The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, May 14, 1959, Image 1

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_ r d N<vi|M|Mr rfb 1954 : Better Newspaper Contests 71ST YEAR, NO. 19 Peachland journal By DANIEL K. GRAHL OUR CONGRATULATIONS TO THE SENIORS OF FORT VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL, 1959 The list of graduates and the graduation programs have been announced for the 1959 senior class of Fort Valley High School, and we want to extend to every mem ber thereof our sincere congratu¬ lations. You know, that class was appar¬ ently something a little unusual, as senior classes go. They set a record of point-get¬ ting in the state literary meet that will probably go unchallenged for many years. They won the state Class B literary crown with an amazing total of 73 points, a total which completely shattered the previous state record, also set by a previous Fort Valley repre¬ sentation. Of course, all of those students representing Fort Valley were not members of the senior class, but ;I: * i:?' * ' K 1 hand to participate again next season. The literary record was indeed a good one, and those who may have thought that too much emphasis was being placed on the athletics can rest in peace. And yet, the class was remark¬ able from the athletic standpoint. The varsity football team, you might say, came within one touch¬ down of winning the state crown. They lost to Morgan for the N Ga. crown by one TD and Morgan easily beat Camilla for the title. About 12 members of the var¬ sity squad were seniors. Fort Valley won third in the state track meet, and seven of the participants were members of the senior class. There is one other thing which particularly endears this class to us, however, and that is the fact that one member of it is our own ■daughter. And because of her we have come to know many of the members probably better than we would normally have known them. It seems only a few short mon¬ ths since she would come running down the sidewalk to meet me as I came from work crying “Take a baby, Daddy! Take a baby!” Yet, I know she is graduating be¬ cause of the receipt of the college entrance fee says she is.. It is sort of coincidental but she is graduating almost exactly 27 years after her Daddy did and exactly 20 years after he got his degree from college. Terapus sho’ does fugit! One of the things I have enjoy¬ ed most about this class, as I said, is the fact that I have gotten to know some of the members better than in the past. Particularly the girls. I will always remember Kay, Edith, Mary, Polly, Beth, Bever¬ ly (what a great battle she made against polio, and what a wonder¬ ful voice she has!), Carol, Mary Julia, Janette, Dena, and Kay a gain. I probably know more teen¬ age girls now than I have known since I was a teenager! And I don’t want t« forget the boys. Flow can I forget such stal¬ warts as Joe, Skeeter and John (and their successful rocket!), Gene, Jack, Nelson, Alan, John, Vandy, Victor, Earl, Julian, Ken¬ neth, Bobby, Dan, Bobby again (this one the newspaper salesman, and a good one!) James, Mike, James again, Nelson, Gordon, Clyde (and hi- golden trumpet & good bass voice!) Richard, Hugh, Jimmy, Danny, and dear old Coal son (waiter par excellence!). Of course, they are just like all the others who graduate, but they are just a mite more special to us 'because they are graduating as classmates of our daughter. | There seems to be, from the record, a great deal of talent in the graduating class. Apparently a bit more than in the average class graduating. It is our earnest hope that all of those graduating will utilize all of the talent they have in the proper pursuit of knowledge, the CONTINUED ON BACK PAGE ffihe gett&er i A i y tribune about a dozen of the contest ants, along with the entire class in spelling, were seniors. Fortu¬ nately some of the participants were not seniors and will be on Last Wednesday afternoon a team of people from Robins Air Force Base and the city of War ner Robins came to Fort Valley to ££ 5 “ S the base next Saturday, May 16, and witness the Armed Forces ex¬ hibitions