The Dallas new era. (Dallas, Paulding County, Ga.) 1898-current, August 05, 1898, Image 2

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n~~f i Vigor <£ Verdicts AYER'S HAIR VIGOR fotfttts Mil the promises made for tt, Is the verdict of those Mo have tried U» It wm thought by those who heard Judge Kite'* charge to the grand lury Monday tlmt he think* school teachers should he “tolerably” soberly Inclined. Very likely the Judge la right. We pre sent It to the teachers and patrons for their consideration. Ponder It well. The Chief Burges* of Mileslmrk, Pa., says DcWitts's Little Early Kisers are the best pills he ever used in Ills famllyduring forty year* of house keeping. They cure constipation, sick headache and stomach and liver troubles. Bmall in size hut great In results. A. J. Cooper A Co. er’s diair “When dlsaan ceased as* heir to tall eat, I found Avan's Haim Vtooa a tauat •sentient preparation and on* that does all that Is •ialmad lor H."-L. RUSH, CoaaaOsvM^ Pa. Tittyor . “Avra's Haim Viooa does an fhdt Isatalmad for It. tt rattorad ay hair, which was fast *Did St ’ "My head became full at dandruff, and aftar a time tnv hair began to fall out. Tho uoe of Avkm'b flAitt Viooa atoppad thafalling out and made the scalp clean and healthy."—MMt. C. M AYRKsS, Mount Airy, Ga. THE HEW ERA. Published Every Friday, W. Z. SPINKS, KDITOH. Advertising Rales on Application. SUBSCRIPTION KATB8: ONI YEAR 75c 81X MONTHS 40c THREE MONTHS *k Entered In the Poet Ofloetat Dalles, Oa. as soooud-claaa malt matter, DALLAS, OA., AUO. A, 1808. Llrul. Hobson, of Morriniac fame, who is now the hero of tbs hour, was In At lanta first of the week. Tims. II, Herd was nom'nnted to sue coed hliusclf iu congress by the llopuhli. cults of the 1st Maine district, lest Tues day. Thousands of person* Imve la-en cured of piles by using Dp Witt's Witch Hazel Halve. It heals promptly and cures cczc mu and all skin diseases. It gives limnc- dlulu relief. A. .1. Cooper A Co. The death of Prince Bismarck of Qer. many a few day* ago closed the career nf one of her greatest statesmen. Hu was doubtless one of the greatest men of the age. Boh Moore, of LaKayetto, 1ml., say* that for constipation he has found Ite Wilt'* Little Early Kiser* to Ite perfect. They never gripe. Try them for stomach and J iver troubles. A.J. Cooper & Co. The Increase in the amount of taxable pro|ierty returned this year over lust iu Paulding county, Is *114,704. A pretty fair showing, considering the generul d - presaion. K. C. Blanks, of Lewisville, Texas, writes that one box of DeWItt’s Witch Hazel Halve was worth *60.00 to him. It cured his piles of ten years standing. He ad\ ,se* others to try it. It also cures ee- zemu, skin diseases and obstinate sores. A. J. Cooper & Co. Col. W. C. Bunn, of Cede‘town, was nominated to represent the 148th senatorial district lu the Georgia legislature last Tuesday. Col. Bunn is very popular in his home county rod will, we are confi dent, easily be elected. Wiu your battles against disease by act ing promptly. One Minute Cough Cure pioduces immediate* results. When ink. eu early it prevents consumption. Amlin later stages it furnishes prompt relief. A .1. Cooper & Co. The Daltou Argus’ Devil tells a good one about a preacher In that section who was telling alarm a great rev.val at a eer. te'n place where he had been attending s'rvices. When asked about the iiumhc 1 ' received Into the church, he replied that they received none but expelled They had purified the church. Such r vivuls, no doubt, would be a great bless ing to many churches. Both doors should e'wnys be kept opeu. '■n.qjiata pa* Zj.ibsvaq sniasXivmA •ajno ej?|9H3 v »n«o miia^q 8ay, my friend, if you want the support of Ibis paper In the coming campaign, snd are not a subscriber for it, or if n sub scriber, arc behind with yoursulmeiiptbm, you should call ml settle. We do not pro|Ki*e to advocate the elei lion of u man for a county offlo who does not take h 1 * county paper, or if a subscriber, behind w tb Ills dues. This is gospel truth. There is one little maxim That now 1 will inure. Which may bring wlint is better Than riches nr fame. All tliqse who will heed it Good appetite find. Strong nerves, rosy cheeks, And vigor of aiiud. It will banish dyspepsia, ItlieiimiiliHin and gout, That Tired Keeling conquer, Drive scrofula out. And here is the niiixlin Its wisdom is sure— Take Hood’s Sarsaparilla And keep your blood pure. #WI-<WT IWOMEN The Democratic executive committee me last Momlnv and ordered a meeting at tin districts on Hat unlay the Ill'll to fleet delegates to a county convention to Is held on Wednesday the 17th Inst,, to nom inate candidates for representative end county officers. 