The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, December 10, 1925, Image 12

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(ADVERTISEM ENTS) MILLER BROTHERS The Oldest In Middle Georgia Plumbing and Heating One of the old reliable and efficient firm* of this community is located at 171 Cotton Ave., in MACON, phone 474 . It is offering Metropolitan service of the very highest order to the peo pie of this section in plumbing and ting. o matter what problem you may have, all you have to do is to consult them and they will be able to solve them for you to an advantage. Efficient and dexterious hy reason of the knowledge that comes from having mastered all the intricate technical problems of the profession and supreme in the prestige that comes from use of the finest mater jala, this firm has built an etensive patronage in this section and has won for itself and establishment a promi¬ nent place in the business life of this part of the state. At this up to date and thoroughly complete establishment you will find equipment and fixtures the most scientifically correct and a stock that is full and complete. Bath tubs and bath accessories and necessities there are in great pro- SNYDER'S READY TO WEAR 6(19 CHERRY STREET, MACON, GEORGIA A Ladies’ and Misses’ Ready-to Wear Store complete in every way. Here you will find the Ladies’ and Misses’ garments to be very reason ably priced—that’s why particular peoplelike to do their shopping there. Though many miles removed from New York or Chicago, which are known as the style centers of Amer iea, this efficient establishment is thoroughly up-to-date and in many departments are replete with the models of the hour in the various ma¬ terials and shades approved by the world’s leading arbiters of fashion. No sooner has any style been accept ed by the leading fashion authorities than it at once makes its appearance in this shop and is presented in a variety of materials for the selection of the people of this section. As regards prices, you will find that these garments which hand in THE W. R. FINCH MOTOR COMPANY 658 3rd St., Macon, Ga. at Any oi e who should chance to by the W. R. Finch Motor Co., Nash Dis tributorr , on Third Street, Macon, Georgia, will be impressed the hum of activity surrounding place, which goes to show the mg popularity of the Nash car in territory. Three years ago, Mr. W. R. came to Macon to take the agency the Nash Automobile for Macon aourroun Img territory. At that the Nash car was not very well in this section, but there is hardly person who now contemplates purchase of a new ear, but who siders seriously the Nash car buying. The unusual growth of ularity for this car in so short is common talk in automobile for this section. Mr. Finch has gath¬ ered around him a high class isation as well as having a of unusual merrit. Mr. Francis Herring, who was, twenty-three years, associated the Schofield Iron Works, is a ner with Mr. Finch and is well throughout this section for his neas activities and integrity. He meeting with usual success in his field. It is hard to enumerate the good qualities of the Nash car in short a space, but it’s grace and ty ere familiar to many. The Nash Four wheel brake, in all probability haen't an equal in the world. The riding quality of the Listening In On Marshallville By RUTH MONCRIEF The Boy’s basket ball team the Macon “Y Blues” Saturday ing. At first the score favored one team and then the other. spectatois were standing and themselves hoarse during the game. Toward the last the team began to run up the score gained a big margin over the boys, but the M. H. S. team back,” and finally when the blew the score stood 19-18 the Macon im. * 4 • • • Marahallvjftle regrets to hear of the removal of *. Lovett who has been jftstor of tHe Methodist church for \ } fusion and in this department you will find that the experience of this firm will accrue to your advantage. When it comes to the installation of ! heaters they have had experience in the business and represent some of the best heater companies in th « j country. They have made a deep study of the systems of heating and under- 1 stand the Scientific part of modern i heating. They can tell by looking at your plans or building how large a plant should be used, where the ra ; diator should be placed, ami how much ; fuel will be required to keep your building at a uniform temperature all the time. The prices are