The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, November 05, 1925, Image 2

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PROMINENT GEORGIANS ROOSTING THE STONE MOUNTAIN Atlantn, Ga., Nov. 2. Ernest Director of Publicity for the Mountain Memorial Harvest paign, Thursday gave out from Senator William J. Harris Congressman Charles G. strongly endorsing the Memorial movement and the federate Coinage. The two letters low; From Senator Harris. ■Washington, 1>. C. Oct. 25, The nation is watching t he of Georgia’s campaign in the tion of the Stone Mountain Half Dollar and it is a duty, and binding, on the citizens of gia to respond to the opportunity perpetuate, in one of the greatest monuments of all time, memory of the valor of the of the South. Personally, I hope in some distinctive and way there may be developed a mark ed feature commemorat ing the did part tie worn-n o m <>n < ( cracy ing the p manhooi aye< m luo.ung o to grea ani siiH^iin bom to die so young. « m.ign 1,111 part the on <■( oKii.v p «><■ in wri mg some less history was made possible only through the endurance and patriotic loyalty of the women of the South in those stirring days. . It occurs to me now that , an arous - ed sentiment among the . wives and , eo sentiment * daughters of the Confederacy, who . are the , mothers ,, and i grand , „ and f , great grand * , mothers ,. of ... the man hood , of , the section .. where , the c Span- „ 0 „ ish-American ... and , the ,, great , war world ,, found ,, of . .. its noblest ... war some heroes, cementing the ,. nation .. ,s one of the great hopes for making a splendid success of this undertaking of disposing of Georgia’s quota of these coins. If the great womanhood of Georgia will seize this opportunity and put forth the same effort they usually do in great civic and public matters, every nook and corner of the state will respond to their call and the quota will soon be taken and many more will be hold. Of course, I cannot commend it too highly, the work itself patriotic, put¬ ting into the heart of Georgia a monument of surpassing magnitude, commemorating our great heroes and their work for the"South. The mes¬ sage I would send broadcast, if I could, would be to urge every man, woman and child of the state to take the deep personal interest in the SCIENTIFIC EXAMINATION of Eyes for GLASSES TXJ S 1 MACON OPTICAL CO. Frank H. Johnson 468 Cherry SI. Macon. 1 Soon Felt Improvement “The first time I took Cardui I was in an awful bad way,” says Mrs. OraCarlile, R. F. D. 5, Troup, Texas. “I went fishing one day. A heavy storm came up and I got soaking wet in the rain. I was afflicted vAth awful smothering spells. i< My mother had some CARDUI For Female Troubles In the house that she was taking, so she immediately In few began days giving l it all to right. me. a “Last fall got 1 run-down 1 got weak in health. was and F uny and I began to suffer. would get so 1 could hardly walk. Having taken Cardui before, 1 sent to the store for a bottle of it. Almost from the first dose 1 could feel an improvement. “Cardui has helped me a lot and l am glad to recom¬ mend it. 1 don’t feel like the same woman 1 was last fall. My I’m appetite It’s is Cardui good now, ana sure that’s made it pick up. ’ * All Druggists’ FX-n; movement which it merits. From Congressman Edwards. Savannah, Ga., Oct. 2-1, 1925. lion. Ernest Camp, Publicity Director Harvest Campaign, Memorial Coinage, Monroe, Ga, Dear Mr. Camp: The Stone Mountain Memorial should be completed. It is one of the noblest movements undertaken in the South since the War and it will be one of the world’s greatest accom¬ plishments in the way of a lasting memorial. The Confederate Memorial Coin that has been gotten out is another great accomplishment, which in my judgment, is doing much to help fin¬ ally obliterate all the unkind feeling existing towards the South. As great as are the memorials have referred to, and as complete as they may seem, they but feebly ex press the greatness of the men and ~ whose valor they comment . p very Southern heart should re j.^.