The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, December 31, 1925, Image 5

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X : ; E Society ** Club 9lews — Conducted by MRS. CHARLES N. ROUNTREE , Phone 275-7 Sydney McMillan is spending the f Christmas season with homefolks. * « » Mr. Harris Neil spent the Yuletide season here with home folks. * • * Mr. E. T. Strange of Eatonton was * visitor during the holiday season. * * * Mr. D. W. Wells spent several days the past week with his parents in Jacksonville, Ga. * * * gt ta Campbell of Macon was • a v Jbring Christmas, the guest of 1 Jack Duke. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Jack Duke spent Christmas day with relatives in Mont ozuma. Th tlLfcrst fftetizens Bank of Fort Valley was bank in the South to have a v Aristmas Savings Depart ment. Join the Citizens Bank’s Club 1 now. * * * Mrs. W. H. Hafer left last week for New York to spend Christmas with L the family of her brother. I » • » f p r an d Mrs. J. M. Ford went to Douglas for a visit during the holi day season. * * * Louis Brown, Jr., is spending F M ( istmas holidays with relatives L at heT old home in Central, S. C. | I ' * * • Miss Artie Wheat is here for a isit to the family of her sister, Mrs. S. C. Floyd. | * * * D vif\t * ,d ed Mrs. relatives J. E. Haslam in Amerieus and fam- last y unday. * * * Mrs. Walter Murray of Montgomcr, as a recent visitor, guest of her sis ■r, Mrs. Jim Long. * * * •r Miss Helen White of Macon is a toopular visitor to friends here this efck. * * * iss Ettienne Baldwin is spending -‘-as with her sister, Mrs. Ben Fine < : * * * ‘Mr. A. P. Shirley will leave the L t of January for a visit to his ■nefolks in Charlotte, N. C. < * • ss Frances Bostwick of Albany is ractive guest of Miss Elizabeth im. * * * idreds joined the Citizens ^Christmas Savings Club last Bid received nice cheeks this mas. Did you receive a Christ- j pngs Check this year? Insure! Lr next Christmas by enroll- | 1926 Club. ♦ * * Jj Mavis Short of Macon is the t of Miss Emily Anderson this 1 k A * * * isses Claire and Louise Greene it Thursday and Friday with Mr. Mrs. R. M. Houser. * * * p. and Mrs. John H. ones spent holid ays with Mr. and Mrs. B. Rockmart, Ga. iS Connie Mathews spent sev ays last week in Atlanta with id Mrs. D. R. Mathews and Mr. Ers. J. C. Aldredge. * * * Sarah Ledbetter has returned Ft Valley after a pleasant visit nts on the West Coast of Flor r if * * Lnd ^Fla., Mrs. Ralph Braswell of Or spent Christmas with their its, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Braswell, * * * .. and Mrs. Ralph Braswell, ac lanied by Mr. R. S. Braswell, Sr., ■ned to Orlando Tuesday of this * * * r. and Mrs. Fred Crandall and en have moved to town and are occupying the Bull home on Knox ^peet. * * * Irene Marsh of Marshallville, . attend ., came Tuesday night to r Mrs. W. J. funeral of her sister, * * * W. B. Kent and family days in Mitchell with relatives the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Caughey, and Caughey, Jr., returned to Tuesday morning after spending few days here with homefolks. * * * Mr. ,, C. B. Grimes, Misses Mary and Sara Grimes went to Newman to spend last week end with Mr. and Mrs. Millard Grimes. * * * Mrs. J. N. White and Miss Helen White of Macon were dinner guests of Mrs. W. E. Green and Miss Susie Green last Wednesday. * * * The Citizens Bank of Fort Valley was the first bank in the South havp a Christmas Savings Depart ment * J°'n the Citizens Bank’s Club now. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Phil Scroggs and young son, Phil, Jr., of Augusta, were here to attend the funeral of their mother, Mrs. W. J. Scroggs. * * * Major and Mrs. Clifford Mathews « nd aon from Camp Benning spent l ast Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Branham and Mrs. J. W. Mathews. * * * The Citizens Bank of Fort Valley was the firs! bank in the South to have a Christmas Savings Depart ment. Join the Citizens Bank’s Club now. * * * Mr. Edgar Avera, Miss Emmie Avera and Marvin Avera will leave Friday for Tampa, Fla., after spend ing the holidays with relatives here. * * * Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Martin will return Friday from been spendir* - where they have holidays with Mrs. Martin’s p* Judge and Mrs. H. W. Hill. * * * Mr. George Slappey and Dr. Hafer motored to Marshallville VV. night to attend the golden anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. W. Frederick. * * * Little Dorothy King, daughter of and Mrs. J. K. King, who was badly bitten by a neighbor’s dog while at play one afternoon week, is able to be on the streets While playing hiding, the dog her, biting her about the legs badly that several stitches had to taken. * * * Mr. and Mrs. V. D. Duke and fam Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Duke and Mrs. W. J. Braswell and Miss Braswell enjoyed a family din party in Macon Wednesday at the of a sister, Mrs. Louis Jones on Heights. * * * Mrs. Edward Grieg Warner of At¬ who has been spending several here with her sister, Mrs. E. Saywell, left Monday morning for Rome, where she will be with her hus¬ mother, Mrs 1 . Edward Warner, the rest of the winter. * * * Hundreds joined the Citizens Bank’s Christmas Savings Club last year and received nice checks this Christmas. Did you receive a Christ mas Savings Check this year? Insure funds for next Christmas by enroll ing in the 1926 Club. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dennard of Pine view returned home Monday after spending the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harris Turner. * * * Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Whigham of Montgomery were here for the holi¬ days with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Adams. Mrs. Whigham is pleasantly known here as Bessie Adams. * * * Mrs. Claud Dupree and little daugh ter Mazie, spent the Yuletide with Mrs. C. H. Mathews. They went Friday to Montezuma for a week end visit to Rev. and Mrs. Marvin Helfin. * * * Mrs. Alrron of Wrens and her son, Bob Almon, of Charlotte, N. C„ were here for Christmas with the family of Mr. C. B. Almon, returning home Saturday. * * * The Citizens Bank of Fort Valley was the first bank in the South have a Christmas Savings Depart¬ ment. Join the Citizens Bank’s Club now. * * * Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Haslam and fam ily, Dr. and Mrs. Walter Beall and THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA., THURSDAY. DECEMBER 31, 1925. Miss Nora Rountree had dinner with Mrs. J. E. Haslam Marshallville. i • * * n» Mrs. Amos a . Murray nr and , little . , , . eomdas . Iln ’ 1 ls ‘ '' ' ° r an 1 nylo** motored to Leesburg, Fla., ; to visit Mrs. Blanche Green Rogers ( during the holidays. Leonidas and his mother will return after a few cfays > visit. Mrs. Murray and Ann will re¬ main for a two weeks’ visit. * * * 1 he Atlanta papers have carried several pictures of Fort Valley young ladies of late. Last Sunday the At lanta Journal carried a picture of j Miss Dora Poole, and last Sunday’s Constitution carried a picture of Miss Clyde Braddock. * # * Mr. and Mrs. Raif Houser enter tained at a Christmas dinner Christ mas night for the family; Mr. Em me tt Houser and family, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Branham and Mr. H. M. Bran ham and family. * * * Will Scroggs, an old Fort Valley boy, who is now an expert financial wr j te r for the New York World, came Monday night, having been called here on account of the death and to I attend the funeral service for his I mother Tuesday afternoon, from the residence of L. L. Brown, Sr. I * * » I m ti Mrs. J. B. Nance and young S( v oss Hill, S. C., were visitors nas time to their brother, Jrs. W. L. Nance. Together Ms left Christmas day for a •tor trip to Florida. * * * fl Mrs. Jeff Evans and their Mrs. Elizabeth Evans, left for Lakeland, Fla., where uns is making his home at ♦ * * Miss Ettienne Baldwin is spending few days here as the guest of