The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, September 24, 1925, Image 6

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«-e.-^-. , * T X Lorn - . Advertisements , I .X t ♦ M-M-+++++++*+++ + ! : '*‘ I-+ . * ++++ . , , ]r ' " i.ssn sai.k Under and by virtue of the power of rale eon Untied In a d.-ed to secure debt made hy Georgi M I>m vi m to Citiwnn Bank of Fort Valley on the fith day f September, 1924. ssmi being recorded In the office of the Clerk I lh- Superior f'e.irl of Houston Coun ty In Hook 29, Folio 494, l Will be m.M In for* the d<*or of the Court lioUftt' of p. nch county, Georgia, to the Jilghcbt bidder for m b between the legal Lour- of *i»lc on the 80th day of September, 3925 .,11 vt the following described property, to w»t • I AH that tract or parcel of land, lying and fx-ing in the County of Peach (formerly Houston) and State of Georgia, and in the Sixth District therein containing Three Hun¬ dred f ifty-two and one-half (M2%) acres, j i more or less, and being made up of land lot No If.# containing 202acres, more or less; also all of land lot No. 170 except fifty (50) | acre* in the Southeast corner of said lot, •aid tract being hounded on the North hy lands nf the Harms I’lsre; Hast by lands of J I McDonald; Soutfi by lands of J. o. Avcrn and West hy land, of Duke. j -ale of sold property will be mode sob jeef to th" lien of lh' deed In aeeure debt thereon in favor of George M. Forman & Company (or Charles Forman), •■curing an indebtedness in the principal sum of Ten Thousand 4*10,000.0*) Dollar. , The indebtedness owing i„ il„. undersigned Is the sum of Three Thousand Three Hun dred Ninety-nine nnd 85-100 ($3399.35) Dol lar. principal wilb interest thereon from the J», liny of July. 11126. at the rate of eight per nnt per annum The said George M Davis has defaulted Id the payment of Ihf indebtedness secured by the aforesaid deed to secure debt, and the power of sale therein contained has be come operative. The proceeds of said sale shall he applied first to the payment of the indebtedness se cured by the said deed to secure debt and the cost of this sale; and the surplus, If any, shall lie paid over to I he said George M. Davis, as provided in the deed to secure debt. Deed will he made to the purchaser at •aid sale pursuant to the terms of the afore¬ said deed to secure debt. This September 2nd, 1925. Citizen* Bank of Fort Valley. C. L. SHEPARD. ©-8-4U Attorney. HAND HADE Under and by virtue nf the power of sale contain, d in a deed to secure debt from MHa¬ iti,- James Cllett to R S. Jones dated Sep t ember 10th, 1920. Will be sold before the door of (he Court House of l’each County, Georgia, on the 10th day of October, 1925. between the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder for cash “All that tract or parcel of land lying and being In the City of Fort Valley, Georgia, fronting on 11 1 ley Street running off from Griffin Line. Said lot being the North half of that Jot deeded by Julius Felder on May 19th, 1883 to himself a* Trustee for hi* two daughters, Ella Felder and Maggie Felder, being jt he North half of said lot of land when divided by a line running East and West through •aid lot. said lot being originally described HH follows: Seven-eights of an acre, more or less, in the town of Fort Valley, bounded on North by lot Bold to Simon Felder, South by A. M. E. Church lot, East by Second street and West by First street. Thi* conveyance include* said lot with all improvements locat ed thereon.” The indebtedness originally secured hy said deed to secure debt being in the principal aum of $800.00. On the loth day of Septem ber, 1920, for a consideration of $800.00 the said deed to secure debt and the indebtedness thereby secured, together with all title, rights, prlviliges and interest contained in the »ald deed to secure debt were transferred to W. E. Mathews ; ami the sai.l W. E. Mat thews is now thc owner ami holder of the deed to secure debt and the indebtedness thereby secured, the balance thereof being the principal sum of $710.00, besides an in¬ terest note for $64.00 that was due on the 10th da.v of September, 1922 and on which there is n balance of $44.60 due. besides in¬ terest on the principal sum of $800.00 at eight per cent Tier annum from September 10th. 1922 to June 1, 1923, and interest : •aid rate on $790.00 from June 1st, 1928 September 26th, 1923, and Interest at said rate on $780.00 