The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, November 05, 1925, Image 8

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OLD TIMER WRITES OF HIS RECENT VISIT TO FT. VALLEY Uncle Hcz Hankins Writes Very I merest inn Letter to the Paper—Good Funner Likes the Progressive Gity and Its Live Men Imnts. and Praises It as a Produce and General Market (.enter. Peer Eddytur: By gosh I didn’t know Fort Valley wuz' such a Lizzy little town, hut I can tell you she's all right and a plum Me and Lize and the kids had been aworking hard all summer am 1 fall and got together sev’ral bales of cot¬ ton an’ a bunch of country produce an other stuff what we had to sell. So Liza sez to me one nitc we mite as well sell the things rite now and get ’em of’en our minds. We had been a readin’ along bout the markets an from what we could get bv word of mouth and thru the local paper we decided that Fort Val kv wuz about the best market in reach and Liza decided she alus does the decidcn for the family case she’s deecidedly the better half, as how I’d better hitch up ole Beck an Judge to wc'un horseless kerridge an drive a few loads or ruther pull a few lodes —oh no, I, mean drive the mules an Jet them pull a few lodes ov produce an cotton to Fort Valley an sell at once. Wall, we had to pass threw an other town or 2 an all them thare store merchants run Out an tried to glop Beck an Judge sose we'd traid in them thare towns, but we jist ast the price of cotton an produce an come on. An so we driv on again till we driv up to Fort Valley. I got $275 and some odd sense for my produce and cotton an ns 1 knew Liza’d Want ter know where all the money went to—I make all my fi nancial reports to my ole woman—I thought I'd better put them green backs into the Citizens hank and draw checks as I traded with the merchants. Liza sed she seed in the bank add as to how a check was good as a receipt and the Citizens bank was strong enough to hold my three hundred and •everal more hundred besides. I went around and turned it over to Mr. Shirley one of them clever cashiers in there and he shoved it inter a big sack they hed to keep change in dur ing the day. I wuz feelin' purty good over 1he prices I got for my cotton an’ prod uce an’ as I nachly felt like buyin’ somethin in Fort Valley I wont round to the A. & P. store. Bein as how Liza alters wants biscuits fer brekfast an a leetle short sweetnin for her cof¬ fee, I bot a sack ov there famis A. & P. which they sell. I took sum ov them good canned goods an sum Sun nyfield Skinless bacon and sum New York State cheese and sum of that honest to goodness ole time Red Cir¬ cle coffee, very best ground. This and a dollars wurth uv sugar nn a mity big one it was, got me kinder started and when I wound up I had to give Mr. Durden a check for $20 to squar off. Sim spied sum iso cream conns in at Copeland’s Drug Store an jest hed to stop nn git one. They're a big sody water contraption in front thar whor a feller kin git nil kinds uv sett drinks and sides that the Copeland’s Drug Store carrys jis a lot uv good sniellin’ artikles for the wimmin folks toilet to say nothin uv comes an breshes and face whitenin an can dies an stationery an fountain pens and inck an pineels. Everybody in thar is polite as a baskit of chips an they alius sells everthing a little less, Thers a plenty of fisics in thet store to fill eny kind uv doctors perskrip tion an them boys knows how, cans theys reglar registered pharmacists, Them there ortymobiles shore do luk swell and run orful fast. Sim an me was past by scads uv em on our way to town but we conght up agin with one uv of em a short ways outa town stuck in a hole. We pulled the feller but an then he couldn't git the blamed thing started. So we jest drug him to Williams & Evans Garage. Bless Pete, them boys jest tickled its rig* a little an titened up sum curly cues here an there an then twisted its tail with a hard yank an blim the contrary thing humped up an begun to rattel natchel like an the fellers -eves jest luffed when they tole im what the charges wuz. Williams & Evans gives quick wrecker