The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, October 15, 1925, Image 4

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®hr Ceaiirr * (UrUuttte AND PKACHLANI) JOURNAL ESTABLISHED IMS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY JOHN 11. JONES Editor and Owner "An . Man Think,th In III" Heart, So I" Hr." Off trial Onion Peach ( ntinly. City of lull Vallry and Wrotrrn IMrIaion of th« Southern lliotrlrl of Georgia federal Court. N. E. A. Feature Service Advertiser"’ Cut Service tntered seeond-clMS nt th»- post office nt Fort Valley. <*» ■ under tl.e net of March 3, 187®. SUBSCRIPTION PRICES (Payable In Advance) II.BO War _ $0.75 « Months . 10.40 I Months advertising rates 30c per Column Inch lc per Word Legal Advertisements Strictly Cash In Advance THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15 1925. REVERENCE THOMAS CARLYLE (Sartor Rcsartus) R EVEKKM E. the divine.t in man. "prlng" forth undying from it* mein envelopment of Fr»r. Woulde.t thou rulhrr be n pr"»»nt'" "on that knew, It never «o rudrly. thrrr w.« ■ God wrr. In Htavrn and in man: or a duke’* son that only knew thrrr wrrr two and thir ty quarters on thr family roach? Build or bunt! 71 days to Christmas. Shop early. We hope the K. K. K. left a little ©f the Southeastern Fair for the Georgia editors on press day,” Fri day. Coming metropolis of central Geor jj a _Fort Valley. You are invited to join the triumphant procession of this flourishing city. Monday was Columbus day. He dis¬ covered America. Yet many of us haven’t really discovered America to¬ day, any more than have the ancient piummies of Egypt. Getting Serious Editor Jones, of the Fort Valley Leader-Tribune, is an authority on ’’courting,” as the following from his paper indicates: “This summer courting is better in moonlight ‘down by the old mill Stream’ than in a crowded court house under the relentless rays of old Sol. •• At the same time courting “down by the olii mill stream" may eventual¬ ly lead to courting in a crowded 'Court house, as the divorce dockets phow. Columbus Enquirer-Sun. Importance of Knotting How To Pave Snndcrsville Progress: Editor Jones of the Fort Valley Leader states that paved roads make easier loads, All who have traveled them know thnt this is true, but there is a com¬ paratively small mileage in Georgia that is paved, as it is an expensive undertaking. It also requires skill and knowledge in mixing concrete and coarse grit, as there are sam¬ ples of work done by two contractors in Sandersville which shows the im¬ portance of knowing how. One lot of paving is almost ns firm as granite, while another is disintegrating daily. The skilled contractor would uso nothing but coarse grit, while the other used the most convenient sand that could be hauled. Let's Co “Build or bust! exclaims Editor Jones, of the Fort Valley Leader Tribune. Well, it is better not to bust, but if it takes that to build, let's move ahead. — Columbus Enquirer Sun. Fort Valley Leader %/ Advertising State Dawson News: Fort Valley is nl ,ready planning for the peach festival next spring, and, if possible, will eclipse all former presentations of this gorgeous spectacle. There are live wires at Fort Valley, and that town has done more than any other to advertise Georgia. Dr. Haslam Locates Here Dr. J. E. Haslam will open offices in the Citizens Bank of Fort Valley building within a few days. Dr. Has hun comes from Albany, and former¬ ly lived in Marshallville. He is well known and will receive a cordial wel¬ come to this city. With Mrs. Haslam and two children, he will make his home in the residence formerly OC eupied by Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Wil¬ liams, on Persons street. A CHILD’S THANKS By Rose Waldo Dear God, I love to think of Thee, And Thy great love so plain to see Around about us everywhere. I love to fill my thoughts with prayer, And sing my little song of praise, And tell my love in other ways. Till day begins, until it ends, I’m thankful for my home and friends; I’m thankful for the glad sunlight, And for our cheerful hearthstone bright, And for so many kinds of food; For life and love and endless good, For all the joys sent from above, But thankful most for Thy great love. Living and Praying By Whitney Montgomery I knelt to pray when day was done, And prayed, “O Lord, bless everyone; Lift from each saddened heart the pain And let the sick he well again. And then I woke another day And carelessly went on my way. The whole day long I did not try To wipe a tear from any eye; I did not try to share the load Of any brother on my road; I did not even go to see The sick man just next door to me. Yet once again when day was done I prayed, “O Lord, bless everyone. But as I prayed, into my ear There came a voice that whispered clear: << Pause, hypocrite, before you pray, Who have you tried to bless to-day? God’s sweetest blessings always go By hands that serve him here below. >* And then I hid my face, and cried, • • Forgive