The Dallas new era. (Dallas, Paulding County, Ga.) 1898-current, May 27, 1898, Image 6

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■ i tin* WKdlMrtt-taiidiind 0,1 end •-fla lillld to xalisly . irlhuiiT 1' »r ...i. M the nine time find place will to UT.»W4M t,0r *- • . Alio at lTi« Mine flme and place will be told i iBiiiiiiamciMDiBH - ..w. ... - ....u , lot of land No. I860 In theIradlstrlotand third my, itii,: levied on end , •ectlon of Paulding count/, Ga.; levied on end • *«ctlon of Paulding county, Ga.; levied on end 1 wild land to eetlefv e 'lobe sold as unreturned wild lend to *ati*fy a *° he rold a* mi returned wild land to aatlsfy i Worthan T C of aald tax II le 1 turned by a. L. Worthan, T. C. oi said lex fl fe issued by A. L. Worthan, T. 0. of sale lot of land No. 877 In the IHili dlstrtctand tfird Motion of Paulding couir to be sold as unroitimed tax tl fa Issued by A. L Worthan, T. G. of said ... - , oounty, In favor ol the state and eounty vs. county^ tll lavor ot th e state and county-yh said lot of unreiurned wild land for Us state “•* ,H lm, ' H 9nr “ # — loft?land^Ko^7Bo"ln thelstV lot of tail pd county an>oUrn.audjilecn win to g0 | ( i • •SimS**!? ,n J lr1 ' 1 f>»>l and 1ST.>>n ami ..WBi-d wild I rind t„ aatlafy u nty, la favorer the Hint*; and county vs 1 lot nruni.'turm d wild lain) (or lu .iatc I county lu (or tlic jrca'r rniij, Alto at the name time and place will he IO |,i ktl ol land No 1 W In th„ un 1 ,, dlsiiVri ,,mlVl'li . 0.011011 pi 1 aultllng comity, (in., icy cd on sold as nnicc.ini. d wild Und i„ snii.rV « Ux II la li-ancd by A. L. Wnrtliun, T.C. of sild enmity, Hi lavorolihe stale and county v“ Mid lol of uniciuincd wild land lor lu anile' ■ ltd county laa lor the yeni law. Also al the same lime and place will be aold lot ol land No. Iimm Hi, nun district and Slid Ocutlou of rauldlng county, Ua.; Icylcd oil and lu 1st sold as unrrlutiird wild laud to aaltslv a lua 11 la Issued Ity A. L. W orlhau, T. C. ol sold county, 111 tavor ol Utc stale and County * * " III,aa*il.l I,,. .... .. 1897. end county tux tor the ye Also nt the same time and piece will be sold lot of land No. -118 111 the 2nd district and third Section of Paulding comity, Gu.; levied on and ' ‘ * ' ‘ * ‘ tisfy a seld lot of unreturned wild land for its state and county tax for the /cur a897. Also at the same lime and place will be sold lid land lux lUu lsnucd l.l A. I,. ''mrlluf", I . C. „t VB , county, in favor of the state and county vs. said lot of unreturned w ild laud for its state “ " “ “ end county tax .ur the > l lot of lend No. 66 In the 2nd district and third auction of Peuldlng county, (in.; levied on and to be sold es unreturned wild land to satisfy a Ux fl le issued by A. L. Worthen, T. C. or said county, in lsVor of the state and county »uld lol of mucturued wild laud for its stale and comity inx (or the yeaTl897? Also At the same time and place will be sold lot ol land No. I1HU In the IVtli district end 2nd section of Paulding county, Ga. ; levied on and to be sold as umelumed wild land to satisfy la 11 fa Issued by A. L. Worlhau, T. 0. of said unty, tn favor of ihe state and county vs. said lot of u. returned wild laud for it* state end county tux tor the year 1897. Also at tne same* time and place will be sold lot of lai. J No. Witt in the 2nd dlstrictnnd third ;tlon «>/ Paulding county, tin.; levied on and be sold as mirctumed wild laud to satlsly a ...x 11 fa issued by A. L. Worthan, T. C. of said county, In tavor of the state ami county vs. sttid lot of unreturued wild laud for it* state and county tax for the year ttw7. Also at the same time and place will be aold lot of land No. 607 In the 2nd district and third section of Peuldlng comity, tie.; levied on aud to be sold as unreturned wild land to satisfy a tax li fa Issued by A. I.. Worthan, T. C. of said county, In fuvor of the state and county ve. suht iot of unreturne d wild land for it* state •-.I county tax for the year 1897. A iso at the seme time and place will be sold lot of land No. 1228 In the 2nd district and 8rd section of Paulding county, ha., levied on and to la* sold as unrctnrned wild land to satisfy a tnx fl fa Issued by A. L. Worthan, T. 0. of said nty, In favor of the state and comity va. said lol of unreturiied wild land for Its state •lid county lax for the year 1897. # , Also al the same time and nlace #in be sold lot of land No. I *.‘62 In the 19th district and 2nd ctloii ol rauldlng county. Ga.; levied on and " T,lu on ana ed wild lar.d tp satisfy a » Wortliau, T. C. of said to bu sold as unrelume Ux ii la Issued by A. L , w . county, tn favoS of the statu aud county vs. said lot of umetm ued wild laud for Its slate ami county in* tor the year 1897. Also at the Sums lime and place will be sold lol of land No. I2rtl lu llic lutli district and 2nd section cf rauldlng county, (ia.; levied on and > be sol(l ns unyelurued wild land to satisfy a tux II fa Issued bj’ A. 4j Worlhau, T. (J. of said county, Ijj favor of the slate and oounty said Ivi'vf unroturlied wild land for Its state and county tax (or the year I8U7. Also at thosnine time and iditee will he sol* lot of laud No.tal In the ;Hili dlstilet Uiidan Hiding county, (in.; h vied on an unreturned wild hind tn satisfy •«1 by A. L. Worthan. T. (’. of sui vor of the stale* and comity v nid lot or unreiurned wild hind for its stir and com ty tax for tin* year IHW7. the same lime and place will he sot III! the Iftlh