service, too, an handles auto accessories an car parts. Feller tried to git funny as 1 past him whislin “Why Don't Ye Git Yore , Hair r . Cut. _ . „ v ^ ou ___ i , , v,.,, ' tne down to make me take er hint so I marched around to the City Barber ‘ Shop and , me an __wb Sun both got ov,t fl a linir hair cut. Them boys in thar sure do no barberin from the word go an they ' done sich a nice on my head I jest says to myself I’ll git my whisk ers tuk off an see if the ole woman knows me when I get hack home. Shucks alive 1 didn’t hardly know my ,,wn M ' lf wtlt ' n 1 luk<,<1 ln lh,> K ,ass ' Gee but they wuz a lotta gals in thar getlin there hair bobbed an the ole lady wuz powerful jealous when I told er about seein all them thare K«od lookin gals. As I’tl jist had my whiskers took off I natchelly wanted to have my “shadow snatched,” so me an Kim had » dozen of them thar cabinet size pho togrufts made at the Rembrandt Studio, for to send round to kin folks. Cost me only a few “bones” and the gal* «t home has decided them to swell go down lug j thar an have sum uv fotos made to send to ther jewlarkies an when we have our family reun.on next month we gonna go down and hev Mrs. Tomanck take our picture an frame em up in sum of them pur ty style 12 to 20 frames she . , s go . . Pound she also develops codack fil jlunins in good shape, and her charges air very moderate, too. ! Me 1 an Sim kinder begun to feel a ■lectio empty in the craw bout twelve 'o’clock on SO we went round to Poole’s Lunch Room for ter git us a snak. They shore feed you good thar; but | then they orter for I they keep stuck sum uv the finest meats ever my j grinders into anywhere, an Mr. Poole, the boss thar, knows jist how to have em cooked an served to a hungry man. Them beef stakes and pork chops of their’n simply melts in your mouth. I jest couldn’t help but wish i Liza wuz er-long ter help mo an the kid put erway all them good things that wuz down thar fer our dinner. | An you kno all that thare good home cooked dinner never cost me hut very little, neither. i uv ‘ l sudden I felt role shamed myself . . new uv puttin on airs in a sute and hadn’t hot Liza nothin to ware, so 1 went back round to Gold man’s Dry Goods Store where I know ed a swell line uv ladies ready to wear , wuz kept all the time and picked out R p Ur ty navy blue dress for Liza. Then j bethought myself uv a sweater what Sjs our gali n( , 0( ie<! one orful bad an wwnt n0 trouble to fim i a swell look ^ what p!ease( i tbe gal. Goldman’s Store carrys a compleat line of ladys sweaters an stock ins an gloves an belts and ladys furnishins, as well as ready to ware in fact, everything fo) , th( , ga]s to ware nt bnv pr i C es. When a feller loses tho list his wife give ^ him, tho best thing he can do is to look us a Variety or be an’ 10c store so I went round to R .& P. Va¬ riety Store qvhore I knowed I could ice all kinds of trinkets an’ danglers o re ! me of the ole lady’s needs. Thoys everything in thar store from ,. itcben tools sich as pans and aig beeters r.n I dishes and spoons and bilers to toys for the tots and ties , n ,j sox for the big Johnnys. If you W nnt some little something rail bad an d don’t know jist 'xactly what you want jist go round to R. & P. Variety store and most generally you’ll find t thar. And again, Patterson allers ;: ells for less. The parson in our church sent er long a sute by me that he wanted Johnson’s Haberdashery ter clean up an press for him. Durn my skin if I didn’t think they’s made a mistake and gimme the rong sute, it all look ed so clone an dandified when they got thru with it. Mr. Johnson takes price in turnin out ther very best and they’ve got a up-to-date cleanin and pressin' plant what turns out work in a hurry. It’s no wonder Mr. John son gets lots uv work to do becaus he plezes his customers. All work’s RED PEPPER HEAT The heat of red peppers takes the "ouch” from a sore, lame back. It can not hurt you, and it certainly ends the torture at once. When you are suffering so you can hardly get around, just try Red Pepper Rub, and you will have the quickest re¬ lief known. Nothing