and displays to be shown at that time. The helicopter, bringing some of the welcoming party, landed at the Elementary School in West view and many of the children had an opportunity to see it at first hand and to examine it. An elaborate program depicting the powerful protection offered by the IT. S. Armed Forces has been planned for Open House at Robins Air Force Base on Armed T-: Forces -p. Day, oil Saturday,, May AA 16. Power for peace is again the theme for this year’s Armed For ces Day, Col. W F Kutschere, Ro b:ns’ AFD Open House project of¬ ficer announced. I The programmed activities will begin at 1 p. m. and end at 5 p. m. Capt. R. D. Searle is assisting Col. Kutschera in making prepa¬ rations for the thousands of Mid¬ dle Georgians expected to attend. Guided automobile tours of War¬ ner Robins wil be offered by the Warner Robins Chamber of Com¬ merce, which is sponsoring AFD observances in the city this year. The helicopter which visited Ft. Valley'also dipped down at other Middle Georgia towns Wednesday and Thursday, including Roberta, Perry, Byron, Reynolds, Hawkins ville, Cochran, Jeffersonville ami Macon. Hunt Nigh School To Graduate 76, Largest Glass In History Of School The Commencement season for the Fort Valley Negro Schools will witness the largest graduat¬ ing class in the history of the Hunt High School. Seventy-six seniors will receive diplomas on Thursday night, May 28, at 8:00. Commencement exer cises will be held in the Hunt High gymnasium. The top six honor students in the order of their rank are Jo¬ anne Dugas, Mary Anne Harris, William Banks, Louis L. Duncan, Christine Ragin, and Charlie Pon¬ der. Commencement speakers are: Baccalaureate, the Rev. J. C. Sim¬ mons, pastor, Trinity Baptist- and Leader Tribune, Fort Valley, Ga., Thurs., May 14, 1959 '"v ■ ; :V: : / % \ ■N. ■ - * 1 ;V * | s ,, J ! ■ || a m 1 ■ >: •i >:<' 1 i :£ ;■ ' : ; ■j ■ •T H . JH • * j £ . T L. Armed Forces Day will be observed at Robins Air Force Base on Saturday and an official welcome was extended to the people cf Peach County last Wednesday as a helicopter drooped down here, along with a car-filled delegation, to extend a personal invitation to visit the base Saturday and see the many exhibits that will be on hand. The helicoper landed at the new elementary school and the children were per¬ mitted to see the machine at first hand. It was recess time when the plane landed. Shown above is Dreyfuss L. Fountain, president of the Citizens State Bank in Warner Robins and chairman of the city’s publicity committee, shaking hands with Fort Valley Mayor Irving Rigdon. Also shown are Wilbur K. Avera, city clerk, Col. Walter F. Kutschere, Councilman G. C. “Dud” Poole, Major J. R. Mcckbee, Captain Ralph D. Searle, city attorney George B. Culpepper, III, and local American Legion Commander Emory Wilson. Armed Forces Day Saturday At Robins Air Force Base | , Amicd ForCCS Day «/ J () Observed At Fort Valley College A showing of a ‘Liberty Stingey*’ missile and speeches by Lt. Col. Janies P. Irvine, USA, Fort Ben ning, and Lt. Col. Albert L. Smith, Chaplain, USA, Fort Benning, will highlight an observance of Armed Forces Day at Fort Valley State College on Friday, May 15, ac cording to Maj. H. A. Robinson, Assistant Professor of Military “f ence an(1 Tactics at the Iocal * The Llbert y Stln . *“ ls M ex ~ P™ntel, tactical . adaptation of the V ‘ 2 ’ Maj ’ Robla30n sald ’ and was used at Cape y Canaveral, Fla. Ihe Red wing: tow target, which , wo alsQ hope to get> is the same ag U3ed at EgHn Air Force Base> Ploridaf for testing .» A formal program will be held at the school between 11:00 A.M. and 12:00 noon, on Friday. Dr. C. V. Troup, president of the college, and other school offic¬ ials, will participate in the pro¬ gram. Major Robinson said that a number of local businessmen and financiers have been invited to at the services. The general public was also in¬ vited to attend the exhibits. Mr. and Mrs. Ilansell Young 1 and little daughter, Sally, spent moth¬ er’s Day in Cochran with the par¬ I ents of Mrs. Young, Mr. and Mrs: John Coley, Sr. Commencement, Dr. W. J. Lyda, chairman, Graduate