The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, May 14, 1959, Image 2

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Margaret Collins Circle Met Monday J The Margaret Collins Circle met Monday night at the Fort Valley Baptist Church. The meeting was opened with a HELPFUL HINTS ON @‘UN-<g*AFT A MILLION SOUTHPAW HUNTERS GET A BREAK ejFT-KANojly F 3 E?S?|^ L line the mythical LEFT- a -f HAND MONKEY WRENCH, THERE JUST HE IYER WAS * A PRODUCTION HIGH-POWER RIFLE MADE FOR LEFTY. NOVY A MILLION SOUTHPAW HUNTERS WON'T HAVE TO PUT UP WITH SECOND BEST ANY LONGER. *=,; - - « fa* ■ — I NOW AVAILABLE AND RIGHT- IN jfa W DOTH LEFT HAND VERSIONS, THE NEW SAVAGE BOLT ACTION IS MADE IN .2*3, .303, .270 AND .30/06 CALIBERS. K road hugging! y m ? I : % X - 4 W II : 3 > i ft?? r ■ ; J J i $ > 11 v i a®-: i . m L L Wheels are five inches farther apart. This widens the stance, not the car, gives you road-hugging stability, less lean and sway. Only Pontiac has it! SEE YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED PONTIAC DEALER Williams Motor Company 200 Persons St. — Fort Valley, Ga. prayer by Miss Sadler, and Mrs. Wilbur Avera presented an interesting' program, “Praise from the Isles and Our W. M. U. Work in Hawaii.” Others taking part on the program were Miss Betty Jean Smith and Mrs. Paul Hill. ' After the business meeting de- licious refreshments were served hy the hostess, Mrs. Henry Hop son. The meeting was closed with prayer by Mrs. J. E. Broadriek. | Other members present were j Mrs. John Button, Jr., and Mrs. Charles Moore. i i MR, AND MRS. BELLFLOWER ANNOUNCE BIRTH OF GIRL Of interest to friends and rela¬ tives here is the announcement of ;he birth of a daughter to Mr, and Mrs. John Bellflower of Valdosta, formerly of Fort Valley. The baby was born on May 5 at Pineview Hospital in Valdosta. She has been named Sandra Elizabeth. Mrs. Bellflower is the former Miss Joan Russ of Fort Valley. The maternal grandparents are*Mr. and Mrs. John J. Russ and the paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bellflower, all of Fort Valley. Mrs. Willis Campbell, of Griffin was a visitor here on Friday of her parents Mr. and Mrs. John David Duke. LEGAL ADS SHERIFF’S SALE There will be sold before the Court House Doors in Peach Coun¬ ty, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in June, 1959, between the legal hours of sale, the following des¬ cribed property to wit: 1-Used 1949 Ford Panel, Motor No. 88R-C-66778. Said property levied on as the property of Wyatt Cummings, by virtue of an evecution issued from the Superior Court of Peach Coun¬ ty, Georgia, in favor of the Fort Valley Finance and Investment Company. This 29th day of April, 1959. W. H. Beeland, Sheriff, Peach County, Georgia ptm CITATION' Dismission from Administration. L ; Jr f s I : % ; 2 .. :i MRS. ELEANOR ROOSEVELT ENDORSES AMAZING NEW HEARING INVENTION Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt has now joined other prominent Americans and people from all walks of life in praising a revolutionary new hear¬ ing device called “The Listener.’’ “It certainly heralds a new day for the hard of hearing,” said Mrs. Roose¬ velt recently. Continuing, she added: “If people only knew what a revelation and a joy not The for LISTENER moment hesitate is, they^tvould to a wear - one. This is the first hearing aid that exactly fits my needs. I didn’t realize a hearing aid could be as good as this.” So widespread is the interest in this remarkable new electronic hearing achievement, the makers have pre¬ pared an illustrated booklet giving full details. Those interested may obtain a free copy from: Herbert Jewelers 133 MAIN STREET PHONE TA 5-5434 II i B I y '£* ,r * 4 I l X -TT !.......i ! il m i w' v tv' i • ; ■, i & 5 \ X » w.-- ■ V 1 r X f: Sign your i DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE Buy U.S. Savings Bonds! GEORGIA, PEACH COUNTY WHEREAS, N. W. Jordan, Jr., Administrator of the Estate of N. W. Jordan, Sr. t represents to the Court in his petition, duly filed and entered on record, that he has fully administered N. W. Jordan, Sr. estate. This is, therefore, to site all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said Administrator should not be discharged from his administration, and receive Let¬ ters of Dismission on the first Monday in June. 1959. B. A. Young, Ordinary pt28 COURT OF ORDINARY, PEACH COUNTY, GEORGIA Lstute of Henry Canady, Deceas ed. Irene Canady as the widow and sole and only heir at law of the said Henry Canady, having filed pet.tion in this Court getting out that said Henry Canady died in testate, and that there are no debts against the said Henry Can ady or his estate, and that the. said Irene Canady is the widow | and the sole and only heir at law i of the said Henry Canady: | \ ' OUANTffY RICHfS I T RESERVED U (NONE SOLD TO DEALERS*; , Prices effective in local SI Colonial Slores only, thru J Saturday of this week. SAVINGS i May 16th. SUPER . plus SAV-A-STAMPS too! / ft i: <5r ! 