The Dallas new era. (Dallas, Paulding County, Ga.) 1898-current, May 20, 1898, Image 1

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YOL. XVI. DALLAS, GA., FRIDAY, MAY 20, 1898, STATE OF GEORGIA, Pauldino County. To all wliom It may concern: Phillip ami John Shed, Executors of the estate of Julia Trapp, deceased, have In due form applied to the unde rained for Letters of Dismission from said Executor ship, and I will pnsa upon said application on the first Monday In Jnnf next. Given tinder my hand and official signature, this 7lh day of March 1808. F. P. HUDSON, ‘ Ordina ty. ANNOUNCEMENT. To the Democrats of the Seventh Con gressional District: In making this formal announcement of my candidacy for the Democratic nomina tion, at the hands of the convention to ho held sometime during the coming sum mer to naoio a candidate whose duty it "HI h? to voice and faithfully represent the party and the people in the contest for election of n representative in Congress at the next election, I desire to say that, af ter having considered the rcipicst of some, of iny friends and repeated and voluntary offers of support from quite a number of the good citizens of the district, I have concluded to announce my candidacy for the Democratic nomination, to he govern- - GEORGIA, I Pauldino County. J To all whom it may concern: T. D. Langley, administrator, de lion's l, ‘° democratic nomination, to he govern, .non the estate of J. W. Langley, dc- ' ed,, y lh , e l’ un >' wll > wh,n expreased in „ „„ ... ... Langley, ceased, has iu due form applied to the | CO J' 1 V ® n * ° 1 ) 1 undersigned for letters of dismission as administrator on said estate, and I will pass upon said application on the first Monday in July, 1808. Given under my hand and official signature. This the 4th day of April, 1808. F. P. Hudson. Ordinary. STATE OF GEORGIA, I Pauldino County. 1 To all whom it may concern: John J. Cooper, administrator of ,thc estate of Jas. J. Lindsey, late of said county deceased, has iu due form npplied to the undersigned for letters of dismis sion as administrator of said estate and I will pass upon said application on the 1st Monday in July,.1898. Given under my hand and official signature. This April fitli, 1898. F. P. Hudson, Ordinary. GEORGIA, I Pauldino County. J To nil whom it may.concern: F. M. Matthews, administrator oi the estate of Small Compton, deceased, has in due form applied to the undersigned for letters of dismission as administrator ’ on said estate ■ml I will pass upon said app i at ion on the first Monday in August 1898. Given under my hand and nfticinl signature. This May 5th, 1898. F. P. Hudson, Ordinnry. It is useless, hut not out of place, tosny that I nin a Democrat, and .flint I stand on the Chicago platform and endorse ev ery declaration therein; and if I endorse more strongly any one part than another, it Is the part which seeks to revise our monetary system and wrench from the hnnds of tyranlcnl oppressors this Ameri can government, that should Do one nr, for, and by the people, instead of against them, and enact laws that will open our mints to lie free and unlimited coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1. 1 shall enter the race for the nomination anil go over the district anti present my claims, if I have any, and ask considera tion at the hands of the party to which I lailong and discuss public questions ut such limes and places as may hereafter seem desirable; an*d if at any time the people or the candidates desire, I shall have no objection to joining nny and all candidates in a friendly discussion of any matter that may be of interest to the people. 