The Dallas new era. (Dallas, Paulding County, Ga.) 1898-current, April 08, 1898, Image 5

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>4% Wc are not going to sell anv more goods on- time this year. But gay, we will pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE for Barter and sell you goods at tlitf Lowest Cash Price- If you don’t believe we mean business, give us a call. ' . * - . . 1 . • , . J BARTLETT & WATSON CO. LOCAL LIKES. Pill* remove nil suppression* mid irrrgu-1 q\mV,, '", Inritlc*. ijil per box. For ptmiculars ; "T, 8 itt-fw-i 11. P,.„L VO r,. r.lllM|Hmsn, I- rl lnv S, from I to Rend tint new wKuitlsenicnls In thl^ D- •mc. i*. i Col. M. V. SfniFt'ini, of Crowavlllc, lv» B to Dublin Tuesday. ’fee slti ndsm r at the Dallas Institute- J continues good. ... 1 'I'^ilrt,-livo ye ir* m ike n gi-keritliim Tli.-I I* liovz long Adolph Either, of Zi^ *1 ville, O., Hiiffer.-d Iroip pile*. Hu till n - id hy u.lng three boxi-Mif UeWItt’* Witem Dii/.el Salve. A. .). Cooper. • Mi. W\ L; Cechrsn,, of Iluutv ville. givve iw a ylgosunt call Monday. The aaripo* parts of the county wits’ repn.roi.le I i 1 Dallas Toesdiiy. till. i.. Al. Washington was- io Atlanta! Campground, oodur ilm niHnagcment lnaC Fri-luy. ; : the Minae* P«ii*, Iibs been.yood. VVliy iloiib yo i dress tlittt wound wrtli* Grand Iovvkii. Ii.i.., Full. 7, IMS. Dr.’ Tielieaor’s Aoli*e|.tic inst.a.1 of tuoOj 1 hike pleasure In recninini-nding Dr old'greasy salve or ointment? It will pry.-'-j ‘HcEi-un’s Elver and Kidney llulm. vent or remove iiillnininiilion nnd soreness i * ,1 " vo ** ,, °.* 1 troohled vvllli a dlvaxe of and lie d it niueh quicker mul is so nimli ! ll,,! llvtr ,,n ' 1 •‘idney* for years, and have cleaner and more pleasant. Only 00 cty. berti treated by a number or physlelnns, blit to no advantage, My Mu- use of six I mules of Dr. .f. II. McEeai.'* Elver and Itidney Jiulm 1 am now well. J. .1. Vahtinc. Mis* lilanebu Eimlh-y and sister, id Powder S| rings, were iu Dalian lust Sal mi lay. Safety For Women, Tansy, Pennyroyal and Cotton Roof dress Dr. Frank Eluiondson, Alliinla, G Mr. Enint-i* -Sniitb's sehoo) at New Hop.! Is still good. Mr. Smith is one of our most progros.-lve teneliors. Krerrbody Bays Bo. Cn*cnr*-ta Candy Cathartic. the most won derfill ilioro< erv of liio ape. p eon* unt and refivslnmr In the taste, net. gently mill |Kisltiv7-ly On kidneys, liver it net hnivols, I'lroiisltiv IIto ent ire system. .dispel colds, euro hcuilaeiic, lever, liahttmil coostlpstimi and liMIntisness. Please buy and trv a hex of C. O. C. to-day; 111, tlx, 'Sli-ents. tSoliluu-i •uaruutoevl to cure by-ull druggists'. TJie spring term of the school til tie it bottle Ityyidl Druggist Mr.' Ell Coop. r bad the mlsfortut.u to line a good horse hist neck. s.-A;- TliJ.fcVelnie oflleers I live, been Interfer ing with the ‘Work of'some of imr Isiys. it Is it gfyat liprp Horn the old fitsftioned tlosca sir Idtte-musS and nauseous physics to^tlie pleasant little pills known as I)"- Wllt’s Elllle Early Risers. They-cure ctuistipslUpiiisiek,headnelie .and. bilious. Ileasr ■ -A» I. Cot)|lel', We weleome the G ltlili News nii-l Suit among onr exchange*. it is a. live up-to- date paper. lit. E. Yocum,'Cameron, Pit., says-'-l was a sufferer for tjn yeats, trying most all kinds of pile remedies, but without 1 success. DeWItt’* Witch lln/.el Halve was recommended to tne. I u.