me, God, for I have lied; Let me but see another day And I will live the way I pray. >■ /1 yd ro-Elect ri c Judge II. A. Mathews, in bringing up the matter of hydro-electric con¬ nections for Fort Valley at the Ki wanis Club last week, sounded a call which should command the alert at¬ tention of every citizen. If, as it was suggested, there is an opportunity for Fort Valley to tie up with a hy¬ dro-electric line, to ignore that op¬ portunity would be unfortunate. With hydro-electric service from one of the two big systems which were men¬ tioned, on anything like the basis of cost that applies in many other Geor¬ gia cities, Fort Valley would be able to offer current for power on terms that would be an inducement to in¬ dustry and at the same time our peo¬ ple would lie able to get current at reasonable rates for cooking and oth¬ er domestic use and yet enable the city to enjoy the desirable profit which is legitimately necessary to the operation of other public service. Of course these things must he estab¬ lished by careful investigation and Fort Valley should be assured of such advantages as are outlined above before a radical change from the present system is made. But we must bear in mind that other cities do it and enjoy distinct advantages over Fort Valley in the matter of econo¬ my in electric service. New Library Books The Thomas Public Library has just received a loan of fifty books for children from the Georgia Library Commission. Mrs. J. E. Davidson has been visit¬ ing- in Columbus this week. No matter what you think you can’t do, you are right about it. The average man is usually so glad to get home from a social that he is glad that he went. Girls should never throw kiSses unless they really wish to miss the mark. The majority may rule if the mi¬ nority/ isn’t made up of women. Woman may be the weaker vessel, but man is often broke. Facts About Tuberculosis The National Tuberculosis associa¬ tion says that tuberculosis Is not her¬ editary, and it Is practically never handed on from parents to a child be¬ fore birth. Infection usually conies from tuberculous parents or relatives who, by careless habits. Infect the healthy child shortly after birth. Bacteria in Currency Coins are much more sanitary than paper money, a recent study made by a German bacteriologist discloses. On a bank note which had been In circula¬ tion some time and subjected to fre¬ quent handling, ns many as 143.000 bacteria were discovered- Metallic coins showed n much smaller bacteria count, hut children placing them In their mouths are in danger of infec¬ tion. the leader-tribune, fort valley, ga., Thursday, October 15 , 1925 . BAPTIST church notes The Board of Deacons of the First Baptist church have been officially named as delegates to represent the church at the two day annual ses¬ sion of the Rehoboth Association which convenes Tuesday morning at Houston Factory Baptist church at ten o’clock. Delegates from six different coun¬ ties, representatives from Bibb, Peach, Houston, Monroe, Crawford, and Macon will be in attendance. A number of the membership at large from Fort Valley are expected to attend. Among those who will have a part on the program are Dr. Rus¬ sell Owen of Macon, Dr. Chamblee, president of Bessie College, Louie D. Newton, editor the Christian Index, Atlanta, E. Bryan, Sunday School field rcary of the Association, D. A. ard, Fort Valley, Fred Smith of Montezuma and others. R. L. of Forsyth will preside. On Sunday, October 25th, a tracted meeting will begin at First Baptist church, with Dr. A. Moncrief of the First Church of catur preaching. Dr. Moncrief is a former pastor this church, his striking coupled with his unusual pulpit tory and convincing logic has felt here before and he will a warm welcome for the that are expected to bring spiritual uplift to the community. The Woman’s Missionary Society, of the Baptist church have issued at¬ tractive year books for 1925-26 car¬ rying the program topics for each general meeting, the seasons of pray¬ er, standing committee’s, official board, composed of the officers, Cir¬ cle Leaders, Counselors and Sunbeam Leaders, the Society enrollment and other features of interest. The regu¬ lar meetings are held every Monday afternoon. The newly elected officers of the W. M. S. are: President—Mrs. F. W. Withoft. Vice President—Mrs. W. A. Wood dull. Recording Secretary—Mrs. Joh| Lee. Asst. Rec. Secretary—Mrs. D. A. Williams. Corresponding Secretary—Mrs. J. I). Duke. Treasurer—Mrs. M. M. Wynne. Asst. Treasurer—Mrs. W. D. Tharpe These officers have dedicated themselves to enrry on the work gun by Mrs. O. II. Miller, Mrs. J. C. McDonald, Mrs. W. II. Norton, Mrs. B. II. Watson, Mrs J. M. Gray and Mrs. Betty Williams, for whom the Circles have been named. Blue Eyes Keener niue-eyed men are better shots than the brown-eyed ones, United States army statistics show. Of men qualifying for military marksmanship, 605 have blue eyes, while the remain¬ ing 895 have brown eyes. PETITION FOB CHARTER STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF REACH. To the Honorable Superior Court of said County : The petition of Glen more Green, C. H. Prator, J. M. Gre ™, Mrs. Bessie M Green and C. h. Shepard, all of Peach County, Georgia, . respectfully shows to the Court: 1st. That they desire for themsolv es, their weiates as and successors, to be incorporated "id made a body politic under the name and style of Fruit Belt Heal Estate Corporation, for the term of Twenty (20) years, with the privilege of renewing the charter the end of at that time, as provided by the laws of the State of Georgia. 