The Dallas new era. (Dallas, Paulding County, Ga.) 1898-current, July 29, 1898, Image 2

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Cure Consti pation wl yw core its < Time are n ita eaoMqwwm iof thecQMdhtieBoenof ooneripetion: BlIkiwu^Twi of appetite, pimplea, aou elomaoh. depression, ooeted Inm night- ■art, palpi tattoo, ooid foot, debility, dia- iita woaknoo, backache, vomiting, Jaaaceo, pilot, pallor, Mitch, Irritability, ■trynnwima. haadaehi. torpid llvor, boart- btnt foal oroath, tlaoptomono, drowai- mm, hot Ala, cram pa, throbbing hand. Ayer's Pills ££=£: Dr, J. C. Apar’a Pllla are a specific for all diwaaaa of the liver, stomach,- and bowela. “I safftoed from ooeatlpetlon which at* aomad each an ohatlaato form that I feared H wool! aaaaa a atoppapa of the bowels. After valalp trjrtag roHoae remedies, I be- gM to take Apart POM. Two botea effected a complete oare* . D. BURKE, daco, Me. * "for eight pears I waa aflleted with eooatipatioa, which hecame ao bad that the doctors coaid do ao more for me. Then I began to take Ayer's Pllla, and soon tha bowels recovered their natural action." WM. H. DnLAUCETT, Donat, Oat IKNU THAT WUm Of conrM some people never want a change In anything. They prefer nicking to old things always, no matter if some thing better and cheaper is offered. We have it from excellent authority that n n-ge part of the human family prefer to go to Pluto’s shndcs rather than undergo a change. We do not care to change just for the change, but when a change is for the bet ter, we prefer a change. Prejudging is weakness in one. Reserve your judgment until you know the facts. THE HEW ERA. Published Every Friday- W. Z. BPINKB, Advertising Rates on Application SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ONE TEAR 7fic SIX MONTHS 40c THREE MONTHS 20c Entered in the Post Oilcetat Dallas, On. aa aeoond-claaa mall matter. DALLAS, GA., JULY 2», 1898. The Texas Populists have nailed the National convention scheme of the mld- dle-ef-the-rondcrs to the cross. When you get hurt, use Dr. Tlchenor’s Antiseptic. You’ll never know just how good it is until you try it. Only 00 cts. at your druggists. The state .election in Alabama comes off next Monday, and as usual the Populists are getting their mouths ready for crying ‘•fraud." Thousands of persons have licen cured of piles by using DeWltt’s Witch Hazel Halve. It heals promptly and cures ec/.e urn and all skin diseases. It gives inline dial* relief. A. J. Cooper A Co. And the Populists have placed Mr. 8 B. Austin, of Dade county, on the nltu r for political sacrifice. Well, Madtlox will lick him easy enough we think. Bob Mdore, of LnFayctte, Ind., says that for constipation he has found DeWil l 1 L'ttle Early Kisers to lie perfect. They [y ’MBver gripe. Try them for stomach and roubles. A.J. Cooper & Co. Our lathy has been continually troubled with colic and cholera infantum since his birth, and nil that we could do for liimdld not seem to give mort than temporary re lief, until we tried Chamlierlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Hincc giving that remedy he has not been trou bled. We want to give you this testimo. ninl ns no evidence of our gratitude, not that you need it to advertise your merito riousremedy.'—G. M. Law, Keokuk, Iowu. For sale by A. J, Cooper Co. Court Calendar. MONDAY. No. 9, Jan. 1898—Matthews vs. Comp ton. No. 7, Jan. 1898—Bartlett & Watson Co., vs. Carter. No. 6, Jan. 1898—Oartrc|l vs. Parker. No. 10, Jan. 1890— Eason vs. Estes. No. 4, Jan. 1897—Harris vs. Jones. No. 18, Aug. 1897—Tidwell & Pope vs. Fuller. TUESDAY. No. 8, Jan. 1897—Kilgore vs. Moore No. 11, Jan. 1897—Taylor vs. Southern Railway Co. No. 20, Aug. 1897—Thorn vs. Southern Railway Co. No. 9, Aug. 1897—Cooper A Johnson vs. Tanker. No. 8, Jan.'1898—Owen vs. Carter, No. 1, Aug. 1898—Cooper A Johnson vs Shepherd. - No. 2, Aug. 1898—O’Rrlan vs. Singleton. No. 4, Aug. 1898—.Tones & Whitehead vs- Burr, et. ol. WEDNESDAY. No. 14, Aug. 1897—Jones vs. Norton. No. 8, Jan. 1898—Robinson vs. Cooper & Son. No. 