The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, November 26, 1925, Image 9

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OFFICIAL Fort of the ORGAN THE KIWANIS KALL and Get Full Value Valley Kiwanis Club Published Weekly Thursday by the Kiwanis Club of Fort Valley, Ga. for Your Money on Volume 2. THURSDAY, NOV. 26. 1925 Number 13 - __^ i- Here’s the beverage that delights Tlte Fori Valley Oil Co. t taste, satisfies thirst and refreshes. *Every ing absolute purity bottle is sterilized—insur- I Mnuiifiiut urors of COTTON SEED PRODUCTS Fort Valley Bottling Co. FORT VALLEY, GA. I W r G. B RISEN DINE, KIWANIAN I>. C. STROTIIRR * H. M. WHITING. KIWANIANS . J. W. Woolfolk W. L. Snow lialph Newton GREEN-MILLER COMPANY i J. W. Woolfolk & Co. Radios Batteries and Tubes , Spray Material, Peas & Peaches GREEN-MILLER COMPANY Fort Valley, Georgia GI.KNMORK GREEN, KIWANIAN COUNTY-WI1 )E ORGANIZATION HOTEL WINONA N O alone community or a courtry is complete alone, which Intimate consists of business a city Georgia Agricultural Works contact between the two is enevitable. Now, if we Q U A L I T Y- -S E R V I c E EMORY COPPEDGE, Proprietor add to that business contact a closer personal contact, HARDWARE & FURNITURE if we can bring about a hearty and sympathetic co¬ operation between the two, life will be richer for .. We’ve Got It 1 1 KIWANIAN F. 0. MILLER, Kiwanian both.—Former Governor Frank C. Lowden. small, Your account, respectfully whether solicited large or GALLAHER-HALE GRO. CO. on Ohs the basis of sincere appreciation. Be sure and vote your ticket in nomi¬ Distributors Purina Feeds PROMPT COURTEOUS nations for officers and directors for 1926. f/ EFFICIENT “Feed from the Checkerboard Bag 99 SERVICE t WHOLESALE GROCERS Bank of Fort Valley It. I). HALE, KIWANIAN T. A. McCord, Judge H. A. Mathews, and Judge A. II. V. KELL CO. C. Riley are the committee on this week’s program. Sometihng you cannot afford to miss. Sure, you’ll be on FORT VALLEY, GA. time for Friday’s luncheon, promptly at— Strictly Wholesale - Phone 276 Full Stocks Prompt Service 12 O’CLOCK SHARP KIWANIAN C. L. FARMER, Kiwanian Mgr. THE TIRE MAN Hez Heck says-' “Boobs is usually honest, which is something that don t happen so often among smart peo¬ >* / i . Oil Y A f Only Buick v teisibg sealed \ n n chassis and irjjaJs engine sealed/ o i l m IliM r * ■ * \ 1 * \ 'i ye m A . i i f i m i m ■ C IS-18 <5 Buick Standard Five Passenger Sedan Better Buick operating more power from a given costs are very low. This car quantity of gasoline than is thrifty—both in purchase other types of engines. price and in ownership. And now, the Buick oil Buick design protects all filter makes it necessary to operating parts from dust change crankcase oil only wear—barricades them at rare intervals. and smaller, less powerful with iron or steel housings Even in the famous Buick “Sealed cars do not match the Better Chassis” and “Triple Sealed Buick in low cost of oper¬ Engine”. ation and maintenance. You add to your power to The famous Buick Valve- economize when you buy a in-Head engine develops Better Buick! BUICK MOTOR COMPANY, FLINT, MICHIGAN Division of General Motors Corporation ^^fepBUICK DUNLAP HUCKABEE AUTO CO 682-690 Third St Macon , Ga. Lilorious foisibtltty Fetlock Bones says: "If all th* po¬ litical handshakes were used for milk¬ ing cows we wouldn’t need any lured men for four years, then history might repeat itself.”—Prairie Farmer, THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, C.A., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1925. ♦ !• Legal Advertisements LAND SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a deed to secure debt dated Oc¬ tober 5, 1923, from George D. Hartley to W. O. Hartley, will be sold before the door of the Court house of Peach County, Georgia, on the 2nd day of December, 1925. between the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder for cash all that certain tract, lot or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the State of Georgia, Counties of Peach and Crawford, and described in the deed to secure debt from George D. Hartley to W. O. Hartley, said deed recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Crawford County, Geor¬ gia, in Book 30, Folio 284, as follows: All that certain tract, lot or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the State of Geor¬ gia, Counties of Houston and Crawford, con¬ taining two hundred thirty-four and fifty seven hundredths (234.57) acres, more or less, being made up