The Dallas new era. (Dallas, Paulding County, Ga.) 1898-current, March 25, 1898, Image 2

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I Bm two you can’t," bihoy. Right I Throe Iwo^ou can’t, either in dol- „F* or dividends or sarsaparilla. ! it takes the best sarsaparilla root to main the bust sarsaparilla ex tract. The beet sarsaparilla cornea from Honduras, C. A., and the Dr. Ayer Co. practically controls the l entire product. Yet others claim he making “best"sarsaparilla, fhey must bo making it out of tho remainder left after subtracting throe from two. But, “ throe from two you can’t.” You can’t make the best sarsaparilla without best root. You only gut the best when you <& Ayer’s Sarsaparilla which is made wholly from tho best root imported from Honduras. E HEW ERA. Published Every Friday- SPINKS, YcniTOB* erlisins Rates on Application SUHSOIUFTION KATES: ONEYEAH SIX MONTHS THREE MONTHS Entoredin the Pont Office at Dalian, (la. an noeonil-clanN mail matter, DARLAS, (1 A., MARCH 25, 1898. Col. CntulUr ilocn not tliik it prudent for the gubernatorial asplrantH to indulge in Joint debate. jplio burning quentlna with the Popu list# for (he lust few diiyn: “Will our Tom run for its?" Wluit pleiiniire In there In life with n heitthiehe, eonstlputlou anil billloiisnoss? Thousands;experience them who eould ln.i'nine perfectly healthy by using Dewitt,s l.iltle Kurly Risers, the famous little pills. I. J. Copper it Co. According to advices sent out by the Washington correspondents, the crisis in the Spanisb-Amerlenn alTair will come shortly. This Inis been the solemn pre diction for several days. After years of untold suffering from piles, H. W. Purnell of Knilncrsvlllc, Pa wns cured by using n single box of Del Wilt,8 Witeli Hazel Salve. Skin diseases such as eczema, rash pimples and obsti unto eoren are readily cured by this fa mous remedy. ,1. .1. Cooper & Co. The populist liquor plunk in their slate platform is made to “ketch 'em a gwiuc an’ a coinin’.” It’s for liquor anil against liquor. For barrooms anil against bar rooms. Anything anil everything or no-thing, just as you like it. Mrs. Mark, Pleasant Ridge, ()., says. “After two doctors gave tip my boy to die, ] saved hiinjfrinn croup by using Oi # Minute Cough Cure," It is the qttickcsi ami most certain remedy for coughs, colds anil all throat and lung troubles. J. J. C taper & Co. Governor Atkinson, in referring p , paragraph in Tbs Constltuli in to tin .. feel that if .Ituigu Atkinson was oh 'ei governor, tlie Judge would nppclnl thi governor a member of.’thr ruisroo l eon: mission, said to a corresponden; > Hi Mueon Telegraph: “I wish you would print in the black | face type that there is not a wort of t: ulli in the statement or rumor that I urn a candidate for any ofllce under the su . No governor of Georgia to Is- rlectc . in the next hundred years will have any of fice to give me that I will have. 1 am out of politics and hope to roan lie buck at my profession its a lawyer. Now, i. Hist is not putting it strong enough, why make It stronger.” ‘ ' . A Cure For Sleeplessness. I commenced lining your Itnmou’s l.ivcr PilU & Tonic lYllel.s Ihc liiht ol I . u ni l»cr, 1M0, for 11 chit tin I Liver troub'i*. 1 will never forget the good they have done inf. 1 conld not sh c]>, wjiH hIioii. o| lirc'th and, in fact, could not work any. I have used a few boxes and to day I feel ns well in 1 ever did in my life.- G. M. Britton. Holbrook, W. Va. For Side by all (it* iei>. Flint Hill. NVe are Mill in the land of the livin',. Some sickiichh on our xide. The funnels are busy putting gun o in the ground. Wheat am] oats nr? looking line. Thu pcnchtrccH are in full bloom, which m«*kes everything look lovely. Last Saturday and Sunday were ru.uluv meeting days at Poplar Springs. There was a singing at Flint Hill list Sunday evening. Mr. T. J. Hug*dale rioted bis school at the Lee Academy the IHth lust. Several of the hoys from these par s at tended the show at the Lee Aeudeun last Saturday night. It was a success so my pard suid. LlTTI.K Jolt. Banty. How’s This? We oiler One Hundred Dollars Reward for any ease of Catarrh that euimol be curoil by Hall 1 * Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY tfc CO.,, 'ruled'': O We tlie undersigned, luiviHr.own F. J Cheney for the lust 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business trunsaetloiiR ami financially able otil any obligations intuit, by their firm. WKMT it Tkiiax, Wholesale Druggist*:, Toledo, Ohio. Waldinii, Kinxan & Maiivin, Wlioli'siile Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrli Cure Is taken interiuiliy, acting direetly upon the blond and m,:- eous surfaces of tlie system. Prleo Toe. per buttle. Sold liy ail Druggists. Tes timonials free. Hall's Family Pills are Hie best. Sy&pjgGs Tlie, tlie politicians, the men who control, wcr. defined four years ago t i be tlie state and county officers, tlie Judges uud solicitors of tho civctilt courts. C.miller, after writing, as bo says, (100(1 letters to those fellows, asking their opin ions and support, declares ho is tlie can didate of no ring, etc. What consistency. Whooping cough is tlie most distressing malady; but its duration can lie cut short by tlie use of One Minute Cough Cure, which is also tlie best known remedy for croup and all'lung and;bronchial troubles. J. .1. Cooper it Co.jJ Commissioner Glenn, of tin* new textile school which tlie Slate of Georgia liss es tablished, is outspoken in bis support of encouragement for manufactures. In a recently published expression of views be s aid: “When we become * manufacturing people our farmers will prosper, for tbeir products will bo wanted by tlie poop] who labor in the mauufacturies.". ON® ENJOYS Both tho method nnd results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, anil acts gently yot promptly on tlie Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches nnd fevers and cures liabitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is tho only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste nnd ac ceptable to tho stoinnch, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy nnd agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all nnd have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for stile in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliablo druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any .one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIO SYRUP CO. SAM fHAMOISCO, CAL LOUISVILLE. KV. MEW YURA, M.V. HAY. As I see mi news from this place I will try uni! give you nur little happening. Farmers lire about done hauling gmuio. Wheat iu this section is looking tine. The Johnny boys arc arc still in the ring; no stills left worth mentioning. One of our esteemed citizens built him a blacksmith shop and covered it the ne.v way, board fashion, and began at tlie comb and came down for fear lie hud not boards sufficient. Home rumors of war in this section, I don’t know of many volunteers. Some of our boys are preptuiug to tat pens with tlie government and some are expecting to come clear. For fear of tlie waste basket I will close. Ko-Ka-Ko-Lay. For some lime, 1 have suffered with rheumatism and tried every iiiuigiuuhlc remedy, without effect. Mr. F. G. S, Wells advised me to try Clmmberbdn’s Fain Halm, ti lling me that it bail cured mnry cases of long standing like mine. I have used four bottles anil feel sure that one more bottle will make my cure com plete.—A. P, Kontz, C'laremore, Ark. Sold by A. J, Cooper & Co. Subscribe for The New Eiia and Weck- y Constitution. Only $1.80 for both pa. pers. Subscribe now ami try your chance for the $2,500. * For Over Filly your,*. Mrs, Winslow’s Southing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething with perfect success Itsoothes thochild. softens the gums, allays all pains, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy lor Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists m every part of tlie world. Twenty-live cents a bottle. Ho sure ami ask for “Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup ” and take <:• other kind, WANTED—Everybody in the country to come and sit in Dr. Greer’s uew dental chair uud let him examine their teeth free- Though, if they should need tilling lie will do Unit for only a little money. Skin Diseases Cured. For the cure of tetter, itch, eczema erysipelas, and all irritations of the