The Dallas new era. (Dallas, Paulding County, Ga.) 1898-current, August 05, 1898, Image 7

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Barry < t A LOCAL LI«CS. Mt. Joe Ragsdale ia on the sick list this week. Mr*. Bailie Ragsdale visited In Villa Rica this week. School books for sale or exchange at thla office. Mr. R. P. Oran, of Rocknmrt, was In Dallas this week. Mr. Snowden Abies was up te sre home folks this week. Col. J. W. Moon, of Macon, was in Di 1» las this week. She Read About It T*nn*a*a* Woman Profit* Another’* Experience by Judge Brown attended superior court Ibis week. The criminal docket of superior court will be taken up Monday. Mr. A. B. Mnrchmau was at home first of the week. Davis & Finch sell the fa mous Baldwin Fertilizer for wheat. Dr. W. P. Connally is spending the we'k at home. Tell* Hew the Manage* to Do All Her Housework. “My left ankla broke out In a very pain ful aore, caused by what Is called milk leg. We were told there waa not much that could be done for It. I knew my blood was In a bad condition becauso the leest bruise on my other limb would form t sore. I reed the teetlmonlel of e tody who bed suffered from the same trouble es mine, and who had been cured by Hood’a Sarsaparilla. Her experience Induced ma to try this medicine. I con tinued Ita usa until the sore was entirely heeled. I am now able to do all my housework." Mrs. Eliza Moore, Per- llla, Tennessee. Remember Hood ’8 *^>artlla Is tbe best—in fact the One True Blood Purifier. Sold by all drug* gists. |t; six (or *5. Mr. W. M. Etstwrry, of Taylorsv'tle, was In Dallas Monday. Mr. A. I. Le.Tell anil family, ofOct-ivln was In Dallas Tuesday. . Services at the Bnpllst church next Sat urday and Sunday, Best of Wagon and Buggy Harness at lowest prices, at The Dallas Hardware Store. Mr. J. M. Abies was In Mi* .etea Mnn- diy. Mr. 8. J. Brlntle returned to Binning linm last Friday. Mr. J. L. Might, of, is attend ing-court this w ek. Mr. J. M. Johnson, of Bh.n’ughsm, is at home this week. Mr. J. R. Moon went to A''an' last Friday for medical treatment. Sick headache, biliousness, constipation and all liver and stomach troubles can be quickly cured by using those funioua little pills known ns DeWitl’s Little Early Ris ers. They are pleasant to take and ncvc r gripe. A. J. Cooper A Co. The public funds for first and second quarti rs paid .0578 cents per day. Mm. J. B. Watson returned Monday from a visit to her parents near Mulilcton. Messrs. J. E. Brown and G. W. How- •II, of Atlanta, attended court this week. Watermelons have Itecn plentiful in town this week, and at bottom prior s. Best of Wagon and Buggy Harness at lowest prices, at The Dallas Hardware Store. Miss Wllla House, of D.illas, Texas, is visiting her uncle, Mr. W. R. House. Lieut. Warp seems to be succecd'ug well in obtainlrg recruits for the army. One of the heaviest ruins of the seasi u fell in the west and south a." t of t ie county last Monday night. Homes in Cullman Co., Ala. I have some fine farms and r'limprnved lends for sale, cheap for cash, or on three to five yearly installments. Write or come within the next 00 days. Wiu, G. Bkown, Ci’Mmau, A'a. DI*MtA*# NUBIAN TEA cures Dysprp- I Idnivlvlit, Constipation und Indi gestion. Regulates the Liver. Price, 25 els. Mr. George Bobo end family, of Atlan ta, arc the guests of Mr. W. It. Griffin's family this week. Wetrster’s P.imary and Common School Dictionaries for sp'e ut this office, -8 mid 72 cents. Davis & Finch sell the fa mous Baldwin Fertilizer for wheat. Peaches, watermelons, protracted meet- I ngs, and candidates promise to be plen tiful in the near future, and all