The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, December 24, 1925, Image 3

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THE CHRISTMAS SEASON The Christmas season is approach¬ ing, with its varied and beautiful fea- iimm t H n.....■ > ■■» ■« i * *+++*** *************• > f ' » f / > t / I MAY CHRISTMAS DAY BRING YOU MUCH JOY AND EACH YEAR BRING YOU MORE AND MORE IS THE SINCERE WISH WE WISH :: YOU IN THIS YEAR NINETEEN TWENTY-FIVE r GOLDMAN’S 1 1 1111 11 ?M I II 111 1 *********** +H m 11111 t**********************************t < • tilJ r TO OUR PATRONS OP THE PART AND TO OUR FUTURE PATRONS WE EXTEND A TBBY MERRY CHRISTMAS City Bakery : ;♦« 1 1 in »♦♦♦ » ! * mm» »♦ ....... . ******* 1 1 1 1 ««*♦♦♦♦♦*♦ I III * ***** * ♦♦♦♦4 1 * * ** ** nm *+ ++ +++++++*********• ■ $ r^/T ***i • * * . . • > ■*> ■ ■ > i > MAY THIS YULE TIDE ( ■ MAKE YOU AS HAPPY <i ■ AS YOUR PATRONAGE HAS MADE US DURING 1925 « • * « * • • CITY BARBER SHOP • s mill M T I i I' i 1 TTT- T TTUf ! T 1 tures. It will not be many days before holly and evergreen will make their appearance, the windows of the larger department stores be artistically ar- THK LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA„ THURSDAY, DECEMBER 34, 1928, ranged, crates of turkeys will arrive to grace the tables; and cranberries will come into their own. Up and down the different streets of our American cities will move men bearing pine, spruce and cedar trees, ranging in size from the dwarf ever¬ green for the dining room table to | the municipal giant whose towering j branches will tax the ingenuity of the city’s electrical department. Indeed,! one is reminded, in seeing numerous men completely buried under the trees they are carrying home, of Mac¬ beth seeing the horrifying spectacle of Birnam wood moving toward Dun sinane, each enemy soldier bearing a tree on his shoulder and the mass ap proaching the castle in assault, thus destroying tion cast the magic the Scotch spell usurper of protec- by j upon | the apparition, who assured him his crown would be safe until the wood became animated and walked—a ■ seeming impossibility. However, to get back to the holly, mistletoe and cranberries after this temporary flight into Scotch lore, there is a peculiar peace in the Christ mas atmosphere. Aside from its deep spiritual qualities, its appeal to the Christian the twenty-fifth of Decem¬ ber brings the loving tokens of re¬ membrance from family and friends. There is a great spirit of charity manifested, Jew and Christian alike liberally contributing to the allevia¬ tion of want, hunger and dire poverty. The silent and faithful Salvation Army workers are to be seen on the street corners with their kettles, many noteworthy organizations and individuals are making plans to bring ,joy and gladness to the little orphan kiddies, our disabled World-War vet erans are to come in for their share of the good things even to go a long step further, men and women confined in penal institutions will be remem¬ bered. The spirit of joy and peace will penetrate the cold stone walls and slip in through the steel bars of the pYisons. benefi¬ So we see everywhere the cent influence the Christmas season brings. Thera seem to be so many Hairs Catarrh m MiCUCUlV m at gwill do what claim fs/r tt — rid your system of Catarrh et Daafoaa eam*d by Catarrh. Mrf h (t *»*r *• y*n & J. CHENEY &. CO.. Twtod*, Qhi* ........MMMSM S MSHHW t KEN PRICES OK PfiOBUCISi Now In Effect. i Sweat Milk la plat bottle* --------- ____ 10c sack Sweet Milk la quart bottle* _____ 1 Be tick Buttermilk ______ 8c quart ................ Butter at aiarket prise. pint Cream......................— ______ 40c Term*: Ca»h in advance or strictly weekly. W. J. Braswell’s Sanitary Dairy Dairy Phone 3303 Fort Valley, Ga. Res. Phone 131 • I H1 ttttt T-i-r4-H- A ^^ A * * * ,, ’** , ^^****' M ‘* 4 ' ***^** ,M '' l> **** Jkr tc0**mic*I Trsn»pprl*H** a! ia*ui u —, fl m i V I i ^determines ity whether economical the price is Highest quality materials and construction alone gi ve you fine car performance over a long period at low The Coach cost for upkeep. *695 Only the most modern body design and a finish of permanent lustre can keep your car looking well for 't years. Chevrolet! Quality < And that’s what you get in a Touring « *525 design, quality construction,quality which appearance—and 525 many quality features the equal of you cannot Roadster » find in any other car at Chevrolet's price. Coupe « 675 You get Duco finish in smart colors. You get Fisher Sedan * 775 bodies on all closed models. You get smart, modern, Commercial 425 snappy good looks plus the power, permanence, and ChaadU dependability that make Chevrolet meet your highest ExpreM 550 ideals of economy. Truck ChataU Come in—let us show you why half a million Chev¬ ALL PRICE8F. O.B. rolet* bought this year. FLINT, MICHIGAN were ADAMS MOTOR CO. Fort Valley, Ga. QUALITY AT LOW -Y4 * ©ST evidences