The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, December 10, 1925, Image 7

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i r Society ^ Club 9leu)S r —Conducted by MRS. CHARLES N. ROUNTREE, Phone 275-7 Mrs. Mary Wester is spending time in Fort Valley. * * * Mr. Reginald Robinson is in burgh, Pa., on a business trip. » * » Mayor R. D. Hale returned from a short business trip to • • * Mr. Glenmore Green was in a few days on business this week. • * * Mrs. W. C. Wright left *’for a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Wright in West Palm Beach, Fla. * * * Miss Mamie Sue Harris of was a week end visitor of Mrs. Laurie Ayer this week. • * * * Mrs. P. R. Frederick of V \ ille was the guest of Mrs. Flournoy and Mrs. Ayer on • * • Mr. and Mrs. Malcom Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Flournoy of •visited home folks here last • . . Misses Margaret Branham Marjorie Brown of Wesleyan spent the week end with relatives. • * * Mrs. Mattie Carpenter has gone Hollywood, Calif., to spend a of months with relatives. * * * Ed Murray of the Bank of Valley was in Atlanta Monday business. » • * Miss Jo Allen, who teaches Horman Park Institute was at V or a week end visit. * * * Mrs. Laura Brown Cookerly was •visitor last week, the guest of mother, Mrs. M. A. Brown. ... Mrs. Stella Smith spent last «end in Macon with her mother, Able. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Slappy of lanta were pleasant visitors «i*ys the past week. * * * Miss Mary Grimes, who teaches Eatonton was at home for the end. * * * Mr. and Mrs. I). A. Howard children motored to Harlem spent last week, returning * p * Madame Rumor says there is to * quiet 1 wedding in Fort Valley Christmas Day. * * sit IIfeir j Mrs. C. B. Grimes and little Frances, spent the week end , ^’relatives in Vienna. * * * 4 Mrs. Mittie Wynne and Mr. ■s Otis Jones motored to ' y, spending the day with lives A * * » Dr. Peyton Jacobs, Dean of School of education at Mercer versity was a recent visitor, the of the Newtons. * * * * Mrs. Christine Hafer came day for a brief visit, after fdpo months , _ in points in Alabama V M ississippi. * * * Axel and Nick Economou were cent visitors. Axel is making home in Winter Haven, Fla. and is in Douglas, Ga. ... Dr. and Mrs. C. Z. McArthur tored to Quitman Saturday, the night and returning Sunday fQfcmoon. * * * Mrs. Jack Phares has returned her home in Daytona, Fla., after visit to Mrs. J. R. Marshall and Nettie Marshall. * * * Judge A. C. Riley and Miss Riley are going to spend the m Miami with other members of family. * * * Mri Mosley Hale, who formerly much of his time here at the ttporgia Orchard place is here for ^sit to Mr. and Mrs. John Baird. * * * Mr. J. F. Willis, and sons, and Charles Willis of Griffin, panied by Mr. Willis’ Mrs. R. A. Griffith and young mfederick, of Gadsden, Ala., Sunday with their daughter and ter, Mrs. W. R. Berry. Mrs. is spending several days. Mr, Eugene Bryant, capitalist of Haines City. Fla., was a visitor sev¬ eral days recently. * ¥ * I Mrs. Johnnie Powell and young daughter of Grovania are visiting the family of her brother, Mr. Homer Duke. * * * Miss Idelle Bryant is expected home Sunday from Mulberry, F la., to spend the holidays with her sister, Mrs. Homer Duke. * * * Mrs. F. L. Carswell of Macon spent ■ the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Allen in Oakland Heights. * * * Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Berry and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C. Toole, Jr., were re¬ cent visitors to Mr. George Gumm and family in Milledgevillc. . * * * Mrs. A. M. Seifert, Mrs. Ed Fagan and Miss Lilia Braswell returned Sat¬ urday from a week’s visit to Miami, Hollywood and other Florida cities. * * * A number of the social contingent met at the home of the Brisendines on ! Saturday evening and organized an ' Evening Bridge Club for the winter months. , • * * Mrs. J. M. Allen, her daughters, Mrs. F. L. Carswell of Macon, Miss Jo Allen and William Allen motored to Hawkinsville Sunday and visited