1st every Democrat prepare to do his full duty. The enemy Is arm'ug for hs' tie, and no democrat can afford to consid er defeat for a mcment. About one month ago my child, which I* fifteen months old, had an attack of di arrhoea accomplinlnl by vomiting. I gavi It such remedies as Hre usually given In silrli eases, hut as nothing gave relief, w, sent for a physician and It was under lib cure for a week. At this time the cb'ld had Ih'Oii sick for nlmut ten days and was having about twenty-live operations ofllic IkiwcIs every twelve hours, and wo wen cent diced that unless It soon obtained re lief it would not live, ChamlierlaliiV Co||e, Cholera and Dlaii'hoen Reined t was recommended, mid I decided to try It. I soon noticed a change for the la t ter; by its continued use a complete cure was brought uhout and and It I* now per fectly healthy.—C. L. Boons, Htiiinplown Gilmer Co., W. Vu. For sale by A. J, Cooper & Co. The President, It is said, will call ni extra session of congress as soon us Spain accept* the terms of pence proposed by the United Htates- A* the courage of the fiptnirrils so far exceed tlielr judgment, we think that It will lie some time yet hi- fore tlielr lodgment ascends the throne o reason which Is now l.c'ng usurped by false pride. Nevertheless, Hpnlu will In the end Ini compelled to accept pence on whatever terms the United States may see proper to propose. The Rev. W. B. Costley.of Stuck bridge. G*., while attending to Ids pastoral diltlos at Ellen wood, that state, was attacked by cholera morbus. He says: "By chance 1 happened to get hold of a Imtlle of Cham, berlalli's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhena Remedy, and 1 think It was the means of saving my life. It relieved me at once,'' For sale by A. J. Cooper & Co. The entire slate Democratic ticket of Alabama was elected last Monday. Tin fusion ticket of the Popidlsts with colore I Republicans secured some of the county offices 1 i nlmut onc.fourth of the com tic*. Populism in Alabama, us in other places, lias not the enthusiastic following that it once hail. The good plunks in tlielr plat- term are so few iliat It will not admit too large a crowd, consequently the pv.rtj must shrink in order to secure accoiumo. elutions. How’s This. Wu offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for liny case of Cuts rh that can uot lie cured by Hull’s Catarrh Cure. K. J. C1IENEV & CO.. Props., Toledo, (). We tli* undersigned, have l-iow.i K. ,1. Cheney Tor the last 15 years, c id believe him perfectly lionotnlilc iu all business transactions and timincially able to cany out any obllg made by tlielr firm. Wkht & Thuax, Mnolcsulo Druggists, Toledo, O., Kixxan & Marvin, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh GV e is taken internail.:, irtiug directly upon the blood and mil- mrfaces of the system. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testimo- n'als free. Hull’s Family 1,11s are the b.'st. Mott women 9 are drudges. Some art willing, tome are unwilling. Home women drudge for themselves, some for their family. Their routine Is end- led*; no matter how 111 they feel they work. Women never half take care of themselves. Early decay ami wrecked llvesabound,mainly through neglect. Every woman should have the book colled “ Health and Beauty,” which the Pe-ru-na Medicine Co.,Columbus, O., will mall on request. It tells women Home easy thing* to do to protect health, and alt about the virtue* of l*e-ru-nu for women'* peculiar Ills. Mi** Lizzie Peters, Mascoutuh, IU., write*: “lam perfectly cured of female weak ness by taking Pe-ru-na and Man-a-lin. I have gained thirty-seven pounds since 1 began taking Pe-nt-nn, My friend* are wondering what make* me