The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, December 03, 1925, Image 8

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SOME SUGGESTIONS OF DESIRABLE LOCATIONS FOR TO I R1ST (’ \ MI’S AND PARKING GROUNDS With the idea in view of the desira¬ bility of Tourist Camps and Parking Grounds in close residential sections, 1 wish to suggest the following loea tions that would make fine sites, and add wonderfully in every respect to the sections of the city in which they are located: The vacant lot between the resi dences of A. J. Evans and B. T. Marshall would be fine for this pur¬ pose. There arc a number of resi¬ dences close by so that quite a lot of home owners could get the full bene fits Ifforded. Then there is the vacant lot be tween the residence of W. G. Brisen dine and the Wright home which would also make on ideal tourist camp. Mr. C. E. Martin has a nice large front yard that would accommodate a camp of considerable proportions, and the neighbors would welcome this ad dition to that section. The large vacant lot on Persons street between the residences of Mr. George Greene and H. V. Duke is an other location that should not be over looked, and another is the vacant lot next to C. B. Almon’s home. The Park over near the depot in which the ladies have planted some flowers could easily be turned into a tourist camp. Of course the flow ere might he spoiled, hut the beauty of a parking and camping ground there would fully compensate for the loss of the flowers. J 05 COME, BOYS and GIRLS, and BRING YOUR LETTERS TO OLD SANTA -.Si V, ) Sh v ( )) o \\ <(r / \ / / v i j h / ✓ 9* * f'4! / Y * • • 4 • N \ SANTACLAUS IN f PERSON AT WIL¬ % SON’S TENCENT i STORE FRIDAY, DEC. 4, THREE . O’CLOCK P. M. V i And then one of the enterprising churches should make a special effort to secure a camp on an adjoining lot, even if some residence had to be torn away to make room for it. It would add to the sanctity of the Sun day Morning Service to have a week¬ ly wash fluttering in the breeze ■ around, while the busy men of the camp mended their ears, patched their tires and did a week's chores in one morning. ; The high school campus has large spaces that should he utilized in this ; way, as there are a number of adja cent homes that should not be slighted when it comes to distributing these boons that add so much to the peace, safety, comfort and privacy of nearby families. Of course when living close to one of these camping and parking grounds, you can never know who your next door neighbor is going to be for the! night. You are never right sure whether there are contagious dis eases or not. You may constantly be on the lookout for the criminal class es that follow every boom. The sani tary conditions may not be the best. And then they will be coming and go ing at all hours of the night with quite some hullabaloo, noise and din. The bright lights from the cars will shine into your bedroom windows and j keep you awake until the wee small hours, and begin again with the early hours of the morning. The tooting of j THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1925. horns, the loud conversation, the roar tag of motors and snorting of trucks may not especially add to your peace of mind while you are trying to sleep. The value of adjacent homes will no doubt be depreciated a few thousand dollars each. But just remember how much these camps add to the town in beauty, in progressiveness, etc., and take your medicine. And then too, re¬ member that some individual is mak¬ ing a few dollars at the expense of your sacrifice. Of course the ladies of the civic clubs who have worked unceasingly for years for the good of the town, object to these camps, and have filed formal protest, but it is al¬ right to disregard their wishes. You Will Enjoy Shopping at DANNENBERG’S Macon •#/ C -M jr mTsi* CE m j»> ** Lie T' lP M „ 1 ■j rz Macon’s Complete Department Store Third and Poplar 1.1a Where Quality Merchan¬ dise is not Expensive Seriously, are the people of Fort Valley going to sanction these things? So far Council has failed to act. ( Very truly, 12-3-11 C. H. PRATOR. JAMES CRUZE’S PONY EXPRESS , AT FRANKLIN ! (Continued From Front Page) and its ending as emotional and beautiful as that of “The Covered Wagon,” its love theme is more ap pealing, its hack-ground more fasci nating, and its dramatic episodes more m a YOU ARE GOING TO SPRAY £ m £ I £ YOUR FRUIT CROP 3 $1 £ £ £ WHY NOT HAVE THE BEST? £ £ £1 £ ' £ £ £ £ £ THE J. W. WOOLFOLK COMPANY £ £ g of m P £ 11 g Fort Valley, Georgia £ S * MANUFACTURERS OF £ Sn SECURITY BRAND E i. k il OIL EMULSION and LIME SULPHUR SOLUTION ' £ £ obtainable £ Offer you the best spray materials £ £ £ £ £ £ £i £ £ ill products made under direct supervision of expert chemist £l / £ / Hr and according to most approved processes. * X £ £ £ £ £ who We through appreciate the long hare continued used confidence goods and of our found customers them 1 E many years our all that we claimed. Their good will and patronage hare encour¬ £ aged build complete plant for the manufacture £1 £ us to a of all £ £ hinds of farm and orchard chemicals* the first plant of its kind £ £ in the South. £ £ £ £ & W ith full confidence in the worth of products invite £ £ our we £ your inquiries and orders. £K £ m £ £ £ £ £ £ m £ £ £ THE J. W WOOLFOLK CO d MANUFACTURERS Security Brand insecticides Hi * K * FORT VALLEY GEORGIA £ £ £ K S ss m startling, more thrilling and more colorful. The action of the plot is laid j n 1860, in the dark days just before the Civil War, and deals with the struggle a~ > ‘I*’ — ••T Wfm Jf !M)IC»* _ w > - ✓ ^ODDCTIOM ■rilriai between North and South to gain con trol of California with its prestige and enormous resources of gold. In this bitter political contest, with its plotting and intrigue, gun-fighting and bloodshed, the crack riders of the 1’ony Express played a significant am * important part. Besides the heroic achievements of the Pony Express, the production viv idly and authentically depicts the violent yet picturesque life of the primitive West. Of the many his torical characters who are portrayed, particular interest attaches to the youthful Mark Twain, the stripling Buffalo Bill and the famous Mormon Brigham Young. | Henry James Forman, former edi tor of Collier’s Weekly, and Walter -Woods, one of the most experienced scfcnarjsts in the fji m industry, col laborated on the story of "The Pon|i|t Express, t*®**'*^ fV — <11 3 # *®^^® $ ftf flgf claim ^ yQur sy?tem 0 f Catarrh or Deafnesc cause j (, y Catarrh, Sold by druggist! for over 40 years F. T. CHENEY &. CO., Toledo, Oh i«