good. One Minute Cough Cure, cures That Is what It was msds for. The grand jury was organized Monday by the selection of Judge Beoggljs as foreman and II- N. Finch .clerk, Tony Forsyth, bullllT. Mr. iames Atcheson has been confined with fever for a few days. Dr. J. S. Vaughan, of Powder Springs, lias been attending him. Much in Little Hnruf Dills 0,m ‘ Llw DlSi easy to iiuuu o rills take, easy to operate. Mo. 7'” DAVIS & FINCH EVER ON THE ALERT FOR BUSINESS, Bo a to M*. and Mrs. Joe H tsd* hoy. Rememlic* we want rverv teacher—es pecially those who wish to Improve hem solves and consequently do better work— to he on hand Bale-day hy 9 a. in. Judge Fite, of Cartersvlllo, is occupy ing the judicial i-lnilr In Dallns t'- s week, und it Is the general verdict of the people that he Is no disgrace to it. "1 think DeWitl’s Witch Hazel Salve is the fi *est preparation on the market for piles." So writes John C. Dunn, of Wheeling. W. Vn. Try It und you wtl think tlie siune, It nlso cures eczema and c'l skill diseases. A. J. Cooper & Co. V-. nnd Mrs. John Hollin gave ih a rail last week. They wee married a fen- days ago. Mrs. Hollin, who was former ly M'ss Martha Williams, bus many fi lends in th'a county, n th whom we ioin in nong.-ati’lutlons. They will leave for the groom’s home at M'ton, Iowa, within it few days. /The editor of the Evans City, Pa. Globe, writes, “One Minute Cough Cure is right ly named. It cured my children after all other remedies failed." It cures coughs, colds nnd all throat nnd lung troubles, A. J. Cooper A, Co. > Notice—Republicans, The exeeutive committee of the Re publican party is requested to meet at tin- court house ut noon on Tuesday. August Utli, A'l members are requested to la- present, ns business of importance is to lie rorfiflucled. G. T. Pakkkii, Clmirut. n. Married on the 2Hlli of Jn'y, at tire rest d.iuee of the bride's parents, Mr. end Mrs B. F. llngln, nei r Day, Mr. J. I. Moody nnd Miss Bertlni Htigin, J. B. Baggett, Esq., offlelnt'.ng. Miss Bertha is e'l ex cellent young lady, wh r o the groom Isom* of Paulding's sturdy young men. We <-x tend them our heai.y congnili-'ntions. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That Is what II was made lor. The quality of the blood depends mtu-li upon good or bail digestion e ul iissui'ln- tlon. To make tlie.lilood , eh In life i id strength giving constituents use I)r. J. H. Mol .can’s Strengthening Cordial anil Blond 1 nlfier; it will noi Ish the piopir- cs of the blood from which tin* (dements of tallty are drawn. PilreSOo i ul a bottle. Now offer. some closing out Bargains in summer goods, not to be touched by would-be competitors. Remember we are in business to do business and if you fail to patronize us anil lose our patronage you injure yourself. We arc doing all wc can for Paulding com* *fy;let our people show their appreciation of home by patronizing home institutions, that not only aid them when money is scarce, but buy all they hare to sell winter or summer. We buy more from our customers than wc sell them. How many merchants in this section can say as much? Call on us when in town. Command us, we arc at your service. Yours to Please^ Davis & Finch The Blueback. Messrs. Frank and Jesse Meek will open lip a stock of goods in the house In which Tiik Nkw Eha office Is now located to ward the last of September. These are among Paulding’s most substantial you ig men nnd we predict for them splendid success in the mercantile field. We give them n hentty welcome to Dallas, for it is of such that the future growdi a id de velopment of Dallrs depends. *^*^v*v*w*v*v*m*v*^* M BOW are the chil