The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, April 16, 1981, Page FOUR, Image 4

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F’age 4 The Leader Tribune, fort Valley, Georgia Thurtday. April 16, 1961 Fig.4 Editorial Opinions Guest Editorial A special letter to the editor J believe it is about time that we, the members of (he Peach County Chamber of Commerce Fine Arts Committee, congratulated ourselves on establishing a highly successful joint program of cultural activities with the Fort Valley Stair College Special Events Committee liven though the joint program has not been an overwhelming success attendance wise, what was lacking in attendance was more than made up in enthusiasm by the audiences The quality of performances has been superb We were inspired by the outstanding soprano, Mattiwilda Dobbs, the talented showman, Mac Frampton, the Women's Ensemble's performance of the Ceremony of Carols with the eminent harpist Dedi Henson, the opera workshop's performance of Amaltl and the Night Visitors, the Morehouse College (dee Club, a versatile group of well-trained young men; the lively rendering of the opera Don Pasquale which, surprisingly, attracted one of out largest audiences, the Warner Robins Little Theatre's fine production; the Howard Hanger Jazz Ensemble, which kept us amused and entertained with wir, charm and excel lent musicianship, the dynamic brass group and, finally, the very' versatile and master musicians, the Dclphin and Remain Due 1 believe this pro gram of events would be difficult to duplicate by any other city or county of Milton Brown, a community advocate An editorial in The Press Sentinel (iesup, Ga) prompts this editorial today An editor injesup devoted his entire column to the fact that fort Valley is hosting former President Jimmy Carter and Postmaster General William F Bolger on April 23 for the first day of issue of the i amcllia stamp. We would like to share the last paragraph of this editorial "With spring at its peak, and camellias, azaleas, dogwood and so many other flowers making Jesup a place of beauty and joy to behold, it is fitting that the morning mail will bear a picture of that plant that has been one of the keystones in that beauty We envy Fort Valley for their place in this event CM course many people are responsible for making the camellia stamp possible We think it is appropriate, nevertheless, to single out Milton Brown as executive director of die American Camellia Society who has brought a lot of positive thinking into our community Two years ago he helped bring an international gathering oi camellia lovets into town In so many other projects he has made us think of what is possible rather than what cannot hr done The American Camellia Six’tetv is Columbia, gem of the ocean It is quite fitting that someone had vision enough to name (he new space vehicle “Columbia Seeing it blast oft into space early Sunday morning brought tears to the eves and chills down the spine as we remembered again the thrill of seeing other American space success stories That Sunday morning .emotion was renewed again Tuesday evening as the Welcome WQBZ We would like to officially acknowledge and welcome to the community radio station WQBZ While the station might be considered the new kid on the block, the people who have made it into a reality are certainly old-timers to Fort Valiev Each one has his roots firmly planted into the soil here and each has made significant contributions to the community Vie welcome the additional competition to the business com mutiny. Vie can't help but feel that comparable size in the stare of Georgia I hope you and the other members of the committee are as proud as I am of whai we have accomplished over the past rwo years lest you think we have forgotten who conceived this whole idea, lei me remind you and your readers that we are grateful to you for initiating the joint program and “pushing” it through the Chamber although I understand it did not require muc li pushing Our committee members have worked diligently, Milton Brown, president of the committee, aided so ably by his charming wife. Ann, the energetic Jimmy Smith, H I Bryant whose retirement has not slowed him down one hit, the gracious lady Kate Vinson, the vibrant Anna Lumpkin, Joe and Adkins Bob Green, Charles Dalits, Mr Dependable George Adams, and our ''contact’’ man, W C Wyatt, to name .< few, should all he commended highly for contributing greatly to the success of our joint program Please extend our thanks to President ( W Pettigrew for Ins support, to our faithful patrons. i« Superintendent Anderson and the Board of Education for use of school facilities, and to all other persons and businesses who helped us Very truly yours, William S Mathis FVSC Coordinator of Lyceum Senes the organization that benefits the most from Milton and Ann Brown, but their :alents spill out into many othet areas of die community We think that Fort Valleyans should he eternally grateful for Milton Blown pushing to change the name of one of our thoroughfares from Macon Streei to Camellia Boulevard For years and years we had to think of ourselves in relation to out larger sister city to the north in giving addresses Bv this one move we have broken another bond of subservience to that larger city m the north and now we can call one of our main streets by a name that is peculiar to Fort Valley Think how much nicer the name sounds t amcllia Boulevard vs. North Macon Street There are many ways m which the Browns have