The Dallas new era. (Dallas, Paulding County, Ga.) 1898-current, April 08, 1898, Image 2

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) 1 4 «o seat or the starting point of inany malaises. ail of them s riotiiv, all n»<i|jpr,.bt fc |«;s painful, ami all of them'' tetitHflg, unless cured, to a fatal end: . No organs of tho body are more delicate or more sensitive than tho kidnoys. When symp toms of disease appear in them not &nt ja,ta be lost if health is )rod. Tho best way to . aik^kidp^ys is through tho Stood, cleansing it from tho poison ous matter which is usually at tho bottom of kidney complaints. For this purposo thero is no remedy equal to ill * “Kor nucnv years I hnvo boon a constant •ufTerur from kidney ^roublo, nnd Imvo tried a number of largely kl'lney euros without benefit * At1n*t ft friend nd- vifetl mo to try Ay<ft*sVanmpnrilln. Tho use of eight bodies of thft remedy entirely curjd my"^- Mary Mii.LKH i ..r>*!3 Hancock Stfoot, Hrooklyn, N. Y. ♦ • V JV v Published Every Friday- V. Z. S.b^NKS, KIUTnll. Adverlisino Rales on Application. SI’ltbCHl I’TION KATES: ONKYKAK 7r«: SIX-MONTHS..., 4l)t Til 111- E MONTHS 20c Entoroil in tlio Pofit Office! At Dallas, 111 as socoud-oliiss nmtl matter. PAM,.VS, OA., APlili. I. ISOS. Col. l’liomns W. Ent|ium, a iirumimitil In vyer of All tint i, died list Monday. AsrVenlile In reports tile eloquent Hull lleriler is g.lining strength every iHy. Skin Diseases Cured. Kir the euro of letipr, itch, ee/.ein-i eryi-lp lus. mill nil Iri'llnllons of the hIiIii Hr. kiliiibiiil-on's Krzeum Cure Is the stiiiulnril. Price 50 cents per boltle. At'- dress Pr. Prank Edmondson, Atlanta, (In. No, Cnndler will not have the walkover his friends expect, lie may get the nniu- illation, hut wo think It. wl I lie kill I o' like the old l.nly got into he iv a, “liy a light squeeze.” The 11-st l.iuiniont.—■"Chainlierlaln’s Pain Halm is the finest on earth,’' write E lwar-1 A: Parker, of Plains, On. This Is the verdlel of all who use il. Pin rlieu. m ui in, lame 'hack, sprains, swelling* an 1 the nunieroua slight ailments and ncei d nls eommoii to every household, • thi liniment has no equal. With It in tin house, a great deal of p dll and sulTerlli; may lie avoided. For sale by A. .1. Coop er vk Co. Says the Cordele S ntinel: “If war is lied.” there w ill lie a hot lime in the old eu tut iv in the next few days. - be I wi -year- >ld son of W, I,, Kuritn- son, or noltoii, Miss., had whooping cough. ".Viler several phy-ieians Inn’ pre a ril'ed for him, without giving n lief,'' writes Mr. Fergus ill, "1 persunleil my ■vile to try u 0,1 eeiil bult'.e of Clmmhor. Iain’s Cough rteuiody. 'l h • Hist dose had tlie desired effect, and in fi rly-eighl h tors he was entirely free from all eim.Ji. 1 c insider your remedy the heal in tin m.iiket. especially for children and rec ommend il hi all limes.” The So an I Sll size- for sale hy A. .1. Cooper A Co. . Tw editor of the leonoeiast, : X.. rml Captain 11. T. Davis, j pitight n revolver duel on Hie sir els of' Waco, Inst Friday. The dentil of In ti, combalauts is Ihe result of the duel. A torpid livcf rolls you of audiition i ruins your iieultk. Pc Witt’s l.ittle Eaily Ilian's elcanse Hie liver, cure constipation and all stomach amt liver troubles. A. 1. Cooper. Shawnee town, til., a place of Hbnnt 200(1 popidn'ion was destroyed last fltlV'- day evening by Hie river’s breaking - throngli n lovec'above ike town. Heveml lives were lost. The fcqrvivufs me in a destitute condition, but aft being provided tor hy till' neighboring towns nnd cities. ONO ENJOYS hod nnd result* w Do Not be Fooled With the Idea that any preparation your druggist may pul up and try to sell you will purify your blood like Hood's Harsn. pnrilla. ’Tills incdirina bus a reputation— it lias eun cd its record. It is prgpurpd under the personal snpcrvisjyii of .cdiifH- ted pharmacists wlm knotV Utc tlaiutc, quality and medicinal effect ftf all tlie in gredients Used, Hood's Saisapaiilia ah. soiutoly cores all forms of blood din-use’ when oilier modifim * fall to do any good. It is Hie World's great Spring Mei'lcine and tlie One True lllood Puri Her. THE HEW ERA. Tilt D.iuocrulic ureas sliuiil I nil I halt, and quit ftlitisiiig tnemhers of their own politiej|IT(in|ily. They slmtild waste ummui illoii oy their friends, Iml save |t and lu'icndy for the comni'm enemy tlie m mient lie shows Idm.-elf In the qp.