The Dallas new era. (Dallas, Paulding County, Ga.) 1898-current, August 05, 1898, Image 3

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T-J .1 *•*»* c ) Notice to Probate Will hS^WlllVoA r V 1 * I W"* County, Kw J!, , uf n< \»?jgla.Juljr term ism. I",.. COHwr Ui. j'Vlont«prot»>t<‘thowlll ^.sgufe" liras? ' n &5£?Pa*• j ! **'• »«*'■»<! «». t W. J. Cooper lie .„d eppe.r •I Ih. Court of Ordinary to be held .t dLu„. far “!'* entinty, on the drat Mon ' ?7 P, '* b, ‘ r "' x '' M**" «nd there .t? 1 * 1 ’ * hT ,h * l*l' ,r “Hered SM^Tl?. 11 _ M *—latent of mid deceased. Z mi " 0 . nor,W * T «*• Hudion Judge , Mid Court. ThU July 4lh lads'. T. P. Hudson, Ordinary end ex-ofllelo Clerk of th. Court ofOrdinary of Mid County OTO THE TRADE.O Notice to Probate Will. *S*T.A0VT1I ] Court of Ordinary ol arafcUM&W r*»'dtng county, «». U !I£ U| *"* 1 Term, inns mid iSl* hi f Petition to probate the anld county deeaied, | will of Mid decease I Vary F.o^n ,.d „ J T. Owen, et. »!• J ni. ordered that C. C. Owen. M. K, Owen l» and appear at the Court of Ordinary, to he held at Uallaa, Oa„ In and fur laid county on the flrat Monday in October next, then and there to show cauae If any ex ist why the paper, offered for probate ahould not he admitted to record aa the laat will aid teatament of aald rieceaaed. Wltneaa the Hon orable F. I*. Hudaon. Judge of mid eourt. This Annual lat, lm. F. P. Hudaon, Ordinary. And ex-ofllelo clerk of the Court of Ordinary of Mid county. GEORGIA, I Paki.dino Countt I To til whom It may concern; Jl-’JViSKhM&'rto***'" n "' eatate aiSSC 1 ’* 1 "* lrt eniinty deceaacd. tiATln^ filed her petition for dl*chnr>*«\ thin In peraona ennrernrd to ahow cause aflatfatthegrantfnxof thla dlaeharge at the rejutar term of the Court of Ordlnnry for aald namher twn. * l ** d on ** IP dnlt ^ nn ^ R f 1,1 hep- ' F. P. HUDftON, Ordinary. Admlnldlrator'i Sale. “ Agreeably to an order of the Court of Ordinary of Paulding county, will be noli I ht auction at the court house door of aald county on the Hint Tueaday In Scptemlicr next within the ldgal houra of aale the fol lowing property, to-wlt; Land lota Nob. 1188-1187-1193-1190-1191.1258-1359 and 1119, all In the second district and third lection of Paulding county, On., contain. In* two hundred and alxty-flveacreamore or leaa, and known ai the Martha Varner plaee. Hold aa the property of M. J. Florence, late of aald county deceased. Termicaah. Tbli Aug. 3nd, 1898. F. P. Hudson, Ordinary. N. H. BULLOCK, DHAIjKR IN Fine Wines, Liquors, Etc. Bye from #1.50 tu »b.O0 per gallon. Good Corn $8.00 per gallon. Peach and Apple Brandies #3.60 per gallon. Bottle Beer from #1.00 to *1.50 ]x r dozen bottles. Keg Beer from #1.60 to 3.60 per keg. All kinda of wines usually fevnd Id flrat-claaa bar. Mail orders promptly Ailed Call on me, or write. Your Old Friend, N. H. BULLOCK, No. 18 W. Mitchell and 80 8. Broad Sts. ATLANTA, Uu. 1 he Hot Springs of Arkansas Th# Mountain Looked Miracle of Ihe Ozark*. The hot waters, the mountain air, equa ble climate and the pine forests-make Hot Springs the most wonderful health ami pleasure resort In the world, summer or winter. It la owned, endorsed and con- trolledthy the U. 8. Government and 1ms accommodations for all classes. The Ar lington and Park jtoti Is and (10 others ami 300 hoarding houses arc open "II summer. Having an altitude or 2000 feet it Is a cool, safe and nearby refuge during the heated term In the south. For information concerning Hot Springs address C. F. Cooly, Manager business Men’a League, Hot Springs, Ark. For reduced excursion tickets and par 1 culars of the trip see local agent or ad dress W. A. Turk, Gen’l Pass. Agt. South ern Ky.. Washington, D. C. LUMBER! LUMBER! Rough and Dressed Lumber, Moulding and Shingles. Will deliver car load lots at Dallns, Hiram Powder Springs or Acworth on short notice. It will he to your interest to write me and get my prices before