look so bright and healthy, I would like to let the world know what a wonderful medicine Pe-ru-na Is.” Womnn's diseases arc mainly catarrh of the pelvic organs. Pe-ru-na drives out every plinsc of catarrh. Mrs. Eliza Wlke, No. 120 Iron Street, Akron, O., writes: > “ I would he In my gravo now If It bad not been for your God-sent remedy, Pe-ru-na. 1 was a broken d ;wn woman, now I am well.” She Was Reassured. By Jove," exclaimed the bridegroom, as he sat down and tugged nt his must ache, “this is too bail:" They had Just arrived at Nlngrn Kails, and the |>orter had bowed himself out af ter eairy'.ng up a truck that weighed 487 pounds, for which he received u flfiy-ccnt lip." The frightened girl dropped her travel ing hat upon the center table, aud stood as If transfixed, with one of her gloves half off, “What is it, Harry,” she asked. “This Is a fine go,” he muttered. "I wonder how In the world I ever ciiuic to do such a fooli-h thing.” Then he felt in his pockets again, and cast a helpless look at the big trunk. "You—you haven’t lost your ; ockct- book, have you?" she asked. "No, darling," he answered, "but 1 left mv kit* at home, and the one that open* your trunk is among them.” "Oh, Is that alll”’ she ext laimed with n happy little sigh. "Here"—and she re moved a balr-pln from her rich brown locks—"open It with tb*s. Now I know that 1 am the only girl in whom youMyer look a real interest. Otherwise yon wrtuld Imve known. Ah, Harry, dear, I em so happpy!"—Cleveland Leader. The war between the United Htates and -'pain, which was declared ostensibly for humanity’s sake, will doubtless tci initiate 'i conquest. At the dose of the struggle the Ur’tod Btalcs w' 1 surely have added many square m"cs lo her dom'ulous. This is nothing new in her hlstoiy. At the close of the Revolution, and at the fo - illation of the aovernmrnt, the te. .itory was or'y a narrow strip of land bordering on the Atlantic. It bus since nrquired the remuliulur of Its vast urea. The acquisi tion of new territory Is no new departure. Aud In the present ease she should de. iiinnd a sufficiency of territory to offset the cxpcnH'li ras of the present conflict. Hhe should take what she want* and not suffer herself to lie dictated to by uuy foreign power. The Best Remedy For Hux. Mr. John Mathla*, a well known .-lock dealer of Pulaski, Ky., says: "After suf. feriug for over a week with flux, ami my physician haring fr'Yd to relieve me, I was udrised to try C’lminberlr Ts Colie, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, nil have lliwgleasurc of stating tlmt Hie half ofoiif liottle cured me.” For sale by A. I, C'oojicr A Co. List of Jurors for August Term, 1898, A Cura far Indigestion. 'I hive suffered i itold irltn; v,lh!n the past ten yei -s from indigestion and biliousness, attended by a pain in my left side end bowels. Five physician* treated me but gave only temporary relief. Font months ago I began using Ramon’s Liver Pills i lid To "c Pellets, and have bceu const ally Improving ever since, with fail pmspicl* of being pcruumrnlly creed.— IV. II. Peters, No'ary Public, Nallmut in, Ky- RJ ER VES must be fed on pure, rich *■ blond. Hood’s Kiit'snpurilhi la the best nerve tonic. By enriching the blood It makes the nerves STRONG. A Dance on a Railway Train. A ball In a special train is the latcsl Parisian novelty. The guests Invited to the lining,iration of the royr! chateau of Ardeene, nftcr the dinner glv. it dnr'ng Hie return journey, took up a special or- chestra at Laon, and after the tables were rsmoved danced merrily, with a cotillon afterwards, until the train reached Ht. Denis. The trip, which lasted sciorr' days, Imd been organized by the in sto- crntle Hoclete lies Guides.—London Ohron'clc. DcWitt’a Little Early Risers, Thr fsmvus IHtlc pill?, ALL THE WORLD Knows that the Peerless Remedy for Diseases of the Liver, Kidneys and Bladder is Dr. J. H. MoLEAN’S LIVER AND KIDNEY BALM.... It has Cured Thousands of Des perate Cases. Try It. PRICE, *1.00 PER BOTTLE, rom salz nr A. J. Cooper & Co. Gband . II. J. Cochran, W. T. Y. Thomas, I. N. N. BooII, I. H. C, Scoggins, B. I*. Mptnks, I. A. II. Mosley, f. N. W. Roberts, ». H. T. Drake, ». Win. Is. Meadow*, i. John M. Moody. 