The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, October 15, 1925, Image 5

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Barber Shop Happiness Cleanliness . Courtesy and Com - - fort while you are in a barber ■ '* ' shop and the joy of feeling good and the satisfaction of knowing a jX that your tvork was done RIGHT a J V 1 that easy, gentle , soothing sen¬ sation that follows for hours af¬ ter you leave the barbers chair - THAT is what gives popularity and attracts YOU to the \ V * City Barber Shop Hamlin & Lister, Proprietors ‘ We Close At 7 O'clock E very Night Except Saturday t Legal Advertisements LAND SALE State of Georgia, Peach County. Under and by virtue of a power of contained in a certain deed to secure debt executed by Wm. A. Bassett, to G. H. Butler, -on the 22nd day of December, 1921 to secure an indebtedness of Two Thousand ‘Dollars, evidenced by a certain promissory note of even date, for the sum of Two Thousand Dollars, and due Dec. 22, 1922, the said deed secure debt being recorded in Clerks’ Office, Houston Superior Court, in Book 29, 231 ; said deed providing that upon default being made in the payment of principal or Interest, as same became due, that the holder said deed to secure debt at his discretion, A s authorized to proceed to sell the ^described therein in the manner as j*. * Pains ■ ‘Very m Severe m tt I suffered from womanly * troubles which grew worse * m and worse as the months & went by,” says Mrs. L. H. q Cantrell, of R. F. D. 9, k <|g Gainesville, Georgia. a - ‘‘I frequently had very $ severe pains. These were m, m so bad that I was forced to * go to bed and stay there. It seemed to me my back » * would come in two. W m CARDUI m * For Female Troubles f (< I taught school for a —' * while, but my health was so » *| sometimes. bad 1 would have This to went stay out V ■ t on J* till I got so do. bad 1 didn’t know g) m what to » "One day I read about the Hk merits had of Cardui, friends and who as had I ^ — some • been helped by it, 1 thought t I would try it. I began to get Jk “ q| better after I I decided had taken to keep half IP * « a bottle. thorough J* ^ on and give it a trial and I did. I took in all ® jm about 12 bottles and now 1 Wa, ^2 =2 am suffer perfectly pain well. and 1 do can not do g, “ any housework.” k J all my L *fl| At AH Druggists’ EX-IIOUP in said deed to secure debt to satisfy the indebtedness due thereby. m The said above mentioned and described deed to secure debt, and the indebtedness thereby secured, have been regularly trans¬ ferred to the said G. H. Butler to the Citi¬ zens Bank of Fort Valley. Default having been made in the payment of the principal installments and interest due on said above described note, the un¬ dersigned will sell at public sale, before the court house door in the city of F&rt Valley, Peach County, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in November, the third day of November, 1925, between the regular legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property, to wit:- “All that tract or parcel of land situate, lying, and being in the Eighth District of Peach, formerly Hous¬ ton, County, Georgia, and being a portion of the south half of the east half of lot of land No. 3, in said district, and comprising 40 acres, more or less, and bounded as fol¬ lows, to wit:- north by lands of W. A. sett, south by the public road leading from is m S*- VS i» f mmw fU t?VVs\; v CNs n * 1« ml i i * i / % SB* i mm > m iE m IT' t >■{ 1 1 m ll M — Tl J i 111 I III 1:: i ILiW i !■ I L" m W^ASFALTSLATE —gmur.i rc t( The Shingle That Never Curls I T is easy to have a good roof on your home. A roof that will lay flat, that will withstand the weather, that will always keep its attractive appearance. If you want such a roof, insist upon getting the “shingle that never curls”—the shingle that meets all roofing requirements. Ask us for prices and samples of the Carey Asfaltslate Shingle. It is made in three attractive colors, Blue-black, Ked and Green. FORT VALLEY LUMBER COMPANY Fort Valley, Georgia THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA'„ THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1925. Fort Valley west to Flint River; east, by the lands known as the Dasher lands west, by the lands of W. A. Bassett. Said land hereby conveyed being all of the east half of land lot No. 3, except 60 acres, more or less, upon which John Hancock Mutual Life In¬ surance Company has a deed to secure debt from the said W. A. Bassett. Said lands being the W. A. Bassett Home Place, used by him as a residence lot and farm adjoin ing the same, about 2 miles in a westerly direction from the city of