2nd. Thnt the principal office ami place of business of the corporation shall be in the C.ty of Fort Valley, Georgia, with the right to establish branch offices, within out satd State, or with holders as a majority of the stock may from time to time decide. 3rd. gJn sam h \„ to Ol T itself t „ 0f and ' he its corp,,ralio share holders " is Pecuniary rying in car on operating and maintaining Zt a gen eSUte ’ l0an aml * nvt ‘ s tment busi- 4th. Petitioners desire the right, i operating the aforesaid n business, to buy, own, use, rent, lease, i improve, subdivide and for itself or for others, farm lands, lands, ity or c property or other real both improved and unimproved or without the State of Georgia; the to act as agent for any person or cor¬ who desires to either buy, sell, rent lease real estate as aforesaid; the right to and sell options on real estate; the right to use, either as owner, renter. or agent, such real property as above as a majority of the stockholders deem fit; and also the right to engage what is commonly called the real estate with all its rights, powers, privi and immunities. Sth Petitioner, also desire for the corporation right to act as agent for any persons or desiring to borrow money on real wherever located, and to buy and sell security deeds and other forms of secured by real property and authorised existing laws: and to generally en in the building and loan business with the powers incident thereto. 6th. Petitioners desire the right to act as agent any life, fire, fidelity, or other similar Safe Sound Progressive i r OJF ilCiTiZENs Bank f V- EE ■ rr i .lliliii mMn §►--—-- Fort Valley mill t Invites your account on the basis of safety and service. Through sixteen years , years of prosperity and adversity , this \ Bank has served this community •/ faithfully and continuously. m Your Account Solicited Upon Our Record wmnm OF IICitizens BankiiI^W!^® EEEEE IlitiiiiJ Fort Valley ! p*-—— - CAPITAL and surplus emu RESOURCES OVER $150,000.00 $1,000,000.00 4% Interest on Savings Safety Deposit 5 % Interest on W A> Quarterly Boxes for Rent Time Deposits # insurance company, duly accredited and law fully operating within the State of Georgia. 7th. The Capita] Stock of said corporation shall be Five Thousand ($5,000.00) Dollars divided into shares of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars each, with the privilege of increasing Capital Stock to any amount up to and One Hundred Thousand Dollars by majority vote of the stockholders. Petition¬ show that ten per cent of the actual to be employed has been paid in. 8th Petitioners desire the right to sue and be sued; to plead and be impleaded; to have and use a common seal; to contract and be con¬ tracted with; to lend money and also bor¬ row money, executing notes or bonds as evidence of such indebtedness and, if neces¬ sary, to secure same by mortgage, security deed or other lawful form of lien ; the right to buy, own, rent, use, lease or sell such personal property as is incident to conducting its business; the right to elect the necessary officers and pass such by-laws and regula¬ tions as its proper functioning demands. Sth Petitioners . . desire the right apply for to and accept amendments, either in form or substance, to the charter of said corporation by a majority vote of its stockholders: the power and authority to wind up its affairs, liquidate and cease operations whenever it may so determine by a majority vote of its stockholders; and all other such rights, pow¬ ers, privileges, immunities and exemptions as are now, or may hereafter be granted corporations of a like or similar character under the laws of Georgia. Wherefore petitioners pray to be incor¬ porated and made a body politic under the n»me and style of Fruit Belt Real Estate Corporation with all the rights, powers and privileges herein set forth and be entitled to all the rights, powers, privileges and im- J munities provided by law. C. L. SHEPARD, Atttorney for Petitioners. of Clerk PEACH of Superior COUNTY. Court of Peach % County. I, Dora Poole, Deputy Clerk of the 3a Court of Peach County, hereby certi that the foregoing is a true and correct of the application for charter of FRUIT REAL ESTATE CORPORATION as same appears of file in this office. This 14th day of October, 1925. 4 DORA POOLE Deputy Clerk Peach Superior Court.