-od one box. Mr. J. A. Camp, Jr., is highly eluted i It lias rflecjed a permanent cure." over die arrival of It,girl at lti» Iroja-o. ..A reunion of the blockade, sljllers. and liliiid tigers win field in Dallas last Tues- d*yi The attentlance was good. i Yf’i'Hjpi'if'j :Evf;rfiddy 'antlhUwIfe 'to go t«l Rolartson A>Son atn1 ■ get a bottle of DE'Tichenor's'Antiseptic, the most won i|. rful healing com|)omid of tlie ninetieth cent iry. It preserves the Audi, prevents inllanpn.itiou oi suppuration anil heals like iiVaglc. Pleasant us perfumj and slahilu.vs as rose water, The ice, ft ground and biting tt - - mos||itre Wednestlny nioinlng did not lipve- much of the appearance or feeling of sprirg time. '■ As a permanent cure for piles DeWitt’s Witch llar.el Halve has no equal. A. J. Cooper. You know we staled n few days ago a'tout how happy Col. .1. M. Davis was over Ids new hoy. Dr. Robertson sats (and who would dispute a doctor) tlint he goes home every two hours iu the tiny to see it. The Tourist Sleeping CnrEine npe-ded by the'Southern Hailwaytbetwoen W -li. ington nnd Sun Fruneise without change,> via New Orleans, lias proven ao success ful that it lias, l ecmtie necessary to make a semi weekly service, the We.-tbound tle- parlure la-lug on Wednesday and Satur day ,of eaeji week. . > , .Tills (deeper offers sleeping car fnellith s ‘tWIint'-the mallei” witir’glviug your | tq persons holding drsl or sccond-ehos Iniwe or mule a dose of Dr. 'I ieheitor’s tiekt t<. the b.rtli rale being only iST.tK) Antiseptic when lie lias colie? It will cure from Wioliingten lo San Fianelico, i.os him mid that is wh it you want. For sale ; Angeles nr Porilillld, la itli being large by all druggists. eiiMigli for oceiipsm-'-by two people, ir ... ' desired, wilhout extrn charge. ilev. J. M. Spinks, of .Admit i, lllled ids i -||, cw . sleepers run tlirough J’ex; s^ Ar- reguliir appuliitiueiils here last Saturday izoim lihd Ni w Mexico, aiuri iiniiei.t ivitli and Sunday. He was ucc.impaiiled I,y 1 similar ears for Oregim 0.11.u }■ I a lufornuniion in.regai'd Ilier. lp mny he kU wm^udu (Imiglilei'H. r i hid from unv Hodtlivni Knilw.iv Tick«t The farmer, the and the hie,- i ^Av-'n" ^SiS'hlc.'" cle ridgrare li ihle to unexpected cuts and fKm) y| r . \V. A. Turk, (i. I*. A.. 1IMK) hru|ses. I)e'Vitl’s Wilcli Salve ii j i'enn. Ave. N. JV., Wjishington, D. ( t). the best tiling to kee,. on hand. It heals ^ „ u ir „ vus . quickly, mill Is a A.ll known cu e f ” r ' nIeAll ()l , c Mlndte Cough Curc. lhe inf I- piles. A. J. Cooj»ei. Hble ifnn*<|y for coughs*/ colds, < roup, ' 1# . tl . tl |, i f ‘Jbro’ cliitk^gii p •, find nil throntand lung The recent-rapis will rctan| the plan ng »_ y t'„, M ,er. of e.rmw, , lull tlie \ve.»tlit*i li roiofoje Ims In en fiivoraMe, llie fur n- ( Mrs. Siillic Rh^<* >i1c Ihb .j'isl rcMcivctl u e fl are Wfll Jipfor the lime of year. ( nice lol or bats for (lit* Hpriui; trail . * i , her and get her prbrtf, before buying. Thousands of sulT.-rers from « r i»'P« ^ XCie Board Of Education ln-v liecn restored to liealtli by One Aim- i « tilu Cough Cure. It quickly emu- coughs. 1 The Hoard of E ltiealioii will in. et, « ciihls, br II Idlis, pneumonia, giippe, aslh- Tuesday April the 12 th. Every mem', ina: and all tlir.'iit and lung dEcases. A- requi ste.l to lie on hand by II m in. J. Cooper. 'I- ‘ W. X. Si-inkx, C.-S. Con . Strong:, steady nerves Are needed for success Everywhere. Nerves Depend simply, solely, Upon the blood. Pure.rioli, nourishing Blood feeds the nerves • And makes them strong. The great nerve tonic is Hood’s SnrsapariHa, Because it makes The bipod rich and Pure, giving it power To feed The nerves. - Hood’s Sarsaparilla Cures nervousness, Dyspepsia, rheumatism, Catarrh, scrofula, And all forms at Impure blood. ANDY CATHARTIC ALL DRUGGISTS; 10* ^ .a^taggsBi^Ssasg^^ Tax Notice—First Rourd. Ciillfiirubi, Monday. April fill. IIIrani, Tuesday. April liili. Weddlngtnn, Wed. (till from H to 11 a. m. I mphri-v, Wed. Apiildth from I In t p. in. t Caiiii, Tliiirs. April 7th, from H'to II a. m. I’lhnpVInvIno, Tlmrs. 