The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, December 24, 1925, Image 5

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Society ^ Club 9leivs — Conducted by MRS. CHARLES N. ROUNTREE, Phone 275 J Mr. W. H. Hopkins visited in At¬ lanta Friday. * * * Mr. D. C. Strother went to Atlanta Sunday afternoon for a short visit. * * * Bill Young of Bristol, Tenn., is here to spend Christmas with his family, * * * Miss Alamo Y r oung who has a splen¬ ic position in Bartow, Fla., is at or Christmas. * * * w C. E. Jones and little grand Jtfiter Frances are spending the f Xstmas season in Clayton, Ala. * * « ,. leman and Jeannette Nichols are spelling the holidays with their gran Joints in Griffin. if * * * w Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Toole will spend Christmas with home folks in Milledgeville. * * • News has reached Fort Valley of the death of Mr. Eugene Bryant of Haines City, Fla. * » * Mrs. W. B. Austin and children left Saturday to spend the holidays in Albany. • * * and Mrs. T. A. Jones will spend I**' >¥lral days during the holidays in Macon with friends and relatives. * f * Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Swingle will go to New Orleans for a visit during the Christmas season. * * * < ftVs. Joe Dennard of Pineview came Sunday to spend Christmas with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Harris Turner. * * * Mrs. George A. McArthur of Alba ny was a recent guest of Mrs. C. N. Rountree for a short visit. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Kupfer are w*h Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Fagan for Ihristmas. * * * .Mr .Russell Houser of Cordele is Eending ' the holidays with his patents^ Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Houser, « * • Miss Annie Grace Burden left Sat .rday for Pelion, S. C., where she will pend the holidays with her sister, ■ . B. S. Brown. * * * Mr. E. H. Coppedge attended the invention of the Georgia Hotel Men's association in Albany last fhursday and Friday. TJr. W. H. Elliott, of Atlanta, state anager of the Brotherhood of Amer an Yeomen, was the guest of Wm. manager of the Macon dis -jet. Tmt Thursday. » * * * % Drt and Mrs. C. Z. McArthur and Morris McArthur left Tuesday after noon for Okeechobee, Fla., to spend the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Saxon. ♦ * * Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Aldredge and children of Atlanta returned home Tuesday after a week end visit to their arerts, Mr. and Mrs. Will Melvin. irtVJ \|s • * * Elizabeth Clayton of Wash ington, D. C., is expected to arrive to spend the holiday season with her relatives here, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Shepard and family. # * * Reginald Robinson has return- 3l from a business trip to Pittsburgh, ^> a He will motor to Augusta the day . bef ore Christmas to be with Mrs. R ojjglm. and Bobby, who are there for the holidays. * * * Mr. Horace Rundell, who is at home for the holidays played the organ at the church service Sunday morning in the absence of the organist, Mrs. Chester Wilson, who was not at her post on account of illness. * * * Mr. Robert Jones, who travels in the north and east came this week for a visit to his^arents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Jones. , * * * ml' Beulah Davidson, who is a popular teacher at Tate is at home for the holidays and will have Miss Effie Johnson of Thomaston as her guest for a week end visit during the Q season. Florrie * Everett * # is at , home * 41 V from Griffin to spend Christmas. She will visit friends in Atlanta for a couple of days during her vacation. Little Winslow Howard is a shut in at this time, having had her tonsils removed, ... from which , . , she , has , not , tully recovered. * * » Mr. R. S. Braswell, Sr. and Miss Lilia Braswell are expected Wednes day, after spending ten days in and around Orlando. * * * Mrs. Lucy Young Gambrell of Greenville, S. C., will spend a few days during the holidays w r ith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Young. * * * Mrs. W. J. Eaton of Ashland, Ky., and little daughter, Mary Octavia, came Tuesday for a visit to her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Marion Wise, * * * Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harrison