Mrs. B. H. Fincher and Mrs. N. H. Baldwin. Miss Baldwin has been for the past three years in Richmond, Virginia, where she was doing psychiatric so c ; a i work for the Commonwealth Fund of New York City, but has re cently gone to New Haven, Connect i C uht, where she is demonstrating the work under the auspices of the Com mon Child Welfare Association. * * « Mr. and Mrs. Louis Riley, formerly 0 f Fort Valley, who are now making t )ieir home in Miami, were here and j n p err y visiting during the Christ nias holidays, * * * The Reverend Willis O. Garrett of Miami came for Christmas and companied his wife and baby home Wednesday. Mrs. Garrett was before her marriage Miss Ruth Houser. # # * Mrs. L. Carter and Miss Pauline Carter went to Macon Tuesday for a visit to relatives. Miss Pauline Carter teaches in Lakeland, Fla., and will return to Lakeland on the first of January. * * * Mrs. A. J. Evans and Miss Chris tine Evans motored to Amerieus on Tuesday, where they were joined by Mrs. Evans’ sister, Mrs. Hayes, and together they motored to West Palm Beach for a visit of several days to Miss Ruth Evans. * * * Hundreds joined the Citizens Bank’s Christmas Savings Club last year and received nice checks this Christmas. Did you receive a Christ mas Savings Check this year? Insure funds for next Christmas by enroll ing in the 1926 Club. BROWN_SHEPARD The announcement of the marriage [ n Jacksonville on Christmas night of Miss Pauline Brown of t'mt city to Alton Shepard of Fort Valley is of cordial interest to friends here. Alton became a benedict on his twenty-first birthday. He has a lucrative position in Jacksonville, where they will make their home after a brief honeymoon in South Florida. The marriage was a quiet affair, witnessed only by imme diate friends and relatives, MR. AND MRS. JOHN ALLEN ENTERTAIN A bridge dinner party on Monday evening at which Mr. and Mrs. John Allen were genial entertainers their lovely home, “Twin Oaks,” was one of the festive occasions of the l uletide. j An invitation to spend an evening j in the Allen home is coveted by all | I who have ever been the recipient of their , . charming , . hospitality, ... this so on occas j on there was no exception to the ; rule and those present were royally entertained and loud in their praise of Mr. and Mis. Allen’s delightful hospi tality. MISS DUKE’S BRIDGE LUNCHEON A Christmas party enjoyed by a large number of the college girls and high school set was that at which Miss Evelyn Duke was the charming hostess when she entertained Tuesday at a bridge luncheon. j CHRISTMAS DANCE AT WINONA HOTEL The Script Dance at the Winona Hotel on Christmas night was at tended by a large crowd of the young er social set. A number of the older society contingent were also there and pronounced it one of the nicest dances ever held in Fort Valley. An orchestra, composed of Fort Valley boys, some of whom were at home from college, furnished the music, which was very fine. j The dining room of the hotel was attractive in holiday attire. The music and the dancers and the merry voices made a happy scene that was I enjoyed by those present. Several young people from Mar¬ shallville and Montezuma added to the pleasure of the dance. MARSHALLVILLE DANCE Many of the dancing contingent of Fort Valley motored to Marshallville j Tuesday evening and enjoyed a dance in the school auditorium, given by the Marshallville dancers. A number of out of town visitors were there and it was said to be a most delightful occasion. DANCE CHRISTMAS EVE A dance in the Woodmen Of the World hall was enjoyed tht* night be fore Christmas. A large number were present and it was a delightful af lul1 ' MISS MARCHMAN GIVES BUFFET SUPPER I The buffet supper at which Miss Frances Marchman will be hostess on Wednesday evening at her home is being anticipated with great pleasure by about thirty-five of the younger society set, who have received invita tions. To be a guest in the Marchman home is enough said. The Marchman home will be a scene