18, Jan. 1898—Cooper vs. Williams. No. 14, Jau. 1898—Cornett vs. Fuller. No. 10, Aug. 1898—Sanford vs. Mayfield, No. 12, Aug. 1898—Rome Guano Co., vb. Spinks. No. 18, Aug. 1898—Duncan vs Jones. THURSDAY. Divorce cases. RUNG to nap Securing free dom from fkt grip of catarrh mahet loyal fritndi for the liberator. Pe-ru-na has been making friends of this kind for many years. It cores catarrh wher ever located. Mrs. R. Eadea, .of 15 Twenty- eighth St., De troit, Mich., Is one of the many thou sand of I’e-nt-na'a friends. This la what she says to Dr. Hartman: " We have used your Pe-ru-na with the moat remarkable results and would not be without it. We have always recommended It to our friends. A few years ago I purchased a bottle of your Pe-ru-na and after seeing its results, recommended It to my grocer who was troubled with dyspepsia, the curing of which induced her to sell it in her store. She lias sold large amounts of It. My daughter has just been cured of jaundice with Pe-ru-na. My pen would grow weary were I to begin to tell you of the numerous cutes Pe-ru-na has effected In our immediate vicinity within the last couple of years.” Dr. Hartman, Presidcntof the Surgi cal Hotel, Columbus, Ohio, will counsel and prescribe for fifty thousand women this year free of charge. Every suffer ing woman should write for special question blank for women, and have Dr. Hartman’a book, ’’Health and Beauty.” All druggists sail Pe-ru-na. List of Jurors for August Term, 1898. Grand , H. J. Cochriin, . W. T. F. Thomas, . N. N. Beall, , If. G, HcoKftins, , B. 1*. Spinks, . A. H. Moslry, . N. W. Roberts, . B. T. Drake, . Wm, L. Meadows, . John M. Moody, . T. C. Howell, Hr. . Jas. T. Garter, . K- G. Bass, . G. W. Lawrence, . U. N. Finch, Tkavkrsf. Jurors— First Week Jurors. IS. Jas. M. Butler, 17. .1. II. Frasier, 18. G. A. Owen, 11*. Ti.os. .1. Cochran, •jo. K. J. Smith, 21. Jas. N. Barron, 22. W. L. Butler, (W2.) 23. N. I). I’nrrls 24. II. W. Hay, 25. Jas. L. Crowley, 25. O. T. Morris, * 27. <». F. Lewis, 28. B. F. McWilliams, 29. Isaac N. Gray, an. K. A. Drlskell. 1. 8. B. Ragsdale, 2. G. L. Hardin, a. Thos. J. Howard, 4. I). Worthan, A. C. C. Fannin, n. J. G. Umphroy, 7. John Y. Corroll, 8. A. J. McBrnyer, 9. Nathan Cooper, 10. Jas. J. Baxter, 11. Jas. K. Lowery, 12. John W. Mize, 13. Z. P. A11^00(1, It. Jas. A. Bullock, 15. Wm. J. Kills, 10. B. K. Grokcr, 17. B. A. Meek, 18. A. L. Worthan. Tim Chief Burgess of Mlleslmrk, Pa., say8 DoWitts’s Little Early Risers are the hett pills he ever used in his family during forty years of l>nuse keeping. They cure constipation, sick headache and stomaidi and liver troubles. Hmall iu .size bid great In results. A. J. Cooper & Co. The Democrats of llirnlson held their primary for county officers last Saturday. Col. E. S. Griffith waa chosen aa the nom inee of the party for representative. The choice is tin axeellet one. E. O. Blanks, of Lewisville, Texas, writes that one box of DeWitt’s Witch lluzcl Salve was worth 450.00 to hint. It cured Ids piles of ten years standing. He advises others to try it. It also cures ei- ’zemu, skin diseases autl obstinate sores. A. J. Cooper & Go. Spain lias a.-ked for peace, and Senator Mor ,.m, of Alabama, soggests t hat Uncle oAntlelher take a dower—that is, leave her territory at home, and suirender Cuba, l’orlo Rico, the Philippines, the and Carolines. It has been sot siuce we acquired new teiritory, suppose tlie time is ripe for us to our dominions. Win your buttles ngaiust disease by act ing promptly. (Joe Minute Gough Gure produces immediates results. When tnk- cu early it prevents cnustiinplion. And in later stages it furnishes prompt relief. A J. Gooper et Co. We Club THE NEW ERA with The Weekly Constitution, if 1.80 The. Weekly Journal, 41.20 The Thriee-a-Week World, 41.45 TheTwice-a-wcekGlnlx--Democrat, 41.50 'I he Twiec-a-week Courier-Journal, Tw!ce-u-weuk Detroit Fr .c l'r<.ss, Jlout, ami Farm 1 41,10 NEW HOPE. After being absence for some time, I cotne again. The farmers are all, I suppose, douc work. After a long