and family will be guests of Mrs. Doro thy Truman in Macon on Christmas day. * * * Miss Pauline Carter, who teaches at Lakeland, Fla., and Walton Carter are here for the holidays, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Carter. * * * Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Parker will spend several days of Christmas week with relatives at Wrens, Ga. Mr. Parker expects to be on the job at the Bank of Fort Valley by Jan. 1st. ♦ * * Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Wright and two young daughters who have been visiting relatives here for the past week have returned to their home in St. Petersburg, Fla. * * * Mrs. Ben Wright and daughter Miss Sallie Wright left Monday night on the Dixie Limited for Miami to spend Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Claud Wright and family. * * * Mr. Albert Evans, Jr., arrived home Monday from Cornell University, During the holidays Mrs. A. J. Evans, Miss Christine Evans and Albert, Jr„ will motor to West Palm Beach for a s hort visit to Miss Ruth Evans. * * * The Reverend Willis O. Garrett, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, Miami, will spend a part of tb e Christmas season here and ac company his wife and young son, Bit lie Lee home. Mrs. Garrett and son have been here visiting Mr. and Mrs. l. Houser for several weeks. • * * Mr. and Mrs. John Brown, Miss Marjorie Brown and Lynn Brown will [gave Tuesday morning for a motor trip to West Palm Beach, Fla., to spen d Christmas, * * * Mrs. Chester Wilson continues ill at her home on Central Avenue. Her friends sympathize with the family on account of their illness at this yuletide and are hoping for a speedy recovery. * * * The college girls and boys have re turned home for the holiday season and each day w jn be filled to over f]ow j n g w jth charming affairs, that wjl , keep them in a continual whirl of delightful gayety. Several visitors are expected who will be entertained at a round of teas> bridge parties, dinners, luncheons. ♦ * * Mr. and Mrs. George Culpepper and “Bunnie^ came Tuesday afternoon from Jacksonville, where they have been several weeks on account of the jj] ne8S 0 f Bunnie, who is still confined ^ () bi a bed. It is hoped that Bunnie w jj] SO on be well when he gets with friends and home again. They are with Mr. and Mrs. George Culpepper, Jr. ♦ * * M r . an d Mrs. Henry Harris, Jr., are here f or t h e Christmas season with j their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry H arr j s , Sr. It has been four years since Henry was at home and the first time he had brought his wife to see borne folks. He is stationed at present at Norfolk, Va., recently returning f rom a cruise around the world. His many friends here are happy to see ! him again and to know his charming vvife . - TO HONOR VISITOR Among the delightful social affairs 0 f the Christmas season among the I Iner younger social tingent will be the din party on Christmas Eve night, 1 given by Miss Annette Shepard, when she will have fourteen of the girls and boys with her in honor of her guest, | Miss Elizabeth Clayton of THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA„ THURSDAY. DECEMBER 24, 1925. ton, D. C. Christmas decorations will ^ure the party and the young peo . pie 1 are anticipating the affair with much delight. MRS. RUNDELL HOSTESS i Mrs. J. W. Rundell will entertain , during the holidays at a large recep ! tion in honor of Miss Elizabeth Run dell, Horace and Jack Rundell. Miss ■ Elizabeth is spending her vacation at home after, attending Shorter College during the fall term and Horace Run¬ dell, who studies at the Atlanta Con¬ servatory of music and is at home for the holidays. Mrs. Rundell’s art at en¬ tertaining is known by all the young people and they are enthusiastic over the joy of seeing one another again after the separation of college days and to meet in the Rundell home dur mg the Christmas season is a pleas¬ ure that is being eagerly looked for¬ ward to. MRS. GEORGE C. TOOLE, JR., EN¬ TERTAINS AT LOVELY CHRISTMAS PARTY One of the prettiest social affairs of the Christmas season was the party last Thursday afternoon when Mrs. Geo. C. Toole, Jr., entertained the members of the “Merry Makers Sew ing Club” at