The Dallas new era. (Dallas, Paulding County, Ga.) 1898-current, June 24, 1898, Image 7

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LOCAL LINES. Ice taken on subscription. Hie melancholy day* hare come. School books for sale or exchange- at thta office. Mr. T. M. Sanders has been Indisposed the past few days. DwWItt'a Little Early Risers, Tbe Mina* Hill* pill*. Mr. R. B. Smith made a business trip to Birmingham last week. Messrs. C. Bi and Alex Spinks were down about Bfownsville Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Moon, of Hiram t visited relatives In Dallrs Sunday. Mr. Charlie Fain has returned home, nf- ter a few days pleasant stay In Atlanta. Mr. Bartow Carter, of Cnrtersvllle, is visiting relatives la Dallas this week. Mr. S. B. Ragsdale, of near Hiram, lias been on the sick list for the past week. Mrs. J. M. Mason, of Atlanta, is visiting her paro t», Dr. and Mrs. 8. Robertson. Mr. George Bobo, of Atlanta, visited his sister, Mrs. W. R. Griffin, last Sunday. Skin Diseases Cured. For tlie cure ,qf teller, itch, eczema erysipelas, and all irritations of the akin Dr. Edmondson’s Kczcuin Cure is the standard. Price $0 cents per bottle. Ad dress Dr. Frank Edmondson, Atlanta, On. Prof. E. F. Marston, of Atlanta, repre senting the Everett PlanoCompeny, spent part of this week In our city. Misses Sallie sad Emma Hays, of Rock- mart, are visiting the family of Mr. J- Rob’t. Moon tbis'^week. When you start out to "tackle "the finny tribe don’t forget to take a bottle ol Dr. Tlcbenor’s Antiseptic. Nothing equal to it for fin wounds' fish hook wounds, bites and stings of Insects and it is no lied thing for "snake bite." Re member it cures dolic also while you wai' about ten minute! 8. Robertson & Son can sell It as fast as you can buy it' Price 80c, Miss Ethel Lewis, of Temple, who has been the guest of Mr. W. C. McBrayerV family for the past few days, hns return ed heme. UOOD’t Sarsaparilla is the One ■ ■ True Blood Purifier, Great Nerve Tonic, Stomach Regulator. To thou- aands its great merit Is KNOWN, Miss Rosa McBraycr will spend a week or two visiting' friends an I relatives in. and around Temple. Messrs. W. R. Russ’om and J. O. Un derwood. accompanied by Misses Maggie Cooper aad Minnie Russom attended the *lnging at Bethel last Sunday. The speech of Father Abraham in the last nuinlier of Poor Richard's Almanac, published by Benjamin Franklin in 1757, "Contains the Wisdom of many ages and natious assembled and formed into one connected discourse." When Hist pub- Ished it attracted woTld wide attention and was copied in all of the newpapersin America and England and translated into many foreign lungunge*. Would you not like to read Ilf Get* copy free of charge at A. J. Cooper A Co.'s drug store. Mr. N. T. Bullock, of near DalMs, was exhibiting Saturday the finest specimens of cabbage, onions, and caulitlower that we have seen. Mi<* Maud Hooper, who has been visit ing her sister, Mrs. J. B. Watson, of Dal las, returned to her Home near Mnblcton Monday.. Mr. N. Cooper, our popular nml effi cient county treasurer, Is reported very- ill and not expected to live hut a few days. However, we hope be may yet be spared to Ills many friends. A crcat record of cures, une qualled in medical history, proves Hood’s Sarsaparilla possesses merit un known to any other MEDICINE. Messrs. B. T. McGarity and J. H. Mat' thews, of YorkvHlc, were In Dallas Wed nesday. -<■ A good flouring niili in Dallas would do a good business, and is badly needed Why does not some one who lias the idle capital invest It'in tin enterprise of the kind here? It,would lie more profitable to themselves and the people at large than lending a few dollars occasionally at an enormous per cent., and more humanly. Consider thie. Mr. J. M. Hay was in Atlanta Wedne - ay on business’. Your friends may smile But