1. T. C. Howell, 8r. I. Jim. T. Carter, l. It G. Bass, I. G. W. Lawrence, i. H. N. Finch, J l* HO IIM. 16. Jim. M. Butler. 17. J. II. Frasier, 18. G. A. Owen. 1». Ti.os. J. Cochran, 20. F. J. Hmlth, 21. Jan. N. Barron. 22. W. L. Butler, (M2.) 211. N. I). l’arrl* 24. II. VV. Hay, 2ft. Jim. L. Crowley, O. T. Morris, 27. G. F. Lewis, 28. K. F. MeWllllanm, 29. laaac N. Gray, HO. K. A. Driskell. TltAVBHKK Jl'RORH . S. B. Ragsdale, 19. !. C. L. Hardin, so i. Thou. J. Howard, 21. . I). Worthan, 22. 1. C. C. Fannin, 2R. I. J. G. Cmphrey, 24 ’. John Y. Cor roll, 2* l. A. J. MoBrayer, 20 >. Nathan Cooper, 27 >. Jan. J. Baxter, 2b . Jim. It. Lowery, 29 '. John w. Mise, INI I. 7e. 1\ Allgood, Jit 1. Jn*. A. Bullock, IU 1. Wiu. J. Kills, ».| 1. B. K. Croker, in . 11. A. Meek, IF 1. A. L. Worthan. INI Travrksb Jriums- . W. 8. Conn, 19. ! W. L. Burnett, 20. Ij J. C. l’lokett, 21. I G. W. Hudson, 22. ». W. T. Ito;;ue, 21). ). J. C. Owen, 24. . J. T. Shelton, 2ft. 1. John N. Smith, 20 1. J. W. McGarlty, 27 1. A. M. Morgan, 28 1. A. A. Hay, 29 !. J. J. Williams, INI I. G. B. Turner, 81 I. M. t. Baggett, 112 1. John W. Grogan, mi L John W. Baker, ill . C. J. Lester, 8ft. l. W. A. Ragsdale, DM -First Wkf.k. B. L. Folsom. Levi Cooper, Jas. M. Lee, W. N. Cochran. L. W. Harris. J. W. Garrison. K. 11. Brown, W. K. Brown, , James Bobbin*. . .1. A. Jordan, T. J. Cooper, B. v. Brook*. A. W. May Held, . John A. Gore, . John It. Hutchemi . J. W. Wood, . G. W. Crogitn. G. T. MflClung. 8KCONI) Wkkk. It. T. Moon. I*. M. Carter. John l). Ware. J. I). Johnston, John C. Burton, J. C. Kmltry ; Jos. K. Harris. .1. C. Harris, (lOoii) J. II. Turner. It. Vuuglmn , M. F. McClung, J. W. Woodall. Wm. M. Palmer, Wm. B. Knox, John C. Watson, I. 8. Verner, T. J. Ragsdale, Win . II. Arnold. Dr. Miles* Nervine A REMEDY FOR THE Effects of Tobacco. N ervous Trouble* arc due to impoverished blood. Hood’s Sar- fupurllht is the One True Blood I’Miih'f uud NERVE TONIC. T IIE excessive uso of tobacco, especially by young meu Is always Injurious am undoubtedly shortens life materially Mr. Ed. C. Ebsen, compositor on the Contra- Costa Aeu'S, Martinez, Cal., writes; “I hnvt usod Dr. Miles' Restorative Norvino and re ceived much benefit from it. I was troubled with nervousness, dizzy spells and s-lecpless- noss, caused by the uso of tobacco and stim ulants. I took Dr. Miles’ Nervine with mar velously good results, allaying thodizziness quieting tho nerves, and enabling mo to sleep and rest, proving In my caso a very beneficial remedy." Dr. Miles' Restorativi Nervlno is especially adapted to restoring th® nervous system to its normal condition j under such circumstauces. It soothes, hcab and strengthens. I'" Dr. Miles' Remedies I aro sold by all drug- [ gists under a positive I guarantee, first bottlo I benefits or money re-1 funded. Book on dls- [ eases of the heart und | nerves free. Address. DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. Or. Miles' -Nervine; Restoros , Health, TIE EXCELLENCE OF SYIUP OF MS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which It is manufactured by scientific processes known to the Camfohnia Fio Hvbup Co. only, und we wiHh to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the trne and original remedy. An the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the Califoiinia Fki Svbwp Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthlesa imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fio Sruup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Hyrup of Figs has given to milliona of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It hi far In advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company — Again it can be written of the year 18M that the world’s greatest man ha* pasted away. Prince Bismarck died yesterday and Germany laments the lost of one of the foremost men of ill the long hlstery of Its sturdy rare. Bismarck w .1 a flg. ure of splendid, positive power la statea- msn-blp and the chief architect of what has become the flrst empire of coatlnen- t>il Europe. He began with Prussia, a state of the third rank, aud atep by step enlarged its boundaries and Influence until Germany as It exist to-day wa* evolved, His