The Dallas new era. (Dallas, Paulding County, Ga.) 1898-current, May 27, 1898, Image 4

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Wm Before buying your LADIES’ HATS, Call on me.- ► It’s your own fault, if you do not come and sec how cheap you can buy them from me. I also have a nice line of , Hriki, La, Also, a full line of CLO TELDVa, STRAW HATS, SHOES, r f WBSk In the Ualud •lcl»« It right lwUdtw. h« Su Mrtit him, >*d •evdx medical ad him. If if, bah a kaaltk -M » « -fNeok-v. aar, Suspenders and Jewelry.4- '“In fact, everything you want in the DRY GOODS?LIND, of which will be sold cheap. Call and see me before buying. Respectfully," J. F. WELCH ncPherson. Wn tli|( vicinity are not so good, pt wheat and oat, which lire very Mr. Dob Austin visited friend, near f JJtcPIierion Sunday, which . Who l| lho’'lihii'lilrd Hint catches so "Xdltraweellitnrt^". I think those red Ik. J. C. Aym 0,1,1 get them u blue dress, if thut ~ - 1 " ■‘ ,l - " _ _ In- nn nil ilny alffglnjf nt Brns- m —gfiuiid Sunday In June. Kvery- J®- ' ti to lha New Ere, nnd If this es. 'slu basket, I will conic ngni", Published baroN^dtim* Smith. W. Z. BPINKB . U 7 * jrl|t|pi|A I" the eittiso of ttn- Advert^ toldsuftojfiig. By Inking Hood’s BaMaparllla *tiio digestive organa uro J.toned and dynpepsiii (8 CURED. to, IhbHot Spricgsof Arkansas THe'Woantsin Look'd ritcle of IheOzrrk*- *• The JP waters. the mountain air,equa ble climate and the pine forests iiuikc Hot tipring* (lie most wonderful hculth nml pleasure resort lu the world, summer or winter. It la owned, endorsed nml con. trpUcdtby the U. H. Government and line accommodations for nil classes. The Ar- ***** .liiipUui and Park hotels nnd <10 others nnd ished iwe-^jjmidlng houses are open "11 summer. turiirWHlavlnif an altitude or 2000 feet It Is u Cool, side nml nenrliy refuge during the heated term In theiouth. . -For Information concerning Hot Springs address C F. Cooly, Manager liuslness Men’s League, Hot Springs, Ark. For reduced excursion tickets ami par- Iculars of the trip see lornl nguit or ud- dress W. A. Turk.Uen’l Pass. Agl.HouUt- trn lly., Washington, I). C. DI*m#af* nubian tea curofl l>yn|»ep- | |fllli>r#»ia, Constipation and Indi gestion. Keg ii la tea the Liver. l’ricc, 25 cto. New Hope. Mr. Dnvc Llndsy’s hnhy Is quite sick. Mr. Midly Matthews vi.ltod relative here Sunday. Mrs. II. C. Scoggins Is visiting the fall, jly of Mr. James Hohliins lids week. Messrs. J. E. Bobbins nnd O. E. Eo wood visited relatives and friends In Cold county last Sunday. Wlmt young man went to sec Ids gl Hnmlny nftirnoon nr.t?z:r:?r. refiwd tin til Monday. We suppose tl e rnln cntigli him. (Wo don’t know.—Ed.) ,E. Mack. Mrs. Allen E'llotl, who lms I,ecu visit, log her parents, Mr. and Mis. W. C. Mat thews, returned to her home in Atlanta last Saturday. Mrs. I). l'\ Wills Is on the hIcIi list, also Mrs. J. M. Williams. Mrs. J. ii. Spears Is vising her siek mother, Mrs. W. W. Iieyuolds, of Ac. worth. Mrs. A. D. I’nrrlsnnd Miss Mlntlr Wash ington visited friends at New Canaan last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Spicks and Mis Emma Anderson visited the family of Mr. Jphu Spinks last Saturday and Sunday. A crowd of New Hope young folks at tended the meeting at Hlindy drove Iasi Sunday. 