district and 2n be sold ns e II fa issi:( nmity.Jn favu nr lillld No etio of IV Vied « •d liy A. I.. Wort him, T. C. of tisfy uly tax for th ; t lie state I wild land fo i^yo.irjr ounty, ( id 2ii ii tisfy aud i nor rauldlng «>1d as unreturned wild land t fa Issued by A. I,. Worthan. T. ( y, in favor of the state and comity > nt of unreturned wild land for Its sta minty lax for the year IW7. Also ,»t the same time aud place will he sob lot of land No. 5A1 ill the lHth dlsti let ami 2i *—~l*44iiui of rauldlng county, (ia.; levied on an ih* rJNJd us unretmn-d wild land to satlsly tax h »'.v A I,. Worih'in, T..C. •*! sal cmdU&fn llf llt l‘ county \ mv d lofhf iiiiieT*WKTfTvlld land for its shv . and county tax for llic year Iku7. Also lit the same time and place will he so lot or land No. r>m in (lie IHlh district and 2i. section of rauldlng county, (ia.; levied on am In lie sold as unreturned wild land to sallsh lu\ ll fa Issued hy A. L. Worthan, T. C. of sa. comity, in favor of the state and county v said lot of unreturned wild luiul tor Its slid and county tax for the year 1h;»7. Also at the same lime ami place will he sol* lot of land No. Ms In (Im IHlh dlstilet and m re* lion of rauldlng comity, (in.; levied on um nt he sold as uuii'lni lied wild land to satisfy lax ll fa Issued hy A. L. Worthan, T. U. of vit comity, In luvor of the stale lii rt comity aid lot of unreturned wild land for Its state iml county tax for the year 1897. Also at'the same ttmeaud place will be sold lot of land No. 1154 In the 2nd district and third section of rauldlng comity, (ia.; levied on and lo be sold as unreturned wild land to satisfy a If x II fa Issued hy A. L. Wo; than, T. G. of said ;*onnty, in favor of the slu t and county vs. <nld lot of unreturned wild land for ft* state tnd county tax for the year 1807. Also at the same time and place will be sold lot of land No. 00( in the 2nd district and third section of Paulding county, (la.; levied on and io be sold as unreturned wild land to satisfy * ax ll fa Issued by A. L. Worthan, T. 0. of said ****ty, In favor of the state and county vs. Also at the same time and place will be told <>t of land No. 702 In the 2nd district and third ■potion of Paulding county, Ga.; levied on and O bp sold as unreturned Wild land to satisfy » ax ll fa Issued by A. I*. Worthan, T. C. of suld ty, In favor of the state and county Int nf li ii i‘(> t ii riutfl ull<l tun,l i*- .. aid lot of unreturned wild land for 11* state lid county Inx for the year 1807. Also at the same time and pla<*o will be sold it .of land No. 0112 In tin* 2nd district and third •cllon of rauldlng , unity, tin.; levied on and . he sold as umetui at I wild laud to satisfy a U fa issued hy A. L, Worthan,T. 0. of said and county Also at the tame time and place will be sold lot of land No. lb in the 2nd district and third section of Paulding county, (>n.; levied on and to Ive sold as unreturned wild land to satisfy a I*, ll i.f uiilS tax 11 la issued by A. L. Worthan, T. G. of said county, in favor of thu state niul county vs. said lot of unreturned wild land for it* state and county lax for the year imr7. Also at the same time and place will be sold county, In favor of the state and oounty vs. said-lot of unreturned wild land for its state and county tax for tht year 1897. Also at the game time and place will be sob lot of land (27 in the ttru district and tliln section of Paulding county, (ia.; levied on anc to be sold as unreturned wild land to satisfy . tax fl fa issued by A. L. Worthan, T. G. of tn* county, In favor of the state and county •aid lot of unreturned wild land for its si'i and county lax for the year 1897. Also at the same time and place will be »ol lot of land No. In the 8rd district and tfiii Section of Paulding county, (in.; levied o:< an io be sold as unretuaned wild lnnd to suthify tax ll fa Issued by A. L. Worthan, T. C. o/ tsah Comity, lu favor of the state and couir c » said lot of unreturned wild laud for Its stat* and county tax for the year 1897. Also at the same time and placo will b« sol- sect ion of Paulding oounty, Gi to be sold as unretuaned wild tax Q fa Issued by A. L. Wort* •ounty, lu favor of the sta •aid lot of unreturned wild 1 •nd county tax for the year ] Also at the same time aalfttlace will be ool lot of land No. 544 in thelftthdistrlct and thli section of Paulding county, Oa.; levied < to lie sold as unretur ‘ * lot of land No. 19 In the 2nd uistrict and third *° l 9* l*»<f No. 285 In tho 8rd district and thli • section of Paulding county, ila.; levied on and section of Paulding oounty, Ua.; levied on am to be sold ax unreturned wild land to satlsly a I be sold as unreturned wild Inndto sat sfy : ‘‘'At. Wiirtliun <P C I A tm lymiad l.v A I. \Vnrlliaii ( u.i ( Ux 11 fa Issued by A. L. Worthan, T. G. of said comity, in favor of the state and comity vs. said lol of unreturned wild land for its state and county tax for the year 1897. Also at the same time and place will' «* ««*• lot of land No. 1140 In the Hrd district and third section of Paulding county. Ga.; levied on and to be sold as unreturned wfld land to satisfy a tax fl fa issued by A. L. Wo than. T. 0. of said county, In favor of the sta • and county va. said lot of unreturned wild land for It* state *nd county tax for the year I Ml. Also at the same time and place will be sold lot of land No. 1196 in the 8rd district and third section of Paulding county. (4*.; levied on und to lie aold