dren this summer? Are they doing well ? Do they get all the benefit they should from their food? Are their cheeks and lips of good color? And are they hearty and robust in every way ? If not, then give them Scoffs Emulsion to especially true ot Hood's fills, lor no raedl-1 •tee mr contained ao great curative power In N .mall apace. They are a whole medicine Hood’s Pills chest, always ready, al ways affloleat, always sat- Mastery; pnvent a sold ar lever, eure all liver Ills, sieh headache. Jaundice, constipation, ate. Be. The only puis to taka with Hood's Sarsaparilla. of cod liver oil vuith hypo- phosphites. It never fails to build up delicate boys and girls. It gives them more flesh and better blood. It is just so with the baby also. A little Scott’s Emulsion, three or four times a day, will make the thin baby plump and F “ rosperous. 11 urnishes the •young body with just the material necessary for growing bones and nerves. Scott & Bownb, Chemist., K.Y. There is some complaint iilsint the ef fort on the purl of teachers to get riil of the Uliiehack speller. We are well aware that tln-rc are some good things in the old hook,—some which arc worthy of tudy—especially in the reading. There are many things In It which condemn It as a speller. In Hie first place the material Is no gfloil. It is ton expensive. It con tains too many long words which tin* ma jority of people rat'ely use and do not un- lerstand the meaning of. Proper mini s are conspicuous by their absence. The names of the different kinds of wood, flowers, vegetables tools and many other lasses of words In every day use among omnion people lire omitted. It is out of tune with the present methods of teach ing, It Is not adapted to the needs of the present so well as tinny other spellers and should lie d'searded lit enee. The more progressive teachers do not want It. Their verdict is that they can get better results from other spellers. Life is short and so ure school days, end should he spent on that wldeli is most practical; that will. It they will need all through life. Compare the Blueback w.tli other spellers, end leave off partiality and pre- jud'ce rati you will he conv'nced that wlmt we say is true. ROXANA. Cro| j* arc? lock''!*; well Him; < the n 'iih. Fruit t ul jelly mill *115 'nr- roiviiig orr aUsntion just now. Mr. ,1. W. Godwin 1ms returned borne and will carry Ids fam 5, y back to Ala bama wlicic they will siay some time. M-. Glee 1 Latbi'n, who is visiting Mr. \V. S. Gladden, is furnish! ig some good music on *•><* banjo. We an* glad or * boys are not afraid of court, as some arc near by. Wc arc glad to Y low tlint Mr. C. A. Henson has r onsidered s*nce tie fu" is over. Protracted meeting of tin* Christian cho' cli beg; 1 here last Satuday by Hit* Revs. J. IVmcrand T. M. Hooper. Our Hundav school at. this place Is mov ing on with its good and great work. Mr. Lee Pearson is ha ing a llourisldng literal y school here, lie has an enrollment of 50 pupils. The peach crop is the best we have seen in years. There are no deserters among our boys, : id wc thir k v, .11 not be. Sweetheart, let us her from you again. Mack Twain Bu i. Nvi. "For Liver v Troublem •nil constipation Aver's Pit.t* ■re invaluable, always affording immediate relief. They are The Beet PUL" R. S. MAYO, Ednn, Minn, FARMERS SHOULD ADVERTISE. Tliis snlijcet was discussed in a forcible way recently by an Ohio farmer ut an in stitute meeting. The following contains some of the most salient points brorglit out In tlie address: “Have you thoroughbred cattle, sheep or hogs? Have you extra (thickens, ducks, turkeys or geese? Let the people know that