The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, December 24, 1925, Image 6

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♦ Legal Advertisements J ♦ ♦♦«< I H I M »♦♦ ♦ » + *»+♦» + ♦< Georgia- Teach County. All creditors of the estate of Mra. I^ena Wilson Sitftrunk, Jate of Peach County, de¬ ceased, arc hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, *tnd all persons indebted to said eatate are required to make immediate payment to me. November 7th 1925. J, 0. WILSON. Admlaistrator of Mra. Lena Wilaon RWrunk, deceased. 11-12-Glpd. 6 • 1 | 7A > ' rvpl \ J. > ’ I 1 1 ’ « » ITS HARD TO THINK JUST WHAT TO SAY TO EXPRESS AN OLD THOUGHT IN A NOVEL WAY! SO GUESS WE’LL HAVE TO RE SORT TO THE OLD MERRY CHRISTMAS AND JOY A THOUSANDFOLD! Georgia Agricultural Works **********»♦♦» » ♦♦♦♦ mm I In true Yuletide spirit we sing, May our good wishes happiness bring, Peace, joy and cheer. For Christmas is here, And your cares to the winds may you fling! T, J . Hallman .i-i -4 S .A *r a V »* il®1 m H&m ♦ UJJLLjJli I IP) { 11 lidSL fSKJBTl m t -V S! a t :lKa «u ( ■-’-.VE AS FA ITS LATE ^SHINGLES The Shingle That Never Curls ’T’HE reason why so many people are demanding the Carey * Asfaltslate Shingle for their homes is because it gives them ro much more for their money. It is the logical result of half a century of good roof making. Carey Asfaltslate Shingles come in three attractive colors, Blue lotnsr ey ( , Green “isk us for samoles and further details. Wort valley lumber company Fort Valley, Georgia STATF OF GEORGIA PFACH’ COUNTY COUNTY OF Of r . I Under and by virtu. the power of .ale contained in the d-d to.mew.>Mt: from R U Fountain to J. B. Vlning. dated November ■ 8. 1920 of record In the record, of ted. of Houaton County. Georgia, in , , 11 ay. th<* Mid J. B. Vining Will on the 80th day of December, 1926. during the legal hour, -lea before the Court Hnuac door of aaid County of Peach aell at public outcry to the higheat bidder for caah, ail the deacribed prop erty located in aaid Peach County, Georgia, to-wit: "Ail that tract or parcel of land, lying and 1,,-ing In the Ninth Dlatrlct of Houston Coun ty. Georgia, and consisting of two (2) tracts or parcels of land, the fi rst t ract bein g dc- mg LEAD1SR-TMBUNB, FOOT YAULBT. «A, THURSDAY, BBCEMBER fid, lfig. «rib*d (n a Warranty Deed from Ren. Smith and Erneat Nedd to Isaac Miller a. All that tract of land lying an I , B th . N|nth Dutrict of Hou.ton Coun . ^ ^ ^ tb(rty . five more , whfch |ie , ln „ -y „h»„. ^ ^ |y ^ {{ , )bort nmmr placr . gm] j;„ uth hy the Smlwon or rh.r I. and Weat ny public road leading from Fort Valley. Georgia, to Blappey'. Mill, ind being the place originally bought from ram mie I,yea and being the place whereon Rena Smith now live.. This property wa. deeded to «aid Rena Smith for and during her nat oral , life and , after . a her . death i ,• to . hr • • neat . Nedd, v, a« deacribed , , , in • deed . . / from B. » femiaaon c „ Hu. filed in Clerk h office .Superior Court , . of eti Houaton t ,, ( ounty, (t.'orgui, . and , recorded . I in . book tio I U J, Folio 815 on April 3, 1909. The above de scribed deed being recorded in Book 25 fo- ! Jio 472, Clerk’s office Superior Court, Hour ton County, Georgia, and which deed is dated October 10th, 1917. Also the following lands, betng described in a certain deed to Isaac Miller executed bv C. J. Smisson, Administrator of Burney Bmisson, under date of February 5, 1918, which said deed has never been recorded, but is nimiiariy described in ft Quitclaim deed executed by Robert E. Brown of Houston County to Isaac Miller of Crawford County, on February 7, 1918, which deed is recorded in Book fi. Folio 112, Clerk's office Superior Court Houston County. Georgia, and describ ed as follows:—AH that tract or parcel of land to-wit:—The East half of the place ‘ The Sarah Ann Holly Place known as com prising thirty-five (35) acres, more or less. Ba id lot to be divided into two (2) equal j parts by beginning at the Southwest corner and I of said lot where the Holly private road j the public road meet and running said kt t ttf t ttt ww**** **** *** * **** * ******* * * ** **** ****^ * 1 * a s < > ■ * >: • ;; < ' CHRISTMAS comes but once a year! • < : So HaU to you, and all Good Cheer! GEORGIA GROCERY l ■ < « > > *** ********* * * * ***** * ****** * ********* * ** * *** *** ! ♦ « ■♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ * ******* • > < «• ■ « » • LA <» THE YULETIDE SPIRIT ALWAYS TENDS « TO WARM THE HEARTS OF ALL GOOD FRIENDS! AND BECAUSE YOU’VE PROVED BOTH TRIED AND TRUE. WE WISH THE VERY BEST FOR YOU! Wheeler’s Pharmacy ■ «» • « » « to the Northaaat at .om. point of -id lot when divided will be bounded aa follow.:— On the North by the weat half of -id lot and the branch dividing -id place from Und . of Robert Flournoy: on the South by land, known a. the Mra. H. H. Holly Place: m tfce E , lt by land „ known „ the M r,. H. H. Holly Place and the branch