ss hiireturned wild land to satisfy tax fl fa Issued by A. L. Worthan, T. G. o! «nld county, In favor of the state and county vs. snld lot of unreturned wild land for its state and county tax for the year 1897. Also at Ihe same time and place will be aold '•unty, In fa- lot of un nd county tax for the your 1897. Also at the same time and place will be sold ot of land No. «* 8 In the 2nd district and thii’u •ictlou of Punldlng comity. Ga.; levied on and ° ,,s unreiurned wild land to satisfy u ux II lu Issued hy A. L. Worthan, T. G. of said uinlyi In tavor of the state and county vs. aid Io ctur ounty tax for th< Also at llic saint time mtl plftcn will Ik* soli lot or land No. HI7 in Ux* Mill (list riot a ml .a ,, *ctlon or Paulding county, tin.; levied on am m he sold as uni'oturned wild luml to satisfy . lux ll fa Issued hy A. L. Worthan, T. G. of sah comity, In lavor oillu* stittc nod county v. Haiti lot *»r unreiurned wild laud for Its stah amt county tax for the year 1897. Also at the Huimi'tluW phee will ho sol loi or liiiul No. ii»2 in ihc iHin dlstr ct and 21. section or Paulding county, Ga.; levied on urn lo he sold as unreturm.d wild land to satisfy . Ill N ll ill issued hy A. L. Worthan, T. Uf or sm ounly. in favor ol the stale aud ftmnty stab »satisfy said lot' ol unreiurned wild land for 1 ami county lax for the year 1897. Also at tile same iline ami place will he sol lot of land No. t.v» m t he 18m distncl and vi. sccilon i*f Paulding county, Ga.; lovlci* to he sold as un rein rued wild laud to 1 lax ll ia issued hy A. L. Worlhau. X. G. county, In favor of llu*. slate ami county \« said lot ol unreturned wild laud for Its stai and county fax lor, tluiycar ls\)7. Also at the same time t}hd pl{iue will lx> sotil lot of land No. IU2 ill tliclHin district'ahd 2i > section of Paulding county, till.*, levied 011 ami old as umeluniton wild lafid to satisfy tax 11 nty vlld land for its stun mid county lax tor Ihe year J897. Also at the same dine and place will he sol. lol of laud No. :MI5 In Hu* IHlh district ami 211 section of Paulding county, G 1.; levied on an to be sold as unreiurned wild land to satisfy i tax II la issued by A. h. Wortlmn.T. G. of sm comity, In lavoraif the stale and county vs said lot of muvturhed Wildland lor Us stab and county lax lor the year 18U7. Also at tin* same tlfm*>nhd*pliicc will be sob lot of land No. -if» in the mill district u-hd 211 Med Ion of Paulding county, (hi.; levied on um u» In* sold as mtivumicd wild land to satisfy 1 tin; 11 la issued by A. L. Wprtlian,T, (). of sub ounly, in favor of ll\ti stale ami eounly* y\ said I" stnt« of Ihe stale anil vlld laud nty lux for the year 1897. Also at the same time and place will he lol of land No. 2 hi tho mill district H?ml section of Paulding county, (4a,; levied on to liwsold as unreturned wild laud to satisfy *«1 by A. li. Worlhau, T. t III. state and com rneil-wild land for It >f sab I. * sold as u ; ll fa Isauct i*itv in fav district ami unty, (hi.; levied on and •d wild land to satisfy . Worthan. T. (’. m hi illy tax for tho •dwild land for it; I the > tin of land No. HI 11 the ibni of Paulding e >1 ie sold ns uhrrcttime ; ll fa Issued hy a. L. inly. In favor of tliv* and place will be 18th (Itstrict mid 2nd nty, Ga.; levied on and 1 w 1 l«i land to satisty a state old 1! lid 1 ; for the year 1897. ime time and place will b 2:w in the mth district and 2nd f Paulding county, Ga.; I at th- Also lit tnc sit 1110 Time uti(l place will tic sold lot of laud No. 1IH lu the 2nd district ami third lection of Paulding county. Ga.; levied dn and lo Ik* sold us unreturned v^<l land to satisfy M tax ll firlfBUOd A. BTivorthnn, T. G. of said county, tn favor of tho state and county vs. mid lot of uurf'Uirnrd wild land for its staw* and county tax (or tho year 1997. Also nt tho same tlino and place will bo sold ot of land No. 271 In the 2nd district and third ( cllon of Paulding comity. Ga.; levied -.*11 and o be sold ns m.jctmncd wild land to satisfy a ax ll fa Issued by A. L. Wurthnn, T. G. of said my. in favor of the stntc and county snld lot of unreturned wild land for Its ’state And comity tax for the year 1897. Also at the same lime and place will tic soin lot of land No. 271 Ii. tin* 2ml district and third seel Ion of Paulding county. Gn.; levied on and to be Sold ns unreturned wild laud to satisfy n tax fl fa Issued by A * *“ th in, T. C. of said ounty, In favor of the sin# and said lot of unreturned wild laud' for Its stab and county tax tor the year 1897. Also at the Mine nml place will lie sold lol of land No. 2U In the 2nd district and thlni section of Pnuldmg county, Gn.; levied on am! to he sold as mi returned wlld-buid to satisfy a tax 11 fa Issued hy A. L. Worthan, T. 0. of said ■M 1 .1 couuty ,, In favor of tin w QHI.. .... said lot of unreturned wllo Inmi for its state and county tax for the year 1897. Also nt the same time and place will be sol lot of land No. 197 in the 2nd district mid thli section of Paulding county, Ga.; levied on an d wild land to satisfy to he sold us 1 _ tax 11 fa Issued l»y A. L. Worthan, T. C. nty,.In favor of the stais and county said lot of unreturned wild laud for Its stab and county tax for the year 1897. Also at the same time and place will bo sol lot of land No. 175 In the 2ml district and till- section of Paulding county, Ga.; levied on an to lie sold ay unieiurnm: wild land to satisfy tax 11 fa issued hy A. L. Worthun, T. G. of sui