from September 26th. 1928 to October 26th 1923, and interest at said rate on $770.00 from October 26th 1928 to No¬ vember 17th. 1928, and interest at said rate on $760.00 from November 17th 1928 to De¬ cember 12th, 1928, and interest at said rate on $750.00 from December 12th, 1928 to March 26th, 1924. and interest at said rate on $^40 00 from March 26th, 1924 to July 22nd. 1924, and interest at said rate on $780.00 from July 22nd. IP24 to October 18th, 1924, and interest at said rate on $720.00 from October 13th, 1924 to April 14, 1925, and interest at said rate on said $710.00 bal¬ ance on principal amount from April 14th, 1925. The proceeds of said sale shall be appli¬ ed first to the payment of the indebtedness se- EAO I-E 2/o.m YE10W PENCIL MADE BY r _ ‘ivith the RED BAND THE URNS'! I^TAGIEPENCIL .. PEHCU. FACTORY CO. NEWYORKUSA. UUHEwma / x dealers Atall v\. Black is durable—ask For VELVET Pencil a soft that for \ i s> 'Write for trial sample v AmericanLeadPencilCo. Is® 220 Fifth Avc.. New York 5 \ Maltrrs of the famous VENUS PENCILS \ 'l3£u& VELVET 73* 9 1 cured by the deed to s«ure debt, together with co »t of this nal,; and the surplus, If '*">'• “ball be paid over to the said Maggie .. ..... h ,. r ,„. irH or . 8 , iini .. freed will be made to the purchaser or purchasers at said sale by the undersigned ftM provided in the deed to secure debt. This September 2nd. 1926. W. K. Matthews, Transferree, By Norman E. English. 9-10-41. His Attorney at Law. IVarh C ourt of Ordinary—At I hsmbers Aug. 2Hth, 1925. f J 'phe appraisers upon application of Am | )r0( j u j { Brinson widow of said M. F. Brin h , m for u fv vejve month’s support for herself, j, avjn|f fj] r .«| their return; all persona con cern ed hereby are cited to show cause, if any they have, at the next regular October torrn of thi > court, why said application should not be granted. 9-10-41. M. C. MOSLEY, Ordinary. SHERIFFS SALK Georgia, Peach County. Will be sold, on the first Tuesday in Oc tobt*r, next, at. public outcry at the court hounc in said county, within the legal hour* of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the following property, to-wlf. That certain lot In Fort Valley, Peach county. Georgia, frontina 164 feet on the South side of Parsons street, and running back in a Southernly direction, of the uni form width of 104 feet, for a distance of 257 feet to the D. BurnH lot, hounded North hy Persons street. South by the said lot of D. Hums. West by lots of I* <). Miller and George II, Slappey, and Fust hy lot of R. II. Hartley; being the lot on which W. M. Itlewstcr has his residence, and also includ ing the vacant lot West of the residence. Said property levied on as the properly of W. M. Blewster. to satisfy an execution issued frnm the Superior Court of said coun W in favor of J. 8. Slappey against said W. M. Blewster; said property being in possession of said W. M. Blewster. This September K. 1926. »-10-4t. GKO. D. ANDERSON, Sheriff, Georgia. Peach County. Advertisement by Administrator for Sale of Land. By virtue of an order from the court of Ordinary of Peach County, will be sold, at public outcry, on the first Tuesday in Oc¬ tober, 1926, at the court house door in said county between the legal hours of sale, the tract of land in mid county containing Thirty-five acres o f land, more or less on which is a six room dwelling; said tract of land is bounded as follows; on the East, hy public road leading from Byron to PowersvUle and the Central of fin. Rail¬ way right of way; on the South by land of Mrs. II. M. Chisolm; on the west by public road lending from Byron to Knoxville nnd on the North by a street and land of Mtb. C. A. 'Taylor and town lot bounded on Enut hy C. of Ga. R. R. ; on North by property of II. J. Peavy: on South hy property of Mrs. C. A. Taylor and on West by the Vacon l and Fort Valley public road. 9-10-4 1 T. S. VISSCHER, Administrator of Miss A. J. Jackson, (Deceased.) TRUSTEE’S SALE IN BANKRUPTCY The undesigned, as Trustee in Bankruptcy for (J. F. Brown, Bankrupt, will offer for sale at public outcry, on October 6, 1925, at 1 o’clock. P. M.. or as soon thereafter an practicable, before the court house door in Fort Valley, Georgia, certain real estate of said Bankrupt, described as part of Lot 5 in the part of the 6th District of formerly Houstyn, now Peach, County, Georgia, and being lots 8. 