skin, Dr. Edmondson’s Eczema Cure is the standard. Price 50 cents per Dot tie. Ad dress Dr. Frank Edmondson, Atlanta, Gu. ANNOUNCEMENT. To tlie Democrats of the Seventh Coir gressionnl District: In making this formal announcement of my candidacy for the Democratic nomina tion, ut the bunds of the convention to be h Id sometime dining tlie coming sum mer 1o nnmo u csailldati" whose duty it will be to voice and faithfully represent the party and tho people In the contest for election of a representative iu Congross at tlie next election, I desire to say that, af ter having considered tlie request of some of my friends and repealed nnd Voluntary off era of support from quite a number of tlie good citizens of tlie district, I have concluded to announce my candidacy for the Democratic nomination, to Ire govegti- fd by tin! party will when expressed in convention. it is useless, tint not out of place, to say Hint I am a Democrat, and tlml l stand on lliu ('liii'tigo platform and endorse ev ery declaration therein; and if l endorse mor- strongly any on* purl titan another, |t is the pin t which seeks to revise our moneliiry system and wrench from the bauds of lyrnuirul oppressors tlds Ameri can government, that should be one of, for, and by the people, instead of against them, nml cutlet laws that will open our mints to lit- free uud unlimited coinage of silver at tin- ratio of Hi to l. I shall enter the race for the nomination mid go over tho district and present my clailus, if I have any. and ink i onsiiuwa- tion at tlie hands of tlie party to withh l belong ami discuss public questions at sueli times siul plncca as may in icufte seem desirable; and if at any lime the people or the eauiliilates desire, l situ I Imvc no objection to joining any ami ail candidates in a friendly discussion oi any matter Unit may lie of intere-t to Hie people. 1 do not think I am asking to much for till* south end of the district, when 1 say that she helped to light Hie battle ul- ways and litis is the first time she has • -l e i for promotion Irom the rank of 'o'mnlecr privates. While this is not alone sufficient, ycl it is u fact Unit the people should consider. Very Respectfully, G. U. Hi tchens. Braswell. PcMclitrcrs art* in full bloom; llie little children are gathering wild flowers, fco„ spring is here. Mrs. J. W. McLendon, of Rome, ntrd M.\ J. L. McLendon, of Atlanta, visited their mother fluflday. Mrs. McLendon is improving. I)r. an-l Miss Kiln HpinUs, ol K< « kiiwrt were visiting relatives here recently. , Mr. Walter Bearden, of Attidla. Ala., visited his brother here Sun lay. Mr. J. J. Ilngin, of Hiram, was up n few days ago, and purchased a yoke **f of cattle. A team of horses belonging to Williams & Co., ran away a few days ago, ran into a team in front of them and injured oiijp* of them budly, but not dangerously. * A Miss Sal He Hays has u good school here. S ane of our boys are being looked af ter for “inooti-shining.” We guess they will hoard with Uncle Bam for awhile. The Diaketown correspondent wiles to tlie point. Come again. Mrs. Bearden has been on the sick li«t for the past few days. Wo have a good eSjjnday sc.hooi herd A bonne in whiclFubotil 1/50 bushels of corn nnd some fodder were stored < aught lire from the woods which had 1 o«*n firttfl and the whole destroyed. The corn ithd fodder belonged to Mr. J. K. B1 do k. The whippoorwills have made their ap pearance. r ;'| Ai.bion. x the town •Juno n«’.\ highest I Lot of I ct ion o • In* sob x ft fa. county ii n fn. lssii I«I eoni said lot« and com Also at »t of hu: ounty. i Dr. Greer will do ileut il work in ex i Image for corn, fotliler, ct Him rceil chucks, (.ciis. potatoes anil money. Results frem a w Bad Liver ^ and can 1 © be Cured by o Using | w | Dr. J. H. McLEAN’S f i Liver and [Kidney Balm: | A Certain Remedy for! f Diseases of the Liver, Kid- < neys and Urinary Organs. J * PRICE, St.00 PER BOTTLE. S FOB SALE BY ffji NUBIAN TEA cures Dyspqp- namm i:., Constipation ami gesliou. Regulates the Liver. Price, 25 cts. Tetter, Bnlt-lilioiiin ami Eczema, Tho Intense itiming anil smut Due, inci dent to these discuses, in instantly allayed bv applying Chamberlain's Eye und Skin Ointment,. Many very