has such concen trated. penetrating heat as red peppers, Just,as Rub soon as feel you apply Red Fep Per you will the tingling heat. j n t bree minutes it warms the sore spot through and through. Pain arid sore ness are gone. Ask druggist for a jar of Rowles Red 1)eppcr Rub Be sure tQ get the genuine, with the name Rowles on each package. THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1925. guaranteed. They’s no chance to scortch or burn yore clothes with a steam pressor, an it kills the girms. He also makes soots xactly to fit a feller an them soots is ring tail root¬ ers for style. Liza I iy ‘a nttd had been nten dead acau sot sot on on a orter- rtcr mobile fer sum time an she’d heerd a lots about them Ford cars, what fine cars fer country roads an and in compliance with her orders I . Went round to The Fort Valley Motor Co., ther etherized dealers fer Ford cars, an me • an Sim looked ’em over, Theys tooring cars an seedans an coo pays an gad-abouts, swell lookers and run like sure nuff ortermobiles an the prices pears like air orful low fer sich good cars. Then boys wuz rnitey nice bout showin’ us aroun an me an them finally got rit together on a tooring outfit, which I bought previdin Liza likes it when she sees it. I know We 11 git reel service too if we buy frum Fort Valley Motor Co. skeered? I reckin I wuz. The ole barn caU ght on fire a little wile back an we come m i te night gittin burnt out> lock st0 ck and barrel an me in dett and thout eny fire insurance, Aaint neve r goin’ to be caught thet way agin t ho cause I went ’round pn had Kendrick Ins. Agency—they in¬ sures f * UI agin “L 111 everthing but the hereaf ter- git me a policy fer $11,000 on our house an furniture sose we won’t be worryd so much about them debts in case we wuz to git burnt out. They rites all kinds uv insurance fire, -. ’ . ii ado, hail, ortermobile, axidence and libility_an he represents sum of the biggest an oldest companies in the world. “Prompt efficient service ,, an j 8 thare motto, too. — Went by The City Hakcry for a few pones of that good ole Milk Maid bred for the Ole iii lady, ail WnllSt the lady was awrappin it up I seen a show case full of goodies like jelly roll, angel food cakes, pies an sich, so I taken sum of them along too. y ou kno w it’s fine to have a good bak ery in yore own home town that puts out sich good eatin—bred don’t mold if you take it home an keep it a hole week—good asany bred mady any whares an everbody thare ought to give a home enterprise like that lots of business. Mr. Harper is got a clean sanitarium place throughout an he don’t put * out nuthin’ but the best of poods, nuther. They , tick- . . bakers’ s a ed in each lofe of bred an for thirty of ’em an 99c you git a big doll. I simply couldn’t have wrote this here artikle if I hadn’t agot sum specs from Mr. Hauser, the Jeweler, I hadn’t saw very good for sum time an my eyes wuz burnin’ awful an git ten no better mighty fast, but I can see fine now sense Mr. Hauser tested my eyes an made sum specs zactly to fit em. He taken a little toy camym of a thing and leveled it at mo and then got me to look at all sizes of letters sose to tell what kind of lends I need ed. An now Liza sez she’s gonna have him fix up sum specs fer her nex’ time she come to town. Hauser’s Jewelry Store also carrys lots of pur ty things, sich as rings, wrist watches, pearl beads, silverware, brest pins, cuff buttons fitten for a weddin, birth¬ day or Christmas presents. I don’t mind spendin a nite way from hoirjir if I get a good hed to sleep in an I kneed I’se goin to get sich a place when me an Sim stop¬ ped at the Hamilton Hotel. A good bed aint all neither—Mrs. Hamilton keeps nice clean rooms with runnin RADIOLAS EXCLUSIVELY Did you read the double page adver¬ tisement in last neck's Saturday Evening Post telling of the wonder¬ ful performance of RCA Radio Sets? We should he pleased to prove these claims to you in your own home. Let Us Demonstrate A Radiola and Al¬ low You ToTry It In Your Home. No ex¬ pense to you and no obligation to buy if you are not fully satisfied. COMPLETE LINE