The Dallas new era. (Dallas, Paulding County, Ga.) 1898-current, September 16, 1898, Image 2

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en AgK akesveu 70a can shake the Ague by using AYER’S AGUE CURE. It is the one certain and infallible cure for that Heploting disease. It has been trjod in many countries And under nditions, and has never to fail. An old veteran ■ay to Interested to know my n- ■enr yaan afo with Ayer** Afoa The year before the pm 1 me la Sotne twenty of ae wereeafafadta nail eaddenly all ante tatoa with (•ear and agne. We tried atowat everything Without getting any help, UU at laet I eent to the etty and procured a bottle of Ayar*a Agaa Cora. I recovered at once. The othera toi ler od my example, and they, too, recovered. Every one In camp took the remedy and erne cored by It I went all through the war, have lived In thirteen different atatoa of the Union, and hove never had the ague olnoe.” a U. 8WTH, 8W Augustine, Fla. There’s only one thing to get for ague: « MIK'S Ague Cure. Fewer men would bo financial failures, did lhey devote leas time In prying Into the business of others and moru In the pursuit of tliclr own sITalrs. More Ilian twenty million free sample of DeWItl’s Witch Hazel Salve have lieen distributed by the manufacturers. What better proof of their confidence It Its racr. Its do you want? It cures (dies, burns, acalds, sores, in the shortest space of time. A. J. Cooper & Co. Congressman » Botkin’s Statement WAMflMOTOH, D.G., April 1, law. Dr. 5. B. Hartman, Cotnmimi, O. My D*4H Doctor: — It give# ma pleasure to certify to the excellent curative qualities of your medteineoi Strayed, ' From my residence near Z. B. Fuller’s store, In south part of l'milding county, a black mule with n small white spot on nose, medium size, horse mule. Any one returning same will be paid for their trouble. C. C. Brewer. Now, Is it not rather funny that the Pops will rant about the necessary quali fication in a nominee for office, when they have one on their ticket who can't write his name? Qualification with them means one who otn get there. How’s This. We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh tji.-.t can not lie cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY it CO.. Props., Toledo, O. Wo the undersigned, have known F. J Cheney for the last 1C years, and believe him perfectly honorable In nil business transactions anil financially able to carry out any obllgatiens made by their firm. WrhtATkpax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Wai.dino, Kinnan & Maiivin, Whole sule Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mu, surfaces of the system. Price 7Bc. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testimo nials free. Hall's Family Pills arc the host. THE HEW ERA. Published Every Friday. W. Z. SPIN KB, Advertising Rates on Application SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ONI YEAR 61X MONTHS 40c THREE MONTHS 20c Entered In the Poet OfloeCat Dallas, Or. as seoond-olasa mail matter, DALLAS, GA„ SEPT. It). 1898. Democratic Candidates. For Representative, WILL JK. SPINKS For Clerk S. C. W. J. BAKER. For Sheriff, B. F. WHEELER. Deputies, W. N. ANDERSON, ALONZO FURR. For Treasurer, JOHN W. SPINKS. Tax Collector, M. R. ADA lit. | Tax Receiver, J. T. CARTER. Surveyor, O. M. WIQLEY. Coronor, ,1. F. SUMMERVILLE. non. J. D. Norm*, CongroMtn*o.«t-LarK« from Kansas. Pe-ru-na and Maa-a-lin. I have been BlUictod, more or lean, for a quarter of a century with catarrh of the atomnch and constipation; a resilience in Wash ington has increased these troubles. A few bottles of your medictnea have given me almost complete relief, and I am sure that a continuation of their use will effect a permanent ourc. Pe-ru-na la auroly u wonderful rem edy for catarrhal affections. J. D. BOTKIN. The Best Rtmedy For Flux. Mr. John Mathias, a well known ^tock dealer of Pulaski, Ky., says: "After suf fering for oyer a Week with flux, and my physician having failed to relieve me, 1 was advised to try Chamberlain's Colic, Choleru and Diarrhoea Remedy, and have thspleanure of stating that Ihe half uf one bottle cured me.” For sale by A. J. Cooper A Co. ANNOUNCEMENT For Tax Coi.i kctor. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the olllce of Tax Collector, and ask the support of the voters of Paulding county, amt If elected pledge the best of service to the people of Paulding county. 