b'id efttsetf) cmi/'iy! have boon permanently enved by jt. .It is equally efficient for itc hing piles and a favorite romeilv for sore nippier,, chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites and Chronic sore eves. 25 cts. por box. to in Paulding County sheriffs Sales rd Unreturned Wild Land for June, 1898. Will lx* sold before the court house first Tuesday 111 irsof the mperty. lo-wit: it {strict anditrri levied on mid mid sn«lafy n trictnr.dilids evled i mid t • \ II ft. enunty. I said lot i am! com rWvill lot • mil • *\ . .. i tax II fu county, said lot. mid com :iFI»f hu t ix fl fn c maty, s lid h*n and cou Also a lot of hu SCOfloil < to i»e Sol M fn 11 to satisfy a tux ax collector ol e and county vs. id for Its state ice will lie soli 5 Istrict mid third .; levied on and mid to satisfy r. ,n. T. C. of sub! a ad county vs. d for Its state nee will 1V*MC istrict and thin* lev led on <l d land to sriMsfy n in. T. of sail ind county vs. <1 for its stall •7. nee will Im* sold istrk t and third .; levied on and nml to satisfy r in. T. C. of said nnd county vs id for its state i.; lefh d on and add to satisfy v iu.T.'U. t»f siild and colt ii ty vs. id for its slate ti lt ee will lie sold Istrict and third i.; levied on and land to satisfy »' mi. T. V. of said nnd county vs. ud for its stHti Dr. Cady’s L'mulitlpu Pnivdci'S, nre jnat wlint a horse needs when in bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. They arc not food but medicine nnd the host in uso to put; a horse in prime condition. Prico 25 cents per pnokago. For sale by A. .1. Cooper & Co, NEW hope: Mr. O. K. Earwooil nnd Mrs, E. A. Wigley, of Anniston, Ala., nre stopping Witli good old home folks at Ibis place. -Mr. und Mrs. C. 'A. Scoggins vi-ilul the family of Mr. J. (J. Wqtul Iasi week. | Alliion says they arc not • using murh guano, as tlie ground is piulied up high enough without it. I thought the liirtinTs used the stuff to make cotton grow in stead of pushing up the ground. \Vu were sorry to learn of Mr,. Mollie Holcombe's death, who was laid to rest o.) the ITlii iust. \Ve extend our heart" fell condolence to the bereaveil family. Mr. and Mrs. James Robbins visitul H e family of Mr. O. P. Wigley .'Sunday. Miss Eiimm Ragsdale 1ms closed her school at the Parker si'liool house, Wlint 1ms become of Etta and li*y ei r-, respondents? Plow Hoy and Cricket, where arc you,? We enjoy muling the lettcis unit would like to hour from all. E. Maiik. . Suffered 20 Years. M RS. MARY LEWIS, wlfo of r* prrtni- neut farmer, ami well Known by'all - old residents near Belmont, N. Y,. writes: "For twenty-seven years I had be?» a constant sufferer from net . on ; prostra tion, and paid largo suras of m m y T ?pr doc tors and ttdvortisod remedies v itliout bene- flt. Three years ago iuy c lyditioh was alarming; tho least noise world stunt k and unnerve me.. I wus unjiblo u>sleep, had a number of sinking spells and. slowly grew worse. I began uslug Dr. Mih.) 1 Kestoru: !ve Nervine and Nerve and Liver Pili i. At first the medieino socmed to have no effect, hut after taking a few hoti ics 1 b au to notice a change; I rested better t. it. ;ht uiyappe- 1 tito began to Improve and rapidiy grew bettor, until now I om as Luiiily ics'orod to health as one of my ago may « :*p :t. God bless Dr.Miles*?»ervino. Dr. Miles' Remedies arc sold by oil drug gists under a positive guarantee, first bottic bone'llts or money re* funded. BookoniHs- Gascsof tho heart and nerves free. Address, Dxl. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. M X II fu ounty, Hid lot pud oou Also n lot <>r III cut ion ' o be* so! ax 11 fa ounty. suid lot und cou Also u lot of lu Vf'ctlon • lie t o li I'C so II X tl fu ounty. ild I of nd eon Also ii .