county, In favor of the state nml county said lot of and county tux for tit Almost the same time and tilnee will be sole ot of land No. 97.7 In the Unddi.itrlcl and third •f Paulding county. Gn.; levied on ig county, Ga.; levied on am „ , , mined wild land lo satisfy n .ix ll fa Issued by A. L. Worthan, T. G. of pair •ounty, In favor of the state and county v» * Id lot of mi returned wild laud for Its slat* bio county tux for the year 1897. Also at the mime time. aiiU pi a ot of land No. 7Uft in the 2nd db . srfll 1m sole , . „ . -ml dUtrlct and third cllon of Paulding county, Ga.; levied on and cd wiid land to satisfy 0 II fa Issued hy A. L. Worthan, T. G. of sAb. ty, in favor of the statu and county Also at the same time and place will be sold lot of land No. H89 in the 2nd district and third lection of Paulding county, Ga. ; levied on aud 11 fa Issued by A. L. ’ unty, in luvor of the state und couuty vs .aid lol ol unreturned wild land for Its stab and county tax for the year 1897. Also at the same time and place will be soli lot ol land No. IMU In the 2nd district and thire tlon of Paulding county, Gn.; levied on am tisfy a ild land , tliun, T. G. of sub ounty nix ll la issued by A. L. \V county, In favor of tho stntc ami tB snld lot of uiirciuriuul wild land for Its stub and county tax for the year 1897. Also at the same time and place will be sold lot of lnnd No. «(i» In the 2nd district and third section of Punldlng county. Gu.; levied on eno to be sold us un re turned wild lund to satisfy u tux 11 fa issued by A. L. Worthan, T. G. of said county, In favor of the state ami county vs. said lot of unreturiied wild land for Its stute aud county tax for the year 1897. Also nt the dame time niuPplace will l>e sob lot of lnnd No. till In the Hrd district und tlilr* —ittpii of Punldlng county, Ga.; levied on am ed wild land to satisfy to lie sold tnx 11 fa Issued by A. L. Worthan, T. G. of sal; f , In favor of the state and county vs inx tl fa b co.mtv, in fa* s lid lot of um \. L. W« of (lie of said i\ fo A Is vild land fo the year 1897/ tlipc amlujlitOd w lol of land Nd section of Paul ling county. Ga.; Ie> to la* sold at it ii iv tn riled* wild land t i v It fa issued by A. L. Wortliah. T couuty. in favor of tie* slate and vild land fo la v fo ■ 181*7. gi...11 1. ...i n. ,,,,, 10,11 district aiiH •i,w section of Paulding county, Ga.; I Coit^xv^ hi luvor of the SHtd n44i.f unreturned sad county tax lor the year ibyj. Also at the samo time a .. •-J satisfy a lh *n,T. G. of said *»(** and county vs Id la* d for tui sUto • au ai mo samo time and nlacn win 01 land No. 7J0 In th. litl, . J 11 * ol *l Motion ol i'auldiiifliounly o»' 1 i r ( ,L l 7l 1<i Ullrtl to bi. sold aa umolurnid !Jild t',.d on »»<1 tax 11 fa isaui'd by A? L iv ur , r "% « oounty, lu favor of tho mi, ..j 1 '*'• “Id ...Id lH of u,m.t„n"d • vs - and county tax for the yeur J897 18 t the snnic Also at the same tin.. ...... WII lot of land No. 7(1 In the Hrd district section of Paulding county, (^a.. levied on an to be sold ns jin returned wild land to satisfy 11 t-i issued by A. I.. Worthan, T. G. of county, in fovor of tl.e state amt county vs said lot of umreturneA wild Nml for its stnt' ami county tAx for thf^year 1897. Als t the same time nml place will Ik* sold lot of land No. HI in the Hrd district ami third ton of Paulding county, (in.; levied on im »e sold as unr. turned wild land tosatisfy Ml by A. L. Wo fun, T. t unty • 1... u.viri ... • A . , ■ • 1 ' 11 ” °n an 1 wtbl land to satisfy x tl fa I • m*d I# A. I., unty, in favor of the state and coum id lot of unreturned wild iand for its d county tax for tho year 1897. Also at the same time and nlace will be cniH ! il f 1,1 tl ”‘ 2,1(1 Strict and third e tlon of 1 aulding county, t;,,. ; levied on and ••-•'•»d wild iand to satisfy •ectlon of Paulding county, Ga.; levied on at to be sold sa unreturned wild land to oatlrtfy tax fl fa issued by A. L. Worthan, T. G. of Kald county,-in favor of the state and county vs. said lot of unreturned wild Und for Ua state and county tax for the year 1897. Also at the same time and place will be sold lot of land No. 64 In the 9rd district and third snctlon of Paulding county. Ga.; levied on and ICC 1 lull ui raniumb tohhi/. v»a., itTiru un SI to be sold as unreturned wild land to satisfy „ tax fl fa issued by A. L. Worthan, T. G. of said •ounty, lu favor of the state and county vs. said lot of unretur .ed wild land for its state and county Ux for the year 1997. Also at the same time and place will ba sold lot of land No. 26 In the Ird district and third •ectlon of Paulding oounty. Qa.; levied on aud to be sold as unreturned wild land to satisfy a Ux fl fa issued by A. L. Worthan, T. C. of said county, In favor of tha state and county vs. said lot of unreturned wild land for 1U statu aud county tax for the year 1897. and third lot of land No. 49 lu the Ird •ectlon of Paulding county. Ga.; levied on and to be sold as unreturned wild land to satisfy n tax 11 fa issued by A. L. Worthan, T. G. of said county, in favor of the state and county said lot ofninretumed wild laud for it* state and county tax for the year 1997. Also at the same time and place will be sold lot of land No. U7 In the Srd district and third section of Paulding county. Ga.; levied 011 and be sold us unreturned wild land to satisfy a * *.y A. 1 «•—»-- "* " — of tlr tax 11 fa Issued by A. L. Worthan, T. C. of said county, lu favor of the state and