The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, December 03, 1925, Image 7

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r '/A(W7 »;w .'i', . .-or.. , £4$ j THE KIWANIS M tl ' :S OFFICIAL ORGAN «3 < jfl * of the and Get Full Value Fort Valley Kiwanis Club Published Weekly Thursday by the Kiwanis Club of Fort Valley, Ga. for Your Money on Volume 2. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1925. Number 14. 7®" Here’s the beverage thirst and that refreshes. delights The Fori Valiev Oil Co. taste, satisfies * Every bottle is sterilized—insur- Mil mi f.ic liners of « ing absolute purity COTTON SEED PRODUCTS Fort Valley C^isrta Bottling Co. £ FORT VALLEY, GA. G. H RISEN DINK, KIWANIAN I>. C. STROTHER & E. M. WIIITING, KIWANIANS W. V N n J. W. Woolfolk W. L. Snow Ralph Newton & GREEN-MILLER COMPANY J. W. Woolfolk & Co. Radios Batteries and Tubes , Spray Material, Peas & Peaches GREEN-MILLER COMPANY Fort Valley, Georgia GI.KNMORE GItEEN. KIWANIAN HOTEL WINONA ELECTION Georgia Agricultural Works OF QUALITY SERVICE EMORY COPPEDGE, Proprietor HARDWARE & FURNITURE OFFICERS ki We’ve Got. It ; V KIWANIAN F. O. MILLER, Kiwanian •*> <3 ( Your account, whether large or FRIDAY GALLAHER-HALE GRO. CO. small, respectfully solicited on the basis of sincere appreciation. Distributors Purina Feeds PROMPT COURTEOUS O Feed from the Checkerboard Bag .. EFFICIENT sj r Member be SERVICE Let every in WHOLESALE GROCERS Bank of Fort Valley his seat promptly at R. D. HALE, KIWANIAN M Strictly Full Stocks H. Wholesale V. FORT C. L. - FARMER, KELL Kiwanian VALLEY, Prompt - Mgr. GA. CO. Phone Service 276 Twelve SHARP O’clock C I THE HALL KIWANIAN TIRE MAN i I a Hzunm m 5ZVI ma z ff* '£')***■ gng • | V V"/’ '• /’ 1 ! 'J V -' I ' u IMPS/ Ov-Vl/Zd “-.W I / l PROG R A M M E franklin THEATRE , Week of December ith, Monday, December 7th RICARDO CORTEZ and GRETA NISSON __ -in- 1 "IN THE NAME OF LOVE" Also ternatinnal News Admission 10 & 25c Tuesday— Wednesday —Thursday December 8th, 9th, 10th James Cruze’s successor to “The Covered Wagon” JAME5*CRUZE PROQUCTIOM ljk \Qirom V Oiztun ow Ten Big Reels Also International News Admission I5 & 35c Special school children s matinee Tuesday. School children under 12 years 10c; over 2 yeS * * and^PERCY . nth DORIS kenyon MARMONT in “IDLE TONGUES" From the world famous novel, “Dr. Nye,” by Joseph C. Lincoln Chapter sir “THE FIGHTING RANGER” And Fables comedy Admission 10 & 25c Saturday. Darcmbcr 12th PETE MORRISON -in "COWBOY GRIT” Mack Scnnctt Comedy “BASHFUL JIM” Admission 10 & 25c Anything can happen in this world. They found some men in Buf¬ falo who were stealing money from Henry Ford. When in doubt, do nothing. And then you can’t possibly be right. Restless Sleep Due to Stomach Gas Gas pressure in the abdomen caus es a restless, nervous feeling and prevents sleep. Adlerika removes gas in TEN minutes and brings out * surprising amounts of old waste matter you never thought was in your system. This excellent intesti nal evacuant is wonderful for consti oation H or stomach trouble. Don t waste time with pills or tablets , , , , but , get REAL Adlerika action! Cope land’s Pharmacy. BYRON HIGH SCHOOL NEWS By Miss ETHEL KEY The ninth grade feels that they will be more unlucky than ever since Jewett Tucket, one of their class mates, has left them, reducing their number to what is termed the “un¬ lucky thirteen.” * * * The seventh grade, finding that could excel the High School boys and girls in playing basket ball, have organized two literary socie¬ ties: Washington and Franklin, in or der to show their superiors that they can P r °b a bly defeat them in other fields of activity. They are planning to have their first meeting next Fri day afternoon, * * * It is an old saying that “When it rains it pours” and we were forced to believe this statement Tuesday morning when two county Supts., Mr. Lord and Mr. Newton, accompanied by Mr. Goddard, paid us a visit. However this does not mean that we were not glad to see them. ♦ * * The Parent-Teachers agency had their regular meeting at the school auditorium Tuesday afternoon with our president, Mrs. H. C. Jackson, The meeting began with a prayer led by Prof. Hurst. After the secretary had called the roll and read the minutes of the previous meeting, our president brought several matters of business before us. It was decided by the Agency that they would pre¬ sent a play entitled “A Southern Cin derilla