The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, December 10, 1925, Image 9

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mm V a TO THE KIWANIS KALL OFFICIAL ORGAN BUY AT HOME of the and Get Full Value Fort Valley Your Money Kiwanis Club Published Weekly Thursday by the Kiwanis Club of Fort Valley, Ga. for on Volume 2. THURSDAY DECEMBER 10, 1925. Number l. r >. Here’s the beverage that delights mm taste, satisfies thirst and refreshes. Every bottle is sterilized—insur ing absolute purity Fort Valley Bottling Go. 0 ' HRISENDINK, KIWANIAN W. G. 'fi J. W. Woolfolk W. L. Snow Ralph Newton J. W. Woolfolk & Co. Spray Material, Peas & Peaches Fort Valley, Georgia HOTEL WINONA EMORY COPPEDGE, Proprietor ) KIWANIAN Your account, whether large or small, respectfully solicited on the basis of sincere appreciation. FN . o PROMPT COURTEOUS % w 1 EFFICIENT SO ■B - / i SERVICE Bank of Fort Valley H. Y. KELL CO. FORT VALLEY, GA. Strictly Wholesale - Phone 276 Full Stocks - Prompt Service C. L. FARMER, Mgr. SK Kiwanian IZ -U*\ “W e Have Such Lovely Fogs By CARL M. GATES in (he “Engineer” In a striking passage in “The Little Lnch Girl,” Tocpie and Alix are dis cussing tubbing Giles uuisk.U and his sister Ruth. “She is a very good girl,” says Toppie of fejjpi ■Kink, ‘‘very courageous and honest. Alix the older one grows lore one cares for those sterling Give GlIM f/f\- It S' -1 c iiour hhoiujur wYi v m */ (A /?/! m f :as /i ry ^ ■ 5 / M \ Wr £ % Wni \T : Pictures are always appreciated. Your photograph will carry a personal sentiment that will he especially appropriate at Christmas time and will de¬ light the out-of-town relatives and friends. As a matter of fact, photographs as Christmas presents will prove especially pleasing to your neighbors—your relative, friend or sweetheart right here at home. A photograph excels as a message of love and esteem, whether it he of man. woman, boy, girl or the baby. And what is more charming than a picture of Mother and Baby? People are learning rapidly that in Rembrandt's Fort Valley has a photograph studio worth while. Come in TODAY and have your Christmas pictures made. Rembrandt Studio Fort Valley, Georgia qualities. Black would always be black to Ruth, and white, white.” you could not really compare Ruth and Giles, Toppie „ Mix ... answers, „ n „ wor „ “Giles is all that she is and so much more besides. He sees the grays and all the delicate in-between shades, too. THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA., THURSDAY, DECEM BER 10, 1925. «is A t I Wonder If you were me and I were you, I wonder what we each would do? I wonder if with courage fine I’d stand the gaff, like you, or whine? I wonder! If I were you and you were me, I wonder if we both would see The good in each and kindness too, The battles each must struggle through ? I wonder! I wonder if it wouldn’t be Much better for both you and me, To be darn glad we’re what we are, And GET TO WORK, and travel far? By thunder! FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11 Educational Program S Committee: A. L. NORRIS F. O. MILLER RALPH NEWTON Nothing is really black or white and * that is what is stupid in Ruth; she so things so. „ sees | „ for those , who , , know that they them- 1 'selves are gray-neither white nor Wack but a little of both—it is en couraging to remember that all the people who have been most effective in n fa,bionimr fashioning the the world world into into some- some thing of the beauty it was meant to wear, have been gray folks, too. Think of Abraham, the father of the The Fori Valley Oil Co. MiimilnctiiriM's of COTTON SEED PRODUCTS FORT VALLEY, GA. I). C. STROTHER & K. M. WHITING, KIWANIANS GREEN-MILLER COMPANY ml Radios , Batteries and Tubes GREEN-MILLER COMPANY GLKNMORK GHKKN, KIWANIAN Georgia Agricultural Works QUALITY SERVICE HARDWARE & FURNITURE We’ve Got It