•f lu !»7. luce will 1m* sold llstrlct nnd third ».; levied on und uni to satisfy a iiii.T. (’. of sale nml county vs. mil for its stilt* H7. I flee will bo Hold llstrlct nnd third i. ; levied on nnd land to satisfy p nil, T. 0. i.f suiii nnd county vs. nd for its state luce will be sold listriei nnd third it.; levied on ii nd land to satisfy a an,T. C. of tyvhl nnd county vY nil for its state 1»7. luce will bo sob* llstrlct and third ii, .; levied oil njld In nd to satisfy n an, T. (’. of said and county vs. nd for Its ‘state >ii7. lace will be sold [llstrlct and third a.; levied on and land to satisfy inn. T. of said and county vs. nd for its state il*7. tinee will lx* Hold section to lie so tax M fa county, said lot and eon Also ii lot of la ami coil Also i Also i lot "t hi Section tux li fi. county, s.itd lot and cot tax ii U county said lot and cot lax II fi said b'.i and cot Also i lot or 1: .section to be st fax ti fi county said lot ami cot Also i district and third a.; levied on and laud to satisfy inn, T. U. of sii und eouutv v nd for its sta 't<7. (luce wll be Sold district and third ii. ; levied on and land to satisfy uni, T. U. of said and county vs. nd for its state w7. ilace will be sold histrit-t and third a.; levied on and land to satisfy inn.T. l\ of said ami county vs, mi for its state W7. . * • ilnty.will. 1m* sold district ami third in.; levied on and I land to satisfy a mn.T. C. of said and county v>\ nd for its state fl»7. >lueo will bo sold district nnd tlrd in., levied on ami I land to satisfy a mn, T. t\ of said and county vs. md for its state >»7, sold \b'e at the same tlfne nnd place will told , ; iftiid No. n-.u fn th» fliM district and 3rd .. ( Holt of I'mih'tng county, tin.; levied on and to N* sold as unr( turned wild land to nntlsfy a • ix tl in i-sued liy A. L. WoTlhan,T. C. of said (...unlv. to lltvuinf tlie stall' and county tf. -;*ld lot of unreturnod wild land for It« state nml county tax for the year 1HW7. Also «t the Ntinc time and plat e will he Hold Inf f> f land No. «-•« in the first district and 3rd <. ei b n ..f Paulding county. t*A.; levied on nml t . Ih* sold as unreturned wild land to HattafT n fix II fa issued by A. L. Wortlmn. T. C. of said cou my. in favor of the state and county va. v,i,l lot of umeturned wild land for its state t. t county tax lor the year ltt*7. Also nt the name time nnd plnce will he sold lot ..I land No. as) in tlie 1st district And lb* section of Paulding county, t.a„ levied on and to 1m* sold ns unreturned wild land to fatlafy a tax fi fa Issued by A. L. tYorthan, T. U. of Mid county, in favor of the state and county ▼». said lot of unreturned Wild land for lie cUlc ami county tax for the year 1H07. Also nt the same time and place will be cold lot of land No.<W6 In the flint district and third Beet ion of Paulding county. t«a.; levied on and to be sold as unreturned wild land to satisfy a tax fi fa issued by A. L. NVorthan, T. C. of said county, in favor of the state atul county v». (aid lot of unreturned wild land for its state Mid county tax for the year 1807. Also at the same time and place will be fold lot of land No. wtt In the first district and third section of Paulding county. <»a.; levied ou and to Is* sold as un returned wild land to satisfy a tux fl fa Issued by A. L. NVorthan, T. C. of said county, in favor of the state and county th. said lot of unreturned wild land for Its state and county tax for tlie year lt»y7. Also nt the same time and place will be fold lot of land No. r»l in the first district and third section of Paulding county. <»a.; levied on and to be sold as unreturned wild land to satisfy a tax fi fa issued by A. L. NVorthan, T. C. of aalil county, in favor of the state and county vc. said lot of unreturned wild land for Its state ami county tax for the year 1HU7. Also at the same time nnd place will be fold lot of hind No. 81 in the first district and third section of Paulding county, l»a.; levied on and to be sold us unreturned wild land to satisfy a tax II fa issued by A. L. NVorthan, T. 0. of said county, in favor of the state and county vs. said lot of unreturned wild land for its state and county tax for the year 18S7. Also at the same time and place will be sold lot of land No. MW In the first district and third Section of Paulding county. (»a.; levied on and 4o 1m* sold ms unreturned wild land to satisfy a tax II fa issued by A. L. NVorVhan, T. (J. of said county, In favor of .the state and county vs. said lot of unreturned wild land for its slate ami county tax for tlft* year 18W7. Also at the same time and place will be sold lot of land No. r.74 In the first district and third section of