Fort Valley, Ga.” Said lands are sold for the purpose of paying the indebtedness now due on the said above described promissory note for the sum of $2,000, said note dated Dec. 22, 1921, and due Dec. 22, 1922, and bearing interest from date at the rate of 8% per annum; the indebtedness now due being $2,000, and interest to date of sale. The pro¬ ceeds of said sale shall be applied; first, In payment of said principal note and interest; second, for the payment of taxes, expenses, and other charges incurred; third, the bal- if any, will be paid to the »aid Wm. A. Bassett. Conveyance will be executed and the purchaser at said sale by the as authorized in the said deed debt. This 5th day of October. 1925. CITIZENS BANK OF FORT .VALLEY, & Brown Transferee of W. E. for Transferee. Peach County. ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: J. C. Wilson, having, in proper from ap¬ to me for Permanent Letters of Ad¬ on the estate of Mrs. Lena Sistrunk late of said County, this is cite all and singular the creditors and of kin of Mrs. Lena Wilson Sistrunk be and appear at my office within the allowed by law, and show cause, if they can, why permanent administration not he granted to J. C. Wilson on Lena Wilson Sistrunk estate. Witness my hand and official signature, 19 day of September, 1925. M, C. MOSLEY, Ordinary. Beach County. All Whom It May Concern: C. L. Shepard having, in proper form, to me for Permanent Letters of on the estate of Mrs. Laura Alden, late of said County, this is to all and singular the creditors and next kin of Mrs. Laura F. Alden to he and at my office within the time allowed law, and show cause, if any they can, permanent administration should not be to C. L. Shepard on Mrs. Laura F, estate. Witness my hand anct official signature, 5th day of October, 1925. M. C. MOSLEY, Ordinary. SHERIFF’S SALE Will be sold before the door of the Court of Peach County. Georgia, between legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday November, 1925, to the highest bidder for ‘All that certain tract or parcel of land, lying and being in the County State of Georgia, and in the Ninth Sixth land Districts therein, containing the aggregate Two Hundred Eighty-four (284) acres, more or less, and being described as follows: One Hundred (114) acres, more or less, out of lot No. 145 in the 9th District, being portion of said lot which lies North right-of-way of the Southwestern except a small tract in the of said lot owned by the estate H. H. Wright One Hundred (100) more or less, off of the West side of No. 250 in the Sixth District, being said lot No. 250 which lies West of also Fifty (50) acres, more or of the Southwest corner of land lot which lies West and South of also Twenty (20) acres, more or off of the East side of lot No. 230 in 6th District, same being in the form of parallelogram, with Mossy Creek the line, and the West line of Twenty acre removed sufficiently far from the East of said lot 230 to mark off Twenty the said West line of said Twenty acre now being marked by a wire fence. The tire tract of Two hundred Eighty-four acres, more of loss, lies in a body and hounded on the North by Mossy Creek; the East by Mossy Creek and lands of Culpepper estate; on the South by way of Southwestern Railroad and lands estate of B. H. Wright; on West by of the estate of B. H. Wright and lands S. H. Bassett.” Levied upon and to he sold as the erty of W. J. Braswell to satisfy an tion issued from the Superior Court of County on the 16th day of September, j n favor of Miss Mollie Kberhardt vs. W. Braswell, Written notice of levy given W. J. defendant in fi. fa. This October 10-8-4L GEO. D. ANDERSON (L. 9J. * 777 # > i •AIN j * ■N i* i 1QA i J j I We sell BEST WARR PAINT—a good l\iini AT '[ LESS you than have been pay ing for the SAME GRADE of Paint. See us before you buy. IT’S GUARANTEED! Fort Valley Lumber Co. | SHE RIFF’S SALE ! Georgia, Peach County. Will be sold before the court house door j in said county on the first the Tuesday legal hours in No- of vember, 1925, between sale, to wit: "All that certain tract parcel of land situate, lying, and being in the state of Georgia, County of Peach, and in the city of Fort Valley therein, and in ^ tfont portion of said city known as the Walden Tract of the H. C. Harris estate, fronting north on Walden street a distance of 100 feet, and running hack thence of uniform width of 100 feet. Said tract being bounded on east by 16L now, or formerly, owned by Hoi lie Davis, on south, by lands of Lucius Jordan, on west, by lands of Lucius Baisden. Said tracts being made up of lots Nos. 58 and 60, as shown in the W. H. Harris sur¬ vey of said Walden tract,” with improve¬ ments thereon, said land levied on as the property of Ellis Clark, to satisfy an execu tion issued on the 25th day of September, 1925, from the Superior Court of said county in favor of James O. Taylor against the said Ellis Clark. Written notice of levy given to Nathan Jones, ngent of the said El lis Clark, defendant in fi. fa. this Oct 1, 1925. This 1st day of October, 1925. 