county vs. said lot of unreturned wild land for Ita state •nd county tax for the year 1897. •aid lot of unreturned wild N.nd for its stai aud county tax for the year 1897. Also at the same time and place will bo sob lot of land No. 218 In the Hrd district and tillr. •ectlon of Pau'.dlng county, Ga.; levied ■reuon 01; levied oil am to b* sold as unreturned wild land to sathify tax fl fa Issued by A. L. Worlhau, T. 0. of sail county, In favor of the state nml count;; » Mid lot of unreturned wild land for It* atal« and county tax for the year 1897. Also at the same time and plnce will be sold lol of laud No. *60 In the 19th district and third fcctlon 01 Paulding county, Gu.; levied on ano to be sold m» uiiicluiucd wild lund to satisfy t, tux 11 la Issued by A. L. Worthnu, T. G. of sub* county, in fuvor ul tiie state and county vs said lot of unreturm d wild land for Its stab and county tax tor the year 1897. Also at the eiuuc time and place will be soli, lot of luml No.Pin In the loth district and thin* section ol Paulding county, Ga.; levied on anu lu be sold us unruiurncu wild land to satisfy t. tax 11 fa issued by A. L. Worthun, T. G. of county, lu lavor of the stale ami county said lot ot uurcturucd wild iuiul for Its stab and county tax ior the year 1897. Also at thu same time and plad* will bo soli lot of land No. uU In the loth district and thin section 01 Paulding county, Ga.; levied on um to be sold as uurciuriieu wild land to suilsty a tux 11 la issued by A. L. Worthan, !, G. ot sun. county, in luvor ot the state und count/f .» •aid lot of unreiurned wild land for its »tut and county tax lor the yeur 1897. Also at the same time and place will be sol lot of land No. 182 In the Hrd district and tbl section of Paulding county. Ga.; levied on mi to be sold as unreturned wild lund to satisfy tax fl fa Issued by A. L. Worthan, T. G. of sni county, In favor of the state atid county v? •aid lot of unreturned wild land for its stai and county tax for the year 1897. Also at the same time und place will be sol lot of land No. 247 in the Hrd district and thli Section of Paulding county, Ga.; levied on an county, In favor of the state mid county ••id lot of unreturm d wild land for its stat And county tax for the year 1807. Also at the same time ana place win be sob lot of land No. 809 in the Hrd district and U1V1. •ectlon of Paulding county. Ga.; levlrdion au to be sold ns unieiurnt U wild lund to satisfy tnx fl fa Issued by A. L. Worthan, T. 0. of county, in tovor of the state and county said lot of unreturned wild land for Its stut and couMy tux lor the year 18*27. . ... . .... Also at the same-time and place will be sob Also at the 1)®* bf sold j lot of land No. 9ou tn the 8r«l district und tlilr* section of Paulding county, Gu.; levied on an lot of land No. 59 In the 8rd dlstrlot and third section of Paulding county. Ga.; levied on and to lie sold as unrecuyned wild land to satisfy n tax fl fa issued hy A. L. W orthan, T. G. of said county, in favor of the state and county vs. said lot of unreturned wild land for Its state and county tux fur tho year 1897. Also at the same time and place will bo sold lot of land No. 58 in the 8rd district and third •cotton of Paulding county. Ga.; levied on ami to lie sold as unreturned wild lnnd to satisfy h tax fl fa Issued by A. L. Worthan, T. 0. of said county, In favor of the state aud couuty vs. •aid lot of unreturned wild land for lu atUc and county Us for the year 1897. Also at llie same time and place will be sold iot of land No. 4 In the Srd dlstrlot and third •ectlon of l’auldlng couuty, Ga.; levied on and to bo sold as unreturned wild laud to satisfy a tax fl fa Issued by A. L Worthan, T. G. of said county, lu favor of the state and county vs. said lot of uureturnod wild land for its state aud county tux for the year 1897. Also at the same time nud pluoe will be sold lot ot lund No. 29 in the Hrd district and third •cotion of Paulding couuty, Ga.; levied on aud »* *»**''•• “ *■/ • iru III! ni! to be sold as unreturned wild laud to satisfy „ lux 11 fa Issued by A. L. Worthan, T. G. of said couuty, in favor of the state und couuty vs. said lot of unreturned wild land for It* state and county tax for the year 1897. Alee at Uie same time aud place will be aold lot of land No. 22 lu the Hrd Uistrict and third section of Paulding county, Ga.; let led on and to Ve sold as unreturned wild land to sartary a tax fl fa Issued by A. L. Worthan, T. G. of said county, in favor of the state and couuty vs said lot of unreturned wild land for it* stat* and county tax for the year 1897. Alto at tha same time and piuoc wiP fo j ( , lot of land No. 28 in Ihe 8rd district and third •ectlon of Paulding county, Gu.; le*. led on and to Le sold as unreturned wild land !o satisfy a tax 11 fa Issued by A. L. Worthan. T. G. of said county, in favor of the state stul county ts raid lot of unreturned wild Und for it* state and eouiriy tax for the year 1697. Also at the same Mui* and place will he sold lot of land No. 0L8 In the ffrd district and third section of Paulding county. Ga.; levied on and to Im? sold as unreturned wild land to satisfy a tax fl fa Issued by A. I.. Worthan, T. C. of said county, in favor of the itatc and couutjr vs. snld lot of unreturned wild lnnd for ita stato and county tax for the year IbvT . »<'''• •*'»*," D >' “nil [.lace will to mid lol of lnnd No. In Hi. Ord nl.trlot and Ihlrd Mellon of rauldlng conn tx, Ga.; levied oil