it F. 0. MILLER, Kiwanian j : • GALLAHER-HALE GRO. CO. Distributors Purina Feeds k. Feed from the Checkerboard Bag 99 WHOLESALE GROCERS R. D. HALE, KIWANIAN c HALL KIWANIAN THE TIRE MAN mmm faithful,” and yet a man who tried to pass off his wife as his sister in order to . save his ,• own skin; i • of j m Moses, one ‘ .,]] Hme ’ but whose temper sometimes .. a man ran awdy with him, of David, Peter, , Martin Luther and itieodore wose velt—for even his best friends w u d admit that he was too ready to build I membership of his Ananias Club. Many who has . been a martyr a tower of strength in the face of deaf has been as frail as the rest of us m great- 1 every-day affairs of life. The cst men have been human, and “to err is human” The only way then to get the of the world done is to follow policy. He was willing to take folks iust as they were, use the good in them, bear patiently with their faults, and bv his sympathy and encourage ment build up gradually in them a new integrity and efficiency . There are too many Toppies scattered around, demanding absolute tion from their fellows, and, when they fail to find it, picking out the flaws for emphasis, as if there were no good to be seen. “Judge not! What looks to thy dim eyes a stain, In God’s pure light may only be A scar brought from some well Takes the Place of “Drastic 99 Calomel Never take another dose of the old styl« raw” calomel. There is a newer and more improved kind known as Pepsinated Calomel. It does not tear through your system like a streak of lightning. People who are iil or suffering with biliousness, constipation, indigestion, and especially with backache, headache and torpid liver can secure immediate and complete relief with this new mild Calomel, Hereafte** when you buy calomel, always demand the “pep-si na ted” kind. It is better for you, for it is purer, milder and more beneficial to your entire system. In 25c and 50c packages. For sale by WHEELER’S PHARMACY worn field ^ here thou wouldst only faint and yield.” It is sympathy which holds the secret tcret both ho^h^of of insight^an^redemptwe and redemptive ^ ^ friendg " And remember a so th it nation and races as well as individual are gray. * No nation is white, | . not even America * • And A , no race perfectly black, n t v n t negro. Virtues and vices are mixed up inextricably together. Where one nation is strong another is weak and vice versa. We Americans arc strong in our individualism and the Chi nese are strong in their solidarity. We are aggressive, ever seeking some new thing. They represent the conservative element which believes in keeping the best in the past; is perfect alone. And so with every race. Again it is sympathy which holds the secret insight and understanding. The ! only way to avoid the evils of j “clash of color” is for every to cultivate the habit of seeing !delicate in-between shades of in itself and its neighbors. Even one’s beliefs are gray; is, they are partial apprehensions I How Doctors Treat Colds and the To break up a cold overnight to cut short rn attack of grippe, fluenza, sore throat or tonsillitis, sicians and druggists are purified now mending Calotabs, the refined calomel compound tablet gives you the effects of calomel salts combined, without the ant effects of either. One or two Calotabs at with a swallow of water,—that’s No salts, no nausea nor the interference with your eating, or pleasure. Next morning your has vanished, your system is oughly purified and you are fine with a hearty appetite for fact. Eat what you please,—no ger. Get family package, . . n full directions, only 35 cents. At drug store. truth, correct in some respects, in .adequate in others. So long as they I • 'represent , the ,, best wisdom we can & et » we hold ,, them , as firm convictions, . ^ franWy that fuller j may possibly lead to different 1 ' beliefs in the