61ICCCSS to the New Era nnd its readers- Yor Know and Ol'KSH. IMI’KRI AL COUNCIL NOBLE MYSTIC SIIIUNE, DALLAS, TEXAS, Jl’NK Hth-nth, 180H— REDUCED HATES VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Kor the occasion of the meeting of tha ItnperlalUouncll, Noble Mystic Shrine, Dallas, Texas, June Hth-nth, 1808 the Southern Railway will sell tickets from points on Its lines to Dallas, Texas and retu n at ale of one fare for the round trip. Tickets will he sold June 10th, llth and I2tli, with Haul limit June 28'h, 18(!h. For further iurormutloii call on any agent of the Southern Railway. Braswell* The health of our village In good. Mr. J. t. McLendon, of Atlanta, mong ns Inst Sut’day. Soldiers! Soldlorsl Soldiers! Tlioy mss by train Ii ads—two and three trains at a time. To see so many men ami guns, due eonls and brass buttons, reminds one of tile sixties. Newspapers are plentiful. The morn, i'j(.Constitution and the evening Journal give us nlHhc war news. There srems'td'Kjm Inereaso of peo ple on crutches, 0 irrylngM’J'tien, wearing glasses, ami prematurely Htrltfng Kray. VVliy? Is the prospect of liuvliij^h ;’P to the war?. Uncle Elijah Forsyth Is .reported very fcolilo. Ai.iiion. - Safety For Women, Tsnsy, Pennyroyal and Colton Root Pills remove all suppressions nml irregu larlties. i*1 per box. For pArtlcidnrs mi ll ress Dr. Frank Edmondson, Atlanta, On, Quadrennial General Conference M, K. Church South, Baltimore, Ml., May 4f/t-28, 1898—/ffduroc/ Botes via Southern Bailfoay. On account of the Quadrennial Genera’ Conference of the M. E. Church South at Baltimore, Md., May 4th-3?th, jlHOb, the Southern Railway will .sell dleljeut from all points cn Its line to Bnllflnorc'tihd' rO- jurn nt greatly reduced rates, 'fickels will lie sold May 2nd Drd and :4tli, nnd May 0th, 10th and llth, with llmd limit May 31st, 1808. The schedule accommodnllonij via the Southern Railway are most excellent ami parties contemplating attending this mcct- ng and desiring rates sleeping cur reserv ation, etc., should communicate' at once with nearest agent of the Southern Hall way. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. Thai Is what II was inid. (or. SAVE 12BLEY FREETFHEEf Rond for our now IN9M ('ninlocur, illiisiratotl In colon, containing full (IcharlpUonn of nil our IMntina nnd Orinita. H KM KM ME II wo mo llio only firm of notunl manurnoturora sclllnK ftrlimlHilv u> tlio general public direct, nt fnrtory co»l—(lie only firm whrro/ou Kot the IJonl Furl Vnlnr for your monov. There am r\o ilicni't. Drillers' or Middlemen's profits added. _£*-*!• K<’l A l« OKFF.HS NOW HKADV. tw CASH PR ON EASY PAYMENTS to atilt your rlmimsmnrtu*. I’liiii'iHnn'l Organa snlnpod on thirty tiny* trial In your own homo tumor our special warrant fuFtwonty-tlvo yours. No money required In advance. Hnfr delivery topiiicliaAcrRiisrsiiteetl. _ . w—_ .. -—7". Z— toinnyhosor nusrsntetl. — Our bank, your honk, any l«*nk. thotvlltorortlils puja’i. or of any of tho nuiltltmlo of imtirmii it bo have pur* rhoM-d nillliotia of dolUis worth of Instru nienla from ut« tlurluK nearly 60 y«*ata. Out new i•(ink • The flrsrt olths! , o».|»l. 1 "t ontan». Iok a thoumud nvout reforriMt s, sont Iter. IH>N»T FAIL TO WR1TK AT ONCE to CORNISH A CO., Ms no fast ■ rr ra of Awtrlrsn rinnos and 0^1 TKUXSt Wo Sul Inn. Wo Day. sKSl# for iturtl'Mibim of our pop* tllur <'o*l*urliMT«bl|i |» winch any our can easily nhtuln a t’OHNIHll IMano or < iiKnn for noth. I with every « >rK«n for noth# N .. Full szplunutlun with every f . cutalo|(UO. s K.IWhlml a.Ui»TM>"f WASHINGTON, N^J. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY The Easy Running. pistricjj:fficers. Representative in Congress, 7lh District JOHN W. MADDOX, of Hume. Judge TallajionsaCircuit—C. G. JANES Ccdartown. Solicitor General—\V. T. ROBERTS, Douglnsvllle. Senator, Hblli Senatorial Dlstidet, W. F. GOLDEN, Of Harnlsnn County. Representative of Paulding County, A. L. BARTLETT. CDUN1Y_0FFICERS. Jrdinarv F. P. HUDSON 'lurk Superior Cowl .. .II. L. OWENS •sheriff U, F. WHKELKI! Deputy Klioriff... ..W. N. ANDERSON “ ’’ H. V. WHITWORTH Tax Collector A. J,. WOItTHAN Tax Receiver...ADOLPHUS PEAHBON I'rcasurer N. COOPER Surviyor ...(>. M. W1GLEY Coroner I. F.SUMMERVILLE School Commissioner... ,W. Z. SPINICS CITY OFFICERS. Mayor, T J. FOSTER Marshal, \ . . WILLIS BONE Clerk A. J. CAMP Councilmcn: W. H. BONE C. J. LESTER J. C. WATSON E. DAVIS J. II. HENDERSON. CUBAN RELIEF cure. rldlllXlS *'“He. Nenrn'l'in aiet 1 utUlmeliu * "*lii lire niluuliu. dour Htomudi nml Summer Oiuq^illuls. l'rlee, 25 Ceubi “HOUSEHOLD” Sewing Machine. TINE TABLE. Taking effect Sunday, May 1st, 1898. OolXO bllllTII. No. 7—Due nt Dillnss 11:30 p. in No. til—Due nt Dallas 9:00 a. m. No. 0—Due nt Dallas 5:18 p. m. OOING 80CTII. No. 10—Due at Dallas 10:31 a. m. No. 14—D -is at Dallas 0:51 p. m. No. 8—Due nt Dnllax 8:14 a. m. All traiue stops. W. A. FOSTER, Agent. The most modern Sewing Ma chine of the age, ebracing all of the latest improvements ^ DURABILITY, g RANGE OF WORK 1 and SIMPLICITY Old Sewing Machines taken In exchange. Dealers wanted In unoccupied territory. Correspondence solicited. Add ress, J. II. Derbyshire, General Agent, RICHMOND, VA. 882 Mulu Street. Beautiful Hair Dr. Murray’s Universal Hair Promoter Cure* (Inndrufr. afops the hnlr from fall* In,; mil, iii.iuuifii'n itiu f, i ti ** il.« Ih n superb droMiiiK, nnd while rot n dye, by nourlsbliiK Its roots,will positively re store gray hair to its orium >1 color. It Is tbo pi\r-ox»ellence of all Imir restorers. PmcF, 91.00 pen Large Bottle. For mle by di'iippi'dA- If nof^Keud t«> ns nnd It will be sont.prepaid, upoiufeceipt chlv bv thJT coicine Company, CCnt - O WAR HAS BEEN DECLARED this time, but that docs not cut anj' figure with our low price. We carry a first-class, up-to-date line ot ^v- DRY GOODS. SHOES, HATS AND NOTIONS. \ Also a full line of FAMILY AND FANCY GROCERIES. TOBACCOS, SNUFFS, Etc., which we will sell at lowest prices. INow this is no catch. Come and see for yourselves and be convinced; to see and hear a thing is t o be doubly sure. Highest prices paid for all kinds of produce. HAY BROS. -*$*-Tlic War is on in Dead Earnest! Great Excitement in Furniture and Hardware circles.-^- ^THE DALLAS HARDWARE COMPANY.*^. v _ MAMMOTH STOCK ♦ ^ ^ • ‘ A ‘ • . * ..... v-v FURNITURE Of all kinds and prices to suit you. Remember That we are headquarters for Furniture and Fifteen per cent below m M i® ® i® iffli ALLIANCE PllICES. M M Wi W M W OUR HARDWARE STOCK IS COMPLETE. WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR WAGONS, HOES, AND GRAIN CRADLES! ife / f ^^Call and examine our stock. Ve will convince you that we mean what we say, when we tell you that we can and will save you money by buying from us. ~~DALLAS HARDWARE COMPANY,~~ — ' »> > R. L. RAWLS, Manager. < <4< \