ordering elsewhere. iW. M. Ei.siikimiy, Taylorsville, Ga. Headache bait? Uet Ur. Miles’ I'nln I’llls. Don’t fail to come in and examine our goods and prices. When in need of any thing in the way of General Merchandise, call on us. “Pair dealings and the low est prices,” is our motto. Thanking yop foi* your past patronage, we hope by fi dealings and low prices to obtain a fair share of your trade in the future. Respectfully, R. W. RUSSOM. ftYbPKPIIA •w told suffering. By taking Hood’s is the cauae of un told suffering. Sarsaparilla the digestive organs are toned and dyspepsia IS CURED, We have at this office a cure for t he toothache which ('(feels nn Instant and permanent cure. Call on us when you have toothache. The Tourist Sleeping Cur Line operated hy the Southern Hallway between Wash, ington nnd San Fruneiso without change, via New Orleans, has proven so success ful that it has liecome necessary to make Cooper Co. a semi weekly service, the Westbound de parture liclng on Wednesday and Satur day of each wfek. This sleeper otters sleepingenr facilities fo persons holding first or second-class tickets, the berth rate being only #7.0(1 from Washington to San 'Francisco. Los Angeles, or Portland, berth lining large enough for occupancy hy two people, If desired, without extra charge. These Sleepers run through Texas, Ar. Ir.ona and New Mexico, and connect with similar cars for Oregon. Information In regard thereto may lie had from any Southern Kallwav Ticket Agent, Sunset Tourist Excursions, 611 Pcnu. Ave. N. W.,, Washington, I). C,, or roin Mr. W. A. Turk, G. P. A.( 11100 Penn. Ave. N. W., Washington, L). C. BUCKLFN’S ARNICA SALVE. THE HES’r SALVE in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Suit IiheUm Fever S(gcs, Tetter, Chapped Hands Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, And positively cures Piles, or no pay re quli'cd. It i- guaranteed to give perfee satisfaction or monoy'refnmlciL Price 3fi cents per box FOIi SALE BY A. J. For Over Flit) jeiiri*. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup'ins been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers forthoir ehildion while teething with perfect aueooHs. It soothes tho child, softens tho gums, allays all pains, cures wind nolle, and is the best remedy lor Diarrhoea. It will relieve tho poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. Twenty five cents a bottle, Uo sure and ask for ■’ Mrs Winslow’s Soothing Syrup ” and [take uo other kind. TAKE THE SOUTHERN RAILWAY If you are going to travel North, Knit. South or West, we offer you tliroi rii schedule and first class service to Wa Ington, New York and all point Jacksonville, Tampa and all points Sin east; Texas, Arkansas, Missouri, Kan Indian Territory, -Oklahoma, Call for in, Colorado Oregon nnd all points West North-west. Get reliable inforiaali'-ui rejnr fag routes, rates, etc., from Southern Itiil- way, or write (!. E. Jackson, T. P. A. 1 Chattanooga, Telia. C. A. Bhnkcoteii, A. O. 1 j A. Chnitaiionga, Tens. X REDUCED HATES TO CIIATTANOO- GA VIA SOUTHERN HAILWAY, ACCOUNT MILITARY ENCAMP MENT. CIIICKAMAUGA PARK. On account of the Military encampment at Clilckiimuugu Park, the Southern Rail way will sell tickets from points on its line smith of Morristown Team, north of Atlanta, Ga., ami east of Tuscumbln, Ala., to Chattanooga, Tcnn., and return at rnte of one fare for the round trip. Tickets will be sold on Saturdays and Sundays of ouch week during the encampment, limit ed to return Monday following date o r sale. Call on any agent of the Southern Rail way for further Information. W. P. COOPER & BROTHER GENERAL flERCHANDISS. We invite you to come and get some, of the many bargains we are offering to tfie trade; we are closing out our entire stock of Millinery at prices below anything you have ever known. Come and see. Also, we are closing out our entire stock of men’s and children’s summer Suits