of portions of lots numbers two hundred twenty-five (225) and two hundred fifty-six (256) in the Sixth Land District of Crawford County and a portion of said lot number two hundred fifty-six in the Sixth Land District of Houston County, said tract of land being particularly bounded and de¬ scribed as follows Beginning at the south¬ west corner of land lot No. 225 in the f»tb District of Crawford County running thence North along West line of said Lot No. 225 the distance of fifteen hundred ninety two (1592) feet to an iron stake, thence East in a straight line, North Eighty six degrees, forty eight minutes, thirty three hundred se¬ venty one and six tenths (3371.6) feet to an iron stake on the East line of said Lot No. 225. Thence South Two Degrees Twenty One . minutes East along the lines of Lots No. 225 and 256 the distance of Twenty Nine Hundreii Eighty Five and Six Tenths (2985.6) feet to an iron stake on the East line of Lot No. 256 j in the 6th District of Houston County, thence South Eighty one degrees Fifty seven minu¬ tes West, Eight Hundred Twenty Seven (827) | feet to a point in the center of public road ! leading from Crawford County to Fort Val ! ley, Ga., thence North Eighty Seven degrees forty five minutes West the distance of I twenty six hundred seven and six tenths (2607.6) feet to a stake in the West line of Lot No. 256 in the 6th District of Crawford County, thence North Sixteen Minutes West, twelve hundred seventy-nine (1279) feet along the West line of Lot No. 256 in the 6th District of Crawford County to the point or place of beginning at South-West corner of Lot. No. 225 in the 6th District of Craw- 1 ford County. Twenty four and nine bun dredths (24.09) acres of said tract are Io I cated in the 6th District of Houston County, and 210.46 acres of said tract are located ! in the 6th District of Crawford County, Geor- Kin; sa iil entire tract is bounded on North by lands of Geo. I). Hartley, formerly owned by Mrs. Roxie Ray, on East by lands of S. A. Bassett; on South by lands of S. A. Bas¬ sett and Miss Fannie Bassett; and on West by lands of Geo. D. Hartley and Charlie Bassett. Sale of said properly will be made subject to the lien of the security deed thereon in favor of The Federal Land Bank of Columbia, securing an indebtedness in the principal sum of Ten Thousand ($10,000.00) Dollars. The indebtedness secured by the said deed to secure debt above referred to is represent¬ ed by three promissory notes for the principal sum of Five Thousand ($5,000.00) Dollars each, dated October 5th, 1923, bearing interest from November 1st, 1923, at the rate of 7% per annum, the first note maturing November 1st, 1924, the second note maturing November 1st, 1925, and the third and last note matur¬ ing November 1st, 192(5. The said George I). Hartley has defaulted in the payment of the two first described notes secured by the aforesaid deed to secure debt; and under the provisions of the deed to secure debt the maturity of the note falling flue November 1, 192(5, has become accelerated, and the power of sale therein contained has become operative. The proceeds of said sale shall he applied first to the payment of the indebtedness se¬ cured by the said deed to secure debt and the cost of this sale; and the surplus, if any, shall be paid over to the said George D. Hartley, as provided in the deed to secure debt. Deed will be made to the purchaser at said sale pursuant to the terms of the aforesaid i deed to secure debt. This November 3rd. 1925. W. O. HARTLEY, By: C. L. SHEPARD His Attorney at Law. ll-5-4t. Georgia— Peach County. All creditors of the estate of Mrs. Lena Wilson Sistrunk, late of Peach County, de¬ ceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said estate are required to make immediate payment to me. November 7th 1925. J. C. WILSON, Administrator of Mrs. Lena Wilson Sistrunk, deceased. ll-12-6tpd. GEORGIA, HOUSTON COUNTY. Under the authority contained in the last will and testament of W. M. Davis, late of Bibb County, deceased, we will offer for sale on the first Tuesday in December, 1925, be fore the Courthouse door of Houston County, Georgia, between the legal hours of sale the following described property belonging to said estate: One certain farm consisting of 1,772 1-2 acres of land more or less, lying and being in the 14th District of Houston County, Geor gia and known as the Mossy Hill Farm in i Life isn’t just one darn thing; after another. It is just about a million darn things after a million others. said State