1 do not think I am asking to much for the south end of the district, when 1 say thut she helped to tight the buttle al ways and this is the first time she has asked for promotion fr in the rank of volunteer privates. While this is not alone sufficient,.yet it is a fact that the people should consider. Very Respectfully, G. R. Hutchens. A National IIymn. lend that 1 love, () America dear, amt nobler with every new year, Who shall dishearten thee? What can we fear? Mother of hcroca to la* I Think of tliy sunrise, that clouds could not hide] Tilts Is thy morning of glory and pride; tVe are thy children and dose at tl.v side. Faithful, united and free! Listen, dear land, hast thou heard It afar; Strife with harsh rulers, and tumult of war? Look where temples of slavery are, Over tile Bind terlng sea 1 Hall, O America! proudly we sing; > Health, and true hearts, and fair home* wet- coining! Hall to tlie soil where each man may be king! Thou shnlt forever hcTree! Klim of our country, swoct Liberty's sign, a Floating above us In storm and sunshine, Hindus together and make us all tliiue, Kver united to be I Tliou hast come out of all doubting and fears. Out of the ennlliets of passionate years, Sacred forever by blood and by tears! Flag of America free! Ood of our country, to Thee lie the praise; Thou that foresees! our farthest of days; Little we know of Thy marvelous ways; Yet are we sure Hint Thy truth shall prevail, Right Is eternal and evil shall fall. Thee as sweet Freedom’s Creator we hall l Keep Thy America free I —JAMES S. PARK, In Detroit Free Press. This is Democracy. THE WONDERS OF SICENCE. Lung Trob es and Consumption Can be Cured. An Eminent New York Chemist and Scientist Makes a Free Offer to Onr Readers. The distinguished New York chemist, T. A. Slocum,demonstratingliisdiscovcry of a reliable and absolute cure for Con sumption (I'ulmonary Tuberculosis) and all bronchial, throat, lung and chest dis eases, stulilKirn, coughs, catarrhal affect ions, general decline and ‘weakness, loss of fledi. and all conditions of wn-ting a- wny, will send THREE FREE 111) I TEES (nil different) Of his Ni w Discoveries to any afflicted reader of The New Eua writing for them. His “New Scientific Treatment” has cured thousands permanently by its time- V/e have at this office a cure for the ootbaclie which effi cts an instant unit permanent cure. Call on us when you have toothache. SOUTHERN BAPTIST CONVENTION, Norfolk. Va*, May 5th-12th, 189B-- Keduced Rates Via Southern Railway. 1 On account of the meeting of Southern Baptist Convention at Norfolk, Va., May 5th-12th, 1898, the Southern Railway will sell tickets from all points on its lines to Norfolk and return at rate of one fare fo the round trip. Tickets will be sold May 2nd to Utli inclusive, limited to return fif teen days from sale, hut if deposited with agent of terminal lines at Norfolk, on or before May 10th, the return limit will he extended fifteen additional days. The schedule via this route is excellent anil parlies contemplating attending the Southern Baptist Convention should com- Tlte following lire the Democratic arti cles of faith as laid down by Thomas Jefferson: 1. The | cople, the only source of legis lative power. 2. The absolute and everlasting sever ance of church and state. 8. The freedom, sovereignty and inde pendence of the respective Slates. 4. The Union a confederacy, a com pact; neither a consolidation or a centra lization. 5. The constitution of the Union, a spc. cinl write of granted powers, limited amt defined. 0. The civil power paramount to the military power. 7. Thu representative to obey the in struction of his constituents. 8. Elections free and suffrage uni versa , 9. No heredity olflee, or order, or title. 10. No taxation beyond the public wnnt. 11. No national debt, if possible. 12. No costly splendor of administra tion. 18. No prescription of opinion or of public discussion. 14. No unnecessary interference In in dividual conduct, propcily or speech. 15. No favored classes and no monopo* lies. 16. No public monies expended except by warrant of special appropriation. 17. No myst Tics of government inac cessible to the public eye. 18. 