Paulding county, Ga.; levlad on and to Im* sold as unreturned wild land to satisfy a tax fi fa Issued by A. L. NVorthan, T. 0. of said oounty, in favor of the state aud county vs. said lot of unreturned wild land for it* state and ehunty tax for the year lt#7. Also at the same time and place will he sold lot of land No. 129 In the find district and third section of Paulding county, Ga.; levied on and to Ik* sold as unreturned wild land to satisfy a tax fi fn issued by A. L. NVorthan, T. 0. of said county, In favor of the .state and county vs. said lot of unreturned wild land for its state and county tax for the year 1897. Also nt the same time nnd place will be told lot of land No. (W8 In the first district and third section of Paulding county. Ga., levied on and to Im* sold as unreturned wild land to.fatlsfy a tax fi fa issued by A. L. NVorthan, T. 0. of said county, in favor of the state aud oounty vl. said lot of unreturned wild land for Us stalb ami county tax for the year 1897. Also nt the same time and place will be sold lot of land No. 179 in the first district and third section of Paulding county. Ga.; levied on and to be sold as unrotuaned wild land to satisfy a tax fi fa issued by A. L. NVorthan, T. 0. of said county, In favor of the state and county vs. said lot of unreturned wild land' for Its state and county tax for the year 1897. Also at the same time and plact< will be sold lot of land No. 89 In the first district And.third section of Paulding county. Ga.; levied on and to be sold as unreturned wild land to satisfy a tax II fa issued by A. L. NVorthan, T. C. of Bala county, in Vvor of the stnte and county vs. said lot of unreturned wild land for Its State aud county tax for the year 1897. Also nt the same time nnd place will be sold lot of land No. 17oin the first district and third section of Pauldlngcounty. Ga.; levied on and to be sold as unreturned wild land to satisfy * tax II fa Issued by A. L. NVorthan, T. C. of said county. In favor of the state and county vs. said lot of unreturned wild land for 11s state and county tax for the year 1897. Also nt the same time and place will be sold lot of land No. 96 in the first district and third section of Pauldlngcounty. Ga.; levied on and to be sold as unreturned wild land to satisfy a tax li fa issued by A. L. NVorthan; T. C. of said county, in favor of the state aud county vs. said lot of unreturned wild land for Its state nnd county tax for the year 1897. Also at the same timJ* and place will be sold lot of land No. 247 In the first district and third section of Paulding county, Ga.; levied on ana to be sold as unreturned wild land to satisfy a tax fi fa issued by A. L. NVorthan, T. C. of said county, in favof of the state and county vs. said lot of ufireturned wild land for its state and county tax for the year 1807. Also at the same time and place will be sold lot of land No. do In the first district and third section of Paulding county. Ga.; levied on and to be sold as unreturned wild land to satis— a tax 11 fa issued by A. L. NVorthan, T. C. of % l county, in favor of the state and county i.», said lot of unreturned wild land for its statA ami county tax for the year 1897. Also at the same time and place will be sold lot of land No. 218 in the first district and third section of Paulding oounty, (la.; levied on and to Im- sold ns unreturned wild land to satisfy a tax il Ta Issued by A. L. NVorthan, T. C. of said county, iu favor of the state and oounty v|. said lot of unreturned wild land for its state uud county tax for the year 1897. Also at the same time and place will be sold lot of land No. \*\ in the first district and third Beet Ion of Paulding county, Ga.; levied on and •*' “ciurned wild land to satisfy 4 f ( I. VV..... I. .. .. T 1 1 ... I M I can say one tbjfifc for Chanillcrlttfn r h “"' 1 ln ' Colic, Cholera ami Diarrhoea Remedy: and that is that it excels any . proprietary medicine I have seen on'tlm mitiket, nud [ |’Y«. l» have lmen in llie'praetifce o'f mt dieinn nnd the drug business for the. misi forty years,’, writes,!. M. Jackson, M. I)., Bronson, Flu. Physicians like.Chsmberl in’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy because it is is a