and County. Said farm has there¬ on tenant houses, sheds, asparagus field, peach and pecan trees. Also at the same time anu place all farm equipment, mules, cows, horses, plows, trac¬ tors, trucks, drills, cutters, sheds, scales, dusting machines, engines, and equipment for the operation of a peach and asparagus farm. Said personal property herein described be¬ ing situate on and can be seen upon said farm, the same being burdensome and hard to move will not be transported to said courthouse but may be viewed upon the premises. The land hereinbefore described will be offered in two ways; first, free from all liens, second, subject to two security deeds thereon one in favor of the Phoenix Mutual Life In¬ surance Company for the principal sum of $25,000.00 and accrued interest; and one in favor of the Fourth National Bank of Ma¬ con, Georgia for approximately $1,000.00. The undersigned reserve the right to reject any and all bids and any bid shall be subject to confirmation. This November 17, 1925. JESSE W. DAVIS E'l L. DAVIS, As Executors of the last will and testament of William M. Davis, deceased. Harris Harris & Popper, Attorneys, Macon, Georgia. 11-19-21. The man worthwhile is the man can smile when life continues to go along like a song.. Slop Using Liniments that Only Bum and Irritate Mexican Mustang Liniment Penetrates to the Bone but Never Smarts or Blisters Whon a liniment bums and smarts and almost blisters the skin, It usually means that it contains some strong Irritating substance. It Isn't necessary for the right, kind of liniment to be so strong and drastic. A liniment is supposed to pene¬ trate direct to the sore spot—to blister the sk/n surface does not help that deep seated rheumatic ache or a lame back. You should use Mexican Mustang Lini¬ ment—just try it once and you will never be without it. You will marvel at Its strange power to relieve pain without binning and blistering. Every home should have this magical pain reliever— it heals cuts, burns, wounds, etc. Drug¬ gists and wholesalers sell Mustang Lini¬ ment or can get it for you. Professional i Directory Claude M. Houser Samuel M. Mathews HOUSER & MATHEWS ATTORNEYS AT LAW Practice in all the State and Federal Courts Loans made upon City Property on monthly payment plan and regular I loans upon farm property. . Woolfolk Bldg. Phone 101! Fort Valley, Ga. C. L. SHEPARD ATTORNEY AT LAW Woolfolk Building Phone 321 Fort Valley, Ga. Practice in ail the State and Federal Courts Loans M*>H« on Realty Louis L. Brown Louis L. Brown, Jr, BROWN & BROWN ATTORNEYS AT LAW Wright Building. Phone 9 Fort Valley, Ga. Practice in all the State and Federal Courts Loans on Realty Negotiated GEO. B. CULPEPPER, JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW Citizens Bank Building Phone 374 Fort Valley, Ga. DR. W. L. NANCE DENTIST Miss Florence Taylor, Assistant Citizens Bank Building Fort Valley, Ga. Phones: Office 82; Residence 115. DR. W. II. HAUER DENTIST Office over Copeland’s Pharmacy, Fort Valiev. Ga. ’PHONES Residence 50-J. Office 14-J. We Insure Everything Insurable KENDRICK INSURANCE AGENCY Woolfolk Fort Valley Phono Bldg. Ga. 58-J. JOHN T. SLATON INSURANCE AGENCY FIRE, TORNADO & AUTOMOBILE Prompt and Satisfactory Service Guaranteed Woolfolk Bldg. -- Phone 283. ROLAND A. HILLY Real Estate and Renting Agent Let me collect your House Rents ST. ANDREW’S CHURCH Episcopal Lord’s Day Services. Holy Communion, 7:30 a. m. Church School, Mr. J. W. Robinson, Supt., Mr. W. Wood, Sec’y, 9:30 a. m. Holy Communion 11:00 a. m. Evening I’rayer, 7:00 p. m. Welcome all. i r _ »f FI, \ n Rh V <> OCT / w<- ....... 1 Ufa* ■ - hie- > Hit. 4 '9 4 m oS. rV A - -a. When You Call By Name You Slow The Service i S OME subscribers are attempting to make i calls by name, with the result that their service is slowed down. In a city as large as Fort Valley, the tele¬ phone operators cannot remember the names and telephone numbers of subscribers. Their duty is to answer your number calls and make the connection for you. l I If she stopped to look up numbers for those who call bv name, the number calls would pile up and the entire service be delayed. The telephone directory is the index to the switchboard. If you cannot find the number in the directory, call “Information. s ’ v Do not give calls to the operator by name. W. I). WEEKS, Manager "Bell System” SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE 6 AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY I § On« Policy, One System, Universal Service I !