dividing -id " f|X>m the places of Robert Flournoy, ! ' . ^ Bj)) K(Jws| . d , . „„ Wwt by of „ urn( . y SmiM0B# said )and being ()peded t „ Kobart E „ rown and ^ „ } Warranty Deed dated 1 , 1904 and record ed September 12, 1904, Book 2. Folio 562, Milton „ i. H. Holly later deeding to Robert . , r E. „ Brown . by War Deed hia undivided half interest , in . ranty 7 Said deed being recorded • above land. in Book ** OOK 6 Folio rono 166 on September 12, 1905. . afir All the above described and within con yoyed land lying in Peach, formerly Houston County, being thirty-five (35) acres by sur vey made thereof is bounded on the North by lands of Edwards Brothers, formerly own ed by Robert Flournoy; East by lands of Mrs. H. H. Holly and the branch dividing said place from the places of Edwarde Brothers, John Davis and Bill Edwards. .South by lands of Mrs. H. H. Holly and West by Public road known as Slappey Mill Road." Said property will be sold as aforesaid for the purpose of paying one promissory note for the principal sum of $2,500.00, dated No¬ vember 8, 1920 and due November 8, 1925, se¬ cured by said deed to secure debt and de¬ scribed therein, said two notea bearing in ter—t from November 8, 1925 at the rate of 8 per cent per annum. The total amount that will be due on Baid notes on —id date of sale will be $2,500.00 principal, and $232.40 interest. The proceeds of the -!e made by property will bo applied to th. payment of th. prin eipal and intereat due on aaid note., and ta.ea and premium, of in.ur.nce that may have been paid on -id property by the -id J. B. Vlning. and the eapenae. of th,. sate. a, provided under the power contained in aaid deed, and the remainder, if any, p.,d to the grantor in aaid deed. Said power of sale ha# become operative ,„. c , w default in the payment of the afore , a id note,, purauant to the term, of .aid poW e, of aale in -id deed to aecure debt, Thia December 2nd, 1925. J. B. VINING. By HERBERT VINING 12*3-4t 10 -» (Attorney for J. B. Vining). GEORGIA, PEACH COUNTY. To All Whom It May Concern: C. L. Shepami, having in proper form, ftp plied to me for Permanent Letters of Adminia tration on the estate of Sam Ezell, late of 8B ^j County, this is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of Sam Ezell to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law. and show cause, if any they can> why permanent administration should not be granted to C. L. Shepard on Sam Ezell’s estate. Witness by hand and official signature, this 7th day of Dec. 1925. 12-10-4t M. C. MOSLEY. Ordinary. Bayer Aspirin Proved Safe Take without Fear as Told in “Bayer” Package A BAVER the Unless you see the “Bayer Cross package or on tablets you are not ting the genuine Bayer Aspirin prescribed safe by milliona and physicians over twenty-five years Golds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Toothache Rheumatism Neuralgia Pain, Paul Rack unbrokea “Bayer" Handy package boxes Ulna proven directions. twelve tablets eost few cents. gists also sell bottles of fid and Pee Gee MASTIC PAINT l\L V. Save the surface and you save all”—Paint & Varnish % n \ V Paint Stops Decay Reduces Repair Bills 4 It is a pretty well known fact that paint is a preservative. What 'A1 science has preached, experience has confirmed. Paint used at regu¬ lar intervals, is a relentless foe of . % decay, which, if unopposed, is cer¬ tain. It lessens the upkeep of your % property and reduces repairs to a minimum. Other Pee Gee Products Pee Gee Mastic Paint has been on Pee Gee Barn Paint the firing line over half a century Pee Gee Shingle Stain protecting homes, barns, and out¬ Pee Gee Invincible Spar buildings. Its covering Varnish great capac¬ Pee Gee Silo Paint ity and long years of service have Pee Gee Screen Enamel become a proverb—“Wear like Pee Gee Porch Paint Mastic.” You hear it whenever Peaslee-Gaulbert Co. good paint is talked of. Retains its If Incorporated luster long after ordinary paints Atlanta —Louisville —Dallas have “gone dead. •i PEE GEE PAINTS SINCE 1867 VARNISHES ENAMELS — STAINS GREEN-MILLER Coolidge is a tight old thing. He asked Red Grange, when he was pre¬ sented at the White House “and where are you from?” Red failed to gain. Gosh, they are fixing the income tax exemption so low that a fellow will have to go some to be in the pay¬ ing class. The Dakota Nye is not nigh enough yet. ; THE RADIO SET j j SUPREME R ADIOLA 25 j SUPER HETERODYNE Operates on loop no outside antenna or ground. Uni-control dial—may be tuned with one hand. All batteries self contained. Volume to spare with accurate control. Price complete with horn type speaker, all bat¬ teries and accessories $ 195.00 Tubes and batteries for all sets. GREEN-MILLER CO. The Dothan Eagle got in trouble because the linotype operator made a pink frock into punk frock for one of the society ladies of the city. Poultry PEACH and POULTRY Stock FeedsJE CO. 1 * Poultry Equipment and K cj kjft Persona! Consultation hatchery I