December 11th. The Annual Bazaar is to be given one week after the play. Following the completion of all business matters Miss Flora Rogers, chairman of the program committee, ’ gave us quite a delightful , ,, , little pan tomime, “Ceres and Her Friends. After the program a social THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT V ALLEY, GA., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1025. f was enjoyed. A delicious salad course [ was served. * * r Last week the entire High School was looking forward with great plea sure and much anticipation to the fi nal exams. They remarked that they intended to a spring their originality” upon the faculty and cause them to task their “thinking caps” severely. Now since the crisis has passed the faculty will have to admit they were correct. 4 * * Our high school feels rather prdud that our hoys’ basket ball team de¬ feated Roberta in two successive games during the last week. We can readily see that they have the “stuff.” And we are expecting them to be victorious in many other games. Clopine Clippings By DON QUIXOTE Miss Vera Cheek spent last week end in Macon. * t- t Mrs. D. H. Anderson visited rela¬ j tives in Byron Thanksgiving Day. * * • I Mrs. Jno. L. Wilson, Miss Mildred Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Wil¬ son visited friends in Macon last Sun day. * * « Mr. W. C. Wilson of Macon was a wee k end visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rigdon. * * * The many friends of Mr. T. D. Cas tleberry sympathize with him in the loss of his father who died last Thurs day night . , , at , his . , home near Jackson. — , Mrs. T. D. Castleberry and Mr. Hu bert Castleberry attended the funeral WOMEN ARE WORKING FOR CLEANER CITY 1 Women’s organizations in Fort Val ley are going on record strongly in support of Fort Valley Beautiful, which means that they are pushing a campaign to clean up Fort Valley, | It is said that there are spots on Ma con Street especially, which is as jt were, Fort Valley’s front yard, that need cleaning up. Many men who own property along this street have al rea(1 y signified their willingness to co-operate and clean up. The Fort Valley “HOMESTEAD, J BROTHERHOOD of AMERICAN YEOMEN, Will Be Organ ized Dec. 15th. It will be impossible for me to call on all the ladies and gentlemen we would like to have join us. If you have not been solicited and care to have me call I will gladly do so and let you see the benefits this s P lendid association offers. Ladies and girls, men and boys vote in all activities of THE HOMESTEAD as well as in the election of officers, secretary-treasurer appointed by dis¬ trict manager and will furnish guar¬ antee bond. WM. G. KEEN, Manager Macon Dis¬ trict, Fort Valley, Ga. 12-3-11. which was held last Sunday near Jackson. * * * The Perry train on its return trip last Saturday morning had the mis fortune of killing a horse, belonging to Mr. A. L. Smith near Perry, and the engine was thrown off the track. With quick work of the crew and as¬ sisted by the section gang the engine was placed back on the track and reached Fort Valley at 11:30 where as the scheduled time is 9:33 a. m. Hall’s Catars*3a Medicine ’ local , . and , internal, . , and , , has , been success f u [ in the treatment of Catarrh for ovci forty years. Sold by all druggist?. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio GET AT THE CAUSE! The Advice of a Resident of This Locality Shows a Wav. There's nothing* more annoying than kidney weakness or inability to | properly control the kidney secre tions. Nigh, and day alike, the suf ferer is tormented and what with the : ourning and scalding, the attendam | backache, headache and dizziness life is indeed a burden. Doan’s Pills ■—a stimulant diuretic to the kidneys -—have brought peace and comfort to many Fort Valley people. Profit by this Macon resident’s experience: O M. Hudson, 3IG Giles St., Ma¬ con, Ga., says: “I think that expos¬ ure while in the army weakened my kidneys. Sharp, shooting pa>ris ir. my Kidneys caused much distress The kidney secretions were highly color¬ ed, containing a brick dust sediment ■ land burned in passage. Headaches al,d ^ f P el,s ta,1,e 0/0f m0 and ^ )CckK «PPoared before my eyes I had heen attendad h ? doct ,°™ ,,at did not get relief until r I used Doans Fibs. Doan’s relieved me.” 60c, at all dealers. Foster—Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. —A ( lv. Strange