10-8-lt. GEO. D. ANDERSON, Sheriff. Georgia Peach County Will he sold before the door of the Court House of Peach County, Georgia, between the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in November, 1925, to tho highest bidder for cash: That certain tract of land in the By¬ ron District of Peach County, Georgia (For¬ merly the Upper 5 District of Houston Coun¬ ty, Georgia) known as tho Western half of land lot No, 78, Said land leived on as the property of O. C. Bazemore to satisfy an execution issued from the City Court of Macon, Bibb County, Georgia, in favor of The Holland Pecan Co. and against the said O. C. Bazemore. Said property being in possession of said O. C. Bazemore. Written notice of levy mailed to O. C. Bazemore Defendant in Fi. Fa. This October 5th, 1925. GEO. D. ANDERSON. 10-8-4t. Sheriff of Peach County. SALE OF LAND Georgia, Peach County. Pursuant to an order granted by his Honor M. C, Mosley, Ordinary of Peach County, on the 19th day of September, 1925, will be sold before the door of the Court House of Peach County, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in November, 1!>25, between the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder for cash, all of the following described property, to-wit: "All that certain tract, lot or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the State of Georgia, County of Peach and in the City of Fort Valley therein, fronting West on Scuffletovvn Road, bounded North by lands of E. M. Fagan ; East by lands of E. M. Fagan ; South by lands of E. M. Fagan ; and West by ■ Marshallville-Fort Valley Public Road.” Said property wtyl he sold for the pur¬ pose of payment of debts and distribution as property of the estate of Minnie Franklin, Deceased. This September 30th, 1925. NETTIE PICKETT, Administratrix, 10-8-41. Estate of Minnie Franklin. ORDER LEVYING TAX FOR COUN¬ TY AND EDUCATIONAL FUR DOSES FOR PEACH COUNTY GEORGIA, PEACH COUNTY. By M. C. Mosley, Ordinary of said County sitting for county purposes. It is hereby ordered that fifteen (15) mills or $1.50 on the $100.00 of taxable property of said county as per digest of 1925, be, and the same is hereby levied and that the same be collected by the Tax Collector for county purposes, to-wit: 1st. 2 mills or twenty cents on the $100.00 to pay the legal indebtedness due, or to become due during the year 1925 or past due. 2nd. 2 mills or twenty cents on the. $100.00 to build or repair court houses, or jails, or bridges or ferries, or other public inprove J moots according to contract. 3rd. 1 1-4 mills or twelve and 1-2 cents on the $100.00 to pay sheriffs, jailers or other of¬ ficer’s fees that they may be legally entitled to, out of the county. 4th. 1-10 of a mill or one cent on the $100.00 to pay coroners’ fees that may he due them by the county for holding inquests. 5 th 2 9-10 of a mill or twenty nine cents on the $100.00 to pay the expenses of the county, 1 for baliffs at court, non-resident, witnesses in ' criminal cases, fuels, servants’ hire, stationary and the like. 6 th 3-4 of a mill or seven and 1-2 cents on ' the $100.00 to jurors pe* diem pay u com j pensation. 7th. 3-10 of a mill or three cents on the $100.00 to pay expense incurred in supporting the j poor of the county, and as otherwise pre¬ scribed by law. 8th. 1 7-10 mills or seventeen cents on the $100.00 to pay any other lawful charge against the county. 9t •t mills or 40 cants on tho , ^ $100.00 ^ to pay kxpMMH* incurred in ma.nta.ning the publ.c roads of the county. The above levy for county purposes total ing 15 mills or $1.50 on the , $100.00 FOR YEAR lJ-.>. 1 1HE * * * THE PEACH COUNTY LEVY FOR EDU¬ CATIONAL PURPOSES j By M. C. Mosley, Ordinary of said county sitting for county purposes. Pursuant to a resolution adopted by the Board of Education of Peach County; be it ordered that a levy of 5 mills or fifty cents on each $100.00 to pay charges for educa¬ tional purposes. * * * A LOCAL TAX FOR BONDS AND MAIN¬ TENANCE FOR THE BYRON CONSOLI¬ DATED SCHOOL DISTRICT. By M. C. Mosley, Ordinary of said county sitting for county purposes. 