you have them. Has your lioy got pjt rabbits, pigeons or ferrets? Let him do 11 little advertising on Ids ow . account. “Have you extra nice wheat, corn, rye, barley, buckwheat or flax that is suitable for seed? Does anybody know about It? Did yon ever tell your wife even?, “Have you nice clean oats that you can guarantee free from smut? Fifty thous and fa .iters arc looking for It. Have you any of tlie grrss sred that you guarantee free from seed weed? Don’t be afraid you w II break that me ket. There will always be a demand. "Now. the next Important question I" tlie medium. This must lie determined by the party interested, and only general dlrec'lons will apply. You I low the clnss of people who ought to buy wlmt you have. Place your advertisement in the paper that ranches the largest number of that class. Not two or three lines that you can't find yourself with spectacles, but a good big chink out of • corner of a page, where everybody cun see it. Don’t sponge your advertising. That disgusts the newspaper man and makes your com petitors mud." “Don’t he aslie ned of your business Let people know that you* are n farmer, and that you lire proud of It. Advertise yours as other business men do, and com pel others to respect you because of your cntei prise. Notice. ' 22b acres of bind one* mi >• wort of York- villc for sale. Will give s one one a good bargain. One Imlf down, the balance next ! fall. Good dwelling, good brni, two good j tenant houses and barns, well watered, j 100 acres in cultivation. Good orchard. Will (Mx.dc it and sell either part or all | together. \V. U. Paktain. Skin Diseases. IS Boet Cough riyrup. Tiute* Good. Use & In limn, hold by druggists. M For the speedy and permanent cure of tetter, Halt rheum and eczema, Cham berluin's Eye and Skin Ointment is without an equal. It relieves the Itch ing and smarting almost instantly and its continued use effects a permanent cure. It also cures itch, barber's itch, scald head, sore nipples, itching piles, chapped hands, chronic sore eyes and granulated lida. Minutes of Meeting of executive Com mittee of the Democratic Par ty, Aug. 4UW. Pursuant to a call of th4 chairman, the Ezeeutlve Committee ‘assembled In tho courthouse an Monday Ailgii.t 1st, 189H, each district being represented- On motion, It wax ordered that a mas* meeting be held at each precinct In the ounly on August J81I1 (Saturday) for the purpose of selecting five delegates to meet In convention Wednesday August M7lh In tbe courthouse at Dallas to nominate can- dldutoH for representative and the various eouaty officers. On motion it was agreed that the party support the nominees for county, offices which are to be selected by the Republi can party. J. B. Bauoktt, Secretary. MTATioga. | Wo. 14 Lv ChaitaiKMiga Ar Dalton Ar Roma Ar Atlanta Lv Atlanta Ar Macon Ar J«*iup...« Ar Kvorott as voosm II. Man Ar Jacksonville Lv sfeNlip Ar JnckMoavlIlt Lv Kverett Ar UrunNWlch Braswell. We are still In good spirits. (Ur the spirits arc in us.) They have hail a revival at Friendship hiirch, anil fifteen linve been lidded to tli'c church. Wfi ure not prepared to say though, Hint fifteen souls have been saved. We do not know. Mrs. If. N. llngln Is quite sick, I)r. J. M, Spinks, of Rockmnrt, called to see her Sunday. J. L. McLendon, of Attallu, Ala., was visiting here Sunday. Mr. W. M. Elsberry, of Taylorsville was here Sundny. Mr. A. Shepherd came In from south west Georgia Saturday. He says It is too hot there for him. Mr. J. K. Hulsey fell the other day and hurt Ills broken leg, hut not seriously. We are having ruins now almost dally. Mr. H. N. Hngin’s corn was badly