^ t]lat this movement is on foot n( j |,e thankful too that God has giv f en us ^^ on( . Mountain upon which or „u time>, proclaim our love and appreciation of the heroes of the Six ties. Ail Georgians are proud of old Stone Mountain and as time passes ,bv. loyal Georgians will love that • I spot and , it .. silently * more more as i . eloquent to speaks * its message gen orations yet unborn, .All agreed . that , ,, the movement are is worthy and all should unite in mak ing it an accomplished fact. Wishing .... the , association ... every suc . this . splendid , .. . undertaking, , , , . and . cess in , ^ ^ al regurds> r um , Yours yery trulyj CHAS G EDWARDS, WRtGLEYS AFTER u EVERY m i: MEAL nu affords benefit as well as pleasure. Healthful exercise for the teeth and a spur to digestion. A long lasting refreshment, soothing to nerves and stomach. The Great American Sweetmeat, untouched j by hands, full flavor. of J I l?l M. IPg&Sl Jtr Fcsasmi.-d/ Tr*nipOritll*m aM. I Quality t I determines take the pride you in your car Quality in its design and finish makes you proud of its fine appearance. Quality in its chassis construction gives you a bril¬ liant performance of which you may well be proud. Because of the lasting pride to be found in Its appear¬ ance—and a performance worthy of much costlier cars—more than two million people have become 1 Chevrolet owners. Come in and let us show you u tome of by the millions. quality features that make Chevrolet preferred Let us explain how inexpensive It is for you to become the owner of a fine new Chevrolet. Touring • $525 Sedan- - $775 Roadster • 525 Commercial 425 Chassis - * Coupe - 675 Truck Express Chassis 550 MICHIGAN ' ! ALL PRICES F. O. B. FLINT, ADAMS MOTOR COMPANY AY" Fort yalley, Georgia The Coach $ 695 ?.*.b. Flint, Mfch r laL j, irr mmm. i 1 ft,! §5 ( \ THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA„ THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5. 1925. Fried Chicken I never knew a man who habitually ate fried chicken who was not a good citizen and an upholder of laws, both human and divine,” says a writer in the Memphis Commercial-Appeal. “I never knew such a man to beat his wife, disown his children, or do ariything downright mean and dishon est. I never knew a woman who could fry chicken successfully that was not a good wife, willing to sit up with a sick neighbor, stand by her religion or ask for alimony. I never knew a family who had fried chicken on the table two or three times a week that was not contented and harmonious— the girls growing into beautiful wo manhood and the boys into useful manhood. “People who eat enough fried chick ' on will never perish from the earth. They put within themselves that which saves them from the finger of j decay. generally As long accepted as fried Southern chicken dish was we a ; produced statesmen of a high order, j I and other men who wrote their names high on the scro ll of fame, In the halcyon days we had liquor without j bootleggers, something,to eat without price lists, and something to think about except how to avoid being kill ed in the streets or robbed on the highways. We then lived in houses, believed in God, didn't bother about evolution, and had time to ask people J J t A A Vr, \ % \ J ? i \, Quick Relief All the suffering in the world won’t cure disease, Pain makes most diseases worse ( and sometimes brings on still further die orders. Stop the pain and give nature a chance to work a cure. DR. MILES* Anti=Pain Pills One or two will bring relief. Your druggist sells them at pre-war prices—25 doses 25 cents. Economy pack¬ age, 125 doses $1.00. r how they were, and talk about the crops and the weather. j “The women in those days rode in side-saddles, wore clothes, had chil dren, left politics to the men, and were queens without crowns in their realm. There may have been other causes for the glory which was ours, but to fried chicken must be attribut ed the chief reason for our supremacy, Andrew Jackson was a lover of fried chicken; so were James K. Polk and Andrew Johnson. These are Tennes se e’s immortal trio of Presidents, whose memories thrill the hearts of the children of the Volunteer State, “The great men of Mississippi and Arkansas, those of other Southern '■ States, and the sons of Dixie who rode with Lee, all derived their courage and inspiration from the women of the South and fried chicken. This WEBB’S FOR GIFTS THAT LAST i Watches, Diamonds tsC «C ')“> S Jewelry I fey. Sterli n r ir Silver Flat and Hollow Ware. J. G. WEBB Macon Street, Fort Valley, Ga. GEORGI A-A LA BA M A BUSINESS COLLEGE Macon, Ga. New three months course — Comparing most favorably with other business schools* best single course, and satisfying many. Six months course; nine, twelve, eighteen months course, leading to¬ ward certified public accounting, high-grade secre¬ tarial positions, etc. Some of the best commercial positions in the South. Wc have special advantages for those who have been disappointed thrbugh superficial business courses. Write for in¬ formation. j . ..a' » v . A'lJP'TZBP ■jfcfc - aM:. ■ aju * -aba. M..' /.fa.. Jm.