that tired feeling Means danger. It Indicates impoverished And impure blood. This condition may Lead to serious illness. It should be promptly Overcome by taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla, Which purifies and Enriches the blood, Strengthens the nerves, Tones the stomach, Creates an appetite And builds up, Energizes and vitalizes The whole system. % Be sure to get Only Hood’s. Dr. W. C. Connally left Inst Friday to nttend the annual meeting of the Assoc'a- tinn of Surgeons of the Southern Bail way Company, which meeting was held this year at Old Point Comfort, Vn., on the 21st and 22nd Inst. Dr. Connally is marked on the program for a paper, the subject being "Shock." The doctor was accompanied by bis daughter, Miss Lottie, who will, on her return trip, stop over for a few days at Toccoa, visiting relatives. Skin Diseases. For the speedy and permanent cure of tetter, salt rhenm and eczema, Cham berlain's Eye and Skin Ointment is without an equal. It relieves the Itch ing and amarting almost instantly and its continued nae effects a permanent cure. It also cures itch, barber's itch, scald head, sore nipples, itching plies, chapped hands, chronic sore eyes and granulated lids. Dr. flirt Condition Powders for horses are the best tonio, blood purifier and vermifuge. Price, 25cents. Sold by For saleihy A. .1. Cooper*Co. Best of Wagon and Buggy Harness at lowest prices, at The Dallas Hardware Store. Mr. J. R. Henderson, of Atlanta, while up to see home folks, came in Monday and ordered The New Era, paying cash, for which he has our thanks. A Cure for Constipation- I was troubled with Constipation fin several years, and frequently went to nine days without my bowels moving. I spent several dollars for the cure of same, but without success. Tills lust winter i salesman insisted on me buying some lin- mons Liver Pills and Tonic Pellets, re marking that they were the ‘best on eurtli.’ laughed at the idea, but purchased one dozen boxes. Since Unit time I have used three boxes and am now enjoying (be tied of health. I recommend them to my customers and the result is I have sold six dozen boxes already.—M. J. Browning, druggist, Germantown, Ky. Mr. a. W. Furr was in Villa Hlca las Saturday and Sunday visiting Ills wife who Is undergoing medical treatment. II. L. Owens will address the people on the importance of Sunday schools: New Georgia, 2nd Sunday in June, 10 u. in.; I’lnu Ridge, 2nd Siimluy in June, 8:110 p m.; Cross Roads, Bid Sunday,'10.n. m.; Mt Miirinh, Bril Sunday in June, b:U0 p. m.; Allgood church, 4tli Sunday in June to a. m. Mrs. Sallie Golden and soil, Kn >x, vis ited the family of Dr. \V. F. Golden, of Drikctown, Saturday and Sunday. The minutes of the General meeting of tlie Tallapoosa Association, which was held at Holly Spriugs some time.ago, will appear in our next issue. FINCH STILL THE LEADERS. While imitators arc surging and pulling strings trying to claim the earth and making themselvs odious witj^ch promises they can’t fill* The old reliable is moving placidly along selling more gpods than any other two houses in town, and buying from the people all they have to sell. Can you pass around us any of you good citizens when you know wo arc the fathers of your market and the main stay in all your commercial interest? Look to us for favors and call on us for information. Our shoulders are broad and we are able to carry the loads heaped upon us by would-be competitors AND NOT FALTER. Common sense and experience are both requisites in business and while we are modest in our claims for the first we claim a good store of the latter and it is ever needful in buying and selling merchandise. We arc going to sell fifty thousand dollars worth of goods this year. It takes goods and prices to bear up assertion. Watqh us. Your Friends, Davis & Finch. Miss Mary Ne.. om, the