TUBES, BATTER IES AND ACCESSORIES. _ Green-Miller Co. hot an cold water, jest like them ho- I tels in Macon, an everybody thar is awful perlite an eurteous an make a feller feel at home. I’ve heerd a lot uv drummers say they didn't get no better meals nowheres than right thar at the Hamilton hotel an I guess they ^ right. . , „ So - • j_ re a out ur as „ y J k ment K f,es them’s powful good eatin Mrs. Hamilton serves-fried hicken on an vegetables jest ic»«t liko like we we tret get em a t home. Wall, I left town in a hurry to git home an’ show the ole lady an’ th’ r kids whut I hed fer ’em an’ so I fer got ter go into the Leader- i ribune office an’ pay up my perscription to ther paper. I’m sendin’ a check for $1.50 in this-letter cause I jist could ’t git along without the “old relia b)Je»” I reckon everybody in town an’ around takes it, don’t they? Ef they they ., , d , urit •> all don’t they orter, cause the city and country an lots UV state news in it an’ see whurs th’ best place to trade at when they git to town. I ;■ Hus trades with . , The Leader-Tribune advertisers cause I know they ain’t it shamed uv ther goods nor ther prices, besides ther klerks air more eurteous peers like. ' Hereafter when I want ter sell cot ton er country produce sich as chick ens en> eggs an’ the likes or hy eny kind uv store bought goods you can | i jist put it down I’ll go to Fort Valley cause 1 know I’ll git all my crop’s 1 them thar store merchants ! worth, an ! treats . you so nice and __,i you ...... want W n n t tn to go V J back an’ trade with them. HEZEKIAH HANKINS. ^ ^ --- j *v-|» SAIF. ]j nf j pr an< j J,y virtue of the power of sale con i a in.-(l in a deed to ,.-rure d-bt dated Oe ! tober S. 1»23. from Geortre I). Hartley to W. of . ! O. Hartley, w ill lie sold before the door t,,c Court house of p«*nch ('ounty, Georgia, ^ ^ 2nd day of December, 1925, between tht , | ( , g „i hours of xah' to the hitrhet biddor for cash all that certain tract, lot or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the State of Georgia. Counties of Peach and Crawford, and described in the deed to secure debt from George D. Hartley to W. O. Hartley, said deed recorded in the office of the Clerk of 1 the Superior Court of Crawford (.ounty, Geor I gia, in Book 30. Folio 284. as follows: j All that certain tract, lot or parcel of land, I situate, lying and being in the State of Geor Counties of Houston and Cr.wford, ron ! taininx two hundred thirty-four and fifty seven hundredths (234.57) acres, more or less. being made up of portions of lota numbers two ! hundred twenty-five (225) and two hundred I the Sixth Land District of fifty-six (256) County and portion of Raid .. . lot Crawford a number two hundred fifty-six in the Sixth Hand District of Houston County, said tract 1 of land being particularly bounded and de¬ scribed ns follow* Beginning at the south¬ west corner of land lot No. 225 in th^ 6th | Ouch! Aching Joints, Rub Rheumatic Pain j i Rub Pain right out with small trial bottle of old j “St. Jacobs Oil. ■> Rheumatism is “pain” only. Not one case in fifty requires inter¬ nal treatment. Stop drugging I Rub soothing, penetrating “St. Jacobs Oil” right into your sore, stiff, aching joints, ami relief conies instantly. “St. Jacobs Oil" is a harmless rheumatism liniment which never disappoints ana cannot burn the skin. Limber up! Quit complaining I Get a small trial bottle of old, honest “St. Jacobs Oil” at any drug store, and in just a moment you’ll be free stiffness. from rheumatic pain, soreness and Don’t suffer! Relief awaits you. “St. Jacobs Oil” is just as good for sci¬ atica.# neuralgia, lumbago, backache, sprains. of Cr.wford County running thonoe .long W«t line of said Lot No. 225 distance of fifteen hundred ninety two feet to an iron stake, thence Kant a straight line, North Eighty^ six degr • s, eight minutes, thirty three hundred He on*- and six tenths (3371.6 > feet to an «t«k- on the Eut line of ,.id Lot No. Thence South Two Degrees Twenty One East along the lines of Lot* No. 225 2 5« the di»tan«- of Twenty Nine Hundred Fly. .nd Sj* Tenth, unmim i. ,rfJn *take on the hast line of Lot No. 256 ^ ^ of Houston County thcnce Eighty one degree. Fifty seven minu w.