and tnsatlHfy a •reuon ui muiuiiig coil Illy. le 1 to be sold as unretuaned wildland „ tax fl fa Issued by A. L. Worthan, T. C. of said co [»nly, Tn favor of the state and county vs. Id lol of nnreturnei; *Ti:d lund for it* state and county tax for the year 1897. to bo sold us unreturned wild luml to satisfy tax 11 fa issued by A. L. Wort linn, T. G. of county, lu favor of the state und county ; for th' d wild land lor its stut said lot of un •ml county Also at the same time and place will be soli lot of lund No. 992 hi the 8rd district and thlr< section of Paulding county, Ga.; levied on am to be sold as unreturned wild lund to tatisfy • tax 11 fa Issued by A. L. Worthan, T. G. of sub county, lu favor of the state und county said lot of unreturued wild laud for Its stut and oounty tax fortthc year 1897. Also at the same time nml place will be so! lot of land No. 195 In the 19th district and till, •ectlon of Paulding county, Gu.; levied on ai> to Im* Sold as unreturned wild lnnd to satisfy tax 11 fo issued by A. L. Worthun, T. G. of sat county, in favor of the state and snld lot of unreturned wild land for its • and county tux for the year Jt<97. Also at the same time and place wHll bo to bo sold as unreturned wild land to satisfy tax fl fa Issued by A. L. Worthun, T. G. of sa county, in favor of the stntc ami county v snld lot of unreturiied wttd land for Its sta and cumtty lax for the year 1897. Also at the same time and place will bp pol io be sold as unreturned wild land to satisfy tax 11 fa issued by A. L. Wortlmn, T. G. of sal .nty, In favor of the state und county vs •aid lot of unreturned wild land for it* stat aqd county tax for the year 1897. Also at the same tlino and place will be sold lo* of land No. ;2Win the 19th district nndlnird •ectlon of Paulding county. Ga.; levied on And c -III •Jl I “ll. , It lit to be sold ns unreturned wild land to satisfy „ tax 11 fa issued by A. L. Wortlmn. T. G. of uald county, iu favor of the s*ate and county vs ? and place will be sol suid lot of unreturned wild land for its'state and county tax for the y Also at the tame tl , lot of land No. 17 In the lutli district nml 81 •ectlon of 1 aulding county, Gn.^iWicd ou an to he sold as unreturned wild land to satisfy tnx li fa Issued by A. L. Worthan, T. G. of sal county, In favor of the state nml county snld lot of unreturned wild land for its stat and county tax for the y Also at the same time and place will 1*> sol Also .M tti# toto* llm. »nd pile, will to m!.? IM Ilf lnnd N*. M3 in tho 8ril illitrlol and thtril ^"•r?"!'!?; i on and to be soldn* unreturned wild land to satisfy tax fl fa Issued by A. L. Wortlmn, T. G. of said county lu favor of the stale ond county \> •aid lot of unretui-ned wild land for its stat • ml cdunty tax for the year 1*97 Also at the same time and place will Im* sob !" ** u /4 ''W *> ll > land la antt.fy a ,nx fl fa A.Ji.. Worthan, T, 0. of .aid "W'y. “J '»*••* of Ilf. .tat. and cornu., , “ ..Id lot of nnrwturnad wild laud for lt» ,fM« and countj tn to r tho j car lew. Alao at llic Mine Um, and plncc win be sold to Im* sold ns unreturned wild land to satisfy tax ll fa issued by A. L. Wortlmn, T. C. of sal county, In favor of the state ami county said lot of unreturned wild land for its slat and county tax for the year 1897, Also at the same time and place will bo Bold lot of laud No. 42 lu the 19th district and thli lot of land No. (172 lu the Hrd district and third i #oelion of Peuldlng county, Gn.; levied on am section of Paulding county. Ga. ; levied on and 10 bt * * old ftS unreturned wild land to satisfy 1. to be sold as unreturned wild lund to satisfy a I b fu issued l*y A. L. Wortlmn, T. G. «»f sah tax fl fa Issued by A. I.. Worthan. T C of amI.i , county, In favor of the state and county vs on,. .. , 1.1 fn „f ,1. .. — a _ . *. * * fcllll calil nf ,111 Hn 111 M.....I ... 4 1 . I I ..... I f... if—’ .'III t. county, In favor of the state and countr v« I lot unreturned wild land for its sta E*lft Int n( iiniwtupniwl wll.l I.....I < * . . 1 a ful i *111 int v Inv fur 111.. v*a>n r IKU? said lot of unreti\rned wild laud for Its state I * nd eount y tllx Jo1 ,lu? y*‘ ar nd county tnx feV th* year 1897. | Also nt tho saute tune and place will be sold Also at the same time and place will be sold 1 iul 01 lu,ul aN ’°* Bili 1,1 lliu I9lli'iiistrl6t un’d tuu‘d lot of land No. 678 In the Srd district and third ! * LU 1 lio11 Paulding couuty. ua., levied on anu section of Paulding county^.Gn.; levied on'and 1 lo 1,0 8olri * ls unreturned wild laud to satlsly u he sold as unreturned wfld lund to satUfv'a • lax 11 ltt ‘nsued by A. orihuii’T.’c' oV" e fl fn l^sued by A. L. Wortlmn, T. G. of said r “ county, In lavor ui the state aud county vs county, In favor of the state and county V s. lo1 ol uu^iumed wild land lor iu auu* snld lot of unreturned wild land for it* state ! ai ‘d couuty tax ior they and county tax for the year 1*97. .. , , * ., .. * . Also at the same time nml plnce will be sold I«d *21 h* 8old ,ot of land 4H8In the 19th district and third lot of «and No. t^ft In ihe Urd district and third section of Panlcllifg.couuty.Ga.; levied on ui section of I a&ldtng county t Ga.; levied on urd | lo be sold ns unreturned wild land to satisfy l n ^ nn • T. C. of said county, in favor of the state nud county county , in fax or of tint state and county vs. ! said lot of unreturned wild land for its state returned wild land for Its state ! aud county tax