The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, December 17, 1925, Image 4

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tUhr ifoafof r * tBribuu? AND PEACHLAND JOURNAL ESTABLISHED IIS« PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY JOHN H. JONES Editor and Owner *A« * Man in Hl» Hrart. Ho la H*.“ Official Organ of Pearh County, City of Fort Vall«y and Wr»tarn Division of th« Southern DiwtHcl of (Georgia Federal Court. N. E. A. Feature Service' tut Sir, ice Entered a, »ecoml-cla»» matter at the r>«»t offict* at Fort Valley, t.a under the act of March 8. 1871). SUBSCRIPTION PRICKS (Payable in Advance) __11.60 I Year --- *0.75 C Months *0.10 I Months ADVERTISING RATES 30c per Column Inch 1e per Word Legal Advertisements Strictly Cash In Advnnca TlfijRSDTY, DECEMBER 17, 1925. A I.ITTI.E EARI.Y l> the «lo*an lor neit week's Urad.r-Trihnnr. All n,w» and eopy lor advrrliarmenl. ahould rrarh as not latrr than Tue«lay noon to In •wire puhliration. Chri.lma. I. (hri.tmna. even down to Ihr drvll In a prlntln* of flee. Buy, buy, baby! Belle under . the At Now Ring your Mistletoe. —........ .. ■1 A visit to the Christmas stores of Fort v Valley J is like a trip to fairyland, Bread oreau cast upon , the waters at Christmas-time is worth whole , , lot , . a more than fruit cake in wine. Christmas! If it it were would to come take three more J than once a year years to hold it. Christmas! Take a night off and get your system adjusted to its real meaning. Now Fort Valley Beautiful, what *re you going to do with that old ■water tower space? We arc now approaching the time •of starting all over again to land at the same place, and the road will be crowded. Let’s reverse the order of things 1or Christmas and New Year. Then maybe we can have each instead of <destrogfcg both. We are now observing with j concern to see if Fort Valley is going to let a certain noble Public Spirit work himself to death. -Your ■guess will be received without comment at this particular time. .. _— I Tom Anthoine and Santa Claus evi dently went into partnership, judg¬ ing by the time at which the old water tower is actually being brought down. Some rescue, Tom—seeing the i old tank dry, along came the reindeer.! ! David Albert Howard, pastor Rev. of the First Baptist church, was made chairman of the committee on nomi nations by the Georgia Baptist Con vention in Savannah last. week. We can’t help saying again that Fort Val¬ ley is wonderfully well blessed all the way around in preachers. Our-subscribers will join us in af¬ fectionate congratulations to W. C ' Carter, our good friend whose poems add so much interest and inspiration to the columns of The Leader-Tri¬ bune each week, who was eighty-one bright, fruitful years of age on Fri¬ day, December 11th. Editor C. E. Benns is being con¬ gratulated heartily upon the fiftieth birthday of his excellent paper, the Butler Herald, on Thanksgiving day. Butler and Taylor county have a right to be mighty thankful for Benns’ splendid public service, year in and year out, through such a good news¬ paper that was established by the present editor’s father fifty years ago and has remained in the family ever since. Josephus Camp has taken over the Dublin Messenger from Editor Kit trell and now the people of Dublin ■well may be congratulated. Josephus Camp has been distinguished as an able Georgia newspaper publisher for many years. Of recent years he has held the office of state printer by ap¬ pointment of Governor Walker. Jose¬ phus Camp undoubtedly will do much to accelerate the pulse of progress in the already hustling city of “Dublin' all the time. Santa Claus brings Rev. T. H. Thomson to the Methodist church for another year, Judge A. C. Riley to the Kiwanis Club as president, Ralph Newton as general chairman of the Fifth Annual Peach Blossom Festi¬ val, and—we pray—a Peach County Chamber of Commerce through the activities of Glenmore Green and oth- AN ACROSTIC Jesus, Author,of all (trace, Ever on Thy children