The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, December 03, 1925, Image 2

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Baptist Church Nott’S A number of the Methodist congre¬ gation were warmly welcomed at the Baptist church at. both morning and evening service.- last Sunday, * lu> pastor, Rev. T. II. Thomson, was in attendance at the South Georgia Con¬ ference in session in Macon and there was no service at the Methodist church during the day, save Sunday school and the Epworlh League. * * • * Dr. B. D. Ragsdale of the faculty of Mercer University filled the pul¬ pit at the Baptist church last Sunday morning, bringing a message which centered around the thoughts, “Our Relationship, Our Resemblance an Our Partnership with Christ.” The large audience was deeply appreciative as they heard with reverence his won¬ derful words from Paul, The Chris¬ tian. 0 * * * ' Those Who attended the Baptist chureh and Sunday school last Sun¬ day greatly enjoyed the speeial songs by Mr. Feril McConnell Davis, mem- A WONDKRFUL LOVE STORY You should read it. It is short and helpful. It shows why “sweethearts ssy it with flowers, and husbands with bricks.” Send ten cents for mailing cost. You will be benefited all through life. Address, EUGENE ANDERSON, Macon, Georgia. 1 « REAL ESTATEf VALUES '• ' ' sell piece of property, the Fruit ” Whether you wish to buy or a of ... much benefit to you^Its ra q <■ Belt Real Estate Corporation w,U prove „ vnil members will gladly serve you. Their long experience and knowledge of conditions enable them to know values. Their organization is ,, thorough in its methods of finding buyers and sellers. ., THUS THE FRUIT BELT REAL ESTATE CORPORATION IS \ «» AN INSTITUTION OF PUBLIC SERVICE. ,, ! "> The greatest prosperity and growth of any section is marked by ; ; the activities of real estate concerns of strength, talent and integrity. ‘; S Such concerns, with your full co-operation, may perform wonders in ; ; . . the development of the Peach Belt. ■ > If you wish to buy. see us. If you wish to sell, list your property with us. YOU WILL BEST SERVE YOURSELF BY ALLOWING US TO SERVE YOU. . . Fruit Hell Heal Estate Corporation Offices with Green-Miller Co. ■ 1 > v Santa is Delighted r V •-4S-. > I ■^V A And You Will Be Highly Pleased With our selection of articles suitable for ideal Christmas Gifts , including i Toilet ami Manicure Sets Stationery Candies Cigars and Tobaccos Flowers from Idle Hour Nurseries / ■ Xmas Books Xmas Razors < Thermos Bottles • WHEELER’S PHARMACY Telephone 393 ■ her of Mercer’.'. Glee Club, in two solo’s, “O Love That Will Not Let Me go.” and “In The Garden.” I,r ’ * nd Mr «' B »• Ra K« dale Bnd Mr - Davis weri' visitors at Sunday school and church, motoring back to Macon during the afternoon. • * * The Circles of the W. M. S. will meet next Monday afternoon at three o’clock, holding their regular monthly assembly. The Miller Circle will fur¬ nish the program at the general De¬ cember meeting. * ♦ * Mr. L. P. Taylor, representing the committee from the Sunday school, who had the shipping of the I hanks giving car to the Georgia Baptist. Orphans Home, reported the car had been sent, valued at about $500.00 including the freight. Cash donations were made to cover the freight. * * * Rev. W. J. Howard of Wrens, father of "Pastor David Albert Ho ward of the First Baptist church, was the guest of his son and his family several days the past week and filled the pulpit at the evening service at THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GATHURSDAY, DECEMBER 3 , 1925 . the church Sunday. Mr. Howard brought an inspirational message on “Pr&yer” which was heard with pe¬ culiar interest, coming from the pas¬ tor’s father. The song service was lead by Mr. J. M. Allen and featured a solo by Mr. R. D. Hale. * * * Rev. D. A. Howard will attend the 103rd session of the Georgia