1’ubllc compensation for public ser vices, salaries moderate and pervuding economy. jy usv, and lie considers it a simple pro-j mimic,ale with the nearest agent of the fcssiomil duty to suffering humanity to | Southern Railway. donate a trial of his infallible cure. Science dally develops new wonders, and this great chemist, patiently expert, menting for years, lias produced results, as beneficial Inhumanity as can ho claim ed by any modern genitir. His assertion that lung troubles and consumption arc curable in nny climate is proven by ‘•heartfelt lottcrs of gratitude,” filed in his American an t European laboratories Is There No Death? Thu following querj and conclusion is companion and sequel in character to ,‘Thcru Is No Death;” attributed to E. Btilwer Lyttofi, hut claimed by J. L. Mc- Orecry, Washington, D. 0., with whichl?. should he read to fully appreciate it. Is thete no death? Meteors down Descend; and fallen, rise no mnro To brighten sky, m earth to crown, Or shine ou any shore. Is there no death? The fallen leaves Recover uot lost tints from air. From ricks, disorganized, proceeds Not Hie to moss they hear. Ib iltorc no dentil? Tito dust ofjcnrth M ty change to bright ami fragrant flowers, Or grain, or fruit; hut, rain or dearth, . These Boon have spent their hours. If there no death? The loaves all full; The flowers all fade anil pass away— ’Tis vain for these, through wintry hour. > To wait the breath of May. Is Micro no death? O say what gifts, Thut, treasured by earthly hearts in time, Have hurried not to see It again Their native unknown clime? Ami what things, that for growth or joy Seemed worthy of our love or care, Are left, thill we—not desolate— llnve garnered safely hero? Here life becomes a desert waste— We lose its fairest, sweelcst flowers, And where wo sought a I’urndlsu Are found decaying bowers. The voice of cheering melody, That would have an clcrnul song, May mingle with some far-off choir, But we have missed It long. Is theroMio death? Then why our grief O’er beautiful familiar forms. That we have loved, then seen them torn From our embracing arms? And why, with bowed mid breaking hen,its, In mourning garb, w ith silent tread, Must hear their senseless dust to rest, And say that they are “dead”? Arc they not dead? we know they’ve passed Beyond our roaelt and heck, mid call— Hut is there new, or any lifo , “'t""'! tue funeral pull? Oil have they a...,. r ..i .* • ■ -» To put immortal raiment on? Or have they wandered full away— From life forever gone? Oh prove me; are they glorified And still to he, mill love us yet— Us dour ones they have loft behind? Hay, do not they forget? Then why not, when our hearts grow fuint Amid tcmptntlous fierce and deep, Or when the wildly raging waves Of grief or passion sweep. Give us, upon our fevered brow, Their gentle touch—their lire, ith of halm? Their arms enfold us—till our hearts Grow comforted and calm? Ami why not near us, if they live, Let us all feel their spirits trend— If all the boundless universe Is life, and there’s no dead? O yes, ’tis true—the VInster stands At the city’s gate, the dead to call, And he himself hath broke death’s bonds And said, there’s life for all! T m new spring flowers succeed theirdead, And speak to us of hope for ours; But Jesus risen demonstrates . Tae resurrection powers. () blessed Christ! to trust in thee Insures our death to he hut sleep Because thou livest wo shall live Where there are none to weep! U weal thy resurrection power 'Till witnessed to my heart by tlice, Dear Savior, 1 shall always feel “There is no dcatjii" f° r me * —Rout. P. Martyr. Milner, G.t. To the Democrats of the Seventh Con gressional District: I announce my candidacy for congress, subject to the party's action, Horn ami reared in the district, my lot Is cast with Its citizens, ami all of my Interest, ex cept an humble cottage, lie in llie fields mid hills of the country. In the pros perity of the agricultural interests lies my prosperity, and by Its depression I am loser. Since my majority I have never failed to support tho principles of the parly, nor have 1 ever scratched my party’s ticket. I endorse the parly's platform md pledge an active support to its every (It c- Inratlon. 