4 and 5 in Block ”C” according BUrvl>y of l “ n<l,, ,>f M " M ' E ' Rlchar<l "" n «>n record in Clerk’s Office, Houston Su perior Court. on which is located a two 1 story 10 room dwelling, being the residence of G. F. Brown in the town of Byron, Geor¬ gia. Also two diamonds, the property of said G. F. Brown. Terms of sale, cash, subject confirmation hy the bankruptcy court and Renew Your Health by Purification Any physician 't ill tell you tha + “I ert'ect. Purification of the Sys tern is Nature's foundation of Perfect Health, > f Vv’hy not rid yourself of chronic ailments are undermining your vitality? Purify your entire system hy tak¬ ing a thorough course of Calotabs, —once or twice a week for several weeks—and see how Nature re¬ wards you with health. Calotabs arc the greatest of all system pufifiers. Get a family package, containing full direc fions, price 35 ets.; trial package, 10 cts. At any drug store. (Adv.) THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1925. to he sold freed from all liens thereon. Macon, Georgia, Kept. Ji, 1025. A, II. HEYWARD, Macon, Ga. 9-1 CM t. Trustee. SHERIFF SALE W ill he nold In-fore the door of the Court House of Peach county, Georgia, between the legal hours of sain on the first Tuesday in October, 192f>, to the highest bidder for cash: “All that certain tract, lot or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the State of Geor¬ gia, County of Peach and in the 6th District therein containing 100 acres, more or less, bounded on the North and East by lands of I)r. G. P. Cline; on the South by lands of (’. F. Jackson and on the West by lands of T. H. Brown. Levied upon and to be sold as the property of L. J. Howard to satisfy an execution is M1J< *d from the City Court of Houston County on the 29th day of December, 1922, in favor of Byron Warehouse Co. vs. E. L. & L. J. Howard. Written notice of levy given L. .1. Howard, defendant in fi. fa. This September 9th, 19.15. 9-10-41. GKO. D. ANDERSON, Sheri!!. PET/T/OLV FOR CHARTER Georgia, Peach County. To the Superior Court of said County: The petition of W. J. Braswell. F. R. Crandall. Emory Coppedge, J. M. Green, Cor n ,.n„, /fall, W. •>. I-ipfert and fl. C. Smisaon, ft jj Q f above State and County, respect f,,i)y forth the following facta: j Ht That they denire for themselves, aa sociates and successors, t be incorporated an<) ma ,|,, „ body polille under the name and }ty!e of THE FORT VAU.EY REALTY COMPANY, for the term of twenty (20) ycnni w jth the privilege of re-new Ing char _ provided by u . r at the end of that time, as thl , lHW „ „/ the State of Georgia. 2 nd. That the principal office nnd place nl business of this corporation shall be in th< . city of Fort Valley, in the State and County herchefore mentioned; but the pe titioncm desire the right to establish branch offices, within or without of said State, when and where ever a majority of the stock holders may bo decide. 3rd. The object of the corporation is pecuniary gain to itself and share holders and to carry on, operate and maintain a general real estate business. 4th. That the petitioners desire the right, in operating the aforesaid business, to buy, own, use. encumber, rent, lease. improve, s ib-divide and sell, for itself or for others, farm lands, orchard lands, city property or other real property, both improved nnd un improved, within or without the above men tioned .State and County; the right to net ns agent for any person or corporation who desire to either buy. Hell, rent or lease real estate as aforesaid; the right to buy and sell options on real palate; the further right to farm, operate or put to such other lawful use, either as owner, renter, lessee or agent, such real property as above mentioned an a majority of the stockholders may deem fit; and so the riirht to engage in what is com¬ monly called the real estate business with all its rights, powers, privileges and immuni ties. 5th. The petitioners also desire for the corporation the right to act as agent for any persons or corporations desiring to bur row money on real estate, wherever located. and to buy and Bell mortgages, security deeds and other forms of liens. secured by real NEW PRICES BN DAIRY PRODUCES! Now in Effect. • » Sweet Milk in pint bottles _____ 10c each ......... Sweet Milk in quart bottles ....... 15c each Buttermilk ....... 5c quart .......-.......... Butter at market price. 40c pint Cream......................