Division, Fort Valley State College. The Sunday exercises will be held at the Fort Valley State Col¬ lege auditorium. On Wednesday evening, May 26, the graduates of the Peach Coun¬ ty Elementary School, 114 in num¬ ber, will receive certificates of ' graduation from the seventh grade This group, as in former years, will present an original graduation play. This activity is under the super¬ vision of Mrs. Frances S. Beil, .with assistance from Mr*. Bessie M. Davis, Mrs. L. Lemon, and Mes¬ sers Collins and Reed. FIIA Installs New Officers At Mother Daughter Banquet New' officers for the Fort Val¬ ley High School chapter of the Future Homemakers of America were installed last Wednesday at the Mother-Daughter banquet held in the high school cafeteria. Zaire Barr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Br.-rr of Marshaliville. was installed as president, .lc ceeding Artie Giahl who presided at the banquet and during the in¬ stallation ceremonies. J. C. Stepens, former principal of Fort Valey High School, was the speaker for the occasion and made a thought provoking and very well received talk on the im¬ portance of “homemakers” and motherhood. He pointed out in a very interesting manner how the girls present were entering, or would enter soon, the very vital realm of homemakers and mother¬ hood. Other officers installed for the new year included Linda Colquitt as vice president; Lou Gassett as secretary; Janet Wade, treasurer; Dena Wilson, reporter; Becky Ay¬ ers, parliamentarian; Ruth Gas sett, historian; Judy ,Sullivan chairman of the degrees; Genie Tribble, chairman of projects; and Ann Lee, chairman of recreation. Honorary memberships in the organization were presented to School Superintendent E. R. An¬ derson and Ag teacher Charles Thomas. Members of the FFA served the barbecue supper to those attending the meeting. Miss Tommie Guess, home ecor nomics teacher, is sponsor for the local FHA chapter. REV. HAROLD B. WITHERS ACCEPTS PASTORATE HERE AT BAPTIST CHURCH The Rev. Harold B. Withers re¬ signed his pastorate at the McRae Baptist Church, Sunday, May 10, to accept the call of the Fort Val¬ ley Baptist Church. He will begin his work here the 16th of June. He will take the place of the Rev. Norman E. Hodges who re¬ signed as pastor here to do work with young people in Louisiana. Dr. Aquila Chamlee and the Rev. Tom Campbell have been filling dn as pastor of the church in the absence of the pastor. Recreation Unit Has Annual Meet; Pool Opening Set The annual meeting of the Fort Valley Recreational Association was held on May 5 and the open¬ ing date of the swimming pool (whiter was verified as being May 29 th. Emory Wilson, president of the association presided at the meet ing, and as the first order of bus¬ iness he heard the reports of the other officers. He also reported that Mrs James Carlton Stephens has been hired by the board to run the poqi for the coming season. Mrs. Bob Hess made a request that a pa?) telephone be installed at the pool. Ted Jones made a rao tion to contact nursery for com pletion of landscaping. Mrs. Hess also asked about two picnic tables in the trees. J. \Y. Poole asked about barbecue pits promised by a local concern, and suggested the firm be contacted immediately. The possibility of a sidewalk to the pool from F'ive Points was dis cussed and Irving Rig'don suggest ed a formal request be made of the city. The group discussed having a special opening, and included was ways of getting information to the people of the community, in¬ cluding handbills, signs, newspa per, and radio. Free swimming for all school children will be available on May 29, opening date. Ways to get additional funds were discussed, and the president then announced that additional land was being acquired from the county. City Clings n to Lead In Softball League By Slender Margin The City Slickers are still in front in the Jaycee Senior Soft ball League by a slender margin. The Methodist team is close be¬ hind. Last Thursday the Methodists took a victory over the F’ire De¬ partment and the City won frim Blue Bird. On Friday the Jaycees