Impress is Ineffaceable upon the map of Europe and the record, of hi* time. He believed Intensely In tha Genoa 1 people ami the German destiny, and by his Intellectual force and depth inrne l faith Into, deeda and deeda Into empire. Bismarck never moved to th* right or the left when the eggrandixe. ment of Germany was at atake. The glory of his fatherland waa his life’* star und lie lived to see realized all that hs planned ao broadly and pursued with such masterful strength and tenacity- Gladstone died May 1U and Bismrck fol lowed him July 80. Bismarck passed the age of 83 April 1 lsat. Though he reeched tbls ripeness of yesrs, Germany will deep ly lament his loss and the world will mist Ills striking views and strong personally —Globc-Dciuocrat. Makes the weak Stroar- Dr. Edmondson’s Pills of Life restore vitality, build up the entire system, end make manly women and womanly wo. men. *1 per box- Address Dr. Frank F.iluiondson, Atlanta, Ga. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. • AN rUANClBC#, C«L LOI IRTIUR. Ky. NEW TflEK, It. T. SCHOOL BOOKS. Information regarding such books published by the American Book Co»ptny at Were adopted for use iu Paulding county.’ List Price. Exchange Price. Baldwin's First Reader, .25 .15 “ Second " .35 .81 “ Third .40 .14 “ Fourth “ .60 .86 “ Fifth .05 .80 The literary editor of the Atlanta Journal said of these readers in the iuut of April 10th:— "Altogether this now series of readers make the most Important contribution tosehol book literature In recent years, mid in method and contents, ns well as In ar^tlatle and meehant* cal execution, will establish nil ideal tor many years to come. ^ “The Intelligent reader Is charmed to find so many choice chapters from his favorite aa* thorn of the last throe centuries." List Price. Exchange Prlca Natural Advanced Geography, *1.25 .75 " Elementary “ .90 .86 Following are a few endorsement* by eminent educators of these geographies:— “The Natural Geography Ik up to date with the world's latest knowledge of the earth and lta I pies, and Is in line with the ripest pedagogical thought relating thereto. 1 eeuld hardly .have believed that so much matter could 1m* brought within such compass and made so Irro- fiistably fascinating. You are to be congratulated upon bringing out such a book."—A. 8. Dra- pcr. President t’nlverslty of Illinois. "I have examined tlu* Natural Geographies with great care. I am ao much pleased with thest lmoks that I am constrained to hrenk the rule, to which I have rigidly adhered for years, not to write letters with regard to text 1>ooks. These text lmoks, however, rlM fo far abov« those that have preceded them that I conceive It to he the duty of all who are Interested la imhlh education to call attention to tlielr merits. The selection of facts fr* m the great storo of geographical knowledge Is most judicious, while the fncts are presented In accordance with the firmly estnllshed laws developed by the science of education."—Wm. H. Maxwell, Superin tendent of Schools (4router New York. “Tie Natural Geography Series, by Redway A Hlnman, ore text books of unsurpassed merit In plan, method and exeeuthm these hooks leave almost nothing to lie desired."—A. B. Poland Superintendent Schools, Paterson, N. J. List Price. Exchange I’rlee. Milne's Elements of Arithmetic, .80 .18 •• Standard Arithmetic, .05 .38 Milne’s Elements may ho exchanged for either Sanford’s Primary or Hanford’* Intermediate- Milne's Standard may l>o exchanged for either Hanford's Common School or Sanford’s Higher. List Price. Exchange Pries Harris’s Stories of Georgia, .00 All these books are new and the most popular of tho kind now published in the United Slates, Maynard, Merrill & Co ’s Publications. List Price. Exchange Price. !Yrd A Kdlogg's Graded Lessons in English .88 .22 " “ Higher Lessons in English, .03 .88 hidson’s Young American, .00 — Ginn & Co.’s Publications List Price. Exenange Price. ticUih .V • Primary Speller .15 . .09 “ Advanced “ .20 .12 Tnrbeirs Language LcssonsNo. 1, .40 .24 D. C. Heath & Co.’s Publications. Benson Glenn’s Speller and Deliner, List, .40 Tin- above named l ooks arc on hand for sule or exchange at the above price! at the New Era Office.