-uliig. A. 11. and C. are all good men. All June In ir faults. Candler's fault labluuderlng indict U»g epistles to Ihe Homans. Both tho method anj remit* when Syrup of Fig* is taken; iti#plcnsant wiul refreshing to the tnato. nnd acta gently yot promptly on the Kidney*, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aeltos and ’fevers and enres habitual constipation. Svrtip of Figa is the only remedy of it* kind ever pros dtteed, ploasiug to tlie taste ana ac- OQwtahlo to the stomach, prompt in ftTOntioh and truly beneficial in it* effects, prepared only from the most iiealtliyand agreealilospimtanccs, i*- many excellent qualities commend it to nil and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent, bottle* by all loading drug gist*. Any reliable druggist who mny not liavo it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any ono who wishes to try it. Do not ncccptany substitute. CALIFORNIA FI0 SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. L0UI8YILU. At. NEW tONK, N.T. Free Pills. Si uil your address to It. E. Iliieklun A Co., Clilengo, and gel n free Mini pi u link cl l)r. King's New Life I’llls. A D ial will eniivliicu you of their merits. TIichc pill are easy in netlon nnd are pul tieuhirly cf- leetive ill tlie cure of eouSlipatlon and SieK Headache. Fur Malaria and Elver troubliH they have been proved iuvidua- ble. They are giiiiiauterd to lie peivfeei- ly free from t.verv.. deleterious nuhxtanee and to ho purely vegetable. They do not we.ikon hy their . action, lint hy giving Lone to the stomach nod In,Well griutli invigorate the system. Regular rizu 25c. per box. Sold hy A. J. Cooper A C< Druggists. Fitsliu ill lire's life is said to lie in (InTier III Havana, lint Fltzhugh Ere lias n e taken li duty there, and it is the eus. iqm of his kill'd to stick to duty regard- 'cs< ofqieupnal ctuisrqueiices. The He. public Is loTtunale In that it has such men in i s service.—New York World. Deafness Cannot be Cured liy local applications, ns they cannot reach tlie dlscaaod portion of tlie ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and Hint is liv constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused hy an inllnmed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When lids tulie gels imllamed yi u have a ruml ling sound’or Imperfect hearing, and ivlic.. it is entirely closed deafness is tlie result, and unless the iuHitmumtion cm The ‘.'crMs" In tlie A mcrlcati-Spiudsh cunlrovcrsv Iit< not yet ennui; Melvin lei’s Idea, it seems, is to postpone it ns I, n! ns possible. Reporls from the riuutli last week show- ml the csiahlaaUniuiil of from 75 to II) new Industries, among them cotton mills, farm-implement factories, furniture fncio- rlcs, sugar n llnerics, cUithln^in.muf.scto. rics, lilcyelo works, mrriilgu nnd wagon estahlisliments, cutlery factories, knitting mills, oil mills, lumber mills, shuttle •voras, chemical nianufactorles “noveltt works,” and many others. he taken out and this tube restored to its lO^C! not ni il cnmlillon, hearing will honeslroy- ed inrcvtr; nine eases out of ten are caus ed by catarrh, which is nothing lint an iulln.iied eoudllion of the muc ins surfsc r. will gWe One 11 mill i eil D,,liars for nut e ive of Deafness (caused by catarrh) dial.cannot he cured jiy Hall’s Catarih Chile. Send for circulars, free. F. .1. Chunky a Co., Toledo, (), Sol I liy Pinggisls. 75c. Hall- Family Pills lire the licit. Hacking Cough Cured. Hamon's Elver I’llls A Tonic Pellets have permanently cured me of a vert trouhlei-omu disease that I had in my buck, stomach and bowels, which was accuui- putiled by a hacking eough. I was for a long (line nimble to get up when I was down; hut now I am ns well ns a y indy. 1 he leve I would have lieen in my grave ii I had not used them. Ih .vc sold them lor Hie last ten years. My customers will Have no • titer— W. ('. Embry, Embry, da. GOLDSMITH'S GENEROSITY. The death sentence of Mrs. Nollies ha. at last, at the reecmpondnlion of the par don board, boon commuted to life impris onment. tins Families, hi r accomplice in the murder of her Uusbind, will do.ib . Ieivlee, 1 ve the same clemency. THE TIMS OF RENEWAL.. E'.uler the new <o ivirt law il is estima te I that tlie S ale n i 1 del ivc alnrlil .A |i)() _ Ota) more from Inc iimvicu ili.iu under tlie old laiv. *’I feel ii my d it) to give you a truth ful "t il'-m. in of what dhamherlaiu'sColic, Cholera and Diairhnea liemedv did.” writes .1. 