34 SAVE MORE AT YOUR % (I m FRIENDLY COLONIAL STORE! 1 GRADE "A” TENDER YOUNG ROASTING CHICKENS ■-r 1 COLONIAL STORES] I PULLETS“39 c **- 1 I NUTREAT - H U. STEAK S. GOOD BEEF CHUCK * ASSORTED FLAVORS 59 i . Plumrose CANNED Ready-To-Serve HAMS Czotch Treat No. J Quality Sliced 1 %-GAL. 59 u 2-LB. £ CTN. jg. m BACON “49 : CAN c C S BRAND INSTANT 1 fa OFFEE 69 THRIFTY WHITE StICED £ BREAD 2 FAMILY rx 2 KING 39c ^ DIXIE SUES / *. r ,s CRYSTALS PURE CANE LOAVES ' s A •**v > 1 £ ns •c T m m **3 a 8 » >: 1 ■- -J Vv m w m 9 SAG w 1 $5 (limit older l with more.) A am / Qr REGULAR 95c VALUE # YOU SAVE 16c. ty* h" "W WESSON m OIL 8 eta ill 8 im*} h I %-GAL. BOTTLE 7S U \\ M;U>] am Limit 1 with $5 order or more. FRESH, COR WELL-FILLED, TENDED GOLDEM .. I J y IM [k m m lS LARGE m U. ONIONS S. NO. 1 YELLOW EAR pT a 4 W lei I KRAFT BAG -LB. 25 c t f FRESH CRISP PASCAL V CELERY EXTRA 9c GREEN GIANT TV v LARGE STALK PEAS 2 35 / CUT c I) STOKELY'S FINEST /GREEN BEANS] Regular 2 for 42c Value • You Save 7c. I A REGULAR VALUE SAV^7c. % 2 for YOU 46c 2 3 s 39 c 4 i SAVE ON DETERGENT? STOKELY’S CUT • Regular 2 for 2?c Value • You Save 4e. 3 D TIDi_m f p i (BEETS 2 s,25' ■ fas 1 REDGATE BARTLETT HALVES • Regular 39c PEARS Value • You Save S 10c. 29* ^ l LARGE 19° 2 as 45 c /. PKG. Limit 2 of your choice with $5 order or more. c;fT e A X ■y Wttk N. Macon St. Fort Valley, Georgia This ie to cite all creditors of said estate, if any, and all ether interested persons to show cause before me on the first Monday in June, 1959, why the petition of the said Irene Canady for an order declaring no administration nec ersary on the estate of Henry Canady, deceased, should not be granted, This 30 day of April, 195C. B. A. Young, Ordinary, Peach County, Georgia 4etm28 LEGAL NOTICE The Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company has filed an application with the Georgia Pub lie Service Commission for an am¬ endment to its Certificate of Pub lie Convenience and Necessity for the construction of additional tele phone facilities in .Crawford Coun¬ ty to be served from the Corn pany’s Fort Valley, Georgia ex change as more specifically set forth in the copy of the map at tached to the application and made a part thereof, pursuant to an Act of the Georgia Legislature appro ved February 17, 1950. A copy of the application and map is on file in the Commission’s offices for Leader Tribune, Fort Valley, Ga., Thurs., May the inspection of any interested party. • This application has been as¬ signed for hearing before the Commission beginning at 10 o’¬ clock A.M. on May 13, 1969,in the Commission’s hearing room, 177 State Office Building, 244 Wash¬ ington Street, S.W., Atlanta, Geor. gia, at which time all persons in¬ terested in this matter will be giv- Science Develops New Tablet: Relieves “Hot Flashes,” Irritation From Change-of-Life For 8 of 10 Tested-Without Costly Shots! Science now offers new freedom combination of medicines... that from much misery of change-of- acts directly on the cause ot life! Today, you can relieve “hot these troubles. Works through a flashes,” tortured nerves, other woman’s relieve-he sympathetic awful nervous tense functional distress...with a re- system to markable tablet developed feelings and physical distress. especially for these discomforts. This amazing formula is now Doctors report amazing results sold at drug stores, under tne using this home treatment alone name of “Lydia Pinkham s Tab ...arid no costly shots! lets.” Easy-to-take, So (hint contain let Irritability was calmed. Dizzi- blood-building iron. middle ness was relieved. Hot flashes change-of-life Start taking rob Pinkham age subsided. 8 out of 10 women of joy. today. See how fast 3 tested found complete or strik- Tablets you ing relief this way! can feel your happy self again This new formula is a unique —without troublesome shots! IF YOU PREFER A LIQUID rydfa'Tpin^om'V vi‘ 0 °eX a Comp“ en an opportunity of being Heard either for or against the same. This notice is published at the direction of the Georgia Public Service Commission. Southern Bel! Telephone and Telegraph Company BY C. M. Eberhart, General Com¬ mercial Manager (3ctn7)