at 35% discount. Now is your chance. We have many lines of merchandise that we will save you a large per cent, in buying of us. we hkve everything you need and will sell you cheaper than any other house In Dallas. Call on us and we will serve you. Your Friend, W. P, COOPER & BROTHER. *' ALL WOMEN Is tho lw*t for Pcmale TroaW#*. Corrects nl Irregularities In Female Organs. MiouMte taken for Chanje of Life and before Cblld-BirM. Planter# “Old Time” Remedies have stood tie test for twenty years. Mad ■ only by N ’ ’ Spot B Co., CUt- •For Sili* 1»Y S. Robertson & Son. For suit* by A. J. Cooper & Co. PAYS FOR THE •Twice-a-Week Getirier-Jeurnal ONE WHOLE YEAR. KM Six 01 Eiglit-Pagu Papers Sent Post- paid by Mail. Almost A DAILY RECORD OF WAR NEWS. The Twiei -u Week Coiiriar-Journnl has the finest War News Service of any paper in the South or West. It is reliable, ac curate, incomparable. All other issues have-been subordinated to this one great feature. Subscribe at one and keep thor oughly posted. The offer may be with drawn in a short lime. The low price, 50c A Year, is for tin* purpos paper hvice a w tin.* masses. A Sample copies f COURIER-JOURNAL CO., LOUISVILLE, KY. BY A SPECIAL AP.RANGENENT YOU CAN GET THE NEW ERA AND THE Twice-a-Wcek Courier-Journal Both One Year for Only of plaeinjr a gvent newn- k wit'rtn tin* reach of il commission to agents, e. Write to a This is for cash subscription only. AI subscriptions under this combination of fer must be sent through the NEW ERA Office- HIS HONOR AND THE WAR TAX, Jersey City i* a Model T«wn> but Ihe Judge Grieves- The judge was annoyed. There was no mistaking it. He had forgotten to light Ids cigar. “I can tell you what it Is,” he siiid, as he leaned on Ids neighbor's picket fence, “this wnr is playing the dlikens with me.” How?” Why, Just this way, People havo no money, therefore they keep sober. Being sober, they do not come la-fore me. I an't find ’em, nnd as 11 natural sequence I get no fee. But tkut is not all. People light although solier, and one side gels a warrant. I come in on the game. Usual ly, in time of national peace, women quar- cl in tenements nnd a warrant Is asked for by one of the belligerents, even if she has to borrow the #2necessary. Now they do not fight nor borrow, I get left again. NO PEACE IN SIGHT. We take no stock in Spain's desire for pence. On the contrary, the people Of Spain are told, that owing to Spain’s gnat victories on land nnd sea, the Uidte I States is Imaging for peace. Several mo mentous questions should lie settled hy arms liefore pence Is negotnted, in order that there may be no quibbling with Spain, The Philippines must he taken—not part of them, hut each and every foot of IhikI ther. in. The administration need have no fears about public opinion In this coun try. Does the administration think for a minute that our eltl/rns are going nn dai ly paying a heavy War tsX for the purpose of upholding a war of philanthropy? Don’t m ike any mistake. We are paying a war tax which hurts,, which comes out of us in hard times, and all the colonies of Spain must he acqulredytopiTsct this great tax on cur pocktta. ’■ Wo are not the least I have traced It all to the war tax. People lnter «»‘«l >" anyjcempHiAtlons which may , re saving up to pay it, and my Income is ovnr 0,lr <»Uug these colonies. Any ailing off. Nevermind, we’ll lick the country which wa»t* .complications with Spaniards, and then the war tax will be I "• ,,r<! welcome to them. - We are a peo- reinoyed. I’ll even up things hy Imposing Pi* w l'” know how to deni with complies maximum fines until my loss has been " ’"»• We have taken care of Alaska all wiped out." right, nnd Alaska Is a I Igger eleplisi t This explains why Jersey city may now H* in all of Spain and Its colonics rornhln- he looked upon us a model town —New **L We have a weapon of civilization York Commercial Advertiser. p •Bscssed hy no ether