8. Collins, of Moore, S. ".| h i.l a etiil I nhyiit two years old, 11, q tlie di iirhoe.t for two months. 1 tih-d all Ihe best, k uiivn rentedi s, hut mu e g f -the lea I ic'lef. When litis remedy coae I.l h in t. I guv ■ i' as dire le I, anil ‘ 1 1 1 V- ril" ,"h I | Oaio 1." S "1 : b. A. J. ij u, . All nature i.- renewed in the springtime. The sky takes on a fresher color, the trees dun tliei jv Jft E,,slcr Karmeuts, even thing se. in. glad ami happy. It seems a pity I lint at such a beautiful season so disagree ■ Idc a nmlndv ns the so called “spring fever" >h nihl un til * "fe lt many people to enjoy Ihe unne- us'timed sunshine nnd freshness that prevails. What is spring fever? It is Hint sluggishness and Irriiahillty which everyone lakes n spring tonic for. “Ilul 1" some people call it. A gre t ills I liloo I mclichie” is sold in tile spring of I ho j ear. I he lllood, Ihe vigor, tlie health must ho lie renewed, oitk tlie t res ^ a al II livers and grass. The principal difficulty is, which of the iiumcroussprihg Ionics is lilt" best? Which will cure per- iii i tly and remove quickly all tlie dis- a ;r. e hie symptoms? Head what .Mrs. | A'llin Ad .ins, Cr.illop, Ky., snis of Pe- ru-nn: “I was about to give up all hopes i iv 11ml I eoiieludetl to lake Pe-ru-im. I j lielieve it is tlie iiest medicine in die worid. 1 can't speak two highly or it.” A book containing seveial hundred let- b’rs similar to Hie one from which tips is nil abstract, will be sent freo to a iy ad dress by the Pe-ru-na Drug Manufactur ing Company, Columbus, Ohio. A beggar once asked alms of Olive <1 'Idsndth as lie walked with a friend up Fleet Slreel, ancl he gave her a shillings His e imp ininn, knowing something of tlie wnnwn, censured the writer for ids execs of humanity, saying that the shilling was mlsapplldd, as she would spend it for liq. nor. "If it makes her happy in any way, my end Is answered,” replied Qoldsmilb. Another proof Hint the doctor's gener- o lty was not always regulated hy di cre tin i was st a time when, aftir much delay, a day was lived to pay tlie forty pounds due his tailor O ildsmi h procured the iioncy, Imt a friend calling upon him and relaliug a piteous tale of id* goods bring <i izeil for rent, tlie thoughtless hut lie' cv. olent mi■ hor gave Idin all the money. The tailor called and was told that if he ha I lOiiie a little sooner he could have had Id m mey, hut that lie had just parted wi h very shilling of it to a friend in distress, lulling: "1 would imve iireli an unfeeling monster n q to have relieved trouble when In my power.”—Free Press, Delroil, Jackson’s Way and Another Way. From tlie New- York 'Vuffff.' There are manly and resolute ways of tlciilhig with treachery and w rung.,There are unmanly and irresolute ways'; Tlie Maine whs treacherously blown up hy a ndDc for which Spain Is clearly rc- sp.uislBle. but for wldrU Spain lias i ffer- ed re, apology and expressed no regret. - Tlie manly aud resolute way of dealing with the Incident was imintcd nut in Till" Worll Sunday by Hie Ambassador of one of tlie greatest powers of Europe. This is what be said: *0H one of my country’s warsldps h id nWWrTate in a European harbor in sim ilar circumstances my Ooveriiinent would h ive pursued an entirely different course. The conimniider of tlie port would lmv* been required to show clean hands. Ev ery engine of destruction that wns und, r his supervision would have to be ac counted lor. * * • if, warship Vcre so destroyed in one of our porfsflic master of Hie port would lie disgraced. The perjietratorof the dime wouldiH'.eW'eutcd, mid my (lovernmeul. great and pouerful as it is, would' Imve assured the afflicted nation not only ofit* sorrow Imt would liavo courageously biimliled itself for tlie fault of its recreant subjet t. This apology wo Id lie just a ample as Hint made hy a pure and upright gentlenian fur the dlshonniable enmlue 1 of one of Ids disloyal sons or servants. C’lipt. Slgsta-e and Ills ship were iittnck- ed, whether that attack came from Spain or a mete malefactor. Admiltl-.g the lat ter alternative, Spain lias stood mute, an like a wolf lakes the consequences of th villa! iy of her cub, JjMlcad of all this Mr. McKinley lia iH'eitdlekering with S| aln for an mmls- ticc which the Cuhnns would cot aecepl. m.d paying diploinalic compliments to |i Hpanlrii sense of 'lioi.or' and “Justice a sense t’jat Spain lias never shown in nil lief liUlury. Mcinthno