of the most pleasing character and the real promptness of the satisfying kind getting the work done when it is promised. Those of our readers who desire work o : this nature should avail themselves of the services of this | firm, and reliable at all times work, we can while assure the ! them of I charges are always right. We compli ment them upon the well merited 1 progress and increasing patronage. graceful and becoming lines are of fered at most reasonable figures, for which this store enjoys the patronage of the community, it is the most P 0 P‘ ular store within many miles among 1 the people of every walk of life. | You accessories have at your of dress service which many char- lit tie [ acterize the attire of the progressive woman of today, and one must look 1 far and wide to find a stock more complete and attractive, In charge are people whose keen | business judgment and wise foresight j has been responsible for the growth j of their large business. j In this review it affords us great pleasure to recommend this firm to our readers, and suggest that they give the shops a trial and be convinc- 1 ed, and this is the logical place when seeking anything in millinery and ready-to-wear. is equal to cars costing several the price of this car. Probably no medium priced body can offer the workmanship and finish that is found in this Nash-Seaman design. The that has probably made the Nash so popular, however, is the rugged ness of it’s chassis hnd day in and day out consistant performance. When many other cars are ready for over-haul the Nash car continues perform with it’s same perfection. The Nash Motor Company has just recently brought out a new car ende the name of Aiax. This is a six ej nder ear with all the im provenv'i ,s to be found on a much high i p. iced car. It is the only car of it’s price that offers so many new features and improvements, this car is now on display with all Nash Dealers, and is such and outstanding value that it is bound to meet with even greater success than the other product of the Nash Motor Company. There is probably no manufacturer in the United States enjoying great er prosperity than the Nash Motor Company, and it is generally predict ed with-in the next few years will see this car growing in greater pop ularity than ever before. The local organization will no doubt share in this great prosperity as their friends and customers are being increased every day. A meritorious product, a good organization, courteous and ef¬ ficient service are bound to meet with success in any field. the past year. Our prayers and good wishes go with hint to his new charge at Louisville, Ga. • t The Ladies’ Bible study class of the Methodist church met with Mrs. Frank Murph on last Monday afternoon, * * « Quite a number of our people at tended the meeting of the South Georgia Conference, at Mulberry Street Methodist church in Macon, last i week. • • • Mrs. Lucy Frederick is spending this week end with Mrs. J. W. Martin in Macon. THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1925. JOHNSON, DURHAM AND BURKE FURNITURE COMPANY One of the largest furniture stores in this section is located at 365 Sec j ond Btreet> phone 3826, in Macon, j j They c an furnish your home from kitchen to parlor. It is a logical place to trade as you can buy where | your do „ ar hag more centS * j , t ig af) up to date and we)1 known j 'furnish f urniture 8t orc with that is style—one prepared to of you any m ost popular establishments in tbig Kect j on tbc state devoted to the bui ] ding of bappy an( ) well f ur _ , n j 8 hed homes on most reasonable tern)g Thjg ig one of the larjre trading ccn ^ ers 0 f t.his section and is head (jugrterg for thousands of people each yeftr They can furnish you a setting of any period and their ability to fit | y° u > n the furniture line is only limit¬ ed by the various styles turned out by American manufacturers today. Here is the place to furnish your //. C. W A RUCK I'HOTOGRAi’HS OF QUALITY y Admirably located at 117 Cotton Ave, in Macon is the art center for this section and it enjoys an excellent patronage from all the surrounding territory. It is a well known fact'that no one I firm in the community has met with greater favor with the public than has this establishment. Jn r( , vk , w of this character it is eminently fitting that we devote gome ofour space to a frank testi of the excellent work * U r £ orn ', ed at tbjs stu dio in the success ful pract j ce „f an interesting and ar tistic profession-. The Art of photography which was introduced by DaGuerre a century ago has been within the period de , veloped from a mechanical trade to an act of science. As regards the pho toKrapber „f today he must be a per son () f advanced ideas and thorough training so as to successfully com pete with those who are now making ^ profession an art of science. As ardg the above we can say that studio is , n charge of finished ■ photographers who have made a life j study a f (his interesting and artistic I The Men’s Evangelistic Club met 1 at the Methodist church Sunday af¬ ternoon. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Jennings from Cor deie visited Mrs. Jenning s father, Mr. M. L. Patrick, on last Sunday. * * * Miss Bettie Lon McKenzie, who teaches in Cordelc, visited home folks Sunday. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Bryan, Mr. Alva [> 0 i H , rt Bryan, and Mr. Hall from j !aines city, Florida, are visiting Mr. and jy.j rs _ g c. Bryan. * * * The many friends of Mrs. Hannah Neil are glad to see her out again af~ ter being confined to her room for j some time with a sprained ankle. ■ •• Aun t” Hannah is every body’s friend , lnd we iniss hor wben she can’t get 1 n]lt ♦ •* * Mrs . F. J. Frederick has returned ll0me from a v j s j t t0 Mrs. Heflin and hpr son> ciairc Frederick in Nash ville, Tenn. * * * The Woman’s Missionary Soc-e . met on Monday afternoon at the home ; 0 f ]\| rs jj m. Hargrove. j j * * * Last Friday as Mr. M. L. PatncK was returning home from his farm in his bufcgy> a truok ran j n t 0 him. Two of the wheels were torn from his bug gy and he was badly bruised and shaken up, but we are glad to say not seriously hurt. ** * * Mr. and Mrs. I. F. Murph have gone to Leesburg, Florida. * * * * Mr. Boots ‘ Martin spent last week end in Atlanta, with his brother Ed win, who is in school at Emory Uni ! versity. . , * « *' Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hargrove and little daughter Eugenia spent last week end with Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Hargrove. ST. ANDREW’S CHURCH i Episcopal Lord’s Day Services I Holy Communion, 7:30 a. m. ■ Church School, Mr. J. W. Robinson, Supt., Mr. W. Wood, Sec’y, 9:30 a. m. Morning Prayer 11:00 a. m. Evening Prayer, 7:00 p. m. Welcome all. Rev. E. J. Saywell, Pastor. home at a real saving. Their stock contains everything that the modern home desires from the living room to the kitchen. There are big roomy ■ suits, there are light luxurious cane suits and even the cool summery reed and fiber furniture. For your bed rooms you will find suits in the tall and stately Hoppelwhite periods and designs or the dainty Queen Anne and dining suits in oak, walnut, or ma hogany. Before you furnish your home let them show you these home outfits, you will be delighted ■ w j th t he variety and the beauty, ■ ; The management is in the hands of progressive business men. In mak ing this review of the onward prog ress of the community we feel pleas “d to compliment them and refer the establishment to all our readers. If you are bi^hercd by the present that sea son of high prices we suggest you will find a visit to this store a revelation in possible economy. profession and never let an oppor tunity pass to improve themselves. They have in this studio which may well be termed the section’s art ter, the latest mechanical devices for the production of artistic photographs, (lnd are admirably equipped to pro duce any thing in the way of photo graphy to please the most critical. * In the artistic production of chil¬ drens’ pictures they have gained well : mereited commendation and have an ! excellent display including the pho tographs of several well known peo pie of this section. Taken all in all, the proprietor is ' 1 worthy member of the profession and tho Cltlze "s of this section are congratulated having . to be on a per son of such artistic ability in their midst. The name stands for quality, relia bility, and progress in the photograph¬ ic business of this section of the country and as the advances of the periods have marked improvements, 1 this firm has adopted these late 1 scientific methods us rapidly as they have been approved by the trade. Doctor says fatigue is a disease. i work. Most of us do get sick of our Hunt the bright side. An auto li¬ cense costs a lot of money hut there isn't