popular i d Mr. W. D. Butler, of near Dra'rotowu, efficient teacher ct mu primary dcpait- died last Friday morning and wan In - incut of the Dallas In: tltutc, returned to r ;ed at Pleasant Grove church Saturday, her home last Thursday, after having Rev. J. T. Hlggers conducted tlie funeral l.uglit a successful term of school. | services. Wo tender our sympathies to One Minute is not long, yet ralief is oli- l * ,c * M reived. Liver Ills Like biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, eonstl- aatloa, sour stomach. Indigestion are promptly by Hood's Ml*. They do their work ••ally and thoroughly. Best slur dinner pills. •iosnU, All drugglsu. Prepared by C. I. Hood A Co., Lowell, Mass, VD* only mi W VlU» Hwd'i BwwpwW* Pills DM You Take Scott’s Emulsion through the winter? If so, we are sure It quieted your cough, healed the rawness in your throat, increased your weight, gave you more color, and made you feel better in every way. But perhaps your cough has come back again, or you are get ting a little thin and pale. Then, why not continue the same helpful remedy right through the summer? It will do you as much good as when the weather is cold. Its persistent use will certainly give you a better appetite and a stronger digestion. It will cure your weak throat and heal your inflamed lungs. It will cure every case of consumption, when a cure is possible. Don’t be persuaded to take something they say is just as good. All Druggiiti, joc. and $i. Scott * Bowne, Cbcmim N. Yt tallied in lia.t that time by lire rise of On 0 Minute Cough Cure. It prevents consump tion nml quickly cures colds, croup hron- •liilis, pneumonia, hi grippe and all throat a id lung troubles. A. J. C'ooi cr * t o. Best of Wagon and Buggy Harness at lowest prices, at The Dallas Hardware Store. S. M. Gensy, Pierson, Mich., writes:— "DcWltl’s Witch Hazel Salve is curing more piles here to-day than all oilier remedies combined. It cures eczema and nil oilier skin diseases." A. J. Cooper & Company. NEW BARBER 5H0P Juat opened up. Will Ih* fumul In tin* old court houne, in the slit*riff’s room. Shave, Sets. ■ lair trimmed, .... lOcte. Haircut, .... - llkts. Satisfaction guaranteed—try me. S. P. GANN, Proprietor Mrs. Angie Fain and Mollie Hamilton, who have lieen visiting the family of Judge tV. 1. F dn, returned to their home in I'idludegii, Ala., by tile way of Atlanta where they will spend a few days. The human machine starts hut once and tops but once. You enn keep it going longest and most regularly by using De_ Witt’s Little Early Risers, tlie famous ittlc pills for constipation and all stomach and liver troubles. A. J. Cooper & Co. The yo mg people of Dallas highly en joyed a musical given by Mi«* Mutt.® Spinks, Tuesday evening, in honor of Iter g lests, Misses Whitmyer and Andrtt Whnt Is Scott’s Emulsion? It is the best cod-liver oil, partly di. gested, and combined with the liypoplios- pbltcs anti glycerine. What will it do? It will make the prior blood of the anae mic rich and red. It will give nervous energy lo the over worked brain and nerves. It will add flesh to tlie thin form of a child, wasted from fat-starvation. It is everywhere acknowledged us The Standard of the World. Use nr. Miles 1 Nznvn Plartfiw for SPINAL WEAKNESS. All druggist., sell 'em lor Ax;. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. McAndrcws Union Springs, Ala., are stopping at the Foster House. On account of Mr. Mc Andrcws’ health, they will spend the sum mer here. Are you in the habit of cutting your- self when you shave? Then you should keep l)r. Tichenoi’a Antiseptic convcir- ,cn'.. It stops bleeding, prevents sere ins*, rids your face of pimples ami heals cuts before you know it, Pleasant as perfume and cooling as u Inreeze "from Greenland's icy mountain." Sp|d by all lin> (Jrujj'KisU. ire TryiMfl 4HNHP One Minute CoukIi Cure, cures. That Is whst It was made lor. We return our thanks to Misses Nora and Ovelie Paris for ronte excellent peach es brought us Tuosduy. The Misses Purls also brought a cotton bloom raised by their father, Mr. I). C. Paris, which 1b among tlie first we have seen tills year. A good nppolite Is iH-cntiul to good honltli. Hood’s Sarsaparilla creates an Appetite, tones and Strengthens the stomach. And builds up the whole system. It relieves that tired feeling, and by pu rifying mid enriching tlie blood, It prompt |y and permanently cures all scrofula e- ruptlons, bolls, humors, pimples and sores; strengthens the nerves, and gives sweet, refreshing sleep. No other medicine lias taken such hold upon 'I 10 confidence of tlie people as Hood’s Sarsaparilla, and Its record rtf great cures is uncquullod by any other preparation. Yon may take Hood's Sarsaparilla with tlie utmost confidence that It will do you good. • Esqirc J. P. Denton made, this year, on a little less titan one nml one-half a ires of land, forty seven bushels of w eat. This is pretty fair, we think, for a cotton country. • There are some tilings you can do without hut you can’t afford to risk an oilier day witliout a bottle of Dr. Ticlienor's Autiscptle, the greatest chem ical discovery of tlie age. Heals Utils, Gun-Shot Wounds, etc., quicker than anything. And don’t forget that it cures Colic, too, while you wait about ten min utes. For fother information, apply to any one who 1ms given it ft fair trial Read cur club offer with the Louisville C mrlcr-Journid. This is a splendid oil r. and one you cannot afford to miss. Mr. W. It. Griffin lost u horse last Saturday. He had lrecn out In tlie country and Ids horse died Just as he was unhitched. to the patience to keep on taking medicine that does not cure. Hut it is trying that leads to success.; If you are suffering from eczema, boils, eruptions, etc., you will begin your cure the day you begin trying S ayers arsaparnia. ('omlNifil Nrhrrialr la Effort Ilf 1» 1H08. "K5TI STATION*. Eir Chattanooga.... Ar Dalton Ar Rome Ar Atlanta Lv Atlanta Ar Muuun Ar .lesup Ar Everett Ar Jacksonville ... Lv Jesup Ar Jacksonville... Lv Kverett Ar llrunHwIok No.JO IflOurn 7. Main O.OUAtn I l.40am 4.20pm 7. Ilipm Nearly all of the hoarding pupils of tlie Dallas Institute have returned to their re spective homes. A more gentlemanly and womanly set of pupils Irayc never been, and Dallas extends a hearty welcome at the next term of school. Do you want u remedy for Fistula or Foot Evil in stock? If so, use Dr. Ticlienor's Antiseptic its directed, it will ore It. For sale by druggists at 60c. a b rttle. Mr. Ed Mitchell and Mi .a Mary McCollum were united In tile holy bond* of matrimony Inst Sunday. Also, Mr. Joe Fergcrson and Miss Dora Carroll on tile same day. The couples live near Embry. A long nnd happy life to them. Bad management keeps more people In poor circumstances than any other one nuse. To lie successful one must look ahead and plan ahead so that when ft fa vorable opportunity presents itself he is ready to take advantage of it. A little forethought will also save much expense and valuable time. A prudent and care ful man will keep a bottle of Olmmlierhiin's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in the house, the shiftless fellow wFI wait until necessity compels It and then ruin Ills treat Itorsc going for u doctor and have a big doctor bill to pay, besides; one pays out 25 cents, tlie other Is out u hundred lollnrs ami then wonders why ids neigh. Iior is getting rieitcr while he is getting poorer. For Bale by A. J. Cooper & Co. RAMOfc 1 lIVER $1115 UUOpm 12. lOnm 1.44am ft. 0 him 5.20nm h. loain *.:inpro :i. lift pm O.’jftpm Afitipm lO.iftpm 3.3'ipm 4.xopm No. H (MirrlcH Pullirnn Sleeping (’nr Chatta nooga lo Atlanta. No. lo currlcH Pullman Stooping Oar Chat