Spain lias done absolutely nothing to atone for thu out rage or even to disclaim It. She has not even asked an explanation al the hands ol her captain of the putt of ilnvuna. On Hie contrary she lias done evert tiling |ms- *lble to shield the culprits, whoever they may lie, to embarrass investigation and to hide tlie truth. Iloiv would Andrew Jackson have de ill with such a situation? In 1817 lie was li command of tlie Southern Depnitmenl bordering on the Spanish province of Flor- ida. Finding Hint tlie Spanisli nutlinri I s were harboring our savage enemies, In Ignored boundary lines and pursued Ills Momlnoles whithersoever I hey might g Finding them sheltered in tip! Spanish fort of St. Mark’s, lie. reduced Hi t work ran up the American ling over it, ami courteously offered thu Spanish command er iraiiHpurtnlton to I’ensaeoln. Finding A r but hunt and Amlirlster, two Rrillah and Indian war instigators, in Fori St. Mark’s, lie ordered Incm eouit-'niir- tlaled. Thu court sentenced to hi hanged nnd the other to ho u ldpptd. Jack, son orde ed one hanged nnd tlie o'hvr shot, and it was done. William McKinley is certainly not an Andrew' Jackson, If lie possessed a spark of the lire of Old Hickory lie would have demanded of the Spanisli iiutlioiili.-.s im mediate steps for tlie discovery and ex - cation of tlie miscreants who fired Hie mine under the Midac, ns soon ns the fuel of nn outside explosion nu* determined lie would h ive demmided an immediate expression of disavowal and regret for the crime. Unliss til esc tilings had been dot ho would have given to tlie Spanish Min ister Ids p ssports and have so. t our Heel to Havana to demand apology and reparn- ion under threat ol bombardment. This is what Jackson would luve done T is is wlint national honor deni nbsl This Is what real diplomacy and real gov ern iienl menu. A Shattered Nervous System. FINALLY HEART TROUBLE. Restored to Hoalth by Dr. Mllee’ Nervine, AIhi nt tl; loi o! Ittr.t* m-etio* til I Paulding County Sheriffs Sales of Unreturned Wild Ldtnd for June, 1898. Will lie sold Is-fore the ciurt tlpase disir la th«* town nf Ualluri, lia.. mi the flrnt Tufscliijr in Juno next botwoii tho lo«iil Imuiv "f w»lo t«i tho hiiflifsl biddor lli«* follow lug nAiporty, to-wil: Lot of land No. W»8 In tho lur district and Hrtl at th^anmp tlino and “will IipfoM fleet Inn of l*nuldln« onunty.liit., levied on Mid |„, „f | alu | n.,i in ihe dlfltrlrt and & 1 to l»e sold at* uiueturned wild land to Hnlisfy t ^,. e n 0 u «*f ratiliiuitf counly, tin., levied on and ♦ax fi fa. tanned by tjie tax collector of aai« i ^ ggfa a4 uu.elurnetl wild land to«stlvf.r a eminlr In^nr of the rttnte andcoiiuty v*. flaid R fn u.-uetl by a. L. Worthan, y. C. of Mid lot of iinrftnrned wild landipr.Btrt rt>ale and cmhuy, in favor of ihe rttale and county unify tax for theywar IRH7. ^ J anld lot of unreturned wild Und lot 1U alsl« .inirr time nnd place will lie ao’d «*. il;j In the Itiiti di.-lib t and • rd* UioinK counly. t*u.; levied on and : ...... tiuieiiiinoti w lid land to batlufy a tax U l« irrtueu l»\ A. I.. \Volllioi'.,T. i\ of paid county. In Hi\or ol the rttale nul e«»untjr x*. rtnld lot ol nnietumed wild land for Itfl alate nnd couiiJy lax tor tl*e year Itti*. Alrto at Ihe flame tli.n* nnd fdnee will lie rt<»lo lotoflanrl No. 675 In the lut cilfllricf and Hrd flee- lion of Ifluldintf county, lia., levied on and to In* old .in unreturned w ild land toaatirtfy a tux li fa. irtrtiied by A. L. NVortlfan. tax collector of fluid county !n favor c»f the atate and county Alflo at the flame Lime and plaee will 1m» sold lot bf laud Xo.Jaitln the lirst dlfltrle-t nnd thlro tlon of rnuldinK county, tin. ; levieri on aud to U* h »ld afl unreturned wild land to antiflfy ii tux H fa Irtsurd by A. !<. Worthan, T. C. of fluid county, in favor of tlie amte and (*ounty vh. said lot of unreturned wild land for Its state and county tax for tluaycnr 1S!*7. Also at the same time and place will 1m* sold lot of land No.