served then community For example he was the first chairman of the brand new f ine Arts Series that goi off the ground two visits ago I It has inspired a number of people to get involved in making this dream become a reality \\ ith the first day of issue ceremony only days away, we think it is the right time to tip our hat, to bow deeply, and tfigive Milton Brown a warm pat on the back fot being such a community advocate TV si teen showed the same ship touching down at Edwards AFB after its per lei i flight into space Who says Americans don’t have yvhat it takes’ This event, in full view of the entire world, yy.ts proof-positive to our ft tends all over the world that America can yet achieve tremendous goals (hen salesmanship will increase the awareness ot the need for good advertising among our merchants Consequently , each one of us tn the information dissemination business should reap the benefits^ We look forward to a healthy . competitive relationship with rhe ncyy radio station We believe that we can work together for the merchants' benefit And so. welcome Zl06! is £ r ? A* / r i id On Tuesday morning the county commissioners of ficially thanked former county officers J. K. “Reg" Mu/h.s, Walter Tharpe. and Julian Jones for their tong years of service to Peach County. Lath was presented with a plague and a piece of luggage, however Julian Jones was not in town for the occa- __ _ My Him Charlie Smith By now the news is out to all in rhe hinterlands that Charlie Smith is no longer the head football and basketball coach at Peach County High School Since 1 have written about Charlie in this column once before, I think it is appropriate According to wntr about him again to some very reliable sources Charlie and the ►chool administration have had a parting of the ways. Tins has resulted in Charlie’s resignation as a coach I think that it is fair to say that this may not have been his idea initialh, but he has handled die situation with a lot of class Without going into a lot of the whys and wherefores, 1 think it is sufficient lO sav that Charlie is a man among n)f , n Thinking back over the five seats rhat Coach Smith led the Trojans into battle on the gridiron, tJiere arc some things that really stick out in my mind. Of course I II always remember'* the r* 2 * X Focus by Robert Thompson Like a giant sword, slashing and glimmering in the morning sun tt slices alt humanity into rwo groups That slicing event is the resurrection. It divides everyone into one camp or another One camp is named Hope, the other is named No Hope These two camps have always been around In the day of lesus there were those who had no hope because they did not believe tn a resurrection. For those who believe in the resurrection of Jesus and thus their own personal resurrection there is «*■ The human factor by Vicky Mcllrath “To err is human '' I wish I had a big banner on my wall proclaiming just that at times. I'm sure every journalist knows what I’m talking about Around here we jokingly kid about the “hoo-boo of the week award ' Though at the time vve are only kidding, it only becomes humorous to the person involved sometime later after they have had time ro get over it I received that award this week for an error that 1 do not feel necessary to repeat The error was done quite inadvertently on my part, but it was rather embarrassing My cohorts even jokingh asked me where 1 would like to hide —- Mexico or Canada I chose Japan It somehow seemed more appropriate and farther away than the other two. sion. We'd like to add our thanks to each of these three men who have served the sount\ so well. They have always been cooperative with us in trying to make sure that people of this county knew what was going on. wins over Perry especially the me three years ago when we whipped them so badly when we were underdogs There are other wins hat sock out Probably the me t tmportan huu» however, in my memory bank is the time that Charlie Smith held Johnnie Gate out if r| game suspected a knee mjui There is no doubt that < Mit probably would hast made the difference between a win and a It that night •ut the most important thing m Charlie mincf was the boy s future AnorJiet injur to knee very hkelv could have been permanent There v ■as Si line criticism of the coach for that ive, but Charlie did what he believed to be That was a mark of a man ! firmly believe that Coach Snmh was more concerned about his players long-term welfare This attitude may have lost him some games here and hope. This hope is extended beyond ourselves and to friends and loved ones we believe His words that because He lives wr will also live That makes Easter even mote glorious than pretty flowers, prettv clothes and all the family getting together again Further, hope in the resurrection also affects our daily living \Xc can have hope from due to day One of the benefits of having a secure hope and faith is that it is at work tight now. We do not have to watt until someday Hope may be compared to our skin It But having made quite a few mistakes in nn tenure with journalism. I have learned that once it is read in black and white, all that is left to do is grin and bear it and apologize. My apology this week was received with true grit and 1 am thankful for that. I think rhat it is healthful ro be able to laugh at your mistakes and not let them bog you down. Everyone makes them. It’s only human. The important thing is n learn from them and not keep making the same ones Unless I have to do this same story