shine; Smile upon them, show Thy face, Use them for Thy will divine, Sanctify them and refine. Seal them for Thy courts above, And Thy trusting children guide; Victors make them through Thy love, , In them, .. Savior c er abide. On their pathway shed Thy light; Raise them to Thy throne so bright! W. C. CARTER. « < rK r,S » . an<J , im l a 10t l n t of OI Uiner othor things ulJn ** over ovt r which we feel like ringing the bells, including the old water tower DOWN , the , garbage , Our -. *. r « and | number . cans a of . municipal .... improvements . and | • CIVIC beauties UP. Pity Ye Poor Editor An Atlanta friend took his typewriter in hand, copied the following paragraph and mailed it to the editor of The Leader Tribune. Yet there are folks right here at home who are neglecting to pay their aubacriptions. It reported that one of * il. the e__ fas- 18 tidious newly married ladies of this , KNEADS , bread , , with •,, 1 her glovcH , | : town on. This incident may be somewhat peculiar, hut there others, _ rrti the are editor of this paper NEEDS bread' with his shoes on; he NEEDS bread with his shirt on; he NEEDS bread with his pants * on; and unless some of the delinquent . subscribers .. to . this ... Freedom” before ' “Old Rag of pay up long, he will NEED bread without a damn thing on-and Wisconsin is no Garden of Eden in the winter time.— Melrose (Wisconsin) Chronicle. The Strength of Unity Fort Valley, too, will become quick¬ ly a city of 20,000 or more people by that spirit of which Editor Hardy speaks in his Thomaston Times, as follows. U The spirit of cooperation among our citizens is more marked than at any time in our history and it is es¬ sential that everything be done to en courage this feeling so that we may present a united front tn our march of progress and prosperity. Our peo pie are taking more pride in the which are being record by our eity and are showing a willingness than ever to join In every movement looking the progress and prosperity of It is this spirit which will Thomaston a eity of 20,000 In a very few years.” ■ 1 - --- - The proper time to buy coal seems have been ten years ago. Rich food doesn't, agree with one. is true of rich people, CHRISTMAS BASKETS re artistic designs, hand made Sweetstraw by Indians in Canada, Copeland’s Pharmacy. 12-17-lt. - Simple Mixture Makes Stomach Fed Fine i Simple buckthorn hark, magnesium sulph. c. p. glycerine, etc., as mixed in Adlerika, helps stomach trouble in TEN minutes by removing GAS. Brings out a surprising amount of old waste matter thought . you never was in your system. Stops that full, j bloated feeling and makes you happy and cheerful. Excellent for chronic constipation. Adlerika works QUICK and delightfully easy. COPELANDS PHARMACY Our Hankdtrchiefs. Ties. Socks. Belts. Shirts and other Men’s Furnishings offer you the very thing to give Father, Son. t Brother or Friend for Christmas. If it’s for a man, get it from W. M. JOHNSON Phone 76 Phone 76 GEORGIA-ALABAMA BUSINESS COLLEGE Macon, Ga. New three months cours m Comparing most favorably with other business schools’ best single course, and satisfying many. Six months course; nine, twelve, eighteen months course, leading to¬ ward certified public accounting, high-grade secre¬ tarial positions, etc. I Some of the best commercial positions in the South. We have special advantages for those who have been disappointed through superficial business courses. Write for in¬ formation. Send for description catalog. ~rrr '*,1 V THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT V ALLEY, GA„ THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1935. FRANKLIN TO OFFER FINE XMAS PICTURE Manager Brandenburg states that he has secured not only one of the most fascinating movie features of all filmdom but ar^ ideal Christmas picture overflowing with thrills for Christmas Day—Dee. 25—next week. It is “Fine Clothes,” boosting of an extraordinary cast of „ characters, , , T rol- , , lowing is a synopsis: It is Christman Eve, arid, in