30 years. Because of the belief that the Ni¬ agara waters are rapidly impairing the secenic beauty of the famous falls, it is learned in an administration quarter, this government, which is now waiting for a report on the boundary river waters before consid¬ ering a revision of the treaty govern¬ ing the diversion of water at Niagara Falls, probably will not move toward that end until assurances are obtain ed that something will be done to check the possible loss of the secenic attraction there. Some engineers estimate that up to 80,000 cubic second feet of water can be diverted from Niagara river with¬ out impairing the secenic beauty of the falls. Notwithstanding this claim, however, the advice of the govern ment authorities is that before any diversion in excess of the present 56,- 500 feet is sanctioned, remedial works should be built. Construction of these to save the falls, in the opinion of the govern ment experts, would be a simple en gineering undertaking and would re store the full beauty of this natural wonder which year by year is being adversely affected by the increase in the notch or cut that is being eaten away faster and faster by the pres¬ sure and action of the water. Considerable discussion of this sub ject, at any rate, is forecast when ever the negotiations between Cana da and the United States over the treaty governing the diversion of water at Niagara get well under way. By the faith that the wild-flowers show, when they bloom unbidden, ■ By the calm of a river’s flow, to a goal that is hidden, By the courage of birds’ light wings, on the long migration; (Wonderful spirit of trust, that abides in Nature’s breast) Teach me how to confide, and live my life, and rest. —Van Dyke. EIGHT NEW FACULTY MEMBERS I VALDOSTA WOMANS COLLEGE Valdosta, Ga., Sept. 22.—With the opening of the Georgia State Wo¬ mans College here eight new faculty members have reported, two of these j filling full professorships newly cre¬ ated. The faculty this year is thus substantially strengthened over that of last year or any previous year. The new members of the faculty are: Prof. Josiah Crudup, Jr., graduate of Mercer University and Peabody Col¬ lege for teachers, who is head of the Department of Physics; Prof. James W. Patton, a Phi Beta Pappa gradu¬ ate of Vanderbilt and the University of North Carolina, who is head of the Department of History and So¬ cial Science; Miss Louise Sawyer, head , °f , ,® _ ept ° „ ,, V ° Ca , ,, jX '’ resslon ' ’ Mlss Sa ’ le earl , ml .,, ep ° ; ‘ ’ Muslc: M ‘ss Elizabeth a er, ep . of Muslc; Mr. James as er, eac lei of 0rRan an<l 1 lano ’ ‘ ss nn “' Bradley, teacher sixt i mu M ’ von ' grades; and Miss Effie Devers, eac er first and second grades. Applications for enrollment at G. s - W - ( " t,us yt ’ ar have c * ° eeded 4 e capacity of the building. , This n i condi tion has made possible further se lection of the students, those accept ed being required to present good high school records. Dr. Powell, pres¬ ident of the college, points out that the selection of students in this way will undoubtedly result in a stronger personnel of the student body. Unvarnished Philosophy If you succeed in life, you must do it in spite of the efforts of others to U u you d 0W n. There is nothing in the idea that people are willing to help those who help themselves. Peo- ®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©®© ^ ^ ml ® a \i J % ® © ® ® i ® ® _ The Fort Valley ® ® ® ® (g) — Realty Co © # ® (g ANNOUNCES THE SALE OF THE — ® © (©) — W. C. Wright Home ® ® © © ® ® _ TO © L Wilson © ® Mr. Norman © ©' ® © (g) OF © © >§/ © ® MIAMI, FLORIDA ® (g) ©, © ® RESULTS LET HANDLE ® (q) FOR QUICK US ® ® YOUR REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS ® ® ® ® ® & 5 Vic •- pie are willing to help a man who can't help himself, but as soon as a I man is able , , „ to help . . ■ himself, . )f and , ,,__„ does they making his life . it, join in as uncomfortable possible.—E. ....... W. as Ilowe. Special Sunday Dinner s Supper Something delightfully different— Exquisite meals prepared and served under the personal direction of Mrs. L. B. Hamilton. Dinner — 12:30 to 1:30 Supper — 6:00 to 7:30 NEW HAMILTON HOTEL Mrs. L. B. Hamilton , Proprietress Safety Last Here lies the body of William Jay; he died maintaining 7 his right-of-way. He right, dead right, . , , , he __ spec was as along; but , he’s , just . , as dead , , aa „„ u If bed , been wrong.—Exchange, _ ,