friends. * * * Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Braswell, Jr., expect to move into the home on Cen¬ tral Avenue, that they recently pur¬ chased which has been occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Ben Roe Marshall. * * * Miss Miriam Edwards of Wesleyan College has been signally honored by having been invited to read for the Macon Kiwanians at their regular luncheon next week. • • • 1 Mr. S. J. Crawford attended the j banquet at the hotel Dempsey, Ma con, given by Mr. L. A. Downs of the Central Railway Co. * * * \ Mr. Charlie Williams, Jr., who has I been making his home in Tallahassee, Florida, for some time is at home on a two weeks’ visit. * * * i Miss Fannie Belle Brown of At ^nta, spent Wednesday and Thurs day with her cousins, M«. Lena E. i Tomanck and Mrs. S. P. Howe. Miss ! Brown is a graduate nurse of Grady Hospital, Atlanta, Ga. * * * ( Miss Carolyn Cravey of the domes [ tic science department of the school will entertain the Board of Educa tion and a few other citizens at a banquet at the school Thursday even j ing. Miss Cravey and her class will ! prepare the menu and serve the guests. * * * j Mr. and Mrs. Z. M. Patterson of . Griffin were here for a week end visit to their daughter, Mrs. Luther Farmer and her family. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Patterson of Griffin also were guests of _ the farmers. | ♦ * * Mr. George Mathews has gone to 1 Florida where he expects to be for a few months. Mrs. Mathews and little girl have gone to Shellman to be with her parents while he is away. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harris are leaving to spend some time in Flor¬ | ida. Miss Ruby Harris will be with Mrs. Roland Hiley until they return home, * * ♦ Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Fincher and Mrs. Alice Crandall left Tuesday morning for a short trip to Miami by mcAor to accompany Mi- 3. Helen Hume, who has been in Florida sev j eral weeks-back home, * * * The following clipping was taken from the society column of a Miami paper of Sunday, Nov., 21st.: "Saw Mrs. Helen Crandall Hume, of Fort Valley, Ga., at the Lido recently. Helen is a frequent visitor in Mia mi. She was the queen of the Peach Blossom Festival in Georgia in 1924, which is a distinct honor to any Geor gia girl, for she is chosen to represent the far-famed pride of the Cracker State. Helen was wearing a becoming gray georgette dress threaded in sil¬ ver, and very pretty black patent THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, PORT VALLEY, GA., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1925. leather slippers with cut-steel buck les. * * * Mrs. Wyatt of Chicago, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. E. Haslam on Persons Street. Last Sunday’s roto-gravure section of the Atlanta Constitution carried a lovely photograph of Miss Rubye Duke under the caption—A bell of p ort y a y e y t w j, 0 , s a g on ; or Bre nau c 0 n e ge. __ The School of Commerce, which has been in progress with about thirty students for the past three months closed Saturday night. Miss Bartley, the instructress left Saturday for Florida where she resumes dutieS- 70TH BIRTHDAY PARTY Mr. George W. Thames entertained a number of old time friends at his ---- W. I'-t \ A - NjJ V £ % > : //, A < i v w a (\S ' i I v *' f * 'h 7J 7 * » .vfl 7j •«« / / / / ..A' •"■O e * T ■i HI in Y #■ S/ / v-, « •? . / / -r Gifts That Men Appreciate Make your Holiday Selections from a Man’s Store rr f v Bath or Lounging Rohes Gents Jewelry Sets .50 to 2.50 In Christmas Boxes 6.00 to f 2.50 Genuine Leather Purses, v; cigarette and key ring holders 1.00 5.00 Spaiiling’s Golf Assortment to Ideal Xmas gift for him 5.00 to 7.50 Bradley Lumber Jac Sweaters 5.00 to 10.00 Bradley Sweater-Socks Golf Combina¬ Hickok Beh-Buckles & Beltogram pleasure sets, in Sterling Silver, In christmas Boxes. tion. A to wear 7.50 to 15.00 3.00 to 5.00 COPYRIQMT BY H* Christmas Holiday Bed Oxfords tNTERWim.N STOCKINQ COMPANY Cheney Ties, In Holiday Boxes 1.00 3.50 2.50 to 3.50 Interwoven Holiday Boxes, to Gents Socks $1.00 to $2.00 Quality Gifts