of unselfishness considera¬ tion and warm-heartedness on the part of all people, whether or not they accept Jesus, the Christ, as the Son of God. As a nation we may rejoice over the many contributing factors that have marked our national prosperity. Our countrymen are blessed with many advantages not enjoyed by the people of other nations. The members of the Masonic Order in America are not persecuted as our unfortunate brethren in foreign countries, but rather enjoy the confidence and re¬ spect of a great majority of the popu lation. Our public schools are going forward with an impetus, and the near future looks bright for more wonder ful improvements and benefits in the educational system, thanks to the ira ternal and patriotic organizations who are honestly and consistently backing a movement that has for its sole object the interest and welfare of our boys and girls. Everything considered, this Christ mas season should be a joyous one. As American citizens we have only to glance back to note the steady prog¬ ress made; facing the future, un¬ daunted, we may assure ourselves of even greater progress. Christmas-tide affords every one opportunity of silently thanking the Creator for His manifold bless to our nation, and our craft. It For Lame Backs, Aching Joints or Stiff Muscles Mexican Mustang Liniment Brings Quickest Relief Sufferers from such conditions as those mentioned abovo can get quicker relief than thoy have dreamed was possible. No matter how Revere tho pain, you can get rid of the agony without dosing and without taking powerful drugs into your system. sections of the country where In those is known, it Mexican Mustang Liniment has been used for years—in many places families have used It for more than fifty years and always have it ready for emer¬ gency uses. It is just aB successful for healing cuts, bruises and Bores aB It is for rheumatic aches and pains. It possesses almost magical penetrating power--going immediately to the sore spot and taking away the pain This Is the secret of Its wonderful healing powers. All druggists and wholesalers sell Mustang Liniment or they can get it for you. ARE YOU ALL RUN DOWN? Many Fort Valley Folk* Have Felt That Way. Feel all out of sorts? Tired, achy, blue, irritable? Back lame and stiff? It may be the story of weak kid j •neys! | Of toxic poisons circulating about , Upsetting blood and > nerves. There’s a way to feel right again. Help your weakened kidneys with Doan's Pills.—a stimulant diuretic. I Doan's are recommended by many I people in this locality. j It. A. Seales, farmer, Route No. 2, Box No. 4, Hawkinsville, Ga., says: j A cold which settled on my kidneys euuse( | a i ame back. When I went to anything, a terrible pain struck | nie j n fj, e small of my back and I wa8 d own and out. The kidney secre tions passed too often, getting me up a t night. I read about Doan’s Pills and two boxes which I used, cured . ........... does not matter what one’s individual ro [igious predilections may be, those ancient words that have been asso¬ ciated with Christmas all these years are for each and every one: “And on earth peace, good-will toward men.”— Scottish Rite News, S) 1 Weak in Back ... and Sides II Before the birth of my little girl,” says Mrs. Lena Stancil, of R. F. D. 2, Mat¬ thews, Mo., “I was so weak in my back and sides I could (gi not go about. 1 was too H weak to stand up or do any work. 1 felt like my back was coming in two. 1 lost weight. I didn’t eat ... much any¬ ^ thing couldn’t and was so nights. rest less I sleep ©| ( l My mother used to take CARDUI For Female Troubles so 1 gent to get it. 1 im¬ proved after my first bottle. Cardui for is certainly a great and help weak back. nervousness I took six bot¬ tles of Cardui and by then I did was fine well from and then strong, Cardui just on. helped me so much.” Thousands of weak, suf¬ fering women have taken Cardui, knowing that it had helped their mowers or their friends, strength and soon gained and got rid of their pains. Cardui should do lot you a of good. EX- 11 : % i i SEASON’S GREETING w ITH thoughts that are warm as flame, To those patrons of ours we exclaim, May your Christmas be dear, And so full of cheer, That you’ll wish for it over again! LEES DEPARTMENT STORE me of the attack. » You never hear opportunity grow- 60c, at all dealers. Foster-Milburning because you don’t let it in, when it Co., Mfrs,, Buffalo, N. Y. knocks. There are too many other# Adv.ready and willing. •» • * ■ > < i • • a < • I ©. ] j < [ ‘ A LL good people, hail to ye, On this happy, happy Yuletide! « i May it filled with gladness be And merry cheer with you abide! ■ ■ Anderson Drug Co, ♦♦♦♦♦♦< < - —i X a < > «• IF WE CAN HELP WITH WORDS OF CHEER THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT TO FULFILL, THEN LET US SAY IT IN A GREETING CLEAR 5 WE WISH YOU JOY AND ALL GOODWILL Poole’s Eat Shop W WH** * l H '* *'H*H** * W *» ** ** WWWi