of joy on Wed nesday evening. j MISS SHEPARD HOSTESS ; AT DINNER PARTY Miss Annette Shepard’s dinner par ty at which sixteen couples were present on Christmas eve night open ed the gaieties with the young set. The festive board around which the merry makers sat for a five course dinner was exquisite in loveliness, pre-! ! senting a snow scene with Christmas decorations. This was the first meet ing of many of the young folks since they separated in the fall for college and the experiences told among old friends at the home coming were de lightful to hear and the affair was altogether lovely. | ! HONOR FOR FORT VALLEY j ! BOYS IN FLORIDA Friends of John and T. J. Culpepper, who have been for the past few years making their home in Jacksonville, | ' are interested in knowing that each \ j have been made stewards in Lee i Street Methodist church, Jacksonville, I This is a splendid compliment to these fine young boys, the fact they have conducted themselves so credita bly and affiliated themselves in such a conspicuous way with the finer and highest ideals of life reflects credit on themselves, family and the town ' where such endeavor emanated. WILL HONOR STATE U. I). C. PRESIDENT Mrs. J. W. Woolfolk’s home will be the scene of a large and pretty social affair on Friday afternoon, the first day of January, when the Charles D. Anderson Chapter U. D. C. will keep open house in honor of their State President, Mrs. Oscar McKenzie. The presidents of the chapters in the neighboring towns of Montezuma, Marshallville and Perry have also I been invited to share honors with Mrs. McKenzie, The membership of the Fort Valley Chapter are anticipating the occa¬ sion with great .joy as they are plan ning the entertainment. The guests have been invited to assemble at two thirty. FAMILY DINNER Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McCoy enter tained at a family dinner on Sunday of this week. The guests were B. T. Marshall and family, Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Marshall, Mrs. J. R. and Miss Nettie Marshall. SAY WELLS WILL BE MISSED Friends of the Saywells are sorry to learn of their removal from Fort Valley to Washington, Ga., on Tues day of this week. Mr. Saywell goes to a larger field and while friends here regret to give them up as splendid citizens of our town, rejoice in his promotion in his field of service, WOMAN’S CLUB WILL MEET JANUARY FIFTH The Woman’s Club will hold its first meeting of the new year with Mrs. F. O. Miller on the afternoon of Jan. 5th, 1926. The meeting will con vene promptly at three o’clock with Mrs. Edgar Duke, president, m the chair. DINNER PARTY Mr. and Mrs. Henry Branham en¬ tertained at a Christmas dinner party at their hoihe Tuesday evening. WATCH NIGHT PARTY Those who have been fortunate enough to receive invitations from the Cornelius Halls to attend their “Watch Night Party” on Thursday evening are looking forward to the occasion with great pleasure. DINNER PARTY GIVEN BY JULIAN HILEY Julian Hiley’s dinner party at his home on Monday evening was one of the prettiest and most enjoyable at fairs among the college set during the Yuletide. Place cards, favors and fun makers, all suggestive of Christmas in theme and decoration, added to the beauty of the dining table, which was fasci nating from every standpoint. After a five course dinner was en joyed, fake cigars and cigarettes created much amusement; then bridge and penny games with chat and mer¬ riment rounded out the evening’s en tertainment. Those enjoying the hospitality of this lovely affair included Misses Emily Braswell, Miriam Edwards, Helen White, Vilula White, Charlie Mathews, Henry Mathews, Edgar Mathews, Hugh Anderson,. Quinton Davidson ami Julian Ililey. matinee party Miss Evelyn Duke entertained a number of girl friends at a matinee party on Christmas afternoon. HONORING MISS GRAFF Mrs. Wm. J. Liipfert was a charm ing hostess on Saturday afternoon when she entertained at a bridge party in honor of her sister, iss Graff, of