country-thc ilb. trict school. With that weapon we can get along nnywliure on earth. As to tl e natives and foreigners within tlieeolonli f, have had ample experience with inilgrar Is p> aid us in curing for all the new peoples. No man will refuse an estate left him I y legacy because It entails new duties with which he may aot he acq minted. Ni r will the United States hesitate about ac quiring new estates for the same reason. So, cow that wc ore in the business, we must make it thorough for Spain by force of arms, which limy lie done in a hurry, while (Irplomacv is tedious nnd seldom satisfactory.—New York Dispatch. How to Look Good. Good looks are really more than akin deep, depending entirely on a healthy con dition of all the vital organs. If the livi r Is inactive you have a bilious look; If your stomuch is disordered, you have a dyspep tic look; If your kidneys are affected, yon have a pinched look. Secure good health- and you will surely have good lookr. "Electric Bitters" is a good Alterative and Tonic. Acts directly oa the stomach, liver and kidneys, purities the blood, cures pimples, blotches and boils, and gives a good complexion. Every bottle guaran teed. Sold nt A. J. Cooper & C'o.’s Drug Store. 50 cents per bottle, Notice---Crop for Sale. I have 4 acres in corn—good; 13 acres in cotton, which is also good, 4 miles southeast of Dallas. As I have other bus iness to look after, I offer the above for sale at ureasonalilc price.. 8. I*. Oann, Dallas, Ga. Teachers, Nolle That you arc required, each and every one of you, to meet at the Institute build- j ig in Dallas at U o’clock Saturday Au gust 0th, 1898, Wc want nil, not a part; also, bring all books belonging to the teachers’ library at that lime. W. Z. SPINKS, C. ft. Com. Salety For Women, Tansv, Pennyroyal and Cotton Root Pills remove all suppressions and irregu larities. *1 per box. For particulars ad dress Dr. Frank Edmondson, Atlanta, Ga. It Cainot Be. (Relncanfltlon,) It cannot lie that He who made This wondrous world for our delight, Designed Hint nil Its charms should fade And pass forever from our sight; Thnt all shall wither nnd decay, And know on earth uo life but this, .’ With only one finite survey Of all Its beauty and Its bliss. It cannot be that all the jours Ol toll and care nnd grief we lire, Shall find no recompense hut tears, Nn sweet return that earth can give; That all Hint leads us to aspire And straggle onward to achieve, And every umittalned desire Were given only to deceive. It ennnot lie that after all The mighty eonquests of the mind, Our thought shall pass lieyond recall And leave no record here liehind; That all our dreams of lore and fame, And hojK's that time Inis swept away; All that enthralled tills mortal frame, Shull not return some oilier day. It cannot he that all the ties Of kindred souls and loving hearts, Are broken when this body dies. And the Immortal mind departs; That no serener light shall break At lust npon our mortal eyes, To guide ns as our footsteps make The pilgrimage to Paradise. —David Hunks Sickles. An Enterprising Druggist There are few men more wide awake and enterprising than A. J. Cooper* Co. who s|rarc no pains to secure the liest of everything in their line for their many customers' They now havo the valiinlile agency for Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. This is the wonderfnl remedy thnt is producing such a furor all over the country hy its many startling cures. It absolutely cures Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness and all affections of the Throat, Chest and Lungs. Call ut above drug store and get a trial bottle free or a regular size for 60 cents anil #1.00. Guaranteed to cure or price refunded. Subscribe for Tit x New Khz and Week ly Constitution. Only #1.80 for both pa tiers. Subscribe now and try your chance for the #3600. DeWItt!* Witch Haxel Salve Cures Plies, flcaUe. Barns, '»s .