*in In the first district and third M*vtlon t»f I'aufdlttK county, tilt.; levied on and to lie sold as unreturned wild land to satisfy a tax P fa issuedliy A. I*. Worthan, T. f.of said eounty. In fmror of the state and county vs. said lot of unietured wild land for its state and county tax for the year 1W7. nt the snipe time nnd place will Im> koH) lf»t of land No.firn lilt lit* flrsj district and third • aHoii of l'anl4itiK county. Uu.; levied on and to Is- st,Id us unreturned wild land to satisfy •• tax tl fu Issued by* A, L. Wortlmu, T. «»f sifllii couilfy, In fnynr of the slate and county \‘fl. said lot of unreturned wild laud for its state nmj county tax for the year 1W7. Also at the same Him* and plnee will 1m* mild lot of laud No. 5H7 in the first distrlet ardtlilrd section of 1’inildlnK county, t«a.; levied on and to 1m* sold as tiiir* turned wild land t«> satisfy a tax II fa Issued by A. L. Worthan, T. C. of siild eottnty. In faxorof the stale and county s ibl lot of unreturned w lid land for its .state and county, tax for the year lw*7. About thexuine time nnd place will 1m* Hold lot of land No. raw In the first district nnd third section of rauldliik county, tbi. ; levied on and to In* sold as unreturned wild la-nil to satisfy a lax II fa issued by A. I,. Worthnp.T. (’. of said county. In favor of the state'and county vs. said lot of unreturned wild land for its state and county tux for the year 1HH7. Also at the snme time and place will bo sold lot of laud No. .">IX In tin* lirst distrlet and third section of Paulding coiinty. tin.; levied on and fo 1h* sold as unretured wild land to satisfy a tux II.fa issued by A. L. Worthan, T. C. of sabl eounty. in favor of the stab* and county vs, said lot of unreturned wild land for Its stall 1 nnd county tax for the year INftT. Also at tin* same time and place will be'mid lot of bind No. IB’JIn the first district and thin section of I’nuldtiitf county. Un.; levied on am to In’ sold ns uureiurm’d wild land to satisfv a tax II fa Issued by A. L. Worthnn.T. C. of said ounty, in favor of the Male and eounty said lot of unreturned wild laud for Its state and eounty tax for tho year 1W»7. Also at the same time nnd plnee will be sold lot of laud No. 107 lit the first district aud tlilfld Heel Inn of rnuldlliK county, Ha.; levied on and to In* sold as unreturned wild land to satisfy a lax fi fa Issued by A. 1*. Worthnn.T. (J. of said eounty, in favor of the state and county vs Id bd of unreturned wild lam! for its ’stale and county tax for the year IW7. Also at the same time and place will 1m* sold bit of land No. ilM In the first district and third flection of I'niildiiiK county, tin.; levied on ami lo be ..old as unreturned wild land to satisfy tax II fa Issued by A. I,. Worthnn.T. or said counly. In favor of the stale and county vs. said bit of unreturned wild land for Its ’state and eounty tax for the year IM»7. at the same time and place will 1m» sold lot of laud No. inn In the first distrlet nnd third section of I’ituldInK county, tin.; levied on and to iM- sold as unreturned wild land to satisfv a tax 11 fa Issued by A. L. Woathnn.T. <’. of said eounty. In favor of the state and county ild lot of unreturned wild land for Its state and county tax for tin* year IW7. Also al tin* same time and place will be lot of land No. JUV, In tin- first district and third section of Paulding county, tin.; levied on and to Im* sold as unreturned w ild laud to satisfy a lax II fa issued by A. I*. Worthan, T. C. of said eounty. in favor of the slate nnd eottnty vs. ^ald lot of unreturned wild land for its state and county tax for tlie year f7l»7. Mso at the Mine time ami place wll Im* sold ot of land No. JL'.i In the first district and thlid section ot I'nuIdlUK county, (ia.; levied on ami to lie sold as unreturned wild land to satisfv a lax li fa issued by A. b. Wort hit ij. T. of said counly. In favor of flu* state and county aid bd of unreturned w ild iititd for its ’’state county tax for tin* year 1HU7. Also nt the same time and place will Im* sold lot of land No. sum ill the first distrlet and third sN-llon or l'mildlng county, (in.; levied on and lo be sidd as uiueturned w Ild land to satisfy a lax II fit issued by A. L. Worthnn.T. C. of said eounty, in favor of the state and countv vs. said lot of unreturned w ild land for its'state and county tax for Ihe year 1W7. Also at tin* same time and plan* will be sold loi of land No. I PI In the first distrlet and third tlon of PauldliiK county. Ha.; levied on anil Ilium), nn.. Ii’tiftt nil IIIIII • '»• Hold as unreturned wild land to satisfy a ix II fa Issued by A. f*. Worthan, T. 0. of said Monty, in favor of the state and county vs. tbl lot of unreturned wild land for its state aud eounty tax for the year 1W7. Also at the same time nnd plaee will Im* sold lot of land No. bll in the first district nnd :ird Hon of Pnuldihp eounty. (in., levied on and ' '* ‘turned w Ild bind to satisfy a * sold 11 lax II la Issued by A. L. Worthan, T. C. of said eoitniy.'In favorvif the slab* and county vs. said lot of unreturned wild land for its stab* and county tax for the year 18H7. Also at the same time and place will Im* sold ltd of land No.