7. from 1 to 4 p. in. lo 11 a. in, to if. ni. I'ldon. Sat. April II, from S to II a. in. Ur^tycll, Mon. April II. from H to 11 a. ip. Eulali, Mon. April II. Irom I to 4 p. in. lia eoon, Tiles, April 12. fromMlo 11 a. in. Ilurnt Hickory, Tues. 12. Irom 1 lo4 p. in. 20th, Wed. April 1!!. from N to 11 a. in. Aconitrec, Wed. 18, from t to 4 p. m. Dallas,'Thursday, April 14th. Anot.i-nia.M. I’kaiikon, T. If. l'on’t Tobacco Bpit .ml Bmoko Your hifo J znj. If y/iu want to quit tohoeco usmn easily and forever, bo iilinlo well, strong, miigiictto, lull life uad vlcuv, take No-’lii-Ht,e, thO Wonder-worker, that makes weak met stfoiig. Manr gain ton pounds in ten days Over 400,000em-ed. Buy No-Tn-lhie of you druggist, under guaranioe to euro, MV or *1.10.. Booklet utid aamplo lmillo 1 I rce. Ad. ! Btcrllng Komody Co.,(Jliieuc " w York. , 1E-E. Owens will address the people on ^ tile importance of Sunday sell ml* at the following paces and dates, to-wit: Harmony Grove, 2nd Sun lay In Apill. /'fpnpklrtvliie, 2, - -• Fklemlship, .4, “ -• Dr. Tlchenof’s Antiseptic is the m*st wonderful healing compound offered In thifpulilie. For abrasion of skin, l.eeia- lioinif the Ill-nil, burns by Hume or strait , lint '"ni t-( nl. rope In rns, or sun burn, ring worm, --poison oak,” etc., ii is pree . - nenlly superior lo anything. One fair Il l- si will convince the must skoptieal. Sold liy S. Hnbertsiiii A Son. Owing ton disagreement between us anil the Newspaper Union we have dis continued their service, lint will hereafter mi long as we can fford it, gel out s'x pages al home. Iicv. G. D. Frazer, the popular teacher lit Embry, was iu Dallas last Saturday, l lie spring term of Ins s. lioul has been gi od., A little boy asked for a bottle of .- gel up Ht the imiriilng as fast us you cun,” ting, druggist ricognized' a household name for --DeWitt’s Eillle Early Hiscis ’ and gave him a l.ottlc of lliosc famous little pills for constipiitlon, sick lieadaHn liver and stonmgh trouble. A. J.Cooler. ■Farmers shnnld lie ir in mind the In,v. price of '-cotton, when they go to plant tlleir crops Ibis spring. No one should fail lo mal.c plenty of corn, meal, liny and ite , at home. This is the only road hv which tannins can reach prosperity. Don’t f .rgel ii. Yi'c lmvent this office u cure f ir the tiHitllilchu wliicii i Hi els mi instant and permanent cure. .Cull on u» when you Iiav6 lootjiaelie. Worn Out? Do you come to the close of i theday thoroughly exhausted? Does this continue day after day, possibly week after week? Perhaps you are even too ex hausted to sleep. Then some- thing is wrong. All these things indicate that you are suffering- from nervous ex haustion. Your nerves need *• 'feeding and your blood en riching. Scott’s Emulsion * of Cod-liver Oil, with Hypo- I \ phosphites of Dine and Soda, * sS contains just the remedies to J! meet these wants. The cod- liver oil gives the needed strength, enriches the blood, feeds the nerves, and the hy- pophosphites give them tone and vigor. Be sure you get SCOTT’S Emulsion. ill drags'll. I Y*< smt Si-oo. j lfyntt want to buy goodselu-tp, always go ti> those ivltn adu-rtlse I ’- tlm mi I Willi Wallis'll fell guilds li-nl eiimigli I- ]mlvt-itlse that will give jnu the last b.n gains. DeWitt’s Witclv Hazel Salve Cures Plies. Si'sld,., Hums. I Mr. C. ). Q’Fiir ell, ol Jhc All nil 1 Jiinriud. gave us a call last week, llen - i-iu'ed several suhreribrni here for I lit dully. The Juuriml Is one of TV- iiesi pi IK-rs in the tioulli nnd is Meadlly gninlii in linnd. ttah 14 well as popiilaiity. I'wr Out l'llty j ears. Winslow’s Sootldng Syrup has bee liked fur over fifty years by ; millions 0 niofhera fortlielrolliid.on w\ lie Witb'l'li-I feet aiu ei-RK ll simlbes theeliilil softens (lie gums, ullnya all pallia, cur > wind nolle, and is It.a beat, remedy Ii" Diurrlloeil.'