and hot drought, we had a good season, Master Alfotizo Scoggins was seen in l lils community Sunday. Mrs. Alice Grogan is visiting her pa rents here, Mr. ami Mrs. J. B. Spears. Rev. J. M. Williams has been visiting relatives ami friends in Haywood, N. C., for the past few weeks. Mr. J. N. Smith, of Alnlmmu was on our streets last week. Prof. Smith has a good school at this place. Mr. E. A. Wlgloy is all smiles—a girl. Mr. G. A. Scoggins and family visited Mr. J. U. Wood lust Sunday. Success to all. Mark. Minutes of Singing at New Georgia, July 17th, 1898. Choir met at 9 a. m. Sang "Jesus shall I 1 ever he.” Prayer by brother J. M. Hamrick, of Villa Rica. Elected brother R. Tlson, chairman. J. M. McCrary, C. S. Ellis and E. D. Hensley singing com mittee. Lessons by Rob Mathes 30 min. utes, II. II. Keeton 20 minutes. Intermission 15 minutes. After recess William Dunn lead 20 min utes, J. R. Thomas 20 minutes. Recess 10 minutes, after which G. O. Hensley lead 25 miuutes, and J. M. Hamrick 25 minutes. Intermission one hour. Afternoon.—Lesson by Will Mathes 15 minutes, Wm. Boyd 15 minutes, F. A. Pain 20 minutes. Recess 15 minutes. Lesson liy J. L. McCrarey 15 minutes, Charley Moore 15 minutes, followed by the chairman who sang, “Grace ’tis a charming sound, etc.” Benediction by Brother Coulson, The entire congregation seemed to en joy exceedingly, the good old Hongs they had been used to singing for years. Th L ‘ sentiments of thosu familiar songs in the old Harp seemed to strike deep into the hearts of the people. May the blessings of God rest upon those good people of Flat Rock and New Hope who came and join-d in Binging the pruiscs of the Lord. Now Georgia returns her thunks to the community nnd to the visitors for their kindness uml good order during the day. C. 8., Secretary. There is one little maxim That now 1 will name. Which may bring what is lietter Thau riches or fame. All those who will heed it Good appetite find. Strong nerves, rosy checks, Ami vigor of mind. It will banish dyspepsia, Rheumatism and gout, ' That Tired Feeling conquer, Drive scrofula out. And here Is the maxim— Its wisdom is sure— Take Hood’s Sarsaparilla And keep your blood pure. ROXANA. Crops arc doing well since the recent rains. Wutennclons and roasting cars arc ripe, und we are happy on Pie way. Messrs. W. E. Buford and O. F. Clcg- hoin visited the Gate City. They report a jolly time. Mrs. Nellie Mitchell and son, Robert, of l’ulatka, Fin., arc visiting Mrs. Malinda Grogan. Messrs. A. W. Decker nnd C. L. Buford left Inst week to vis’t relatives nnd friends in Alabama. Bill Nyc is oil on a melon raid this week. The protracted meeting ol the Christian church will begin here Saturday night be fore the 5tli Sunday. Maun Twain. Notice. The comity democratic executive com mittce of I’uulding county i» requested to convene in the courthouse* wt Dallas on Monday August 1st, 1808 at noon. It is hoped ail members of the committee will attend as busiucss of importance is to he considered. L. M. Washinoton, Chairman iu. B. L. Folsom, 20. Lovl Gooper, 21. Jas. M. Let*, 22. W. N. Cochran, 23. L. W. Harris. 21. J. W. Garrison, 25. U. H. Brown, 23. W. K. Brown, 27. James Bobbins, 28. J. A. Jordan, 29. T. J. Cooper. 30. B. F. Brooks. 31. A. W. May Hold, 32. John A. Gore, 33. John B. Ilutclu'Roti 31. J. W. Wood/ 35. (4. W. CroKiin, 33. G. T. McClung. Traverse Jurors—Second Week. 1 I. MV. 8. Conn, 2 W. L. Burnett, 3. J. G. IMekett, 4 G. W. Hudson, 5. W. T. Hogue, 3. J. G. Owen, 7. J. 1*. Shelton, 8. John N. Smith, 9. J. MV. MoGarlty, 10. A. M. Morgan, II. A. A. Hay, 12. J. J. Williams, 13. G. B. Turner, 14. H. Z. Baggett, IB. John W. Grogan, 13. John W. Baker, 17. G. J. Lester, 18. W. A. Ragsdale, 19. B. T. Moon, 20. I*. M. Carter, 21. John D. Ware. 22. J. D. Johnston, 23. John G. Burton, 24. J. C. Ktnhry; 25. Jos. K. Harris, 23. J. C. Harris, 0003) 27. J. II. Turner, 28. B. Vaughan, 29. M. F. McClung, 30. J. W. Woodall, 31. Wm. M. Palmer, 32. Wm. B. Knox, 33. John C. Watson, 34. I. S. Verner, 35. T. J. Ragsdale, 