‘just In the first district and third to be sold as unreturned wild laud to satisfy a tax II fa issued by A. L. Win than, T. C. of said county, in favor of the state and county eturned wild land for Its state aid lot of 1 tr.d county tax lor the year 1HM7. Also .it the same time and plaee will Im* sol bd or laud No. lt;ii in the first district and tblr svctlon of PaulditiK county, (4a.; levied on ui to l,e sold as unreturned wild land to satisfy tax 11 fu Issued by A. I,. Worthan. T. C. of -•* eounty, In favor of the state and county said lot of unreturned wild land for its "stab aud county |ax for the year 18U7. Also at the same time and place will l>c sob ot of land No l l-Jin the first distrlet ami thin section of Paulding eounty, (4a.; levied .,'n am. in l.e sold as unreturned w ild land to s ulsfv a lax li la Issued by A. L. Worthan, T. C. of s'ai. counly, in favor of the slate ami county vs. -aid lot of unreturned wild laud for its state and county tax for the year M»7. the same time and place will Im* and county t»x for fh> year 1887. Also nt the same time and place will b® told Jot of land No.tUain the first district and third flection of PauldluK county, ti*.; levied on aud to Im? sold ns unreturned wild land to aattnfy a tux 11 Tn Istiued by A. L. Worthan, T. C. of said county, iti favor of the state and eonuty v*. •aid lot of unreturned wild land for lt» atata fnd county tax for *4»e year Al»o at the flame time and place will be fold lot of land Nn. Mi In the Aral dtutrtet and third foetton of Paulding county, 14a.; levied 011 and to be sold as unreturned wild land to Mtiflfy a tax fl fa Issued bf A. L. Worthan, T. C.. of antd (•minty,in favor of Ihe fltat® anti oountj va. said lot of unreturned wild land for tin »t«ie and eounty tax for the year 1K»7. Also at the flame time and place will be aold Tot of lnno No. 61 In the first distrlet and third flection of Paulding county, Cia.; levied on and to Im* sold as unreturned wild land to satisfy a tax fi fa issued by A. L. Worthan, f. CJ. of aald county, in favor of the state and county va. said Ipt of unreturned wild land lor its state anufc ounty tnx for the year lnt»7. Abm at the same time and place will be told lot of land No. ll In the first district and third 0<*cthm of Paulding county, (»a. ; levied on and to Im* sold ns unreturned wild land to satisfy a tax fi fa issued hy A. L. Worthan, T. C. of suid county, in favor of the slate and county v». said lo^of unreturned wild land for lrt» state and county tax lor the year 1887. Also at the same time and place will he aold lot of land No.*** lu the first distrlet and third section of Paulding county, (4a.; levied on and to he sold as unreturned wild land to satisfy a tax fi fa issued by A. L. Worthnn, T. 0. of auld eounty, in favor of the state and county vs. said lot ot unreturned wild land for its state aud county tax for the year 1887. Also at the same time and plaee will be sold lot of land No. 674 in the first district and third section of Paulding county, (4a.; levied on and **1111111 in 1 ■uuiing iiMiiuj, , irurt to he sold afl unreturned wild land to 1 tnx 11 fa Issued by A. L. Worthan, T. C. Of said county, In favor of the stole afid county va. sntd lot of unreturned wild land for it* state and county tax for the year 1887. Also at the same time and plaqe will be aold lot of hind No. ltft In the find district and third flection of Paulding county, (4h. ; levied on and to Im* sold as unreturned wild land to untlsfy a tax 11 fit issued by A. L. Worthan, T. (J. of said county, in favor of the Jhate nnd eounty va. snld lot of unreturned wild Und for Its state and county tax for the year 18W7. Also nt the same time nnd place will be aold lot of land No. (VJb In the first district and third •eetion of Paulding comity, lia.; levied on and to Im* sold ns unreturned wild land to.satisfy a tax (1 fa Issued by A. L. Worthan, T. C. of said eounty, In favor of the state and county va. snld lot of unreturned wild land for its state and eounty tux for the ycur 1887. Also nt the snme time and place will be aold lot of hind No. 178 In