Baptist Convention which meets in Savannah on December 9-11, the sessions to be held in the First Baptist church. Mrs. J. A. Flournoy of Macon visit ed her mother, Mrs. J. A. Everette, this week. * + * Mrs. Annie Laurie Ayer spent Thanksgiving in Macon and Rivoli. * * * Mrs. Mattie Flournoy returned a n i 1 a * 4 i m i a t | ' j W/ kSil- 1 I'ft — 1- 1 . i Housework and Headache There's relief for you housewives who suffer from aches and pains. When lack of fresh air, working over a hot stove and the odor of cooking make your Y back your ache, head,, your /firths limbs J { ^ , or 2 ’ j^JLES’ JUU . I >*11 lllS g ** They’ll rehevc yott quickly ana saiciv* Your druggist sells them at pre-war prices —25 doses 25 cents. Economy package, 125 doses $1.00. / I + * + *+ +• +++4 ^ % I • • » I • > •• Jl •V) ’ v I . n * i X r, -A i, % • • I y * • > .-1 * + *. V :: i vt~±-r, ’ v ” . V . * c * * ❖ & « * ; * • ■ • ■ 10 /X! y • 1 * > \S n 31 31 L * n i 1 • 4 i 7 /A * tkq i % m * * < * V if I * •• 4* * • * Jewelry for the Family •’I ■ A token of jewelry, no matter how small, is a fitting tribute of • • < your devotion. The enduring beauty and brilliance of such a gift will be joy to the recipient for ■ a many years. A visit to our shop will simplify your Christmas problem. There’s something for every member of the family. • Watches, rings, lockets, cuff links and studs, bracelets, pins and SILVERWARE of •• are just a few the gifts you may select and present to your loved ones with a feeling of pride. ■ • - • N. HAUSER • • > from Macon Monday after a pleasant 1 visit to Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Flournoy | at Rivoli. Lots of married people who are nice to each other before company forget that two is company. | i p.------- j THE SOUTHERN SERVES THE SOUTH j ) What every business man knows Every business man knows the danger of using too much borrowed capital in financing the growth of a business. But the promise of the ultimate success of an undertaking often justifies the ac¬ cumulation of debt against the day when established earning power will attract new partnership capital. Such has been the record of the Southern Railway Company. For thirty years it has been compelled to finance itself by borrowing and the reinvestment of earnings. But the Southern should now take its rightful place among the enterprises of the South whose solid worth merits the confidence of investors and attracts partners rather than creditors. a m thO ) SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM There are the mornings you wish the fire department’s job was come out and build your fire. Only kind of suit some women press for their husbands is a suit. | L A D I E S’ y COATS of QUALITY and STYLE I j ' / *■ rt -r* W < j* -> i m .. Hi 83$ * \ fj 71 t • r a ..X&iwr.' v * m $6 95 •A A TO m •* 4 45 ■ %’W \A. T Y- v \ -> \ ■ \ Come in and See Them ii You Will he Charmed i*tH "A DEPARTMENT STORES Fort Valley Georgia r You Owe It To Us 3 > Our Tea is a high class Restaurant where every m. served from soup to nuts and is the talk from New York to Miami. One of Fort Valley’s best advertisements and you not only owe it to us but will be doing us and the tpurists a favor by directing them to our place for the best meal in town at a reasonable price. We Thank You Copeland Tea % s Room I Ut COLLECTOR'S MCE LAST ROUNDS ♦ I will be at the following places on the dates named for the purpose of collecting State and County taxes. Ft. Valley, Thursday, Dec. 3, all day. i Myrtle, Friday, Dec. 4th, A. M. Powersville, Friday, Dec. 4th, P. M. Claude, Saturday, Dec. 5th, A. M. Byron, Saturday, Dec. 5th, P. M. j Fort Valley, Dec. 18th and 19th; then the books are closed. Tax payers will please bear in mind the necessity of registering on the Voter's Book to com plete^he registration list for Peach County. Very truly yours, T. E. THARPE, T. C. Nov. 24, 1925 fr *