0. W. Lawkkncr. A certain candidate seems to tic mis taken in whom lie he is muklng the race against. He should go to headquarters and leurn who his oppnent is. Hut. then, it mukes but little dlffereuee as he will he defeated. Th : heart* of all Southerners go oat in sympathy to Gen. WheeRr and family if the untimely death of his son. The Rev. W. 9- Costley, of Stock bridge, Ga„ while attending to his pastoral duties at Ellenwood, that state, was attacked by cholera morlms. He says: "By chance 1 happened to (jet hold of a bottle of Cham, lierlaln’s Colic, Cholera and _ Dlarrheoa Remedy, and I think It wa« the means of avlng my life. It relieved me at once. For sale by A. J. Cooper A Co. In the event that the Spanish govern inent refuses to relinquish the Philippines war may be renewed. It Is likely that she will be by these Isluuds as by the oth. -surrender them when compelled by- force. One Minute Cough Cure suprlses people by Its quick cures and children may lake It In large quantities without the least danger. It has won for itself the best reputation of any preparation used lo-dn.t ^or colds croup, tickling in the throat or obstinate coughs. A. J. Cooper A Co. BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE. THE REST SALVE in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands Chilblains, Corns, and nil Skin Eruptions, And positively eures Piles, or no pay re qulred. It is guaranteed to give perfec satisfaction or money refunded. Price Hi cents per box. FOR SALE BY A. .1 Cooper Co. THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIRS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the Californio. Fig Svkup Co. only, and we wish to Impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the Cali foknia Fig Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cool- foiinia Fig Svmup Co. with the medi cal profeasion, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of Its remedy. It is fur in advance of all other laxatives, os it acta on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it docs not gripe nor uauscate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company — CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. Sommer Restrts. Msny delightful summer resorts are sit* uatod on and retched vis Bontherji Nall, way. Whether one desires tha asvsida or the mountain, the fashionable hotels or country homes, they can be reached via his msgslUcrnt h'ghwsy of travel. AsUvUIa, IT. 0., Hot Bprlnga, N. 0„ Roan Motreitah, Tcnn., and the mountain resorts of East Tcnnessea and Weaten t North Carolina—“The Laud of the Sky" —Tate Springs, Tcnn., Lookout Mountain Tcnn., Monte Snno, Huntsville, Ala., thin Springs, Ga., and various Virginia S the seashore resorts sre reached by the Southern Hallway oa con venient schedules and very low rates. The Southern Railway has Issued a handsome folder, entitled “Sommer Homes and Resorts,” descriptive of aeeriy one thousand summer resort-hotels sad boarding houses, Including Information regarding rates for Ismrd at the different places and railroad rates to retch them. Write to C. A. llenscoter, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Southern Rail way, Chattanooga, Tenn., for a copy of this folder. » A felt EAT record of cures, une- “ quailed in medical history, proves Hood’s Sarsaparilla possesses merit un known to any other MKOICINB. DeWItt’a Little Early Risers, Tbs lunu tittle pills. Overwork, either physical or mental, will produce weakness nud loss of energy. Too many business or family cares, over work In the harvest field, un excess of womaa’s work and worry, will produce month’s of misery. To prevent this the uxhausted system should lie reinforced Immediately. Dr. J. H. McLean’s Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier js an appropriate remedy. Price BOc auil ♦ 1 a bottle. For sale by A. J. Cooper. As the recent war with Spain has dem onstrated, there is a vast difference in the results of those who fight from true pa triotism, as has always been the ease with the American soldier, anil those who fight merely for pay or because they arc forced to fight. It also demonstated to th> governments of the east that ths United States is a foe more to lie dreaded than despised. It also showed veir clearly that no country dan boust of better or braver soldiers than the United States. I’lio "young giant of the west" needs old j to be roused to show its strength. You Invite disappointment when you experiment. DcWitt's Little Knrty Ris ers ure pleasant, easy, thorough little pills. They cure constiputlou slid sick headache Ju t ns sure us you take tnein. A. .1. Cooper A Co. Do you not suppose that If the pop*, had had very stroug hopes of electing their county ticket, It would have read different? Its parallel will be