Power of 1 Mexican Mustang Liniment Penetrates Through the Skin to the Bone —Drives Out Rheumatic Aches, Heals (juts, Bruises and Sores Sufferers from rheumatic aches and pains and those who are troubled will. sore muscles or stiffened joints can m l wonderful and quick relief through the uso of a preparation known as Mexican Mustang Liniment. It seems to possess ( lie magic power to penetrate through the surfaco of the skin, direct to the very bone and its action brings healing and quieting and a complete end to pain. noted It Is said tho Mexican Mustang for Its speed was kept in condition and joints limber and lloxiblo by this same application. The almost magic effect of Mexican Mustang Liniment -forhuman ust to relieve pain and for healing cuts and bruises, makes it a very necessary home remedy. All druggists and wholesalers sell Mustang Liniment or can get it for you METHODIST CHURCH Thos. H. Thomson, pastor. Sunday school, 9:30 a. m., Judge H. A. Mathews superintendent. Preaching at 11 a. m. by Rev. C. C. Jarrell, 1). D., secretary of the Gen¬ eral Hospital Board of the M. E. Church, South, and at 7 p. m. by the ! pastor. Epworth League at 6 p. m. Prayer meeting, Wednesday at 7 p. m. To all services the public is cor¬ dially invited. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Central Avenue Rev. James L. McGirt, pastor; C. B. Almon, superintendent of Sunday school. Sunday-school convenes at 9:45; morning church service at eleven o’clock and night service at seven o’clock. Mid-week prayer service each Wednesday evening at seven o’clock. The Sunday preaching services are conducted each Sunday except the second Sunday of each month. Everyone is cordially invited to worship with us at these services. CHBISTMAS SUGGEST I ONS Eversharp Pencils Wahl Fountain Pens Waterman Fountain Pens * Sheaffer Sets Sheaffer Lifetime Pens. CHRISTMAS CARDS $1.00 Rox of Twenty-Five MACON OPTICAL CO 468 Cherry St. Macon, Ga. Prof essional Directory Claude M. Houser Samuel M. Mathews IIOUSER & M ATHEWS ATTORNEYS AT LAW Practice in all the State and Federal Courts Loans made upon City Property &u monthly payment plan and regular loans upon farm property. Woolf oik Bldg. Phone 107 Fort Valley, Ga. C. L. SHEPARD ATTORNEY AT LAW Woolfolk Building Phone 31 Fort Valley, Ga. Practice in all the State and Federal Courts Loans M»d<» on Realty Louis L. Brown Louis L. Brown, Jr. BROWN & BROWN ATTORNEYS AT LAW Wright Building. Phone 9 Fort Valley, Ga. Practice in all the State and Federal Courts Loans on Realty Negotiated GEO. B. CULPEPPER, JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW Citizens Bank Building Phone 374 Fort Valley, Ga. DR. W. L. NANCE DENTIST Miss Florence Taylor, Assistant Citizens Bank Building Fort Valley, Ga. Phones: Office 82; Residence 115, DR. W. H. HAUER DENTIST Office over Copeland s Pharmacy, Fort Valley. Ga. ’PHONES Residence 50-J. Office 14-J, We Insure Everything Insurable KENDRICK i INSURANCE AGENCY Woolfolk Fort Valley Phone Bldg. Ga. 58-J. JOHN T. SLATON INSURANCE AGENCY FIRE, TORNADO & AUTOMOBILE Prompt and Satisfactory Service Guaranteed I * Woolfolk Bldg. Phone 283. ROLAND A. HILEY Real Estate and Renting Agent i Let me collect your House Rents ST. ANDREW’S CHURCH Episcopal Lord’s Day Services. Holy Communion, 7:30 a. m. Church School, Mr. J. W. Robinson, Supt., Mr. W. Wood, Sec’y, 9:30 a. m. Holy Communion 11:00 a. m. Evening 1'rayer, 7:00 p. m. Welcome all. 1 YOUR EYES Are PRECIOUS If your eyes, or those of your child, are uncomfortable or show any sign of defect, it is dangerous to neglect them. Have them ex¬ amined at once with care by an Optometrist of long experience— N. HAUSER How Doctors Treat Colds and the Flu To break up a cold overnight in¬ or to cut short an attack of grippe, fluenza, sore throat or tonsillitis, phy¬ sicians and druggists are now recom¬ mending Calotabs, the purified and refined calomel compound tablet that gives you the effects of calomel and salts combined, without the unpleas¬ ant effects of either. One or two Calotabs at bed-time with a swallow of water,—that’s all. No salts, no nausea nor the slightest work interference with your eating, cold or pleasure. Next morning your has vanished, your system is thor¬ oughly purified and you are feeling fine with a hearty appetite for break¬ fast. Eat what you please,—no dan ger. package, , . Get a family containing At full directions, only 35 cents. (adv) any drug store.