— .......... ■ • ! Term,: Ca*h in advance or atrictly weekly. • • W. J. Braswell’s Sanitary Dairy :: Dairy Phone 3303 Fort Valley, Ga. Res. Phone 131 • ****** ■ +<W+^^*W**********************************'* I MISS FORT VALLEY *9 j AT NIAGARA FALLS! There, she will spend the day; she will see the C,a nadian and American Falls, the hirlpool, the Rapids, and leavin <v will have a ride on the Scenic Gorge Route, sail down the Niagara river. across j Lake Ontario to Toronto, Canada. 1 I *<> Miss Fort Valley'’ will visit. on her Wonderful Two Weeks Tour—New York. Washington. Phila delphia, Atlantic City, Baltimore. Cincinnati. Sa vanm di. and other points. She will have the trip of her lifetime with all expenses paid. YOU CAN TAKE THIS TOUR. GET VOTES BY DEALING WITH THESE FIRMS l Adams Tire Battery Fort Valley Motor Co. . & Filling Station Georgia Grocery and Copeland’s Pharmacy Singletary’s Cash and Tea Room Market Mrs. M. T. Wise Georgia Agricultural Franklin Theatre Works property and authorized under existing laws; UP, I to generally engage in the ao-called farm loan bu,lne»» witn all the power, concurrent j therewith I 6th. It i. al,o asked for the corporation that it be given the right to act a, agent for any life, fire, fidelity, or other similar i insurance company, duly accredited and law- j fully operating within the State of Georgia, 7th. The Capital Stock of said corpora- { tion shall be Five Thousand Dollars ($5, 000.09) divided into shares of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) each, with the privilege of increasing said Capital Stock to any amount up to and including One Hundred Thousand Dollarn by majority vote of the stock holders. Petitioners »how that ton per cent of the actual capital to be employed haa been paid in. fcth. The petitioners further ask the right to sue and he sued; to plead and be im¬ pleaded ; to have and use a common seal; to make any contracts not unlawful; to loan and also borrow money, executing note* or bonds as evidence of such indebtedness and, if necessary, to secure same hy mortgage, security deed or other lawful form of lien ; the right to buy, own rent use, lease or sell such personal property as is incident to conducting its business; the right to elect the necessary officers and pass such by¬ laws and regulations as its proper function ing demands. 9 th. Further the petitioners ask for the corporation the right to apply for and ac cept amendments, either in form or sub- J stance, to its charter by a majority vote of i its stock holders; the power and authority j to wind up its affairs, liquidate and cease operations whenever it may so determine hy j a two-thirds vote of its stock holders; and j all other such rights, powers, privileges, im- j munities and exemptions ns arc now, or may hereafter be granted corporations laws of of a Georgia, like or j j similar character under the Wherefore petitioners pray to be incor poratod and made a body politic under the name and style above set forth with all the rights, powers, privileges, herein set forth nnd be entitled to all the privileges, powers, rights, immunities and exemptions allowed & corporation of like nature hy law. F. R. CRANDALL. Attorney for Petitioners. Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Peach County. I, Emmett Houser. Clerk of the Superior Court of Peach County, do hereby certify that the fore-going is a true and correct copy of the application for charter, as the same appears of file in this office. This 29th day of August. 1925. EMMKTT HOUSER. 9-3-4t. Clerk Superior Court. PETITION FOR (HARTER STATE OF GEORGIA. COUNTY OF PEACH To the Honorable Superior Court of Said County. J. The petition of C. B. Anderson. Homer A vera and Andrew Aultman of said county shows to the Court the following facts; 1. Petitioners, together with their associates, desire to be incorporated under the name of I.AKKVIKW FARMS, INC., for the period ,,f twenty years with the right to renew said charter at the expiration of said time. 2. The object of said corporation Is pecuni¬ ary gain to its stockholders; and the business of said corporation generally is to own and operate farms and orchards and to do a general agricultural and horticultural busi- with full rights, powers and privi* * t« buy arid «U real relate; to act a» and agent on a commission basis in sale of lands, products or commodities any kind or character; and with full right make contracts, borrow money, lend money. sue end be sued, to plead and be im seal; . to have and use a common generally, to do any and all aeta that be necessary to the operation of its ;j. The principal office of said corporation be in the City of Fort Valley, Peach Georgia; but they denirc the establish brunch office* within this State elsewhere, as Its interests may require. 