the home of Mrs. W. R. Berry on Anderson Ave. The guests were met at the door by little Nell Wilson in the roll of Santa Claus who presented each with a novelty cap. In the reception room stood a lovely Christmas tree decorated with myr¬ iads of electric lights and other trim¬ mings which held gifts for the guests. In the doorway was a portiere fash ioned from crepe paper which repre¬ sented a green Christmas tree against a background of white. The chandeliers in the reception hall and living room were covered with artistic crepe paper shades from which hung tiny Christmas bells. Throughout both rooms were red burning tapers and Christmas greens. | After all the guests were assembled 1 rook was enjoyed for a short while. Then Santa Claus presented gifts from the tree. After which a delicious salad course suggestive of the season was served and on the plates were tiny horns as favors. ___ — MRS. McKENZIE TO BE HONORED Mrs. Oscar McKenzie of Montezu ma State President of the Georgia Division of the United Daughters of the Confederacy will be entertained | on the afternoon of January 1st with j a lovely reception at the home of Mrs. J. W. Woolfolk, with the Charles D. Anderson Chapter* of which Miss Claudia Culpepper is President, host ess Chapter. Mrs. McKenzie will speak on Robert E. Lee. Her lecture is expect ed to be most inspirational, as she is a gifted and talented speaker, and is engrossed in the work made sacred by those whose hearts still beat fast er at the sight of the old Confederate Gray and the strains of “Dixie.” Mrs. McKenzie has been a frequent visitor to relatives here where she has many warm friends who will gald y welcome her and pay her homage as the President of the Georgia U. D. C. MISS LOUISE MELVIN HOSTESS Miss Louise Melvin entertained at a pretty party Monday afternoon at her home in honor of her nieces, Misses Marie and Inez Wright, who were here from their home in St. Petersburg for a short visit to rela tives. j A number of the young set enjoyed f 1 ■1 I WITH RED PEPPER I When you are suffering with around rheu¬ matism so you can hardly and get will just try Red Pepper Rub you j )ave the quickest relief known. Nothing has such concentrated, pene ‘rating g feel the tingling heat. Pepper Rub you In three minutes it warms the sore spot ‘Sdon^brwkstp the e congestion and t he old rheumatism torture is gone. Rowles Red Pepper Rub, made from « store. d Get a c jar °! t 3 J at itl once. ‘ e at T Use ?7 it A"? for 1 | um bago, neuritis, backache, stiff neck, sore muscles, colds in chest. Almost "nuine^wfth the name Row'es jn - each package. Chris!mas Services At St. And reus CHRISTMAS DAY, 12 M. The Feast of the Nativity of our j Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ will I be observed as is customary in the , j I Episcopal Church. The Holy Eucharist , will be celebrated at twelve, mid¬ night, at the beginning of the birth¬ day of the Holy Child, this being the traditional time of the Advent of the Son of God. The Choral Service is as follows; Processional. O Come all ye Faith ful. Introit. Carol. Like Silver Lamps. Kyrie Brown Gloria Tibi Brown Gratia Brown Carol. It came upon the midnight clear.” Address. There was no room in the Inn. Offertory. Praise God from Whom —Ken. Sursum Corda ......... Brown Sanctus ............... Brown Benidictus Brown Agnus Dei Brown Carol Silent Night Gruber Carol. Hark! The herald angels sing —Wesley. Amen Greek Liturgy Nunc Dimittis Barnby Recessional — Noel — Traditional This Choral Service will not be re peated at the second service on Christ¬ mas morning at 10:00 a. m. Saturday, Memorial Day of St. Stephen, the Martyr. Holy ion at 10:00 a. m. Sunday the 27th. Memorial Day I John. , The Patron ,, . 