for the year 1897. I* fop Ihn vnnr Hill I ' * said lot Of aud county tax for the year 1891 Also at the same time and place will t>e m.i.i I . ^ . . lot of land No. 726 In the Hrddlstrict and third 101 of lnnd No - 1867 in 1,10 l®l*» d *B*f*ctand th Section ol l'aulding county, Ga.; levied un and J ® ec ,^ ou ,°f Psuldlng count/, Ga.; levied to be sold ns unreturned wild land to satisfy a tax 11 m issued by A. L. Wortlmn, T. G. of said comity, in favor of the state and county said lot ot unreturned wild land lor'TuT'state and eounty tax for the yeur 181*7. Also nt the same time nnd place will be sold lot ol land No. 787 in*the Hrd district and third section of Paulding county, Ga.; levied on and tisfy a x fl fa issued by A. I. unty, in fuvor of tl. .... , VKJUU lo lot of unreturned wild land for it* id county tnx for thc.vear J8U7 and place will Im* sold T. G. of said ty vs. •late lot of luml No (Win ihn ISlVillslricI »nd tlilfd ' *°< "( >""'1 No HP In tile 2nd district nml tl.Vrd iti-tlon o. I’nultUng county, levied on nno 1 "11 iiuldlnn cminly, (In ■ levied on «nd tuhesoldusuliletniucdwlldluidto sMtLfv ^ ''' ’ " ! 1 tux 11 fH Issue,1 by A. h, Wortlmn, T. C of ,ild to be sold as unreturned wild land to satisfy tax fl fa issued by A. L. W«* t nn, T. G. of sal county, in favor of the sti. • and county vi said lot of unreturned wilo .and for its stat and county tax for the year 1897. Also at the same time and plnce will be *ol lot of land No. lfl in the 19th district and thin section of Paulding county, Ga.; levied on anc. to be sold as unreturned wild land to satisfy tnx fl fa issued by A. L. Worthan, T. G. of sal eounty, In favor of the state and county v said lot of unreturned wild land for its sta •nd county tax for the year 1697. Also nt the same time and place will be sold lot of land No. 1258 in the 19th district and thlr „ . - section of Paulding county, Ga.; levied on oj to be sold as unreturned wild land to sitlsfv a to ^ sold as unreturned wild lund to satisfy tax fl fa issued by A. L. Wortlmn, T. G of suld ta * d halted by A. L. Worthan, T. G. of sale county, In favor of the state and county county, tn favor of the state and eounty vs snld lot of uurctnrnod wild land for Its atatV ,ttid * ot of unreturned wild land for Its stub and county tax for the year 1897. and couuty tax for the year 1807. 0 Also at tho same time and place will bo «nM -^ ao at ®nme time nnd place will be sold il ..I luml V.. 7U1 In ll.„ u..l '.li.... . •-» -• 1 > v. . . . • »*• • to be sold as unreturned wild hind to' tux 11 fu Issued by A. L. Worlhau, T. C. of said county, iu tavor of the state and couuty vs said lot of unreturned wild land for it* state and cuunty lax for the year 1897. AU„ rf uhc Unie .nd place w.„ to sold J| ot mnilNo 7t*t In lb,, Ord district nnd til Ird ndloli ol l'.ulding counij-, Un,; lovlcd on and — ,J ' ntlflly a i lu ihe aril district nnd third Hiding county, (la.; levied on olid ntisty unty, iu fav said lot of and county tax for the year 1897, Also at the same time and plnec.will t*» sold .lol of limd No. 40*J in the isth district and third xetMlon of Paulding county, Ga.; levied on and to*bc sold ns uni t turned wild land to satisfv •• , tax ll fa issued by A. L. W oi than, T. C. of ^uid nty. in lavor of the slMe nnd county lot of land N- sect Ion of l 1 hvii.riltn'iV'o TM to he sold as unreturned wild !niid Wnlh.iMT , ,% t e‘ Sfy i'i lnx 11 fH , l88ucd X) y A - L - Wortlmn, T. G. of naid iho s!!.fn n ’., V C< °f S,lhl county, iu favor of ihe state and county V s led w r,?i c „ i V . Cl «, inty , v - s - 8ald tot of unreturned wild land for Its J 8tate Uw year i«r? * * aud county tax for the year 1697. .. . ““‘and place will be sold lot of land No. 1288 in the 19th district and thlrr, seotion of Paulding county. Ga.; levied on and • r. l.A ...1,1 iA . D J •'ll.,.;.. . _ unty tux f. »at the sum iand No. (.0 ii f Paulding Jin turned wild lund t« 0 l by *. b- b "it ban, T.C oi of tin* rlaic a „d (•■*•* (1 wild land for 1897. ib In tho Hrd district and third * ot ^ toml No. 1222 in the 19th dtstri^t ami third old as led t aud county t Also nt the lot of land N section tif l'aulding to be sold ns unreiurned tax ft ia Issued by A. L. \\ orthan, T. C. ‘ *»i»il county to be sold as unreturned wild land to satisfy tax 11 fn Issued by A. L. Wortlmn, T. C. of Bald county, in favor of the state nnd county vs •aid lot of unreturned wild land for Its stat and county tnx for the year 1891. Also at the snme time and pface will be sold ty, Ga.; levied on and tld land to satisfy a t* sutc j and county tax fy^r the year 1897. •ectlon of Paulding county, Ga.; levied ... to be sold as unreturned wild land to satisfy Ux fl fa Issued by A. L. V orthan, T. G. of said oounty, in favor o? the t-tatc and county vs. •aid lot of unreturned wild lnnd for its state •nd county tax for the year 1897. lot oi tana *>o. oivm me mu uiiirici ana mil section of Paulding county, Ga.; totted on ati to l*e sola •• unrcturn«d wild land tosatisfy » ^ - - - - fl fa Issued by A. L. Worthan, T. C. of *ai county, in favor of th* state and oounty v said lot of unreturued wild land for its sta- and county tax for tha yeai 1187. Also at tho same time and place will bo sol lot of land No. 616 In tho 19th district and thli section of Pauldingootnity, Ga.: levied on an to be aold al unreturned wild lafid to satisfy tax fl fa Issued by A. L. Worthan, T. G. of sal jounty. In favor of tho state and county vr mid