1. Pursuant to resolution of the Board ol Trustees of the Byron Consolidated School District and approved by the Board of Edu¬ cation of Peach County; be it ordered that a levy of 4 1-2 mills or forty-five cents on the $100.00 be made upon all the property of the said Byron Consolidated School District for the year 1925 to pay interest on and provide a sinking fund for Twenty Thousand Dollar Bond Issue for said Byron Consolidated School District. 2. Pursuant to resolution of the Board of Trustees of the Byron Consolidated School District; be it ordered that a levy of 4 mills or forty cents on the $100.00 be made for the year 1925 to maintain the school for the said Byron Consolidated School District. * * * A LOCAL TAX FOR BONDS AND MAIN¬ TENANCE FOR THE PERRY CONSOLI¬ DATED SCHOOL DISTRICT. By. M. C. Mosley, Ordinary of said county sitting for county purposes. Pursuant to resolution of the Board of Trustees of the Perry Consolidated School he made on the property in Peach County District and apporved by the Board of Educa- M**********W***W********************************* NEW PRICES ON DAIRY PR0DUG1S! Now in Effect. Sweet Milk in pint bottle* ........ _____ 10c each Sweet Milk in quart bottle* ...... ....... 15c each Buttermilk .......-.......... ....... 5c quart Butter at market price. Cream......................— 40c pint Term*: Cash in advance or strictly weekly. W. J. Braswell’s Sanitary Dairy Dairy Phone 3303 Fort Valley, Ga. Res. Phone 131 POINTING THE WAY Many of our customers, after Ions experience wit,h us, will point with a positive hand to our shop as the place which, given the care of your clothes, will make you happy. It s a great thing to KNOW that your Suit or Dress will he given prompt attention in cleaning and pressing and will be returned to you with GREAT CARE. Our reputation is maintained by painstaking SERVICE. The reliable— Piione 76 W. M. JOHNSON Phone 76 ■ E7YO LE I V V pencil hie * A i ** nsjuunturzcANAiiAi Wo.ffl- #tkh com aid S* ^^AGLEPENCIL s ^j2& 0 voilh the CO. NcWYORK.USA._ RED BAND \ THE LARGEST iH.m MADE perch, WORLD BY factory /A /a / N dealers At all Black is durable For Pencil a — soft ask that for \ VELVET Write for trial sample m American Lead Pencil Co. 220 Fifth Ave., New York V Makers of the famous VENUS PENCILS ’e3lue.T3anu ''V % i 1 “T i L\ JL L fjU « tion of Houston County ,* be it ordered that a levy of 5 mills or fifty cents on the $100.00 embraced by the Perry Consolidated School Pistrict to take care of interest on and to provide a sinking fund for $85,000.00 Bond Issue for said Perry Consolidated School District and be it further ordered that a levy of 2 mills or twenty cents on the $100.00 be made on the territory in Peach County embraced in the Perry Consolidated School District for the year 1025 to help maintain the schools of said Perry Consolidated School District, * Given under mv hand and seal this, tho 7th day of October, 1925. M. C. MOSLEY, 10-8-4t. Ordinary, Peach County. SHERIFF’S SALE Georgia, Peach County. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in No¬ vember, next, at public outcry at the court house in said county, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the following property, to wit: That certain lot in Fort Valley, Peach Georgia, fronting 164 feet on the South side of Persons street and running back in a Southernly direction, of the uni¬ form width of 164 feet, for a distance of 257 feet to the D. Burns lot; bounded North fcy per8Qns 8trijet , South by the 9aill , ot of R ^ by ^ of F a Mn , er 8n(l G eor K e H. Slappey. and East by lot of R. H. Hartley; . being . the . , lot . which ... w W. « M. T Slew¬ >. on ster . has his ,. residence, .. and , also . including the vacant lot West of the residence. Said property levied on as the property of W. M. Blewster, to satisfy an execution issued from the Superior Court of said coun¬ ty in favor of J. S. Slappey against said W. M. Blewster; said property being in pos¬ session of said W. M. Blewster. This October 7, 1925. 10-8-4t. GEO. D. ANDERSON, Sheriff. Rub Rheumatic Pain From Aching Joints Rub Pain right out with ■mall trial bottle of old ‘‘St. Jacobs Oil. a Stop “dosing” Rheumatism. It’s pain only; not one case in fifty requires internal treatment. Rub soothing, penertating “St. Jacobs Oil” right on the "tender spot,” and by the time® you say Jack Robinson —out comes the rheumatic pain and distress. ■ St. Jacobs Oil” is a harmless rheu¬ matism liniment which never disap¬ It points and doesn’t burn the skin. takes pain, soreness and stiffness from aching joints, muscles and bones: stops sciatica, lumbago, backache ana neuralgia. small trial bottle Limber up! Get a of old-time, honest "St. Jacobs Oil" from any drug store, and in a mo¬ ment, you’ll be free from pains, ache* and#stiffness. Don’t suffer I Rub rheumatism away,