33. Wm. II. Arnold. THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FMS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes* known to the Cai.ifornia Flo Sybup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the Califounia Fig Sybup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist oftle in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali- Poknia Fig Syiiup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which tlie genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company — CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. BAN FHANC1SOO, M. LOCMVIM.K. Kj. NKW YORK, X. Y. Brownsville. Crops are getting along first rate here. School is on the “qui vlve," nod In. creasing gradually. A number of our people attended tha reunion last week. Rev. Sbankle, of Powder Springs, in protracting a meeting at Bethel church. His wife, and stsier-ln-law, Miss Claud Ticklen, are visiting friends and attending the meetings. Dr. J. L. Weddlngton and wife, accom panied by Miss Rills Ward, visited tha family of Dr. O. H. Morris Sunday. Miss Bailie Watson is assisting her brother, Mr. J. B. Watson, in n singing; school at Poplar Springs. Messrs. Andy Buinett and Pellar Seals, took in a picnic at Powder Springs Sat- • urday. Mr. Eldridge Burton, of Donglasvllle,. visited his purents, Mr. and Mrs, John- Burton, Saturday and Sunday. M. Persons troubled with diarrhoea will he Interested In the experience of Mr. W. M Hush, clerk of Hotel Dorrance, l’rovi dence, R. I. He says: "For .cverni years I have been almost a constant sufferer from diarrhoea, the frequent attacks com* plctcly prostrating and rendering me un fit for my duties at this hotel. About two years ago a traveling salesman kindly gave me a small bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Much to my surprise and delight its effects wer c immediate. Whenever I felt syniplomsoi the disease I would fortify myself against the nttnek with a few doses of tbin valua ble remedy. The result has been very satisfactory anil almost complete relief from the afflicted.” For sale by A. J Cooper & Co. BRASWELL. We arc thoroughly soaked. It rained from 8 p. in., Sunday until 4 a. m., Mon day. It came near wuBldng Mr. F. 1’. Williams' saw mill away. Mr. W. 8. Norton and family have just returned from a visit to Alabama, accom panied by Mr. Sain Denton aud family. Mr. G. W. Armstrong aud family, of Draketown, visited here Sunday. Miss bailie Hays 1ms a good school at this place. There being no school at Spring dale, helps the attendance here. Mr. James Williams of this place is happy—a fine girl. Mr. E. O. Finch spent Sunday in Bras well. Uncle E. R. Forsyth is now in good health, but hii wile is quite feeble. Mrs. M. E. Dickson will leave Sunday for Montreal, Ga., to see her brother, who 'ives iu Texas, whom she bus not seen iu 17 yeaas. Mr. J. li. Dickson will proba bly accompany her. Ammon*. Skin Diseases. For the speedy and permanent cure of tetter, salt rheum and ecaema, Cham berlain’s Eye and Skin Ointment to without an eqnal. It relieves the itch ing and smarting almost instantly and its continued nse effects a permanent cure. It also cores itch, barber's itch, scald head, sore nipples. Itching pUea, chapped hands, chronic sore eyes and granulated lids. Dr. Cady’s CsadMw Powder* for horses are the beet tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. Price, *5 cents. Bold by For sale by A. J. Cooper* Co. SCHOOL BOOKS. Information regarding such books published by the American Book Company aa were adopted for use in Paulding county.' List Price. Exchange Price. Baldwin's First Render, .25 .IS “ Second “ .35 .21 “ Third .40 .24 " Fourth " .60 .86 0 Fifth .65 .29 Tlie literary editor of tlie Atlanta Jourmd said of these readers in the issue of April Kith:— “Altogether Hits new scries of renders make the most Important contribution tosehol bosk literature In regent years, and in method and contents, as well as In srtistle and mechani cal execution, will establish an Ideal for many yearn to corns. - "The Intelligent reader Is charmed to llnd so many choice chapters from hla favorite aa- thors of die last three centuries.” * Natural Advanced Geography, “ Elementary “ List Price. 