. It will relieve Ilm pool- I it 11 suffeior Iminediali-ly. .Sold l y Druei-isi in e\ cry pail of tlnj world Twmi.jr-ffv cents a linttie, Be anr ■ and ask for “ill 1 1 IVinslow’s Sooi.Iiing >,111111*" and Ink no other kind. . 1 Faulding county .Sheriffs Sales fo: " May, 1698. Georgia', jeu eding countYi Will bu mUI, on lli«* (Irit TuoMlty i May nyxl, al^, tlio courUlioiiwo in Mii county, within the lentil hours of the hiirhci-t hiddor, for ciihIi, the fdlloNviii^ property, to-wlt; Lot of hiiul No. 1307 in the thill tlistrn amt Urd heetion of Riiuhiiiig county, (In : p'vieil tm nnd to he Hold ns I.In* property oi the defendant, # W. U. Waddell, to sntisf two jiiMlIec court t! fas, Issne'd at the Kd ruar) te.m of the IHI O* M.,disi. in lavi . of,fames L. llijahi« nmygiipilnsi said \\ It. Waddell. Levy made and ret lined i« me hv W. ili^bie. U C. Also at tin* snme time nnd plnre flkxtee acres of lot of No. (117 in (lie liod dlst ict and il»d secth|fi(|)l i*nufdin(?'cou.i. |V, (»i.. to satisfy a hiPw fa i«ftued hy A I,. Woitinn, T. in ilie Sta « and county v*. ,1. I^.Aflforv Tor hh 3 uli and eou..t ; tax for iiW , *> uai ifciyi. This April Otli. U08. ^ JL F. WillCLLKIt. a*. Ml i i IT ALL WOMEN 1st tie brit for female TmuM**. rorrnrts nil li , rf’iriilarltl«s In Femaleonrnn*. Phoulrtho takmi for Clmn^e of tilo uml liefure ChlU*Blrlh. Pl»:iier« 'MM Time" Pvomcwle« have stood tlm tost for twenty years. • ntm'T Mpfllclno To., Chftt- For Sile hy A. J. Cooper k Co. IIVSB >Jms ' Are different from all other medicines. Eaclt perform* o specific duty, thUB doing away with drastic purgatives and curing by the Mild Power Theory. One Pink Pill touches the liver, re- moves the bile, the bile moves the bowels. The Tonic Pellet does the rest. Have one? Bnitipte free at any store. Complete Treatment, 20 doses 2- r »c. Browu Mfg. Co., N. Y. & Greene ville, Tcua. Y)andi'ufi ‘Disease Thr bfcrinrr.r;j of b&fjness f\ (f.yridmff, Kcco ffie etc in mid' wemoti f.'je groTu’/l of ibe /'i- by the use of irfj/ers jtfairVigor tut of InhitTsoi -.01 In tin- lirst oisirUM uml tiiloi iccilmi ol raiiioutg ooitiii) , La.; l.-\ |, M | on anu to In* Mild as uiiiriiiinett uiln iumltn .*au«iy a Uix tl ta ishiumi uy A. J^. Uurtliua, T. U. of miiu t«»ualy, pi favor ol tlu* htuti* uml county hiiM lot ol unreiurnckt w lid land lor Its niui« mnl <H*uuty tux lor the year ljfliJ. Also lit Ho* name lino* and place will U' soli, lot of land ao. IVs ill tin 1 liist nlMrlct niui tun, ►••clIon of fauliiing eodniy, tln.j levied on mho lo It sold ms oP idol id d \. ilo laud lo .■saU»ly ti tax ll iu twHued liy -\. 1*. Wortliau,T. K county, in favor ot the siuic mid couuty \> Mild lol ot mm*tunicii wild iMMd for iu htat* and county tax'ior the ycur \atj,. linn of I'mihttiigeomuy, da.;. ... to nr sold Mianreidrlu d wild iuud t«• nnua(,> „ ItkK It fn I sailed t»y A. 1,. W'ulhnn, i.f uilu Dounir^n fnvor-oT thr 'atule and e'ouuiy \n auld lofhf ntindunictl Wild laud for iu •uu, and coumy ui far the ywar liw7. Als»> al the same time and nlnee will t*e sold lot of land No. lam In Ihe lutb dlatrlel and tuut seellhn of rnuhllm? county, (;«.; levied on and to W Mtld id- mi id ui nod wlId Itujd to snllst> n lax II fa Issued l»y A. I,. V ortlinli,T. C. «»f said . Wt}llJ> . In favor of Hie aiale and comity \s. h!i> t- •aid )ol or unreturued wild laud for IU stale Miirt eoiinty lux^for tin* jnxr 1SU7. Also at the anine time and place will tie Mild lot or land No. lift hi the null district and l?nd pcdlou of