any upkeep on it. •FK-+**++++++*-M-++-t ****+•*8 *+6 ■ .. , tv ■ « < ; ! /2P \ [ i <. i ,, y , ^ r) ‘, Sr' (A k ; | \i ❖ < » 4 I \ ❖ ;; /y ft < ■ * i: Sn Jl ' % ♦ 1 1 m . * \ V 1 •> 1 fS x J ^ A J ill ■X , ! Ghristmas Confections! < < | gift friend! \ The sweetest to the sweetest s • .. She'll expeet eandy as a matter of course. She’ll <« be doubly happy to receive fresh, fat chocolates, • rich and creamy, with the individual quality and - flavor for which our candies are famous! \ | ;; Other Gift Suggestions Fountain Pens Pipes and Pipe Sets Pen and Pencil Sets Cigars (Xmas Boxes) Manicure Sets Bill Folds (Sekl Skin) Toilet Sets Safety Razors Perfumes and Toilet Waters Thermos Bottles (High Class) Fine Stationery Flash Lights Nunnally’s Exquisite Candies Military Sets (Xmas Boxes) Christmas Cards Anderson Drug Co. PHONE 48 111 1 II1111 11 1 # H ♦ METHODIST CHURCH 1 Thos. H. Thomson, pastor. Sunday school, 9:30 a. m., Judge H. A. Mathews superintendent. Preaching by the pastor at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Kpworth League at 6 p. m. Prayer meeting, Wednesday at 7 p. m. | To ail services the public is cor dia |, invitcd 1 y , ) In California, a man wrote his will on a butcher's order book. Perhaps he was just going to price a steak. i i STOP THAT BACKACHE! Many Fort Valley Folic* Have Found the Way. Is a dull, nerve-racking back¬ ache wearing you out? Do you feel older and slower than you should? find it impossible to be happy, or Are you tired, weak and nervous; enjoy the good times around you? Then there's something wrong likely it’s your kidneys. Why not get at the cause? Use Doan’s Pills stimulant diuretic to the kidneys. Your neighbors recommend Doan’s Read what this Fort Valley resi dent says. Mrs. Wm. Stembriuge, 008 Orange St., says: "Attacks of back ache came on ,| uc . to a weakened condition my kidneys. Pains settled across my kidneys which felt like a knife .cutting through me, every time 1 i breathed. I became stiff across my jmy My back kidneys and acted felt weak irregularly, and worn too. out. 1 Doan’s Pills and they cured me." 60c. at all dealers. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo. N. Y. Adv. You Will Enjoy Shopping at DANNENBERGS Macon ^ V aaii 5n. Macon’s Com plete Department Store Third and Poplar Macon's Family Christmas Store Clopine Clippings By DON QUIXOTE Mr. T. D. Treadwell and family have recently moved on the Foster plantation near Norwood Springs, which was formerly occupied by the Walker family who are now with Mr. W. J. Cheek at Clopine. * * * The many friends of Mr. T. B. W hite of Roberta were sorry to learn of his death at his home last Thurs¬ day. * * * I Mr. E. E. Cheek is in Macon this week on business. • * * Mr. T. D. Castleberry visited rela¬ tives at Jackson last Sunday. l • * * Mrs. N. C. Childre and family .ex pect to move into the house formerly occupied by Mr. E. B. Davis at Myr t | e at a very- early date. ' THE RADIO SET , SUPREME / I im | h RADIOL A 25 1 SUPER¬ HETERODYNE m Operates on loop no outside antenna or ground. Uni-eontrol dial may be tuned with one hand. All batteries self contained. Volume to spare with accurate control. Price complete with horn type speaker, all bat¬ teries and accessories $ 195.00 Tubes and batteries for all sets. GREEN-MILLER CO. at! * m v. g v\l /, As; 1) v / v % y /. u y V % m N Give Jewelry This \. m We list a Christmas few of the many Jewelry < Gifts that can be found in our store. Come to Macon if yo-s ;■ $ can—if GIFTS not FOR order HER by mail m vl Wrist Watches .... Sin.09 up Bar Pins ......... .2.00 op Y Rings, all kinds ... 00 no I: Pearl Neckiaces . . . $10.00 to $100 Ivory Sets $10.00 to $75.00 Card Cases $9.00 tr. S5C OO GIFTS FOR HIM V Watches....... S12.5C up Cuff Links..... S3 (o $30 Cigarette Cases $2 to $35 Military Brushes $6 to S12 Bill Folds, Gold Mounted $2 to $10 Agents for J. P. Stevens Engraving Co. Williams Jewelry Co. IV « Merchandise That Lasts Longer Than You Live 457 Cherry St. MACON, GA. 9 ■» ' / /q r \ w, V The many friends of Mrs. Mattie L. Capps who is now in Miami, Fla., are pleased to learn of her success In business affairs, she having recently purchased several lots in Miami. S expects to visit her relatives here d: ing the Christmas holidays. When You Come To Macon For Your Christmas Shopping LET US EXAMINE YOUR EYES Classes Fitted AINSWORTH OPTICAL CO. 453 Cherry St. Macon Next to Union Dry Goods Co.