bowed to the Baptists and Blue Bird won a decision from the Fire Department. On Monday of this week the Fire Department took an 8-7 de¬ cision from the Jaycees and the Blue Bird team eked out a 7-6 win over the Baptists. No games are on tap for tot night, as those scheduled have been postponed. Only one game will be played on Friday night, and that one will pit the Jaycees against Blue Bird at 8:00. Two good games should be on tap next Monday night as the City meets the Baptists at 6:15 and the Jaycees will meet the Metho¬ dists at 8:00. David Sammons, commissioner of the league, said this week that the Jaycees last Tuesday moved the scoreboard closer to the spec¬ tators in order to facilitate seeing the score. He added that the field had also been cleaned. The league standing are: TEAM Won Lost Tieil City cn H-i 1 Methodist cn LO Blue Bird co tf*. 1 Fire Dept. co CH Jaycees us wU 1 Baptist to 1 MISS BRENDA NEWELL IS’ HONORED WITH BIRTHDAY PARTY LAST SATURDAY Mr. and Mrs. Moultrie Newell honored their niece, Brenda New¬ ell, with a birthday party and we iner roast at their home near Pow ersville on Saturday afternoon. In vited to the party were members of Brenda’s Sunday School class a t t h e Powersville Methodist Church. Those present were Beth Hays, Juanita and Barbara Preston, Ann, Claire and Brenda Newell, Wen¬ dell Carter, Clifford and Calvin Pierce, and Ronald Preston. Other friends and relatives pres¬ ent were Mrs. J. P. Newell, Miss Suzanne Newell, Mr. and Mrs. Em¬ mett Preston, Mr. and Mrs. War¬ ren Newell, parents of the hon oree, and tho host and hoste33. GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY By JANETTE WELLS Just a week away from the op¬ ening of the production “South Pacific” everyone connected with the play is anxiously awaiting its first night. Upon walking through the high school auditorium, one can see Vic¬ tor Hobbs and bis crew painting and hanging the backdrops. On stage different groups ,arg rehear¬ sing dances and routines. In off¬ stage rooms the directors coach the leading actors and actresses in their pronunciations and French accents. Everyone is co-operating to help make the play a smashing success. Tickets are now on sale at Tay lor’s Drug Store in Fort Valley from 3:30-6:00 p. m. during the week and from 9:00 a. m. until 7:00 p. m. on Saturdays. They can also be purchased at any time at the Camellia Drive-In in Marshall ville. The show will \>e on May 21 and 22 at the high school auditorium in Fort. Valley. A third perform¬ ance will be given Saturday May 23, at 8:00 , if the demand for tickets is sufficient. The following people are evinc¬ ing a gigamtie effort of teamwork to produce a tremendously enter¬ taining show: Holly Hess, John Thurman, John Rue, Lynn Pearson Tom Campbell, Patsy Thomas,Bob $3.00 Per Year — In Advance 61 Seniors To Graduate At Fort Valley High School On June 5th -- Ilaslain Is Medalist In State Golf Meet; Tennis Teams 2nd "Bud Haslam, son of George M. Haslam, Jr., tied for low medalist in the stpte Class B golf tourna¬ ment held on May 4 and 5th at Waycross, but the local four-man team finished second to Perry in the final results. Haslam had an 18-hole total of 149, while the local team had a total of 678 strokes for the 36 hole play. Perry won with a total of 638 strokes, Other members of the local team were Richard Wilson, Ernest An¬ I derson, and Ellis Brown. On May 6, in matches played at Mercer University in Macon, both of the Fort Valley doubles tennis teams won second place in the state meet. Cherry Dupree and Gail Hutto performed as the local girls’ team and were eliminated in the finals only after a hard-fought match. Local boys’ representatives in the boys’ doubles were Bobby Jones and Gary Cliett. Fort Valley’s representatives in the singles matches, John Duke ^ or the boys and Virginia Fair for the girls, were elimina¬ ted in the first round. Kindergarten Will Graduate Mav 28tli The Peter Pan Kindergarten, operated by Mrs. Jack Lee and Mrs. D. K. Grahl, will have grad¬ uation exercises for 1959 on May School auditorium on Everett 28 at 8 p. ra, at the Elementary Square. The