Pa'nldliiK eottlif>*> tJa.; levied on nnd t(r1»v sold as iinrutuaned wild loud to satisfy a tax ft fa Issued by A. I*. orllinn, T. 13, ot mi Id county, In favor of Ihe state and oouiHjr w. ►aid lot of imiduntcd wild land for ‘ Ha Mate and county lax for the year 1HU7. Also at tlu» sanu (tine and place will l»e sold lot o| lund No. 7H In Ihe Huh dlstiSct and wnd # ■eelion of Paulding county, Hu.; luvlrd on and lo t>c sold as unreturned u lid lai d to satisfy a laxil (i\ let u*d,hy A. L. Wort linn, T. C*. of aapl’ county, in f^vot of Iho stale and county \*«. •aid lot of uinchtrncd wlhriaud for Us sUu«- and comity tax for the your INU7. Also al the same Hup'and placfl will Ite Mold lo' of land No. Ifi’J In Ihe with dlsirlct and knd •ecllon of Paulding county, tin.; levied on ami to he s«dd as iittrcltirncd wild land lo satisfy a tux H fa Issued by A. L. W orllinn, T, C. of »,dd county. Ii\ favor of (he slate and county *->». ►aid lot of uniolunird wild land fpr Its alau- mid county lax for the year lhU7. nu of laud No ip ia the ImI, disimu XdTZ •ecllon of Pniildhii? nunily. v,a., levied on a!id Io be sold afeiiiiieliiiip d wil’d Ian,I u> uut,-,rv- „ tax ll fa i.-ssiiVil Gy A. b. NVinlhan. T. c ,>r eountv In fax.»r of the Male and county x > •aid lot of unieiurned wild land for lie 'atm, and couuly lax fui the )-e«i isii7- * Also at the Mime tiitioand hlneo will ^ j, lot of laud No, Li'ii hi Ihe 10tn dial riot and ii.pi •etdIon of Panldlngcounty, tin , levied'oil aim Jo be Mild as unrelurheii w ltd lui.,1 |-,, muuiy h.x II la Issued hy A. Woitltnn.T, C. of H’llfi county, In fi.r.u of the Male aip| county \*. •aid lot of uiirciuilied w ild laud lor tf« dun- aiul county lax for trie year 1HU7. A Iso at Hie shiip- tlliic and place will lie n^d lol ..f land No. r,Wiiu the him district audiipi h chon id PauldiiiK couniy, ; hwlcd t.u au.i to ».•• sold as unrciiiriicd wild Inmi h. aatlsf\ h tax 11 fa IssuimI hy A. J,. Won linn, T. (’. of aule county. In favoi of ihe hlalc au<| cotiuiy \ h •aid lot.of min Dii'M ih\ lid hind for Its Map’ nipIcoiiiiI.v Inx for Up* y • ar 1ki7. Also al ihe afline time and plnyn will |.c ho 1 - lol of laud No. |.<L' la iIp* linn mm,pm nnd L ••dloit of Paiihliuu cosily. ha . levied on am, lo be sold ii> uuiduri>rp w ilo lain! in miiIh|v lax II la issued by A. I., Woiihou, |’. U. ol Hifh Coiiuiy, lit Jnvor uf the stale-and couniy nnd lot oMinrtflurued-wih| laud for lia Mat. uud county lax lol I lie y, nr Ihu,. Also ai Ihe saupt Lime and place will |>e sol, lol tif land No. »,u lii.ilic i,uu dislilci and kp,. •cotIon ol Puuhiiiig county, ha.; levied on am lo be sold a* iiim-n. i ip <i \,d,| J.up| p, „ tax ll la issued by A. I,. Worthiirt.T. C. of Halt coil uly, I n lav or ol the Male and county \> •aid lot ol uiircturiP-d wipj hind lor Ii . btuu nipt county lax foi Ihe year Ian7. Also al Ihe same time and place will bo nob lol of land No. 7H in ihe linn i^dnci nod wjp xi cl Ion of Piiulding couniy, ha.; lev led on a.p mi lied wild laiiil io i1hi> . lax tl fii dunty. in favor of i lild loLidf UliretniiP i tk^lyun^ nix i AlrHaf Up . J.. Woi'tJmn, i'. l I the slate and couniy lo be sold » lax li la ismioiI by couniy, ill invor«‘ •aid lol of iiiiicluup'd wild laud ltd ju ^Ui, and coullly lax lui Ihe y ear ls.»7. AImi al Ihe same time and place will he *u|. lot of laud No. l>ai to the linn nlMricLnud’.hi. •ectlou of Pnuliling county, Ua.; lev led on m. Iu be sold iis iiurciiiiip-o v. tl«i land io satisiy .. lax li fa issued hy A. L. Worlhau. T. C. of hui. coiiiiI) , in Invoi ol the slate and couuty v >>iiMl lot id uuirtiri ip-il w lid hi no lor it n mIiip iiipI couniy lax lor the year IH»7. Also al life same lime and place will I* col