1 condemn the reckless expenditure o money that congress dally permits. Every extravagance Is a tax upon the people and comes at last from their earn ing". I condemn the protective tariff. Uir dor It we pay tribute to the eastern and i orthero numufuoturcr, already rich at our cost. A tariff for revenue only, to defray the expenses of a government economical! administered, is the only tnr- iff that cun Justly he imposed upon the people, mid this tariff should he so laid as thut its benefits as well ns its burdens he eqaully distributed among ail sections (>I the country alike. lr protection Is Incl- dental to lids tariff, then 1 demand thut on the Dili of April. By a vi>Ui_of sevjqj_^^ counties the entire System of nomination m was changed and the smullcr counties , put ut the ineryjjtof the larger ones. I oppose the Scheme. I shall denounce mill expose It. It is a new departure. It is a menace to ilemaerucy. It was an af front to those gentlemen from II trnlsim mid Polk and Walker, whose ambition was worthy of fairer treatment. It was Itju the agriculturists and ore producers of " X ° d "° r f ‘ ,VOr ° d by mu or “V tills section Imvc lliclr ( quid share of its I ■clients. Their claims Imvo been too long n 'gleet i'll. 1 endorse tho demand for a graduated federal Income tax. This is subject, for wealth ought not to lie allowed to shirk its share of the burdens of government Manufacturers of protected articles, whose income reach Into hundreds of thousands by ronton of government favorltoism, pay no federal tax. while tho consumer hears the burden by Ids dully purchases of the protected arilctcs. Buck a tax is ncc.s- sary to prevent the growth of those Ini- For On-r Filly yc:tr». Mrs. Winslow’s Sootliim? Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their childteinv Vile teething with perfect success It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pains, cures in thousands from those cured in nil parts J wind colic, and is the best remedy for of the world. ! Diarrhoea. It will relievo the poor little Medical experts concede that bronchial, „ Sold hv li n „„i, t . chest and lime troubles lead to Consump- . e ei immediately. 8 rid by Diugg sts lion, which, uninterrupted, means speedy in every part of tho world. 1 wenly-five, and certain death. cents a bottle. Bo sure and ask for “ill's Simply write to T, A. Sloemn, M. C., Winslow's Soothing Syrup 1 ’' and take 98 Pine street, New York, giving poslof- Q) othor kim , lice and express address, and the free ' medicine will he promptly sent. Suffer ers should take instant advantage of Iris generous proposition. Please tell the Doctor that you^saw his offer in Tnn Nkw Eua, - ■ QUA DRENNIAL G ENIOIU L CON PER. ENCE C. M. E. CiURCH. CO LUMBIA, S. U., MAY 4—38, 1898. REDUCED RATES VIA THE SOUTHERN RAILWAY. On Account of the nnetiirg Quad enninl General Conference of tho C. M. E. Church to he held at Columbia, S. C . May 4—28, 1898, the Southern railway will sell tickets front all points o.i lines to Columbia, S. C'., and return, at rate nf one f ire for the round trip. 'I ick- | cts will he sold Slay 2nd, 3rd mid 4th, • with final limit May 31st, 1898. i For further information c ill oil any ^ gent of tlie South ri One Minute Cough Cure, cures Thai It what it was made ter. ps TAKE ONLY the best when you H need a f Are different from all other 'jnedjcines. Each performs a specific duty, thus doing away with drastic purgatives and curing by the Mild' Power Theory. One Pink Pill touches the liver, re moves the bile, the bile moves the bowels. The Tonic Pellet does the rest. Have one? Sample free at any store. Complete Treatment, 25 doses 25c. Brown Mfg. Co., N. V. & Greenevllle, Tenn. need a medicine. Hood’s Sarsapa rilla is the best blood purifier, nerve ! One Minute Cough Cure, cures and stomach tonic, Get HOOD’8. | That is what It was made lor, eondlth n in which those who have tile least protection from the government have to pay lire most tax, and llioso who have tho niosl protection pay tho least cannot Ire ilofcto’cil. I uni of ilint eln.-B anil one of those who h ive stiffen'd 1 rdm the Increased virtue of money and the decreased value of laid mul its products. A dollar Hint Ini} s too much grain or cotton or product of lain r tin lay no claim to being called nil honest dollar. Buell n comtlllon is the result o an inadequate volume of currency, and with u zeal and experience horn of per sonal loss, 1 endorse ami will advocate the free mid unlimited coinage of hnili gold and silver at tlie present ratio and without discrimination. The tux on issue of state blinks should he repealed.