future. Where other! J men have different ideas from ours, we W,U gladly accord them the pnvi lege we claim for ourselves of living * , ^ ^ ^ . has. ^ one If !Qli Cromwell were to rea pp ear t o d ^ r > 1 sus P ect tha * he would ,, sa ^ to the contesting factions ,n various what he said to the Scottish Presbyterians of his “I beseech you—believe it possible that you may be mistaken.” Finally, that the conditions of life are gray is obvious. They are not | the ideals of we used to dream » but they are not as bad as they might , be. The problem of life is one of ad justment. It is learning to adapt one’s self to an uncomfortable lot to love people who are at times disagree j able, to plunge zealously into a task, | some phases of which we do not like, acquiesce and even rejoice in the Strange Power of Mexican Mustang Liniment Penetrates Through the Skin to the Bone-Drives Out. Rheumatic Aches, Heals Cuts, Bruises and Sores Sufferers from rheumatic aches ;»w pains anil those who are troubled "ill muscles or stiffened joints can fc 1 sore . wonderful anil quick relief through tin use of a preparation known as Mexican Mustanx l.inimcnt It seems to possess tlio magic power to penetrate through trie surfaceof the skin, direct to the very born and its action brings heaiinx and quletlnv and a complete end to pain. noted It is said the Mexican Mustang for its speed was kept in condition ami joints limber and flexible by this same application. The almost magic effect o( Mexican M ustaiiK Liniment for human uu to relieve pain and for healing cuts am! bruises, it a very nece try in in remedy Midiungistsand wholesaler.; Mustang Liniment, or can Ket )' for you Professional Directory Claude M. Houser Samuel M. Mathews HOUSER & MATHEWS ATTORNEYS AT LAW Practice in all the State and Federal Courts Loans made upon City Property on monthly payment plan and regular loans upon farm property. Woolfolk Bldg. Phone 107 Fort Valley, Ga. C. L. SHEPARD ATTORNEY AT LAW Woolfolk Building Phone 31 Fort Valley, Ga. Practice in all the State and Federal Courts Loans M«dn on Realty Louis L. Brown * Louis L. Brown, Jr, BROWN & BROWN ATTORNEYS AT LAW Wright Building. Phone 9 Fort Valley, Ga. Practice in all the State and Federal Courts Loans on Realty Negotiated GEO. B. CULPEPPER, JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW Citizens Bank Building Phone 374 Fort Valley, Ga. DR. W. L. NANCE DENTIST Miss Florence Taylor, Assistant Citizens Bank Building Fort Valley, Ga. Phones: Office 82; Residence 115. DR. W. H. HAFER DENTIST Office over Copeland’s Pharmacy. Fort Valley, Ga. ’PHONES Residence 50-J. Office 14-J. We Insure Everything Insurable KENDRICK INSURANCE AGENCY Woolfolk Fort Valley Phone ’ Bldg. Ga. 58-J. JOHN T. SLATON INSURANCE AGENCY FIRE, TORNADO & AUTOMOBIL8 Prompt and Satisfactory Service Guaranteed Woolfolk Bldg. Phone 2S3. ROLAND A. HILEY Real Estate and Renting Agent Let me collect your House Renta gray shades of life, just as a resident of San Francisco rejoiced in its cli¬ mate “because we have such lovely fogs there. '' We are indebted to Mr. Benson Gar rison for some fine peaches. Benson ■ ,. the only , . the ,, county . who . man m raises November peaches.— Banks Colmty JonrnaL And in Chicago, a druggist has been robbed 12 times; which means not hing in Chicago except that it makes , dozen, , a Statistics show married men live the longest, , . , proves that .. . talk- ... ; ng is bad for your health. V J ✓ <r r 'U * VK lv\ (, ’ ^ <* ■ Strong Nerves You can’t be healthy, happy or even good when you’re nervous and irritable. 'Every organ of the body is controlled by the nerves. When they’re out of order you’re liable to have a nervous or phy sicial break down. Dr. Miles’ Nervine soothes irritated nerves and gives nature a chance to restore them |to their normal func¬ tions. Sold at pre-war price-— vl-00 per bottle.