The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, October 15, 1925, Image 8

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£ £ s i E if; ii i/Jt Ah ii n . i k . - N A-A\ J v i READY TO GO IB "S ■*•*!**■»», Ready with Fall’s Newest Stock of Merchandise £ ffi ifi bfi I't for Men--Consisting of bfi ifi ' u I $2 <■ Hats, Oxfords, Shoes, Shirts, Variety Underwear, Choose Hosiery, from. Caps, Your Sweaters, Business Will Raincoats, Be Appreciated Belts, Garters, Here. | | Tailoring, Etc. A Wide to Sfi i 4i*2! Y>. SWEATERS UNDERWEAR SHOES TROUSERS 77h\s stock includes the 0»\ i £ /^JL, a /Mi~- famous Underwear. H r/^//f’.s Union Health Suits if. \ f t 'jjMg. s itsskfSs ■■ EALL HATS * M k n d T wo-Piece g a r- :■: i:r‘ / m £ a j V £ £ ' J &w\ £ rnents. r. i’l ■ W 1 / [ ■ £ £ l ■ * 50 t<> t3-M h'if: ■A :• mi £ 4 4 stock of high grade Sweaters ■ 4 ; > An excellent M / f .< tit • and made i £ v V ' Shoes of unusual style, finish £ ■ X for your inspection WE ALSO CARRY A FULL LINE calfskin, kangaroo and m A \ WORK CLOTHING—OVERALLS, of finest leathers, m £ 1 SB < mskiU OF kid. Suiting taste and pocketbook. v ', your *v .V - }.ll3 •s . > : *A y/ V *2 .00 to $ a .00 JUMPERS, KHAKI AND MOLE¬ S' i\jL .»-j £ SKIN PANTS, WORK SHIRTS, ETC. *3 .00 to s 8 .50 £ i j All Colors V A V' - ’ A\v\ £ i */ $8.oo JOHN VANCE Trousers for men and young men. Browns, Greys, Blues £ #3 .oo to and Fancy Stripes. Plain or Balloon Bottoms. £ Extra fine quality, individual ton. Many taste. new colors to suit your Fort Valley Georgia S3.oo-S4.oo-S5.oo-8f,.oo-S7.50 * s r-'rJr-’ KfilfiHiUiHaieiiHiHaiaJiHHMKHMHiHiHaiiHMHtiM Bffi MOM)A Y BRINGS BIG EXPOSITION Macon, Oct. 12.—Preparations for the Georgia State Exposition to he held in Macon next week, October 19 to 24 are rapidly being completed ami prospects for a well balanced fair is assured. On Saturday, October 24th, an au¬ tomobile race will be put on at the Fair with $1300 prize stakes in six different speed events ranging from one mile through three and five mile races, culminating in a big free-for all seven mile event. These races are open to nil entries and will bring to Macon many well known Southern racers. Other days of the Fair will have special attractions for the entertain¬ ment of visitors. Free acts, Band Concerts, and amusements are on the daily program. Zeidman and Polli’s Famous “Zip and Pep” Midway. Entries in all the fifteen active de¬ Fire—Tornado—Auto Insurance Insurance is your only financial protection, in case of property loss. A Policy placed in my Agency provides the protection you need, as I rep¬ resent a number of the strongest and most reliable Companies in the United States Right now is a good time to look over your insurance Papers, and see . if you are protected as you should he. Any business placed with me w ill be appreciated, and will receive prompt and careful attention, as I devote my entire time to the insurance business. John T. Slaton Woolf oik Phone 283 Fort Valiev, Ga. received by the General Manager E. Ross Jordan and a comprehensive Exposition of Georgia resources arc in prospect. Premium books for the Fair carry liberal cash prize offer¬ ings in all departments which in¬ cludes, Live Stock, Poultry, Agricul¬ tural Products, Boys’ and Girl’s Club Work, Vocational Schools, Dairy, Apairy, Horticulture, Floriculture, Arts and Crafts, Women’s Home Achievements. A Federal Government Dairy exhibit will be one of the edu¬ cational features. Machinery, both in¬ dustrial and agricultural exhibits will be shown in the manufacturers sec¬ tion. All of the exhibition buildings are being put in first class condition. Reduced railroad rates for the week from all parts in Georgia have been granted and a number of special cursions will be put on several days during the Fair. Had Diogenes visited this while on his famous hunt some get rich quick promoter would have his lantern. THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1925. Our Hired Man I’d like to meet the feller at the dairy who counts the bacteria. Some job! The boss says every dairy farmer oughter keep a diary—not about him¬ self, maybe, but about his herd. I remember the time I used to think a bale of hay on the head and a bucket of water in each hand was balanced rations. Says the boss, “Come cold weather, we’ll have heaps of time to give the milk cows a grand cleaning, • I Huh! 1 notice that once clean, a cow is lots easier to keep clean right along. When I asked the .boss what was he laffin’ at, he said, “Jim Henkin’s wife asked him for a new fur coat. Mebbe he’ll put his machinery in the shed this winter. He 11 save enoug i i the coat.” to pay for Funny how every October I get a hankerin’ to plough corn. Ever since I learnt to do things without bein’ told, I like my bosses better. _ The Christmas shopping slogas is just a trifle early but already some folks are doing it and they will miss the greatest worry of the season by not having to purchase everything they give on the day before the event. In detouring one bad turn de¬ serves another. —Telephone 47— Purest Drugs Best Drinks Prescriptions ANDERSON and Cigars Ice Cream and Carefully Filled CO. Cigarettes Toilet Articles DRUG Candies and Stationery Flowers —Telephone 48— IT’S HERE THE LONG SOUGHT, THE LONG NEEDED, PRACTICAL POSITIVE PROTECTION ! AGAINST GARTER RUNS A Run-Stop Located At The Rijiht Place, That Positively Arrests The Ravels. ROLLIN S FAMOUS RUN-STOP HOSE Rollings Hosiery gives that well dressed feeling. We have these fa mous Hose in all the newest shades, black, beige, piping rock, French nude, bran, champagne, flesh, rose taupe, sun-burn and grain. In all I silks and chiffon's and At Prices That Are Absolutely Right. We will appreciate a call from you i i when in need of anythng in the Hosierv line. A Complete Line of Kid’s Sweaters THE WILSON COMPANY MACON STREET FORT VALLEY, GA. Another nice thing about the cool¬ er weather is five toes in one shoe don't seem quite so many. Comfort is great stuff. We can’t see why hens expecting to set don’t lay flat eggs. Some of the fall styles are so sen¬ sible they don’t seem quite possible. 24 Self Flour lb. Sark Rising good $119 ( / Red lh. mood Label) Coff ee 39° No. Swift’s pound 10 pail Com¬ o f $1.41 5 Powders tagon packages Washing Oc¬ 20 ° Syrup 1 gallon ( of good 88 ‘ # No. Sliced ple , 2i/ 2 Pineap¬ Libby’s 30' Where There’s Salisfa •e a ROGERS chon is Store o Certainly, nearjiou i I r