4125 .60 Exchange Pries .75 .86 “Saved Her Life.” BACKACHE WHY? Because your Liver and Kidneys are out of order. DR. J. N. MCLEAN’S LIVER AND KIDNEY BALM is the “PEERLESS REMEDY" for curing ailments of the Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, Diabetes, Rheumatism and Bright’s Disease. •1.00 PKR BOTTLI. row sai.b nr A. J. Cooper & Co. N ERVOUS Troubles are due to impoverished blood. Hood’s Sar- eaparilln is tlto One True Blood Purities NERVE TONIC. w l /m^ M RS. JOHN WALLET, of Jefferson, Wls., than whom none Is more highly esteemed or widely known, writes. "In 1890 I had a severe attack of LaGrippe and at the end of four months, In spite of all physicians, friends and good nursing could do, my*lung» hoart and nervous system wore so completely wrecked, my life was de spaired of, my friends giving me up. 1 could only sleep by the use of opiates. My lungs and heart pained mo terribly and my cough was most aggravating. I could not lie In one position but a short time aud not on my left side at all. My husband brought me Dr. Miles' Nervine and Heart Cure and I be gan taking them. When I had taken a half bottle of each T was much better and contin uing persistently I took about a dozen bot tles and was completely restored to health to the surprise of all." Dr. Miles' Remedies are sold by all drug- I gists under a positive ■ guarantee, first bottle benefits or money re funded. Book on dis eases* of the heart and nerves free. Address, I Mil MILKS MEMUAi. co.. Elkhart. lad, Following are n few endorsements by eminent educators of these geographic*.— "Til" Natural Geography is up to date with the world’s latest knowledge of the earth and III peoples, nnd Is In line with the ripest pedagogical thought relating thereto. I eaitld hardly have believed that so much matter could he brought within such compass end made so Irra- slstuhly fascinating. You arc to be congratulated upon bringing out suoh s book."—A. S. Dra per. President University of Illinois. "I have examined the Natural Geographies with great csre. I am to much pleased with these books that I am constrained to break the rule, to which I haTe rigidly adhered for year*, not to write letters with regard to text books. These text books, however, rise so far shove those that have preceded them that I conceive it to he the duty of ell who are Interested la pul,lie education to call attention to their merits. The selection of facts fr. m the great store of geographical knowledge Is most judicious, while the facts are presented In aeeordanee with tlie firmly estnllslied laws developed by the science of education.”—Wm. H. Maxwell, Super*- tendrilt of Schools Greater New York. "The Natural Geography Series, by*Itedway * Ulnman, are text hooks of unsurpassed msrtt In plan, method and execution these books leave almost nothing lobe desired."—A. B. Poland .superintendent Schools, Paterson, N. .1. List Price. Exchange Pries. Milne’s Elements of Arithmetic, .30 j 8 “ Standard Arithmetic, .65 .39 Milne’s Elements may tic exchanged for either Sanford’s Primary or Sanford’s Intermediate- Milne's Standard may lie exchanged for cither Sanford’s Common School or Sanford’s Higher. List Price. Exchange Price Harris’s Stories of Georgia, .60 All these books are new and the most popular of tlie kind now published In ths United States, Maynard, Merrill & Co.’s Publications. List Price. Reed * Kellogg’s Graded Lessons in English .88 “ “ Higher Lessons in English, .03 Indsoh’s Young American, -.00 __ Ginn & Co.’s Publications. List Price. Excnaage Price. Exchange Price. .21 .88 Stickiuy's Primary Speller * .15 .09 “ Advanced “ .20 .12 Tnrlicll’s Language Lessons No. 1, .40 .24 D. C. Heath & Co.’s Publications. Tenson A: Glenn’s Speller nnd Pefiner, List, .40 Tlie above named l ooks are on hand for sale or exchange at the above price* at tlie New Era Office.