The Dallas new era. (Dallas, Paulding County, Ga.) 1898-current, May 27, 1898, Image 3

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3= * ^READ THE LINES BELOW FOR YOUR OWN BENEFl Wc'rcw have cn tale the gieatest lire of Mwchfr.diie ever exhibited in Dallas. Our line of ff MILLINERY consist of every thmg"newpn styleijan^ JlBfe * quality at lowest prices. If you buy T&1MHED HATS And 8A1L0BS before securing our priccsjand examining the quality of oqr goods, it is your fault ifjyou pr •I We do not charge you anything for showing you our goods; in fact, it is a pleasure to us to have you come and sec our new goods. We have just recetved a Large Dress w toy ow>: 1 Scotch Lappet^ Fantasies ^ Organdies in all colors and - figures ►MUSLINS, LAWNS, WORSTED, SUMMER WEICHT, IN ALL COLORS. TRIMMINGS ro r*MT OUR NEW LINE OF WAIST PERCALES IS VERY EXQUISITE. We have every thing new in Dress Goods and Trimmings d^READY* w WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER LARGE LOT 01 v' MADE SUITS ' FOR MEN AND B0YSy^!?| All are the latest styles and are the very best quality. Come and see them. You know we are selling the completest line of STRAW HATS ever scen ‘ n Dallas at prices ,»w. Our line of Nefck Wear is very beautiful, consisting of all the latest styles for both Ladies and Gents, We have many novelties in this line that will please you |We have seventy-five dozen ready made shirts we have marked so close that we can save you 10 per cent in this line. WE HAVE BOUGHT A JOB LOT OF UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS THAT WE ARE SELLING VERY CHEAl ~ Our stock ofiSusuenders Summer Underwear, Ready Made Pants, Shoes, Jewelry, Collars, Hosiery, Stationery, Perfumery, Domest and Drills is complete-SWe have everythin? yon need to buy and are anxious for your trade. Give us a trial and be convinced that we will 93II you cheaper than any house in Dallas. We don’t think it*i. nece.ia.y to mentionjeur Grocery Store, tor it hat keen nettled long ago that tve carry the only ce inflate line of Staple and Fancy Groccriet in the town*.’ We alto eelipuggiet, W.gont, Farming Tool.X.very detoription, Tinware,'Enamble ware, Crockery ware. See our new line China ware. Give ... a chance at your trade, we are ..eking it, by honett method., buying every thing yon have to .ell and paying you the highc.t cash price.; and .oiling you evc.y thing you need to>y«LCome and see our .tockj YOUR FRIENDS' / W. P. COOPER & BROTHER.