children will present an op¬ eretta, “The Children of Old Mo¬ ther Goose.” A total pf 28 will receive diplo¬ mas and five will receive eertiri cates of attendance. Hospital Names A New Nurses Supt. Mrs7 Margaret Williams was na¬ med Superintendent of Nurses at the Peach County Hospital last week. Mrs. Williams, a widow, comes from Shawinut, Alabama. She was employed at the Lanier Memorial Memorial Hospital at Lane-dale, Alabama. She has one daughter, Julia, who will join her here as soon as school is out. She is residing with Mrs. J. C. Loyd on Persons Street. READ THE CLASSIFIEDS “South Pacific” To Be Presented Next Week; Tickets Now On Sale Wells, Bobby Jones, Ellis Brown, Warren Wall, Ed Mathews, Jerry Anthoine, John Davis, Richard Wil son, Hugh Barr, David Bramblett, Loring Teeter, Bobby Turner, Johnny Walker, Tom Turner, Cherry Dupree, Kaye Mathews, Ann Saywell, Gayle Vinlng, Jean Doles, Kay Hardeman, Kay Moody, Rachael Bankston, Judy Bankston, Judy Maddas, De ena Wilson, Vivien Johnson, Car¬ ole Hutto, Jane Pearson, Gordon Smith, Donnie Vennes, Joe Ault¬ man, Bill McGehee, Bud Haslam, Mike Pearson, Frances Snepp, Ed¬ wina, Haslam, Ann Bland, G’end olyn KenKnig-ht, Linda Colquitt, Jean Hancock, Becky Ayers, Sara Bloodworth, Frankie McDaniel, Janice Whitaker, Sandra Bunch, Annette Hille, Beth Beeland, Mol¬ lie Jones, Kay Barr, Nancy Dyes, Janet Wade, Zayr.e Barr, Anne Wade, Nancy Atkinson, Linda 1 Has lam, Beth Ck,» eland,, Ann Lee, Ruth Gassett, Lou Gassett, Genie Tribble, Martha Seay, Martha Lou North, Sandra Hiley, and Bever¬ ly Hall. Crews include: Sound effects- Seaborn Moss, Randall Vea'.e, Gary Franklin, Charles George; Lights--Jack Duke, Ed Duke, Wal¬ ter Bowman; Scenery—Bill Mc Gebee, Hugh Barr, John Hol¬ comb, Charles Vinson, Ray Pear CONTINUEL* ON BACK PAGE |W. •i. r m Sixty-one seniors at Fort ley High School will receive their diplomas in graduation exercises to be held in the High School Aud¬ itorium at 8:30 p. m. on June 5, according to an anouncement this week by Supt. Ernest R. Ander¬ son. Mr. Anderson also said that the annual baccalaureate sermon will be delivered at the Fort Valley Methodist Church on Sunday night May 31, at 8:00 o’clock. The I’ev. Frank M. Scarlett, pastor of the Fort Valley Presby¬ terian Church, will deliver the baccalaureate sermon. The first four honor graduates of the class will provide the pro¬ gram for the Commencement ex ercises on June 5. Their contri¬ butions will be announced later. The four honor graduates are Charlotte Thames, with a four year rege of 98.28; Gordon Smith, 98.11; Dan Joyner, 97.17 and Beth Beeland, 96.87. Mr. R. T. Hancock, Sr., chair¬ man of the Peach County Board of Education, will hand out the diplomas. The class is composed of 26 girls and 35 boys. Girls are: Lola Beth Beeland, Edith Marie Collins, Gloria June Collins, Mary Lucille Curtis, Sar alaine Evans, Edwina Kay Gas sett, Mildred Anne Grahl, Bever¬ ly Ann Hall, Dena Pearl Hallman, Polly Frances Hamlin, Annette Evelyn Hill, Mary Julia Jackson, Vivien Elizabeth Johnson, Mollie Anderson Jones, Sylvia Mae Dean Jones, Edwina Laney Moore, Mary Jane Pearson, Mary Esther Pen¬ der, Frances Virginia Perry, .Lucy Mae Ray, Carol Ann Sanders, Gail Smith, Charlotte Corinn Thames, Billie Walker, Janette Elizabeth Wells, and Eleanor Kay Young. Boys are: Jimmy Anderson, Jo¬ seph Webb Aultman, James Wil¬ lard Blasingame, E. Walter Bow¬ man, III, William Neal Chapman, Geofge Clibby Clarke, II, Gary Nelson Cliett, Howard William Dasher, Lynwood Jackson Doles, John Franklin Duke, III, John Thomas Edwards, Jr., Alan Dean Evans, Dothan Hugh Fennell, Van¬ dy Stephen Gates, Danny Harold Greer, Victor Hugo Hobbs, Ronny Earl Holland, Julian Flint Jones, Jr., Kenneth Jone , Robert Win lock Jones. Rodney Daniel Joyner, Rob o' 1 Charles Ken Knight, John Christian Larsen, Lester Garland Nelson, James Ronald Oakes, 03 car Eugene Pearson, III, Walter Thom::.- Pearson, III, Coalson Lee Pender, Jr., James Roy Ray, Nel¬ son Fillmore Schofill, Harold Gor¬ don Smith, Jerry Watts Tharpe, Emory Clyde Wilson, Jr., Walter Richard Wilson, and Edward Cleve land Woodard.