lot of unreiurned wild Und for Ito stat •lid county tax for the year 1697. Also at the same time and place will be eol* tot of land No. 617 In <h« 19th district and lblr< n otion of Pauldlug county. Ga.; levied on am o be sold as uurctnrnod wild land to aatlsfo .. ax fl fa Issued by A. L. Worthan, T. C. of sah ounty, In favor of tho state and county vr •aid lot of unreturued wild land for ita stab nd county tax for tho year <697. Also at the same time and place will be nob lot of laud No. 88* In the 16tn uistrict am. third section of Paulding couuty, Gif.; levied ui. ... lu be sold as unrciumcd wild laud to satlsi\ tax 11 fa Issued by A. 1* WorUiau, T. G. of t,ai. county, lu lavor ol tho state* aud county \ t said lol of uurclurued wild land for iu iui aud county tux for ihe year 1*97. Also at ihe same time aud place will be sob lot of land No. 249 In the 10th dlstricVswid thin section of Paulding county. Ga.: lovlcd on an to Im? sold ag unreturned wild lrhd to satisfy tax ll fa Issued by A. L. Wortlmn, T. C. of ua county, in favor of the state and county v. •aid lot of unreturned wild land for its stat and county tax for ihe year 1897. Also at (be same time and place will be sol lot of laud No. 292 In the 19th district and thli section «*f Paulding county, Ga.; levied on an to Im? sold as unretuaned wild land to satisfy tnx 11 fa Issued by A. L. Worthan, T. G. of sai county, in favor of the state ana county v. fatd lol of unreturned wild land for its sta* and county tnx for tin* year 1897. the dread of the cotton gfower, can be prevented. Trials? at Experiment Stations arid ths experience of leading growers prove positively that * is the only remedy. Wc will be glad to send, free of charge^ interesting and useful pamphlets which treat of the matter in Retail. GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau St., Now York. Also at the same time and place will be sob lot of land No. 6(6 In the 10th district and thlr- •icctlon of Paulding county, Ga.; levied on bn< to be sold as unj'cturued wild land to Satisfy j .ax fl fa lssu-d by A. L. Worthan, T. C. of sab •ounty, in favor or the state and couuty vs said lot of unreturned wild land for ito su;> •ml county tax for the year 1897. Also at the same time aud place will ba aold lot of land No. 640 in the 19th district and third lection of Paulding county. Ga.; levied on on3 n ho sold as unreturued wild land to satisfy • ax fl fa Issued by A. L. Worthan, T. 0. of Mid minty, In tavor uf the state and oouuty va. aid lot of unrelurued wild laud ftft lu •!•(• •*j Muuutyjax for the year 1807. This Kebnwrv Jlrd, 1808. B. F. WHEELER, •Sheriff J. 1 J . GREER, Dentisf, i ALLAS, - - - CEOHCI Will ilu nil kind of Dentil wolk; lee' xtrnctcd without piiln. All work gun iteed.Jl^-Olliee in new Co'irtliouse. A. MUREOOE Jeweler, > MIAS, ‘ ^ - 6E0RGI WntchcH, Clock*, etc., repnlr* I) work guaranteed. SN^l PAPER. ro you expert to do liny |i ling? We will send you free a ltir, election of mmples from t)c. per roll U| I i:ew colorings und novelties ii|> t le. WE PAY FREIGHT. We wa i agent in every lowu lo sell on comml on from huge sample hooks. No capi I required. For samples or partlctilai lilress, S. WOLF, 747-153 Ninth Avk., N, Y, City We Club THE NEW. ERA with he Weekly Constitution, he. Weekly Journal, .'lie Thriec-a-Week World, I’he Twicc-a-wcek Globe-Democrat, I’he Twlcc-n-weck Ciniricr-Journal, I’wice-a-wook Detroit Free Press, .lorne and Farm, *1.8' *1.8 *1.4 *1.5 *1.3 *1.3 *1.1 Job Work cutly done on short notice Cull at The NET* era OFFICE. Our Motto, “Live, and Let. Live. ’ “Rust, H* Kainit Which means our prices are not Alliance Prices, but below them. Also, a full line of Justice Court Blanks, Blank Deeds, etc., at lowest prices. ^VVL mi £ Future comfort for prcient; J seeming economy, but buy the; »sewing machine with *n estab- [ jlishcd reputation, that yuar* ; antees you long and satisfao*; ;tory service, g* j* J* .S J*! ; ITS PINCH TENSION TENSION INDICATOR, (devices for regulating end showing the exact tension) arc a few of the features that emphasise the high grade character of the white. Send for our elegant H.T. catalog. White Sewing Machine Co.. CLEVELAND, 0. For Flatulent Colic,Dlarrhaa, j Dfi.ntory, I Nausea,Coufh», Cholera Infantum,Teeth-' ! Ins Children, Cholera I Msrbue, Unnatural Drain* •' from the Bowels, Paine, \ Griping, Lois of Appetite, Indignation, and all Disoasta of th# Stoaaoh and i Bowels. Pitt’s Carminative LUMBER! LUMBER! J, C, A J. B. U'ATSON, Proprietor i** tbo .stMndnril. It carries children over the critical period of teething, and in rec oin mended by nhvfticinn* ax the friend of Mother*. Adult* ntul Children, it la ploisauf to the taste, and never :lve sittHincdon. A few doses will fTomon- strati* It* superlative virtu***, l’riee, 25ct«. •>or hot tie. For sale by druggiM*. Rough and Dressed Lumber, Moulding and Shingles. Will deliver cur load lots nt Dtdlim, llirnm I’owder Springs or Acworth on short .utlcc. It will he to your interest to write no nnd got mv | rln s hoforo ordering "laewhuro. W. M. Ei.hiikiiiit, Tuylorsvillc, Gn. Dallas Livery Stablo, Havi purchased Iho Foote sta bles, we will keep good stock for the public, day or night. VVe have rcduc ed our charges in proportion to Ihe hard times. Parties hiring horses nro trictly responsible for the sufety of hemsolvcs, vehicles, und horses. Respectfully, ✓ J. C. & J B. Watson DeWitt’s Little Early Risers, The taaiMie little pills.