ltd ol land No. lino In lip- lino dlMn. i and yip, •ceiioii of I'auldlilK couniy. Ua., levied oil am to la- rold ns iiuiciin lied wild land lo satisfy lax li la Issued hy A. L. NN oi lhim, T. C. of sai couniy , lit la mo ol llie biap* and couniy vr rind lot ol nuicltiincd wild hind for iis alab. and couniy tax lor Ihe year IM17. Also al the me lime and place will Ik* hoI< lid of laud No. Ilii; in the Itu.f il) A |||cl and •ic l ion ol i a i> l«i 1 ny; eouniy, l»a., lev <d 011 mii lo he bold as iiiiicUii'iM'd wild l.tiui |<> hnIIsiv lax li hi Issued hy A. I, Worthuu, 1. (J. of miic cmilily. in lavot of (lie blalc and couniy v •aid lot ol iiuiciiiincd wild laud fur it* A i„,. aiPiMUiniy tax lol IheycNi lsu7. A!>•» al Ihe same lime and place will lie M«dd lol id lillld No. |pis in Hi, It* I it vi.mi 1,1 nnd v 11«1 •cdloll of I’.iuliliny couniy, ha., levied on ami lo he sold a* uiln loilicit vino land iu .-Mi^iy a lax li la Irsiicd hy A. I. Vtiolhtlll, 1. U. of sup. county , In Iuvoi of the * alt- mo! cuuuiy v n •aid lot ol uiiicliniiimI vvHd Imid lot iu stau mid cmuily lax lor the yeai lv.17 Also at Ihe same lime and place will la* soh hd oi laml No- lien in iip* luiu disitp;i mid lip. •ecllon ol Paulding couniy, ha. ( levied on am. lO 1>C SOltl lls .dill luri.i ilVt lit! imlll In sffllni) . Ah o al-lfW Vpji e Him 11 cl place will la lot ni laud N". 'T-, III I lit is li j 1*11 let nml .ml I cl ton of PauhiinSlv^'Oi ly f.a.; h-v|cd on and II la- > old as tin 11 h i 1 11 j t\ ihl laml to Millsiv a 11 x U.Jm tr?iP-d hy A. LyVolih«n. T. t*. ol »ald omil.v. in lavor of :m,i| county ahT h f of 1 nn fuVin-f*y 4<l lm d for Its slate lid collllv lax lor I he ) • ll! 'IN*. w HI he su’d land No. : iy In ll • h in ulstrh 1 nhd - .’nd st cl Ion of I’m IiIIiik 1 oui ly, hi ., levied mi mid lo 1.0 •old as mill Hill I 1; vv ltd I. lid to s.’Hlsh a lax 11 III 1-V I. \ 1.1 III. . , T. n| r ii l<|. ci uniy. Ill lavnr of il.i . im- and county \ .-. Mild lot ol ur.tftHti iu d vv ihl lend for Hr, mid county lax jor they car lst-7. Alsiuit the Mime time ill.d nli m vxlll ho Mold lot of bind No. ::,0 In the ihim i.lstilct mp|,| >1 cl loli of Pa 11 Id I iik epmiiy, ha.; levied on ami \d as %i 1111-1 in nod vv ild laud to .-atlsfy a Issued l.y A. I.. Wotihnu.T. (’. of said itp 1 slate nnd county vs. c«\ v\ Ihl hind for lls stain Midyear N»7. I place will he sold of land No. ;Y.:> Hi th. pjih ill«trlct mid kiid < clloh *>f l’HUldlpg phMII) . l.s.. levied on mid o Ir sold’as nnrt tcnu-d wild Inrtl 1,. *Alhiy a fi\x li la bnued hy A. L. \\url!|ai», T. of Mild .iiilnly, In taxor of tin* stale nnd eouuty \>. •aid lol of enieHiuied V Ihl Imnt for |l> -.ini,. Mt.d coniily lax for llie y 1 ai lhl-7. Also nl the snire time nnd place will he sold lot of land No. li«t In the lath dlslth 1 ai d .mi m < flnn of pttnly . tin.iv> V jcd on and lo he si. I d as 11111 elm lied VI Id I and 1 , • a t ImTy a lax It la Issued l.y A. NVoithmi, T. ( . ^,r .•» uniy. Virihvoi 1 f ilp’ slalc ai.d^imiiHj, r \ nhi lot of unicItiriudAvlld land for Iih . and rot*lily lax loi life >< in 1M7. Alio at the raihc time nnd plecp will he sold ot of Im d No. J In 1I10 IMIi district and 2ipl •eelIon of Pm-h'liiK couniy. (in.; lev led on and o 1 e Mild ns Uli mill fed vv lid laud lo satisfy a ax II la Irsiud hy A !,. NVoiihar, T. V. ol A .»h1 i I’l'iy. lo Idxoi ol 1 lie side m,d conely vs. aid h.l of 111* 1 i*t 11110 d xvlid hind lot Its tUio •Hid cobniy tax for ihe year 1M»7. About ihe name time and pbxep xvlll he sold vd of l.tnrf No. 1 -In I Ijr* IHI It dlsliht nl,d knd 1 < (Ion of iMrJdli tt county. Cn.: levied on and .»lve •old as Uu 1 eimeed w lid land U. Mill: ty a .• \ 11 la isstii <1 l.v I.. Wor I hail. 