dam aged hy wind a few days ago. < Roxana, you have not answered. * If you kon't know I will tell you. Wlmt about our neighbor from DrnketownV He surely has tieen to a singing and got a lionc In his throat, or else got a hone around a neck. Mr. J. B. Dickson attended court this week. At.mox. ■fib— SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Caa«tatt4 NtktM* te MM till a, I sea. ■Rinr i Tiipm IMpm *«pm tl.Mprn MB • 9am T.tetm • Warn lauiam S3T"1 10* itfpta It-in«oi 1.44am Solatia ft* Mam H.9Qa» 499pm S.'S'pm •.tfftpin «T 490pm No. 10 carrtaM Pullman Sleeping Car Chat tanooga to Atlanta. No. 14 carrie* Pullman Sleeping Car and Dap Coache* Chattanooga |o JaohMonvIllo and At lanta to Bnintiwlek. No. 9 carries Pullman Aleeptng Car Ghattft» nooga to Atlant* FoTT HTATIOM*. Lr Atlanta . .7. Ar Home Ar Dalton Ar rhattunoog* Lv Chattanooga Ar Hurgln «... Ar Letlngton /... Ar LouUvlIlo Ar cfnofanatl Lr Chattanooga.. t . ... Ar Nuehvllle . HoTTF 4. roam A Warn T.ttam 9 40am A Warn 419pm AlOptn Tlbptn l.iftpm T.ftOam 10.90am H.IOetn 1.00pm f.ioiin .... . T.llam. 1 Sftpig Aftftpml 440aml Aftftpm No. 19 carrier Pullman Sleeping Car Atlanta 1 Chattanooga and Chattanooga to Cincinnati. No. carrle* Pullman Sleeping Car AtU;n to Cincinnati and Chattanooga to Lotiltumie. ^ No.4~| No.yC H.4t)am | 4.idfi»n II ftftaml p5.»nm .ita mtatiow*. f«r Chaitahooau.. Ar Knoxville. Ar MorriNtown.. Ar Hot Spring*. Ar AfthevlUe Ar Sallnhury Ar OremiNbora.... Ar Hnlelgh Ar Norfolk Ar Wn hlnglon. Ar New York, y t JM I.npui. uftoam 1 Ilpu r t1.4ftum 1. Iftpm A 40pm Aft'Jpin 1.40am _7.ft0am "S4L’um No. tf io.imptn l.lOnm 2-tftam 400am MOuiu a.SOnrn 12.10pm A29piu Jir new n.wpm axaam l^o. 12 t arries Pullman Drawing Ho inTsiecp- Ing Car (Chattanooga to New York via A*he- vllle nnd SaU *hurjf to Rlnhmond. arriving Rich mond A 40 *.m. a I no Pullman Sleeping Car UreenHhpro to Norfolk. No. pi I* Nolld train Chattanooga to Salle- burvg with Pullman Sleeping Car Chattanooga to ftiillHbtiry nnd SalUbury to New York with out change. STATION*. No. 4 "Sol* & 4f)a in 11 Mam 1.2»pm AMpm 7.40nm 1.90pm Lv Chauunooga... ..... Ar Knoxville Ar MorrUtown &U0pm MJSptn 2. Iftatn 7.00am Ar IlrlMtol Ar WuNblngton Ar Now York No. A carries Pullman Steeping Car Chatta nooga to Wnnhlngton and Chattanooga to New York without change. No. 4 carrle* Pullman Bleeping Car Knox ville to llrl tol. STATIONS. No. It Lv Horn** Ar AnnUton Ar Ulrmlnghtm Ar Molma Ar Meridian 9.10am 11.21am 10.00pm 3-ftftpm Ar .New Or lean* Ar Jackson Ar Vicksburg Ittaoam W. 4ft urn ii. aft urn 7.20pm Ar Shreveport. AoOaru 4»k*in AQQpmi 7.|Dpin<Ar Attalla. Ivl A4ftam A20am t Daily except Sunday. | Sunday only. T. H. OANNON, 8dv.p. * O.M..Waihlngton. D.a J. M. CULP. Traf. Mgr.. Washington. D. C. W. A. TURK. (4. P. A.. Waahlngtoo. P- C. C A. UKNSGOTKR, A.o.P.A..Chattanooga,Tetta Are different from all other mediciuet. Bach performs a *pecific duty, thus doing away with rati? draatic purgatives and curing by the Mild Power Theory. We Club Dr. Cady’s Condition Powder* for horses arc tbs best tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. Price, 25 ceuts. Sold by For sale hy A. J. Loot c A Co, One Pink Pill touchea the liver, re- movea the bile, the bite moves the bowels. The Tonic Pellet do«a tbe rest. Have ok) Sample free at any store. Complete Treatment, £> dotes 2fic. Brown Mlg. Co., N. Y. * UrccatvUte, Teas. ’ THE NEW ERA with The Weekly Constitution, 8*1 .TO The Weekly Journal, *1.30 The Thrlec-a-Weck World, *1.45 The Twlce-a-wvek Globe-Democrat, *1.50 The Twice-a-week Courlor-Journal, *1.80 , Twlee-n-wcok Detroit Fr#e Press, *1.80 Home ami Farm, *1.10