found Iho story of Jason and the patent med! cine. You know the story goes that If Jason was killed it would not matter, but the parents did'not wish to first try the incdieine on the children that they count ed ns being worth murk to them. So it nns with the lenders of the party, they did not care much If Jason did get some modlelnc not suited to his eonslitutlon. And the result will just about be that Jn- ion can't stand the medicine. This is confidential, you know, and wo would uni have It talked out. The world Is filled with fluent talkers, tint fluent thinkers are few and far be tween. A stubborn cough or tickling lu the throat yields to One Minute Cough Cure. Harmless I11 effect, touches the right spot, reliable und just what Is wauted. It nets at once. J. J. Cooper A Co. Gen. John B. Gordon 1ms l**tn tendered a place on the war inquiry board by Pres- id< ut McKinley. For brokeu surfaces, sores, insect bites, burns, skin discuses and especially piles there is one reliable remedy, DeWItl’s Witch Hazel Salve. Whci you call for I),:Wilt’s duu’t accept counterfeits or lruuds. You will not Ik- disappointed with DeWItl’s Witch Hazel Salve. A. J. Cooper A Co. I11 seems u great pity for the ruee that uien with great ambitions were uot bora with minds to match. Truth wears well. People have learned that DcWitt's Little Early Risers are re liable little pills for regulating the bowels curing constipation and sick headache They don’t gripe. A. J. Cooper A Co. One wing of the middle-of-the-road l‘o, - ulists has placed Darker and Donnelly in fie field for president and vice-president to lie voted for, or against rather, In 1900. We think they have plenty of time to make a thorough canvass before the elei. tlou. One Minute Cough Cure, cures That Is wh*t it was nude tor. A CRITICAL TIME DURING THE BATTLE OF SANTIAGO SICK OR WELL A RUSH NIGHT AND DAY. The Packers at the Buttle of Santiago de Cuba were all Heroes. Their Heroic Efforts in Getting Ammunition and Ra tions to the Frant Save 1 the Day. P. E. Button of pack-train Xo. 8, writ ing from Santiago, de Culm, on July 23d says: "We ull had dlnrrlinha in more' or less vlolunt form, and when we lauded we had no time to see u doctor, for it was a ease of rush and rush night und day to keep the troops supplied with ammuni tion and rations, but thunks to' Clmmlier- laln’s Celle, Cholera and Diarrhoea Reiu. edy, we were able to keep at work ami our health; in fact, I sincerely believe tlmt at one eritieul time this medicine was the Indirect savior of our army, for if the puckers hud been tumble to work there would have been no way of getting supplies to the front. There were no r oads that n wagon train could use. My comrade and myself lmd the good fortune to lay in a supply of this medicine for our pack-train before we left Tampa, and 1 know in four cases it absolutely saved life.” The above letter was written to the manufacturers of tills medicine, the Chntnberlulu Medieiue Co-, lies Mriucs, Iowu. for sale by A. J. Cooper A Co. The Populists are everlastingly lmrplug about the Slute tax rate, hut do not tell why the rate Is high. Of course, they know, but do not tell that thu Increase in the public schoel fund and the pensions for disabled und indigent Confederate vet- eriuis ami widows of Confederate soldiers Ims made a higher tax mte Imperative They know that the State government has been economically udministered. If they lire not in favor of being tnxod to support tin: public schools nud pay the pensions why do they not say so? They know that any meterial reduction In the State taxes means a corresponding dot reuse in one nr Imthof t hose funds. There Is no necessity or excuse for their attempt to delude the people with the idea tlmt they ure boing uniiocesssnrily burden ed with taxes -only that they might get a few more votes, prompted by a prcjudlc of their own cultivation, but the origin o( which i< a lurk of a knowledge of the fuc Knows that the Peerless Remedy foe Diseases of the Liver, Kidneys and Bladder is Dr. J, H. MtLEAN’S LIYER xh.' KIDNEY BALM.... It has Cured Thousands of Des perate Caaes. Try It. PRICE, $1.00 PER BOTTLE, roa ulz by • A. J. Cooper A Co. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. Tto« lx «tot it war ••111,1 u l'd -J<l too ipnq otpxpxou TEA surex Dyxyxy- | lflniCr*sia, Constipation xa<l Mi gration. Regulated the Llvor. Prieu, SB aw. u 'a; w V bo .£ c-/ rt Mm *5 .£ 3 VJ C/3 0 Eh Cn *S rQ u 3 O 2 ”2 CQ •5 3 W O a <D tj c <u C/3 .£ rU O O O TJ bo T — V £ to c ’So tS’ o X r >• o o D ! CO < -I -I < o I u I I- V 0 32 \ •riril. m Wtl'Wdn 11 »'V«~-.. c