again. I’m confident 1 wont be making that mistake again. But even though I'd like to deny it, I'm sure there will be another week that I’ll make a gross error. But tomorrow is another day and after a day or so, it will be just as funny to me as it is to everyone else After all, Patriot’s perspective by Cornelia B Nichols One wonders if the media are trying to give the government troops of El Salvador the same treatment that they gave President Somoza of Nicaragua In Sunday’s Atlanta Journal and Constitution a cartoon told the story of Salvadoran government troops ex touting unarmed guerrillas consisting of women and civilians and “a couple of’ Communists, The implication is that the government troops shot from the hip and wantonly murdered innocent persons. Wolfson, According to Norman a public relations man for Somoza, the Nicaraguan president received similar biased reporting in the American press An article in the July 20, 1979, National Review gave examples of the brainwashing the American public received about Somoza from out media First, (he media told outright lies about Somoza and his government Depu ting Somoza as an egomaniac, a New York Times article stated that the airport in Nicaragua is named for the president when in fact it is named Las Mercedes In addition, the same reporter misrepresented the number of a tin-Somoza demonstrators at public protests. omission of Furthermore, pertinent facts and complete lack of objectivity characterized media reporting of the Nicaraguan situation. Dan Rather and other CBS reporters, The Washington Post, Time, AB( radio and the Los 4»> 'es Times did a notorious hatchet job on Somoza and his government Somoza emerged as a tyrant who tortured political prisoners and assassinated his political opponent, Chamorro No evidence was found to substantiate either charge In one magazine article a reporter devoted one paragraph to presenting Somoza’s views and many more to charges by his opposition, need \\ e patriots to remember that the New Yuri Times portrayed Fidel Castro as an agrarian reformer. We sL uid not swallow whole media efforts paint the Salvadoran government troops as igres guilty of atrocities against innocent individuals. These tnnoc *nt individuals arc trying to send their country the wav of Cuba and Nicaragua Letters to the editor Editor 1 would like to thank everyone who participated with the clean up day April 11, 1981 The appearance of our county' is a reflection of all citizens. We hope rhat the clean up day not only helps the looks hut serves as a reminder to keep our runty clean Tracy River . Editor: All the ladies of United Methodist Women of the Fort Valley Methodist Church appreciate so much Mr Fletcher Barnes carrying Christian Jjroadcasting on channel 8. We feel that with all the violence, crime and sex being televised, it is especially important and vital that there be influence for good. decency and Christian faith on T V. We are watching and we are telling everyone we see to watch. Most sincerely. Betty Wilson, secretary U.M VC (Mrs Henry A.) ®lje Ceabcr (Jribune PEACHLAND JOURNAL. INC 205 Mam Street Fort Valley Georgia 31030 825-2432 Academy Street Byron Ga 31008 956-2544 PUBLISHER Ano f Walton THE OFFICIAL ORGAN FOR PEACH COUNTY, THE CITY OF FORT VALLEY AND THE CITY OF BYRON A Prite-Winnmi 6 m Newepeper 1980 Better New,peper Conte, u MEMBER GEORGIA PRESS ASSOCIATION Second Class Postage Paid at Fort Valley Georgia IUSPS 307-740! SUBSCRIPTION RATES S7 80 per year in trade area S10 40 per year elsewhere in Georgia S12 00 out ot state - in advance ADVERTISING RATES furmshed on request Publisher is not responsible lor errors in acvertismg other than the cost ot the space the error occupies. but I’ll wa :*r th this world is tetter off w namfestanon >f values than wit -i another >r ret d hook x Hit iootbalt ft iaskrrball ■. ' an zr r included ft h i winking <; Hr lose £ ; I'd rather Is being equippec to win the b; JlJj m life than just to wan a game urc, I grouse when wc ani grin when "t : win But it all mes down to p critics and 1 believe ihat Charlie $ni i h hit s h priorities the right place I think that t c f c 5 all of us that C< j= stay in fort Valley He statement that there art me people here I’d like to add that with h ill his family staying, our numbe will not be diminished ft S g*x. have some ciass in our cww goes where we go. fits all the rime and always does the job for which it was intended. Going back to the start, there are two camps One is composed of the hopeful and the othet of thi iar pelfcss No one lias to be tn the he ess camp The gates to Camp Hope are open wide. All who want to may come in. My hope for y ou at this Faster season is that vc >u arc walking in hope; that you know that because He lives you shall live also That living can begin todav May vour Easter be real, a holy day, not just a holiday 1 am only human Just in case you haven’t found out > et - 1 thought I'd inform you —- the mosquitos are out, I found out just by chance the other night while we decided to sit on our front porch in the swing For some reason I had kidded mvsdt that it was just too early for them to be .-ut. Boy. was I wrong. And 1 found out the hard way No more nights out on the porch in the swing w ithout -<>me kind of protection Thinking about the mosquitos brought to mind something else to look for ward to in the very near future — gnats If the gnats don t get you, I reckon the mosquitos yvtll But no matter, neither of them is going to spot! my fun outdoors.