- In tlijs neglected plank In our platform lies n sure relief from tl o present congestion of the currency. Such an issue can he made ns safe jas a sluic bond and would furnish a local and flexi ble supply of honest money that would bring Increase and gladness to a long suf fering people. 1 denounce as undemocratic a too long tenure of ollice. It begets the idea that it Is personal property to Inc holder, and 'lie people’s right to call for an nccounl- i i f and to change Its servants is denied, ami by the selfish use of patronage, tic unfit mill unuceptahle servant perpetuates himself in power. It surely I nils to venal methods and public office, which should he a public trust, becomes a commercial commodity. Buell were not the methods of our fathers 1 oppose trusts and monopolies, mid I point to and condemn tlmt political trust I and monopoly in Floyd comity which lias dominated by it Hellenics the better ele ment of that county and which essays to dictitc to the entire district und to perpet uate in ollice their beneficiary and expo nent; until this je r the party lmd v nlkeil in the purin of de it: usage mul pre cedent in nil its nominations, In cud: nni'.sii.c • the war, every county has had its individual vote nyportioned to its mem bership iu the legislature. The nutono. my of the cou dies, large or small, was preserved. The executive committee of I til 2 slide recognizes each coniity,s right to express its individual views in the selec tion of a can iilate for tjie high oilice of governor of U orgia and candid ites for the Supreme bench of the slat :. Tlrtr method lias h retofore proven sttisfuclo- ry and effluent. It was even deemed so when the absent Everett was defeated during liis first term, while lie answered to the roll call of duty ut Washington, and the same methods answered a'l purposes foiatho nomination of the present incum bent. Our executive committee met in Rome The committeemen erred. Tltolr peo ple did not ask or even agitato the change nivuy from the ceuli ra of the political I rust. They should meet and correct tho iror unless they do, harm will result. The unusirtly early date fixed fur prima ries for congressional' camlldiitos preclpi- t ites the campaign and I respectfully lr. vlte nut one who Is the it.tended benifliln. ry of tills recent dispniisatiim to go before the district with me in joint discussion of the various Issues involved. 1 shall appeal to tho old democratic spirit of tho district In every county where I ""it find an audience) und ask their gup. .-oiifesH to tin ambition to stand in the hall of congress representing this people, voicing lheir wishes and urging their de mands. To tie ir loyal service I would lovotu my cvoiv opergy. Bo honored and so trusted, no net of mine, public or private, should ever bring Inline upon the comniissicn I held. I should tie loo grllteful to he untrue or neglectful of their Interests. Respectfully, J. W. IlAltlllB. The Tourist Bleeping Car Line operated by the Southern llnilwny between Wash ington and Bail Frnnelse without change i In New Orleans, lias proven so success ful that it has become necessary to miiko n semi weekly service, the Westbound dc- part tire being on Wednesday and Satur day of each week. This sleeper offers sleeping car facilities to persons holding first or second-class tickets, the berth rate being only $7.00 from Washington to Ban Francisco, Los Angeles, or Portland, berth being large enough for occupancy by two people, if desired, without'textra charge. These Sleepers run through Texas, Ar izona and New Mexico, and connect with similar cars for Oregon. Infnrinarlion in regard thereto may ho had from any Southern Railway Ticket, Agent, Sunset Tourist Excursions, Oil Penn. Ave. N. W., Washington, D. C„ or rom Mr. W. A. Turk, G. P. A., 1800 Penn. Ave. N. W., Washington, D. C. ALL WOMEN Btioutrt know that the “Old Time” Remedy, Is the best, for remate Tumbles. Corrects all Irregularities In Fomale flrgnns. Phould be taken for Change oi Life anil before Cbild*8lrlb. Planters "Old Time" RaneJIes have stood the test for twenty years. Pioneer Medicine Co., Chat tanooga, Tfenneaaee* Mad ? only by V-* For Bale by 8. Robertson & Son. For sale by A. J. Cooper Co. DeWtit’s Colic & Cholera Cura, quickly cure* Dydtntdry and DlHtkMs/