-,t. Eight Hundred T went/Seven <*27i <" 1 l " * >» ,n ‘ "• th « from Crawford County to Fort Val¬ Ga.. thence North Eighty Seven degree, five minute. West the distance of ,w hundred seven and six tenth, fl ;" in the West line of No. 256 in the -6th District of Crawford i thence North Sixteen Minute* Went. hundred seventy-nine f 1279 > feet j the w*t line of Lot No. 256 in the strict of Crawford County to the point place of beginning at South-West corner l*ot. No. 225 in the 6th District of Craw- ! or: j County. Twenty four and nine hun- j (24.09) acres of said tract are lo- j in th- 6th Di-trict of H.-uton County, j 210.46 acres of said tract arc located 1 the 6th District of Crawford County, Geor- ! . aid entire tract i* bounded on North ! land* of Geo. D» Hartley, formerly owned l v <- Roxie Ray, on East by lands of S. *tt; on South by lands of S. A. Bat - and Mi Fannie Bassett; and on West lands of Geo. D. Hartley and Charlie I « aid pro P ,r, v will be »»de ,-bjwt the ln-n of th*- - • *- i r»t; deed thereon in gf Th( . Ff ,, . ra) j. am] ot Columbia, . r . ir ;,... nn ind<bti-<ine-, in the prinripal - nr. T,-n Thou»«nd Dollar,. The tn.i ........... -'cured by the deed secure debt above referred to is rep regent by three promi ory notes for the principal m of Five Thousand Dollar.-oaeb, October sth, !»23. u-ar inn i»tor< > ™> *‘ th ” ra ^ " f J' r annum, the first, note maturing November 1 ••■t, 1924, the -eeond not* maturing November ms. and the third and last note matur November l,t. 1926. The said George D. Hartley has defaulted the payment of the two fir.-t described secured b$ the aforesaid deed to secure and the provisions of the deed to secure debt the maturity of the note falling November 1, 1926, ha* become accelerated, the power of sale therein contained has operative. The proceeds of said sale shall be applied first to the payment of the indebtedness se¬ cured by the said deed to secure debt and the of this sale; and the surplus, if any. shall tie paid over to the said George D. Hartley, provided in the deed to secure debt. Deed will be made to the purchaser at said sale pursuant to the terms of the aforesaid to secure debt. This November 3rd. 1925. W. O. HARTLEY. Ry: C. L. SHEPARD His Attorney at Law. ll-5-4t. LUGGAGE AT LEE’S 1 nn —mm 7 my . -U IS: ■ /Kr/'v Afil r>y 8 A | ■A ■ m ■ ^I ItI IIm.1 V( ,V - TRUNKS HAND BAGS SUIT CASES HAT BOXES New shipment just received. Most W stylish and serviceable Luggage at almost any price. * Ihe ( LEE chain 1 DEPARTMENT STORES ^J 1 FOR LESS DEPARTMENT STORES **■ ------------t hrt VALLEY, GEORGIA! I NOTICE OF FIRST MEETING OF CREDITORS. the District Court of the United States the Western Division of the Southern Dis of Georgia. the Mutter of WALLACE W. LOWE, the creditors of Wallace W. Lowe, of in the oounty of Peach, and District a bankrupt. Notice is hereby given that on October 27, the said Wallace W. Lowe was duly bankrupt; and that the of hi, creditor, will be held at my SO) Grand Building. Macon. Ga. on 13, 1925, at 11 o’clock in the fore- Fort Valley Real Estate Is The Best Buy On Earth Today One lot on Troutman Are •• Oakland | Heights, size 60 A 165 feet, Price $740.00 i One-lialf Cash. balance S20.00 a month ) Tiro lots on Calhoun St.* Oakland lleigths, size each 60 X 165 feet, Price each S600M (One-third Cash, balance $30.00 a month) We are offering some splen¬ did values in farm property and city residences. Good, Safe Investments List Your Property With Us for Quick Results Fruit Belt Beal Estate Corporation Offices with Green-Miller Co. | noon, at which time the creditors may attend. prove their claims, appoint a trustee, exam ! , ine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as may properly come before said The bankrupt is required to be pres ent on that day for examination. Macon, Ga., November 2, 1925. ' J. N. TALLEY 11-5-ltp -r - Referee in Bankruptcy. | , Not Much Difference ^ Bohemian is IUUCb like Other ~ P . ‘ t , hat be doesn't know ' j* for.-Duluth Herald.