'I', th of raid .uniy. ill hixo, Of Iho r t*1 • •• ai d e, ""f" • s. nhl lot 1 f mnclufi. d xv lid laml for Ihl statu ml county lax for the year imp'. ‘Alr’OiH the same f line amt place will le sold ot of laud No. H In Ihe JMh *'tstr e* aid yud ecllon Of l alihlli’K c ore > (in.; h” led 1 ll 1 d I1111.1 d xs ihi land In salisfy a a\ II in issued hy A. t,. Woitlmn, T. f. of »uhl •oimly', Iu favor of the slate mid ontinty xh.. ; , •lid lol of uilieHiriP’d xvltd h < d for Its sluie ml couniy lax forllic year IH,7. Also ai ihe Hiu»e ilvre 1*11*1 plm >1 ol land No. IM In the iH'h ills -1 lion of I'HpIdiiiK con 111 x , le sold as i.nretni Ped xx lidlti _ 4 • x Ilia Irsiiefl 1 y . b. Woi limn, T. 1 . fit si'ld ouriy. in Ihxi r«;l tin- stale and loiinly \fl. ild Joi id mm I111 in n wild laud for lls route nd celt lily lax for Mo' y«iu IM-7. AI r i 1 al Up >mm- lime m d place xvlll he sold 1 ,Jt Im tl No. IIH hi 1 l.e 1H h i.po 1 let mnl U|ld 4il,.ii of PaiddliiK county tin.; h x h d on mul .1 I c mill a- unit inrited xx Ild land -to eall-Iy a •\ 11 fa irri.i d 1-y Worllmn. T. of said nit lily, nl invoi’ o( the slulu and eouuty vs. ,1,1 | i, 1 ni unit inti.i-d xx Till h*mt for lie statu ml couniy tax lor theyerr Jf4i7^ *"aIhiii»i tlm mine llim* iuhI place xx 111 Is* sold 1 i.r It ml No. JiU In Iho iMh dtsirh-t and imp* dImi of I’h 11 hi 1 iik conni.x. I.a.; h vied on and > In . old as nun nmo d xx Ihl laud to salisfy a ix II la Issuidhy A. I-. Win limn. T. C. of aid mnly. In fax or of I lie elalc and cmuily V*. tld lot of nnn turned xvild land ho its hlalc ipl county I11X for ill*, year IM7. A Iso at llie saup* lline a lid place will I e sold d ol land No ’Jill In the IHth dlslniel and inn i 11-hi of I'aiildiiip couniy. Ua.; levied on and 1 he sold as iinri turned xvlhl hind lo salh fy 11 1 x li la issued hy \. I,. Wort hall, T. (J. ot said unity. In favor of the rtatc and eoiinly vi|. mi h.t of unieiurned xvild land tor lls statu mi county lav tor il.cycar IM*7. Also al llie .-1111111' Hup iiipI I|lnee xvlll he sold d of lund No.lf.l In the IHtli d 1st riel nnd : n#l .*c l mil (.1 1 111. Ill I up I Oil Illy, lol : levied oil a lift 1 p. .-cpi h> 1 nn mn.i d wild land lohallrfy a a 1. .11 issi ii* l.y . L. Wot than, T. <*. 1 f laid slaii ami ei uniy mi end ;.X Ii 1 111 1 w lid land li r lls suite IM7. Also at the saine lltnr nnd place will lie sold Jot of iuud No. '*•>-' in the l6tu district and ‘.’ml Tu-ciloi. oi Paulding county, lla.; levied on mid lo Ib- Mold a e mini... .cd xvlhl land lo satisfy a lax h la tHelp'd ny a. i*. WoiTlimi,T. C. of, said Mounly . In ifixnr *. 1 li.c flute mid county vs. ••Id lol ol uisrc1 ti 1 imU xvild lai d for iu alaia tud county lax lui llicycar 1sj7. Also at the same time and place will ls» sold lol of hind No. h Ui khv IHiIi dlsirlct and Hrd •scllon of Pauldlnp couniy. Hn.. le to Is- sold ns unrpturned v " * Uix li fn issued hy comity, in lavor of thr . h \M C. of mid county x> 0 w 1 Im Imid for its »tuh ic > • m ISW. •aid lol ol uiiii-iiii •mi couniy la* loi 1 Also Ml Ihe SIXIIP IiII.I place xvlll be soh loi of laml No. I _*l.‘ in Ho In 1 ii ill - i 1 (cl and mo •ecllon ol i'liulitiiih couniy. mi., lexicd on aip 1 lo be •old a.- I' n s. ilo Im <.| lo sallsiy i lax li la IkmiciI by A h »'• 01 • h.t 11. 1'. tj.» ol sao couniy. in laxos'ol il.c •laic ami couniy x» •uid lol ol uniciuiip'd w ihl l.iml fm us aU., • ml couniy lax loi tip ymi iai*7 Also al Ihe fame Him- lot ol laud ho l.'d ill 1 !i •ecllon cl i.'.uliuug com lo l.e •old MB ll II Ic IU I io o la* h la !