Peoria, 111., who is here or a visit of several weeks. A Christmas tr cc and other deco rations symbolic of the season added to the charm and spirit of the occa sion. After the games had been en joyed, lovely refreshments emphasiz ing Christmas were served. FAMILY REUNION Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Hartley en tertained at a family reunion on last Sunday when the following guests were present: Mi. and .Mrs. H. L. Mc Kenney, Messrs. Ben McKi nney an H. L. McKenney, Jr., am issis Rosalie and Mae McKenney of Wal den, Ga., Messrs. W. P. McKenney and H. L. Lewis of Atlanta. Ga., Mi. Frank McKenney, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Taylor and son, Billie, Jr., and Miss Helen Hendricks of Macon, Ga. PRESBYTERIAN CHRISTMAS TREE LAST WEEK The Sunday-school of the Presby terian church gave a Christmas tree in the church on Wednesday night, December 23. All of the children of ! the Sunday-school were made happy as Santa Claus unloaded an abundance of beautiful gifts for them. r ~~ Huge Liberty Bell of Light < . I "' N S/GL i W 4 # V ) v. ; >V' H I? '» : j I !■!’> '■ i SSSt#a v’i «C’ g V 5 aoxsaoe 3 | This sketch shows the design f< the illuminated Uberty bell be erected South Broad that is tv on street. Philadelphia, for that city’s sesqul-oentennln' next year. It will be as high as a six story building and will contain 20 000 lumps. j Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C. Toole, Jr., were guests of relatives in Milledge J vi ] le for Christmas. * * * | Mr. C. F. Sanders spent the holi¬ days with home folks at Lizella, Ga. * H* * Mr. and Mrs. John H. Jones and daughter, Margaret, returned Sun day from Rockmart, Ga., where they had been Christmas guests of Mrs. Jones’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Cow den. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT ^ ^ Mrs g ' M ' Burousas , m _ the bjrth Q f a gon Qn Chrigt _ ■ j mas morn n g DANCES AT WINONA Social events of the week were dances at the Winona hotel Wednes¬ day night and another to be given on Friday night. METHODIST CHURCH Thos. H. Thomson, pastor. Sunday school, 9:30 a. m., Judge H. A. Mathews superintendent. Preaching by the pastor at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Epworth League at 6 p. m. Prayer meeting, Wednesday at 7 P*™* To all services the public is cordial ly invited. EPISCOPAL CHURCH St. Andrew’s Episcopal church. Lawton Riley, minister in charge. Service Sunday, January 3, 1926, 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday school 9:30 a. m. A cordial invitation is extended to all to worship in this church. STRICT!. I I a On Friday, January 1, 1926, my books will be i closed and thereafter I will do only a cash business. Remember, on and after Friday of this week it will he STRICKLY CASH. Your past business has been appreciated very much and the present move is in order to ifive even better service than heretofore, for in selling for cash I can give you the lowest possible prices. Here vou will find, in an attractive, remodeled store, a nice, clean, fresh line of fancy groceries and produce at all times; mid ue will sell as cheap as any chain store in town. U' .-t :» t ‘t 5* THANKS FOR YOUR PATRONAGE. IS PC w Fort Valiev. Georgia \ rm | CARD OF THANKS Leaving the city of Fort Valley for a larger ;ield in the Empire State, the undersigned desire to express, if possible, in words, their heartfelt ap¬ preciation and gratitude for the many kindnesses and courtt ies shown them by their friends and acquaintances in this city of a wonderful future | May Heaven’s choicest blessings rea t on all. I Rev. and Mrs. E. J. Saywell and family. St. Andrew’s church. Battling Siki just got his a little sooner than a lot of folks of that character do. YOUR EYES Are PRECIOUS 1 % If your eyes, or those of your I child, are uncomfortable or show any sign of defect, it is dangerous r amined to neglect at once them. with Have care them by ex¬ an Optometrist of long experience-— JV. HAUSER