all London the gladdest huart that heats is that of Peter Hungerford. He and his wife, Adele, have saved five hundred pounds by long toil ; and, H * he savoys the r- mains of the Inst minute rtlKh (J f buyers in his little shop, he realizes th4 ‘ pro«<MMlM will clear him for impending financial ruin. He first bestows his annual presents upon his employees, Oscar and Philip, his clerks, and j> au j tt( his bookkeeper. For years they have been almost as memlxTs of the family. Then he out his wife to share his great joy with her. But Adele bursts into tears. She confesses she loves Oscar and has permitted him to suuander their money in a competitive shop, Peter’s final plunge into despair comes, the Christmas bells are ringing their message Earth, Good Will Toward Men, ’ of “Peace on carries when Oscar brazenly appears and Adele out into the night. Paula consoles Peter. She induces him to let her make an appeal for aid to the Earl of Denham, the heart-broken shopkeeper’s former employer. Paula has an underlying motive. She craves fine clothes and the other j uxur j eB 0 f wealth. And she is aware that the Earl can be made the source of these. If she CAn maneuver herself into his life. Peter lnnoccntly is vi etimized by the riot. and is overjoyed when Denham permits him to return to his old position as manager of J)t»rjhnm towers, with Paula as his assistant, £ n E‘* tIy * dezvous between her and the Earl. The pair finally conspire to give Peter five hundred pounds to get him back into his shop—out of the way. They any the money returned hy Oscar. But Philip tell, Peter Oscar i» pen nile ,,. He then «u»pett» Paula and hi« trunhed %&.'*$? ^fVVuTth^.'tr’J'lf in^^r.'rm" she a letter from the Earl which vindi her and begs that she marry him. Paula, however, loves Peter and tells him so. Again the Christmas bells ring out, and Peter's heart is the gladdest that beats in all London. While our progressive citizens and local paper are doing so for Fort Valley let us not over¬ the fine help Miss Nora Roun is giving. Meeting tourists and with friendly welcome, out literature and adver showing hotels and eating is no small help to visitors, as letters of appreciation from dis homes attest. All honor to our Miss Nora.”—Contributed. Quality Printing Good every time or we make it good. And, "by the sweat of the brow,” we are boosting for you all the time. The Leader-Tribune Telephone 119. You Will Enjoy I i Shopping at DANNENBERG’S Macon nk £ J® iiwM.K'i \ mMi mm] i 4. ■its Macon’s Complete Department Store Third and Poplar Macon's Family Christmas Store Jfi IX| JjJ Wt “flj |gl Gts pleasure to Jy| l£ a J 31 * — \! / £ I - 1 K £ J * ■ rfj £ J ■ ■ \ _ p J | r | lt's pleasure J L ■ ■ J a greater to deposit a part of your J, ■ J* 1 Xmas Savings Checks in our Savings Dejmrt m I interest. |f" J . ment at ■ IXZ E . I > 1 * Q- J | J _ But the greatest pleasure is yours—when after having r] saved of Xmas Savings have that j ■ some your money, you 1 feeling of satisfaction which when has “rainy comes one a 1 J J 1 day ” fund—funds ahead for a needy day . ] j . J 1 ■ ->)S Valley^ J Citizens Bank SpiH Fort i CAPITAL AND SURPLUS an RESOURCES OVER ] S150,000.00 SI,000,000.00 J J < Our 1926 Xmas Savings Club is Now Open . J JOIN TODAY ■ *• •% V »* * . - a wa «n/EizfZJU2JZjzjzjzjziiin9ZjerazRreiz^ * • . I L T'a » » ■ ! ..... ....... __________ _____- ___■ lL ■w ©>{g) (Dd ■{> *'r I i it ) i i ' (©) 4? \# I ;•> ' f. H^r * f Copeland\s Copeland's Christmas Christmas Candies Cigars Choicest Considered Confections Complete Collection NORRIS — WHITMAN LEADING BRANDS 25c to $7.50 Pkg. $2.75 per Box 4 Fresh Stock and Up Agents Idle Hour Nurseries and Dahl's Flowers delivered by telegraph anywhere. Fine assortment Box Paper, Kodaks (Eastman), Perfume Sets, Thermos Bottles, Flash Lights, Fountain Pens (Parker), Duett Sets (Parker), Compacts, Powder and many other gifts that are attractive. m COPELAND’S PHARMACY a Where your patronage is appreciated •• We have served you ten years