scientific preparation) and because it always gives'quick relief. Get'a bottle ut A. J. Cooper & Co.’s drug store. and (*jm A Iso i lot of li section said lot ami cm ■ Also i tax 11 fn county, said lot Also c lot of la section to be so tax II fu eon'll ty'. mild lot and cou to*be so tax ti fa county. to be sold as i _ tnx 11 in issued by A. L. NVorthan, T. 0. of said county, in favor of the state aud county vs. mud im of unreturned wild land for lta Blata und county tux for khe year 1897. Also at the name time and place will be sold lot of laud No. irfi in ti)** first district aud third fcectlon of Paulding county, Ga.; levied ou and to be sold as unreturned wild bind to satisfy a tux fi ta issued by A. L. Wortnan, T. C. of said dace will Ik ilistriet ami third in'.; levied on and I bifid to satisfy a- tail, T. C. of said nhd county' vs. mil for Us state ''.ff. .lace will be sold district ami third .a.; lev led on ami 'laud to satisfy h mn.T. ('. of said and county vs. mil for its state fl»7. dace will be sold district and third n,; levied on and lan' srttisfy n mn. T. ,C. of said ami county vs; ind for • its state <97. ii ace will be Hold district and third ia.; levied on and land to Hniisfy'u mn, T. C. of said and county vs. ml for Its state (97. dace will Im* sold district and third a.; levied on ami land to satisfy a iun,T.(J. of said • and eoilnty vs. nd *for its state (97. ilaee will .lx* «edo district and third la.; levied on and j lot ot land No. UMliVinc nr- uistricr n.m imm —“ 11 ~ <‘V. Louhti in iu\ui ol uic stuiv and county vb ^ t&t ,ur us ««**" A18o at ihe* same lime i\jm place will be sold ^ V' m»irU'tnnd thfra ruction Ol i uuluiug county, cm.; n v |ed on and obcsoiaasunreiurutu wiaiiiatm lo satisfy 2 % s ’ tu ^ ll lu A *»sueu by a. ij, Amman, i. c. of said ate! county, in iuvormtm- mu,, and county V s i & ‘ lul iwl ° unreturiici, win. .and lor its state ........ .-old w»o county iux u,r u»c yea, uw7. 8 dlslrijd and :tr<J | Also at the same time and place will bo sold u.; Im led on and lot i>! laud No. lsu In u.e first district and th?id iujid ivcsatisfy a section of Paulding comity li and third mib T. (J. of said to he sold ns anrcturm * • satisfy inn, T. C. of sal and county w- nd for its stat 597. lace will be Hold j district and Hrd t ami fuvor of the state and county vs. — unreturned wild iund for its state amt county tax for tne year 1897. Also ut the same time and place will be sold lot of land No. 6u In lue first district and third section b Paulding county, Ga.; levied on and .«*i. i “"^iMW-dwila lumi to satisfy a tax ii Ii* issued by a. L. NNprtfian, T. C. of said county, In lavur ot the state and county vs. said lot of-unreturned wild land for its stata ami county tux for tfiu year i8y7. A trio at tlie an me time unit plnee wtK be Bold lot Ol land >0.11(11 In the nret diairict nnd tlilrd rii'i'tlon ot 1 nuldtng eonill,', i.u.; levied oil nud to buriold ns nnretiinied w ild Imid lo BnUniv . tax 11 ta issued by a. L. Win man, T. C. of sa» i county, iu lavi^ot ilie stale and county ve buiu lot oi unreturned wild land for its state and county tax lor the year 1897. Also ut Un* saint* time nnd place will be gold lot of land No. Iu9 iu the iu«i distriOt and third bietimi o i uulmng county, Ga.; levied on and to ue sold us unreturueu mud to satisfy 4 tax 11 lu issued by a. L. s\ oi man, T. C. of said «V 1 u ! , 1 | y* u ‘ lttVor o1 ll “- 8tat«* and county v». salil lo. of nnreturned wild iaml tor its statu unu county tux u»r tne yeai ibm*. i>'»™ win be .obi Hi _ mi lace will Ih* and levied on and and ( Also a lot of la section a.; h*\ land to s: in, T. C. ami i lot <> section to bo so tax fi fa county, said a lid cou . mi for its state 97. lace will Ik* sold district and 8rd a.; levied mi and land to satisfy a an, T. (’. of said and county lo he sold ns luiremriHn wua l u .m to sntiafv a tax lila Issued by a. L. don nan, £. C. of said c.’uiity, lu luvor ul the mm,. „„g couaty v, ,aul ml ut unielitriled Wliu .:,nd for IU ritnln »nU eouiuy mi .or Uin year ,«£. Contiimed on Third I’Hge. nt. M i. M > CUBAN RELIEF cures rlalllvrS tolic K « ur »lffl»«»ulToothache in five mluutca. Sour StoraacU aud Summer Complauits. Pria*, 25 Cents*