*•*- ! ol 1 in o 1 H i > ..:1c dmr.cil xv 1111 la hum lo aiiUM}* an. t. C. of i-.ii •mi coullly v Dr. (furr^y’s Universal Hair Prcmctor Cures dnndnifT. s|op<* the linlr fuuu full ing out, Invi/rorulcs' llie croulli, U a siipci'h ilri'BSing, and while no| u <lyv. by noiii’islilng it-* I’oois. xv ill posh Ixdy re store gray li.iir to ii*» oi’Ikhi I color, ills the par-cxcclli'Mcc of all Imir rusiurerte/ PRicr, mi.OO pfr Larcf. Dottlc. F<»r Mile hv dniKKi’d' 4 -If iml.seiul to ns mul it will hc mmh. prepaid. ii|hui receipt of price. MANIjr AGTtllirO ONLY UY 7 Mf Murray Medicine Company, ATLANTA. HA. O l hv A r, \V. x-thi mid county tax for the x I Also at f'e seno HjlP' t lot ..f land So. r-v.1 In Mi i .-cdlon " r PmihHng coo ctur” In x |1 fa I sailed > ,.it'i|ilv. In fevr-r of the M-,|d lot of nnreiuriP'fl nnd county tax for th< Al-'* at ' lot of h»"d ' Clio of Pi iiipI comity v Ihl land for its stal ear 1HU7. nine Mine ami txjacc will Is* so’ -Mi In Ihe IHI h dial lift ned L'h Id I m/ county, y h lid ihl land lo snflsry a 11 ih.Ui. T. C. of said HnU- and county vs. ••id lot of iinicturned wild land for lls state and county tax for the year 1M7. Also at Up* name Him* and place xvlll I»c sold lot of laml No. In the luth district and third •vciiou of I’aulmi.g county. <*a.; levied ou r.nd lo be mid us .• iirciuriicit wth* land lo •nilsly a tax li la Uf iieii hy A. L. NN»* 11 til. *. F. o» s.i.u county, In Invor of ihe r i; e and county va. •nhi lot of uniTturned xvlli. f»»* Its state •lid county tax for (lie year Jl*.»7. Als<» al the •ante time nnd place will l*e lol of laml No. il In the Ja.h dlsirlct and third ' Paulding county.' i Issued hy A. U. 'A i v ild land lo .iutisfy a Id . 1.. ol county. In favor of fhe slate nod o'nniy v.-i, ••ui lol of unii uirneii wiixi .B.pi (or its oitie ju n niuy lax lm i..i ^nirl* t '7. Also at Hie •Mice time and place xvlll be • I oi iaiid No. hH7 In ihe 1H: h «.lletric ci hoi of Paulding couniy. win ; il Hurd U on and rillh lj 3 Ild land to satisfy l„y f, f„ |>socil hy A. I,. Worllmn. T. <’. of sal iM.mxfv. In favor of the state a'*d county v said lot «»f nnreturiP'd wild lend for Ith sta 1 and counlv tax for Hie year IMI7. \hoat tile same time and uliiee xvJU he sol lot of land No. '"•I In Up' WHi dlstTichnnd in* •■ectlou Paulding county,'die.; !cvi'*<ii on iup to 1- *11*1(1 a- unreturned xvild laml t«» satisfv lax fl fa Imuicd hy A. L. Wofthnn. T. C. of sal i omih v. In favor of Hie -•••!♦• nnd county v snhl lot c»f iinrciurncd wild land for its slab mid cou ii I x’ tax for the year IHP7. A . CUBAN RELIEF cum |Jl (folic, Neuralgia and Toothache I IwillVI n vo mluutcii. Hour atomacb and mourner Comp-UllflU. Prlcv, 2S Cunts •aid lol ol uiirctuilied xvlhl land for lli* slaio Atui county lax for ihe y«ur IMd. Also at the simr time and p!*o e xvlll lie fold lol of Inmt No. In the Ittth dh trU't nnd third i< o’ ion of 1 avJUIU4J county. <•»•.; lex h il on and to i.e . old ns xinretmiiro wild lai d to ^utj 1l *'. v * Ux i: fn hr.ued by A. 1.. WorHian. T, t. of salii couniy, In favor of Hie f.lnto r. d county vs. »/vld lot of unreturned wild lnm*. for IU otat« •ml cwunty lux for the year 1W»7. ( oiniMini on Fohitli Pnijc. Tott«*r, Sitlt-Hheuin and FiOzcma. 'Ilia intanse itching ancl smarting, inci- ■Hjilta riijsodi':eus9s, isinpinntly allayed y r.nnlyhig Chavnherlttin ’ a Eye and Jjin Oiatuionfc. Many very hud cases ave keen poi-monsntly cured by it. It ( equally efficient for itching piles and . favorite remedy for tore nipples, lumped bands, chilblains, frost bites mi chronic znre eves. 25 cis. per box. I,r Cady's ConiHtlon I’owdcvs, are ,11st what a horse needs when in bud •omlition. Tonic, blood purifier and ermh'ng9. Thoy are not food but ■nctlicine and the best In use to put a aorse in prime condition. Price W cents per package. For sulo l.y A. .EJCooperACo.