For Women s New Arrivals for the Holiday Season in Slippers for L’ J every \ m occasion $7.50 to $9.50 f\\ --•Jv I P, I Ladies Bradley-Knit Sweaters $5.00 to $15.00 / I 1 •yp Rountree’s Holiday Fitted Hat Rags $7.50 to $10.00 Tz Week-end eases for the Holiday Season $7.50 to $12.50 SEE OUR WINDOWS FOR THE SEASON’S w] Frank Schoble and Stetson Hats NEWEST HOLIDAY STYLES Manhattan and Wilson Bros. $5.00 to $10.00 Shirts $2.50 to $6.00 EDWARDS BROTHERS FORT VALLEY GEORGIA > home last Friday in celebration of j his 70th birthday. Good eats and the j delightful fellowship of friends made the day a most pleasant occasion, when all ate and drank to the health and happiness of the genial host. HOLIDAY FESTIVITIES With the holiday season already upon us, elaborate plans and prepara tions are rapidly being made for luncheons, dinner parties and other entertainment. The gay festive season, so full of 1 Christmas cheer will center mainly around the belles and beaux of the younger set, the college and school contingent, which will be at home for t h 0 Christmas vacation, APPLAUSE FOR MISS RUBYE DUKE AT BRENAU Gainesville, Ga., Dec. 9. —Miss Rubye Duke of Fort Valley recently appeared in the second Cushman Club play of the year at Brenau ^ College, „ Gainesville, Ga. Miss Duke is a stu dent of considerable talent and is showing marked ability. Her role was most creditably taken, and she is re ceiving sincere applause from her many friends at the college upon the excellence of her work. MRS. ROBINSON ENTERTAINS WOMANS AUXILIARY The Woman's Auxiliary of the Episcopal church held its regular meeting at the home of Mrs. James \v. Robinson Monday afternoon. Af ter the business affairs of the meet ing was disposed of, a social hour was enjoyed, and delicious refresh ments were served. FOR MRS. WARNER Mrs. E. J. Saywell will be At Home” Friday afternoon to a number 0 f friends in honor of her sister, Mrs. Edward Grieg Warner of Atlanta, who i BYRON NEWS ITEMS By R. L. DUKE Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Davis and fam¬ ily spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Shirley at Winchester, Ga. Mr. 0. W. McKnight of Byron, Misses Annie Lee and Gladys Wheel- , of „ _. Fort .. Valley, I, motored . , to , Ariton, . .. er, ’ V . Alabama, , „ Friday to attend . v | a party . . by __ Mr. Me __ Knight . sister. . . ; given s | The entire party motored to Mont¬ gomery Sunday, all reporting a nice time. * * * Dr. E. C. Harris of Macon spent has been the admired guest of Mrs. Saywell for several weeks. I Mrs. Warner has recently returned I from a two year’s tour of the world and has been called upon by various clubs and Sunday school classes and missioniary societies to tell them something of her travels, to whom she has spoken, telling of her trip so vi vidly and entertainingly that one can almost visualize every point of inter¬ est, as she speaks of the old shrines —with their history, all told in a de¬ lightfully refreshing way. Thousands of Americans are mak ing a trip around the globe every I year, but few are telling the other millions what they saw and heard. Tuesday in Byron visiting old frienda. * * * Now the election is over, we’ve •11 had our fun, so let’s settle down to business . and . club. . . organize a civic Byron needs , one real , , bad , and . each , and , will ... be . benefited . di- ,, every one rectly , indirectly .. . well .. or as as enjoy mg the programs. There is no good reason why we shouldn’t organize, so give the matter a serious thought and let’s have some regular get-together meetings. We will all be proud of it and wonder why we didn’t start long ago after we organize. * * * Mrs. C. T. Moultrie spent Monday in Macon. * * * Don’t forget the play given under the auspices of PTA Friday night at School Auditorium. Admission 15 cents and 25 cents. Everybody be sure to come and also prepared to laugh. Study Must Have Value U our study does not directly Of Indirectly enrich the life of man, It Is but a drawing of vanity with cart ropes, a weariness to the flesh, or at least a busy idleness.—Edward Dow* den.