the first district and third lion of Paulding county. (4a.; levied on and to Is* sold as unretuancil wild land to satiiify l tnx 11 fa issued by A. L. Worthan, T. C. of said county, in fnvor of the state and eonuty v». «nld lot of unreturned wild land for Its state and eounty tnx fof the year 1887. Also at the same time and place will be sold lot of In ltd No. 80 In the first district and third section of Paulding county. (4a.; levied on and to 1h* sold as unraturned wild land to satisfy u tax 11 fit Issued by A. L. Worthan, T. (J. of said county, in favor of the state and eounty va. •aid lot of unreturned wild land for Un atate and county tax for the year 1887. Also nt the same time and place will ba aold lot of land No. 170ln the first district and third section of Paulding county, (4a.; levied on and to bo sold as unreturned wild land to sntiafy a tax (1 fa issued by A. L. Worthan, T. C. of said county, lu favor of the state und county vs. said lot of unreturned wild land for Its state aud county tax for the yonr ih«.»7. % Also nt the same time and place will be sold lot of Jnnd Nrt. 1ft In the first district and third section of Paulding county, Un.; levied on and to Im* sold ns unreturned' wild land to sutlsfr a tnx II fa Issued by A. L. Worthnn; T. C. of aatd county, in favor of the state nnd county vs. snld lot of unreturned wild land for its state aud county tax, for the ycur 18u7. Alan at the same time nnd plnee will he sold lot of In ltd No/247 in the first district aud third section of Paulding county, Lia.; levied on and to he sold ns unreturned wild hind to satisfv a tnx 11 fa Issued by A. L. Woiilmn, T. C. of said county. In favor of tho state and county vs. enld lot of unreturned wild laud for its state ami county tnx for the year 1«J7. Also at the same time tt ml place will be sold lot of laud No. (#u in the first district nnd third seel Ion of Ptiuldlng county. <4a.; levied on aud to be sold ms unreturned wild land lo sat)* - % tnx II fn issued hy A. L. Worthan, T. C’. of a l county, in favor of the stnt» and count! said lot of unreturned wild land for its ‘uta and county tax for the year 181)7. Also ut the same time and place will lie sold lot of land No. 2111 in the first district nnd third section of Paulding county, (4i\.; levied on and to be sold ns unreturned wild \kn<\ to satisfy a tux 11 fn issued hy A. L. Worthan. T. C\ of said county, in favor of the state and county vs. said lot of unreturned wild land for its state and county tnx for tho year 1*07. Also nt the same time and plaee will be aold lot of laud No. 0ft In the first uMrlct nnd third section of Pnulding county, (4a.; levied on and to l»e sold as ttnreturned wild land to satisfy a lux II lu issued l*y A. L. Worthan, T. (J. of said county, in fuvor of the state and county vs sum lot of unreturned wild land for Its state and county tax tor the y» ar jtM7. lion of Pnulding eounty. (in!; levied oil anil 1«.uft 1 \nn f V\V*m*Vi‘° !t' ld plttc *‘ W,U » ■ *-•- *-•*••• • - mi » 1 laud No. ,s) m the lirst uimdci und kt'Ct toll Ilf l > lllllai!iii#....ii>.t.. 1... . ■,., or 1'aniiliiig wiw>7,7i-;VeYiuu'tui »*ac! Ill Iw solil in. unr,.turned uni land t„ M a la* Il lu iiiMifu ay .v. L. \t nrt nun, T. (Tuf Xld vouaiy 1,1 nma Ul the male h „’ a vniinlr v, bald Im id iinrcturm-d wud land n>r un etuie end e,maty luxJor (lie year Is.17. 1 ^IVi* 1 Hu; “Kiae time uad iduac will lie euld ” *11 * de Orel metrlei end third fi ' 1 " I 1 “aiding e„iiniy, 1,,,.; levied 011 uad," | d a* niireliiiiieu wild In'.il i„ eutiely » lax I, fu feeut-d l,y A. L. Wiirlliua, 1'. c. u ( „,i,,i Coaiity, in luvtir „f tile elute And vtiunty \e .ui,. I.d id unr, turned wild la-.iti for ii» etuli uad eoaaly lux I or the year lft.a. Aleo ut tile euiae time und plnee wig he eold loi Ilf land flu liaa la me ilrm m, irict und laird fticina nf 1 ualdliig eounty, (In.; levied on end " ki; telil as aariqiira.M « nil land lo eutieiv lax a lu | hy A. L. Uorthun, V.U.oteuld ,V , H»e etule Uiid euiillty ve bum lot ui unreturned wild Inuu lor n. . J,, unit county lux for the year leu;. Aleont the eunic time und pluce will be bold x ll fu Issued hr» r, ."" 1 , Wllu “‘“U to stlddy , ,or “* i Alsu at the uuiue time und pluuo will he aold ^x^ru 1 ? 