-Jm k 1 ♦ J t: A « We Come to You A ORCHARD I pRANDf a ^T^tsECTiciDes: >-TV with NEWS that you will welcome and A K » % appreciate. You Georgia Fruit Growers r. i have been buying our - Orchard Brand \; -. W ► * A Insecticides and Fungicides 'A i hil steadily, over a period of 20 years, Y ou have come I A 1 to depend upon their effectiveness and uniformity. In recent years our products have been distributed through¬ K I out because the state have by J. reached W. Woolfolk the point & Co. of of wanting Fort Valley. establish Now, H we to a h still closer contact with you, we have entirely cancelled that arrangement and will A Supply Your Spray and 4 1 Dust Materials Direct A JP”V [orchard] We are arranging ORCHARD to have a BRAND responsible Products. dealer, right near i I you, stock our You will !i thus enjoy better service than was heretofore possible. Our tBRAND Sr Mr. H. T. Moore has established General Chemical will Company's (Insecticides) Georgia Headquarters at Atlanta and now cooperate it j {J directly with your dealer in rendering every service possible. I M r h of We the have Mackenzie arranged Chemical to utilize Co. the at entire Montezuma capacity in of the the produc¬ plant ft < V tion advantageous of Orchard prices Brand are assured Products. bv our Prompt decision deliveries to manufac¬ and !(£ Atomic Sulphur ture right in Georgia. l n Sulphur M . ■ Dritomic General Chemical Company y B. T. S. ft Sulphur Dusts 501 No. Jackson Street, Atlanta Arsenate of Lead General Offices: 40 Rector Street, New York, N. Y. s : 4* Orchard Brand Products are Stocked and Sold in Georgia by Bordeaux Mixture Trulock Supply Co., Climax Atlanta Chemical Co., Atlanta H. H. Birdsong, Thomaston Calcium Arsenate Albany Warehouse Co., Albany Marshallvilte Mfg. Co., Mar: hallvi,;e l>. Hereford-Morgan Hdw. Co., Waycross Planters Seed & Drug Co., Americas Sulphur Solution Me Kenzie Chemical Co., Montezuma Planters Warehouse Co., Heynolcs Lime Monticello Hdw. Co., Monticello Childs, Taylor Gray Hardware P. M. & Sullivan, Fur. Co.. Tiftin N F. W. Holt, Eatonton D. V. Zebulon Oil Emulsion Hall Hardware Co., Moultrie H. J. Peavy & Son, Byron Southern Supply Co., Newnan Mi 1 ^ enabled them to withstand for four long years of combat with the North ern horbes that literally swarmed over the South. “We must do something to restore this old-time renown. I know nothing so certain as to bring back the good old days of fried chicken. Factories PEACH SEED FOR SALE Two or three tons 1925 crop seed¬ ling peach seed. Now is time to plant. To close out at 4c per lb. f. o. b. shipping point. ORDER NOW. STUART M. STOUT Manchester, Georgia and smokestacks are all right; so are good roads and viaducts; so are au tomobiles, picture shows and all the rest; but none, or all of these com bined, can equal the virtue of a pro perly disjointed chicken, fried to a turn. ► THE SOUTHERN SERVES THE SOUTH A Who will provide the new capital? The ability of any business to obtain new cap¬ ital depends upon its credit. Do its stocks and bonds offer safe investment? Is the property conservatively capitalized? < Has it maintained a steady earning power? Is its business likely to expand? Has the management a proper appreciation of its threefold responsibility: [1] to give good service to customers [2] to dea! fairly with employees [3j to safeguard the capital investment of the 4 owners? The management of the Southern cordially in¬ vites an examination of the System’s record measured by these standards. It invites this knowledge of its strong financial standing, particularly among the people of the South—its customers and its employees—be¬ cause their cooperation has done much to make the Southern what it is today, a transportation organization in which the whole South has a right to take pride. Greater participation in Southern Railway fin¬ ancing in the future by its own customers and employees will make the Southern still more an institution of the South. . ♦ I w) SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM Hall's Catarrh Medicine is a Combined Treatment,both local and internal, and has been success ful in the treatment of Catarrh for ove* forty years. Sold by all druggists. F. J. CHENEY &. CO., Toledo, Ohio