tanooga to Atlanta. No. 14 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Atlanta to Jacksonville anil Atlanta to Brunswick. NoJ4 a. lopni 4.24pm r».3ftpm KUftpm H. i.rpm ID. ftft um 4.40am ft.’ m K. 10a in lo.oium l.oopm ft. :tuum A sown HTATinNN. Lv Atlanta Ar Homo Ar Dalton Ar Chattanongik. Lv Chattanooga*'. Ar llurgln Ar Lexington Ar Louisville No. 7 in.oepm I.Mhnn 2.34am 4.lftnm P (hum 4.WMU ft. lupin 7 50pm No. Il | No. if 4.onpm 7.50am A 25 pm 1 io.;i5um 7.34pm 11.40a n» H.ftOpir.l l.oupm U.IOptn 4..VU ml 7.50ani Ar (Mnoihnatl 7.30pm! 7.3duml.... Lv Chuttanongu Ar Nashville . l.25pm l.irmm 125pm rt.ftftj»mt <v mani iV55pin No. 7 eurrlot Pullman Sleeping Car Atlanta to Chattanooga and Chattanooga to Cincinnati. No. 0 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Atlanta to Cincinnati anil Chattanooga to Louisville. NT ATI ON*. | No. n. | No. 12 1 No. Id. Lv ChnLinnoogu Ar Knoxville Ar Morrlst uvn Ar Hot Springs Ar Asheville Ar Salisbury Ar drcensiMiro Ar Kulnlgh Ar Norfolk H Khun II 55!im l.2:tpm 4.l0nin I0.i>opin H. Oftitm 1.10am o.ftoum 2.25am H. lAirn. 4.00am I. 15pm! ft. loam A 40pm 0.30am 0.52pm 17.10 m l.40am :t.4'»| in 7.30am Ar Wn hlnglon Ar New York A12 on in r.\4'.tpm A M in nooira to Now York via Asheville anil Sal- inlmrv to Itlchrnnnil. arriving Richmond 0.10a m. also Pullman Sleeping Car Clroensboro to Nor folk. No. Ifi Is solid train Chattanooga to Salis bury. with Pullman Sleeping Car Chattanooga to Salisbury and Salisbury to New York with out change. HTATIONH. No. 4 | No. 0 Lv Chattanooga... Ar Knoxville Ar Morristown ft.oopm H. 10am R. 45pm 1 l.ftftnm 2. lf»prn 1 1.23pm 7.00am' 3.5ftpm I 7. toitm Ar New York 1 1.20pm No. 8. onrrlo* Pullman Sleeping Car Chatta nooga t • Washington and Chattanooga to Now York without, change. No. 4 curries Pullman Sloeping Car Knox ville to Hr I tot. Arc different from all other medicines. Each perforins a specific duty, thus doing away with drastic purgatives and curing by the Mild Power Theory. One Pink Pill touches the liver, re moves the bile, tlie bile moves the bowels. The Tonic Pellet does the rest. Have one? Sample free at any .tore. Complete Trcatmeut, US done. Me. Browu Mfg- Co., V. Y. & OrccncvjUc, Tint). Figure Up Your Hat. Sharpen your pencil und figure up hew much you can save by Inlying your; lint from me. Hats bought of me arc trimmed free. What ambition have you? Wlint of nil tilings Is nearest your heart, and therefore your true self? Fame is it? The trumpet through which . it will reverberate is already cracked. Is il wealth? None should despise, nor any | worship it. Is it the rightful care of your personal uppearanee—the how, where, when, and wind to wear? If so, ’lis well lo rcincmb, r tli t 1 believe The Woman Hard To Suit i» ti e woman worth suiting. I take pleasure in suiting the ; urticular woman wiio insists that her lint must become her; that the trimming und style must he "just so." \V believer you need anything in tlie millinery line give me a r ail. Miih, 8, |'I, Rivnpp/u.K, (Ovkc llAYJiltOB.} STATION*. No. 15 Lv Rome o 11.21 urn Ar Birmingham Ar Selma Ar Meridian Ar New Orleans lo.oopm 3.55pm 7.:io,,m la 30am Ar Jackson | Ar Vicksburg I Ar Shreveport 1 0.45am 11.35 a til 7.20pm ♦No. IS | | No. w | _ YoOpm 4.50pmjLv ft. 4'ipm A57prn Ar Uml tNo. 10 IjNo. I • nr KSoum! R.3* t . ar AoOninj A3 •. lv ft.45am A2l)utn (loopin' 7.lopm*Ar At (alia. t Dully except Sunday. | Sunday only, p. s. CANNON. 3dv.p. A <j.m..Washington. D.G. J M. CULP. Traf. Mgr.. Washington. D. C. W. A. TURK. il. P. A.. Washington. D. C. C. A., A.o.P. A. .Chattanooga,Tenn We Club THE NEW ERA with The Weekly Constitution, iJl.BO The Weekly Journal, $1.20 The Thriec-a-Week World, $1.45 The Twice-a-weck Globe-Democrat, $1.50 Tlie Twice-a.week Courier-Journal, $1,1)0 Twlce-a-week Dutreql Free Press, $1,110 | l{op»9 ami Farm, f