0 -e u a , 'jri:r.VoAL B ;,^ , ' j c“?25 ii’frt'Pt il t f ^ Vorof ll »® **tute uiM couufy^t^ Ind L io mL U ! irel * Umi i d WlUl y u ». V /!l aiul coimty tux for the year 1887. Alio i ‘ '* lot of bind No. inn In tin* first district nnd third section of Pnulding county, (4a.; levied on and “* * * “ * unreturned >\ild hind to satisfy n to Im* sold lux li fn issued by A. L. Worthan, T. C. of snii. ••ounty. in fuvor of tin*, state uuU e nutty vs snld lot of tuirrhimcd wild hind for Its Mate nnd eounty tnx for the year 1M*7. • 11 * ! , IV Hnje and place will 1m*soIi * t of bind No in the first district und third . eetlou or Paulding comity. (4.i.; levied on nml to Im* sold ns unreturned wild lumi to satisfy n 1. tn Issued by A. L. Wort.inn. T. C. of >n| ( | tnvor ol the stale and eotin'iy and < Knows that the Peerless Remedy , for Diseases of the Liver, Kidneys and Bladder is OJ u ja ( ^NUBIAN ftAcureg Dy-p j, 1 filtli -t# "ii, l.'i'ii«tl|i:iHim mill iinli- g' ... j-uuics the Elver. Drive,2dr*.- Dr.J. H. McLEAN’S LIVER... KIDNEY BALM.:.. M l!. ElriVARH IIAitny. tliojollymar ot sl > 0 PP ar <i Cd'.". groat store a It has Cured Thousands of Des- j perate Cases. Try It. | FIUCI", *1,00 PER BOTTLE. run cai.u xiv llracovlllo, Ilk, wrltou: "I had nerer been alok a day la my llfo until lnlSOO. i rot no bad with norvou, prostration that. X had to givo up and comuicnco to doctor. 1 tried our local physicians and one la Joliet, Imt none gnvo mo nay re tof and I thought I waa going to die. I bcoamo deepcadent and nuirered untold agony. 1 could not cat sleep nor rest, and It seemed as If I could uot exist,. At tho cuil of six mouths I v,a.‘ reduced to imt a shadow of myself, and at last my .heart been mo affected and I var t ruly miserable. I look six or eight bottle, of Dr. Miles’ Nervine. It gave mo relief from tho start, and at last r, cure, tho gre ,t- are sold by nil drug gists under a positive guarantee, first bottlo benefits or money re funded. Honk on dlu- canes of the hour- and ucrvou free. Address, ___________ Ml, MILL- MLD1CAL OO., Elkhart, lud, ltd lot of unn turned wild limit f„r its'niitY tuny lax l,,r tin* year is;,;. i . ,, 111 ‘hr same t |, n,’and iilace will In- sold h" of till'd No. i rtl la Ihe llr.-t district iu-d ilrd. see,tion Ilf I'liuldtng county, n„. ; levied on nnd ■turned wllitInn,I to satisfv a e A l„ Worthan. T.U. of suid ot the stntf* and eounty irni'il ti-1 I.l In...i «... i.. * itntl county tax f< lo be sold lax fi tn bsttn i ounty, lu fnv „ MV4 W , M •aid I'll „r iiaretiirarii wIi,1 "i'aaiV"fiir ‘ t'ts"stam " tlie j ear IH»7, j i toffrMrwxgxTStegii.jr.flfj Alsi I I In' , . . v H'"r anil place wiH )»• sold i'i f n"'f i/ , ’io' 1 " 1 “''stdistrict nnd aril J' ,.' 1 "! 1 "f I’liuldtng county, (in.; levied „n and " hr sold as uarrtarned wild bind to satisfv tnx It fn Issued l.y A. 1,. Miirlhnn.T. (".-of y,«ld of vnhi laid lilt I,f unreturned w lid' In a d' fo r' ’ It" trn! i .(lid county tnx for tin" venr 1807 luIt Also ut Ihe siime Ihne and plnee wlil be sold " ,‘i ,. N "to 1 ,n lh, ' lllsl district and ' r I f 1 uu'dingeounty, (in.; levied mi ami : Ihe and county tnx for-the year 1887. 8lul Al-i’ nt the same time and plnee will lx. «„i,i it of land No. liiu in ft.., n._, .n . >, uo lot Ilf land No. am in .he llrsl district aV.rf S 'v of I’nuldiageounty, <!a.' levied ,,'m 11» Im* sold ns unreturned wild " * tnx fi fn Issued by V. L. Wot thnn. T. (’. of ^ip .•min y In fav",-„f s „,„, „a,l emuq -s said Im of iinrcliirneil wild land for l\s stub, an, county tnx for Ihe year 1|»7. 18 ‘ i ^ ‘ ‘he same lime and pluco will '"'d.-h". ill the first uibtrict and tr.i fc.eiioiiiqi.^ivm.;;;;,^:;';!^.?::;';! 8 :! Id its mire itrn.-d uttd t.. ... ' 11,1,1 lu he sold ig-5n»»me7w.’ldlaiid re'ButiifVi Uix 11 fa Issued by a. L. Mh.riliu. Te Vf Y““J‘‘y," h ‘ fuvor of ii„. state null eouSt, v£ MS v u V“‘ M ' unrciuniL’U wild land tn sattaf* ^ tnx li fu Issued by A. L. Worthnn, T C of tuLlS county, iti favor of the .tate ahd countr v? fcuid loi.,! unreturned wild land for lu 7 * * 1111 tv 111* f..i tl.......... **• and county tux toi the ycac 1887. Continued on Third Page. LUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE. i ; w ! “ttH-'tiirneH w iid'lsai!' for iYs'’,i«m i «it I cg-. t ly tsx far the year ufii;, I III". REST HAEVE in tlie world for Dills, Bniises, Sons, Ulcers, Suit liiu; m Fever Sores. Titter, (Hi i t >|, <1 llan ln Chilblnins, Corns, nml all Skin Enquire s, ifcnd positively cures Piles, or no pay rc qured. It Is gtinrnntceri to give perfei: satisfaction or inonev'refiimied. Pttce 25 nehls per Im*. FOH 8AEE HY A. J, Cooper Co,