4. The capital stock of said corporation be. Ten Thousand ($10,000.00) Dollars into shares of One Hundred ($100.00) each, and petitioners desire to be business when ten per cent of the capi stock is paid in. 6. Petitioner desire that said corporation nave the right to elect all necessary FRESH Tender and Juicy WITH A FLAVOR SO GOOD AT POOLE’S ' WEINER STAND You find them all the time— BARBECUE W EINERS and HAMBURGERS REFRESHMENTS That REFRESH and brine cool ness and delight to the summer day or evening. Wheeler’s Pharma cy Ice Cream and Cold Drinks, served at our tables or at the party or dinner in your own home, bring the full joy of perfect flavor. Candies, Cigars, Stationery, Toilet Articles—the BEST. Telephone 393 W H EELER’S P II A R M A C Y The Store with a Welcome The Southeastern Fair And Grand Circuit Races * Atlanta, October 8 to 17, 1925. Featuring National Hog and Cattle Show, Southern Swine Growers and Southern Cattlemen’s Associations, bringing together an unusually large exhibit af pure bred five stock. Georgia State-Wide Spelling Bee among educational features, $250 in prise*. The Shenandoah—America’s largest dirigible—will be on exhibit over Southeastern Fair Grounds on opening day, October 8. The Southeastern Singing Convention will hold its 1925 session than 10,000 of the best community singers in the Southern States here. I Agriculture, Horticulture and Education in every phase, revealing the great resources I of the country, together with the Boys’ and Girls’ Club Work, will be a specialty at the $ 1925 Fair. The poultry, Dog and Society Horse Show will be among the added fee- 1 tures also. I Grand Circuit Racing five days, with $25,000 in prizes; three days of Auto Racing and | a high class amusement program on the Midway every night, will feature the Amuse ment during die Fair. Fireworks Six Nights V WRITE FOR FREE PREMIUM UST Reduced Rates On All Lines of Travel. ■Jr SOUTHEASTERN FAIR ASSOCIATION r i • v. l R. M. STRIPUN, Secretary directors and officers and to have and make all proper by-law,, rule, and regul.fon. that may be proper for the carrying on of i* business, or such as are usual and incidental to corporation, of its character in this State. Wherefore pet,tinners Me thi. their up plication in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court, and pray that after the . same has b,. <n advertised as required by la*, the Court by proper order will grant the same. C. L. SHEPARD, Attorney for Petitioner- The Best Vacation a trip by ship C OMBINES the many pleasures and benefits of an ocean voyage with the comforts of a f irst-c 1 as^ hotel. The restful and healtful way to travel Large modern ships affording every travel comfort and convenience. Broad promenade decks. Spacious and restful lounge and music rooms. Meals that appeal, invitingly served in attractive, well ventilated dining-, rooms. Stateroom choice ranges from the two-berth type (in¬ cluded in ticket) to those with twin beds and private bath at reasonably increased cost. ) REDUCED ROUND TRIP Summer Tourist Fares FORT TALLEY, GA., to ( NEW YORK $54X1— BO G ORRESPONDINGLY attractive fares from other points in the Southeast to New York, Boston and interior Eastern and New England territory. All fares include rail transportation to Savannah passenger and baggage transfer at that point, also meals and stateroom accommodation aboard ship while at sea. Round trip tickets to Boston give purchaser the op¬ tion of return via Long Island Sound steamers (trans¬ portation only), Boston to New York thence this com¬ pany’s direct service to Savannah. For sailings, descriptive literature or reservations apply to your local ticket agent or OCEANSTEAMSHIP COMPANY OF SAVANNAH 37 Rvl’ v Savannah, Georgia GEORGIA, PEACH COl NTY. Office* of Clerk of Superior Court of Peach County. I Emmett Houser, Clerk of the Super,nr Court of Peach County, hereby certify that the for, going is , a true and correct copy of £ .f I.AKKvHEW 8plwar , 0 f fil in this office. This 1st day of September. 1923. EMMETT HOUSER. (SEAL) Clerk Peach Superior Court, 9-3-4U