0 . nt . for » St. - o . , Free and Accepted Masons. Holy , Communion at 7:30 a. m. and 11:00 a. m. Evening Prayer at 7:00 o’clock. Monday, the 28th, Memorial Day the Infants murdered by Herod’s soldiers. Holy Communion at 10:00 a. m., and the Church School “Manger Service” at 7:30 p. m. These services are open to all Christians. Everybody welcome. the affair, which was characterized by the Christmas spirit and good will. Refreshments, emphasizing the season was enjoyed. DECEMBER MEETING OF U. D. C. The Chas. D. Anderson Chapter U. D. C. held a very important December meeting at the home of Mrs. Pierce Greene on Anderson avenue. Joint hostesses with Mrs. Greene were Mrs. T. 11. Thomson, Mrs. C. H. Sammons and Miss susie Green. Several important items of busi ness were taken up, and splendid re ports were made by officers, and com¬ mittees. The principle feature of the after noon was the indorsement of the Stone Mountain Memorial Coin and IAI ■‘■i AT CHRISTMASTIDE, May charity rule every heart. May blessings all increase, May sorrow and care from all depart And remain only gladness and peace! Singletary Cash Market an earnest desire to assist in every way possible in the early completion of this magnificent memorial, com . memorating the valor of our southern soldiers of the gray. The president thanked those who generously contributed to the splen¬ did success of the annual Christmas Bazaar, which was held on Dec. 1-2-3. She especially expressed deep appre ciation to the merchants and the Fort Valley Real Estate Co., where the Bazaar was held. Arbor Day was celebrated by im proving and beautifying the soldiers lot in the local cemetery by planting Bermuda and Winter Grass seed, Plans have also been made to plant some shrubbery on the lot in the near future. Mrs. J. W. Woolfolk, chairman for the afternoon presented a very inter esting program. , A paper— Customs of the Sixties,” by Mrs. C. L. Shepard, and read by Mrs. J. D. Kendrick was very much enjoyed. Miss Elizabeth Newton dress ed in the quaint costume of the six ties gave a reading,—“When Grand ^ <$> £> OPEN NOSTRILS! END <? f A COLD OR CATARRH <-• £ How To Get Relief When Head $ i 4 j and Nose are Stuffed Up. ! Count fifty! Your cold in head or catarrh disappears* Your clogged nos trils will open, the air passages of your head will clear and you can breathe freely. discharge, No more dryness snuffling, hawking, mucous or headache; no struggling for breath at night. Get a small bottle of Ely’s Cream Balm from your druggist, and apply a little of this fragrant antiseptic cream >» >°’>r nostrils. It penetrates through every air passage of the head, soothing an( | beating the swollen or inflamed mu lil cons membrane, ]! giving you instant re '- ^ (1 “<>? . Don t stay stuffed-up and . magic. miser¬ able. Relief is sure. YOUR EYES Are PRECIOUS m If your eyes, or tbose of your child, are uncomfortable or show any sign of defect, it is dangerous (o neglect them. Have them ex¬ amined at once with care by an Optometrist of long experience— N. HAUSER mother Danced the Minuet Long, Long Ago,” with a piano accompaniment played by Miss Elizabeth Woolfolk. During the social hour a delightful salad course carrying the Christmas colors was served. DOLLS FOR ORPHANAGE The Girls Auxiliary of the Baptist church of which Mrs. Herbert Vining is counsellor dressed dolls to send to orphans home as their Christmas gift to children there. Mrs. Vining of fered a G. A. pin to the girl dressing her doll the most attractively; dolls were on display at the general meeting of the W. M. S. on Monday afternoon ‘ when a committee* acting as judges decided the doll presented ^ ^ —j. —j- -j- -j* *;■ »{• *1* *1* •;* ,, ■ j • ■ ", ■ • ’ 1 < • .. j \ • ‘ ii' '* • - • 11 ' \ • ■ fl a ■ > !! i J | ; j < ■ ,, M AY SANTA GIVE YOU EVERY THING THAT YOU HAVE WISHED THAT • HE WOULD BRING, AND MAY YOU BE SO FILLED > WITH SONG THAT IT WILL YEARS YOUR LIFE PROLONG! - The Wilson Co., Inc. • • V*» 1 Compliments of the Season • i: • % f a jfm i&J h IQ I U» !V, r eiju (D 1 - WITH FULL APPRECIATION OF THE MANY COURTESIES SHOWN DURING THE PAST YEAR WE EX¬ TEND OUR BEST WISHES FOR A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAP¬ PY NEW YEAR Edwards Brothers f by Little Frances Grimes was the best, all-round doll and she will receive the G. A. pin as a reward. The twenty-five dolls dressed greeted the members 0 f the W. M. S. % as they arrived Monday afternoon and the doll review was enjoyed by the older women as well as giving the children great pleasure in dressing and sending them to the orphanage. It was hard to decide which doll was the most attractive, and several had honSrable mention by the judges. ■ --------- Red Grange don’t play basketball but if he did try he'could get a mil lion dollar contract or something of the kind.