The Dallas new era. (Dallas, Paulding County, Ga.) 1898-current, October 21, 1898, Image 2

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■A, iA croup Care % la what many a mother Is looktaf for; something absolutely safe and reliable, that will disarm her terror of that dread rattling, strangling cougb£$$ fearful to the mother, so fataFto the child. Ayer’s Cherry ^Pectoral la a croup cure that can be .relied on. Thousands say so. Tilts. W. J. Dickson (“Stanford ErataU") writes from Truro, N. 8.:— r "Th»t terror of mothers, the startling, eroupy congh, never stormed me so long tt I had s bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in the house.” “ We hare need Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in .our family for years. Once when our hoy had a severe attack of croup, we thought that he would die. But we broke op tbs attack by using Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral* R. H. COX, Plaucheville, La. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral is put up in half-site bottlea at half price—60 cents. The People’s Party Paper has been turned over to the sheriff. The Populists should ask for n rrseiver for the pr-ty, provided there it enough left worth the trouble. Three Doctors in Consultation. From Beniamin Franklin. ‘When you arc sick, what you like’ e I to be chosen fora medicine in the first place; what experience tells you is best, be chosen in the second place; whst reason (1. e., Theory) says is best is to lie chosen In the last place. But if you can’i get Dr. Inclination, Dr. Experience and Henson to hold consu’tatlon together, they will give you the best advice that can he taken.” When you have a Imd cold Dr. Inclina- would recommend ChnmlierlHln'i Cough Remedy because it Is pleasant am safe to take. Dr. Experience would ree. nmnend it because it never fails to offer speedy and permanent cure. Dr. Hen son would recommend it I localise it ispn pared on scientific principals, and acts on inturc’s plan in relieving the lungs, open- ng the secretions and restoring the rys. tern to a natural and healthy condl ion For sale by A. J. Cooper & Co. lion THE HEW ERA Published Every Friday. W. Z. BP1NKS, Advertising Rales on Application SUBSCRIPTION BATES: ONE TEAR 7fi« SIX MONTHS 40c THREE MONTHS 20c Entered in the Poat Otiaejat Dallaa, (la. aa aeoond-olaaa mall matter. DALLAS, GA., OCT. 21, 1808. Atlanta Is wanting u pence Juli"ce. iiould postpone it until she gets a depot. Youimltu disappointment when you experiment. DeWltt's Little Early His, ers arc pleasant, easy, thorough little pills. They cure constipation‘and sick headache Just as sure as you lake tnom A. •>. Cooper & Co. The steamer, Mohegan, was wrecked last woek ami about 120 persons were lost The vcshjI was from London and baiind for New York. A stubborn cough or tickling In the throat yields to One Minute Congh Cure Harmless in effect, touches the right spot reliable and just what is wanted. It act, at o ice. A. J. Coojicr & Co. Tne populists in the next logislat will feel rather lonesome. To avoid that loneliness of fcellag, they should ask lie rec.ivud back into the Democratic (old. ORN-OUT WOMEN The populists in Georgia doubtless feel like one shipwrecked on a deiert Island. They see their suu of hope receding be. .ill the horizon. For them, as the pop- u»t party, It will rise no more. BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE. THE BEST HALVE in the world foi Cuts, Bruises, SoreB, Ulcers, Salt Rheum Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions. &nd positively cures I’iics, or no pay re (Hired. It is guaranteed to give perlec satisfaction or monoy'rctunded. Price i~i cents per box. FOR SALE BY A. J. Cooper Co. A riot. In which several persons were killed amt many wounded, occurred at Virden, PI. last week between strlslim Un'on miners and negro miners imported fiom the South to take the pine'< of the Union men who kail gone out on u strike. Most women w are drudges. Some are willing, some are unwilling. Some women drudge tor themse 1 ve a, some for their family. Their routine is end- leu; no matter how 111 they feel they work. Women never half take care of themaelvea. Early decay and wrecked lives abound,mainly through neglect. Every woman should have the book ealled " Health and Beauty,” which the Pe-ru-na Medicine Co.,Columbus, O., will mail on requeat. It tells women some easy things to do to protect health, and all about the virtues of Pe-ru-na for women’s peculiar Ills. Miss Llizie Peters, Mascoutah, Ill., writes: ”1 am perfectly cured of female weak' ness by taking Pe-ru-na and Man-a-lln, I have gained thlrty-aeven pounds since I began taking Pe-ru-na. My friends are wondering what makes me look so bright and healthy, would like to let the world know what a wonderful medicine Pe-ru-na la. ’’ Woman's diseases are.tnalnly catarrh of the pelvic organa. Pe-ru-na drives out every phusu of catarrh. Mrs. Eliza Wlkc, No. 130 Iron Street, Akron, O., writes: 11 1 would be In my grevo now If It had not been for your Ood-sent remedy, Pe*ru-na. I was a broken- down woman, now I am well.” Ask any druggist for a free Pe-ru-na Almanac for the year 1899. BRASWELE. We are drenched again, but still above the water Our loan was thrown into commotion Sunday by the smldcn death of Mrs. W. E. Tint, whirl) occurred ncur Stilesboro. She was buried at the Friendship ceme tery Monday. She was a conslstant mem ber of the Baptist church. She leaves many relative* and friends to mourn her loss. Mr. James Mowcry and fsm ly hare moved here from Alabama. Mrs. W. S. Norton is on the sick list. Ai.bion. What 20 Cents Will la. By sending the above amount to Tim Detroit Free Fress, Detroit, Mich., they will send you The Twlcs-*-We*k Detroit Free Press, from date of receipt of yoa r order until January 1,1891. Thu (peelei reduced rale I* given to introduce the paper to new readers. The Twlca-a. Week Free Press Is a dean, up-lonlat* family newspaper, and every one tbeuld take advantage of this special offer. Th* greatest value ever offered for 10 rent*. Send In your order at once. New Ira and Free Press for SS cents to Jan. 1, IMS. MERCHANTS’ AND MANUFACT. URES’ FREE STREET AND TRADE CARNIVAL, KNOXVILLE, TENN., OCTOBER 19-21ST. REDUCED HATES VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY For the occasion of the Merchants’ and Manufactures’ f rec Street Fair and Trade Carnival to be held at Knoxville, Tenn., October 19-21st inclusive, the Southern Railway will sell tickets from points on Its lines to Knoxvdle and return, nt very low lutes. Tickets will be sold from points beyond a radius of 200 miles of Knoxville, tickets will Ire sold October l'Jtk and 20th and from points in East Tennessee, with final limit to return Octo ber 22nd. 1898. On account of the many attractions In Knoxvillu on these days, and the rate b Ing so low every one should endeavor to t ike advantage of this excellent opportu nity of visiting the “Queen City” of the mountains. For further information call on any agent of the Southern I? Ilway. THE EXCELLENCE OF SYEUP OF FWS la due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which It Is manufactured by scientific processes knowD to the California Fio Svrup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the Calipohnia Fio Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one In avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Flo Syrup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acta on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and It does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its bencficiqM effects, please remember the name <9 i the Company — CALIFORNIA FIG STRUP CO. SAN PIIANOISOO, Oak LOUISVILLE, Kr. NEW TNI, H. T. Notice. Lillis MoKenney ) u'bsl far dtreras la vs. I PauUUng Mwrtsr John McKennejr. ) coari Aag. tarsi, MM. It appearing to the Court by lb* rsMra *f Sheriff In the above stated ease that tbe 4*. lendant does not reside In said eounly, sad It further appearing that he doss not reside la Is stair. I Is therefore ordered by lbs Casrl that service be perfected on the defendant by the publication of this order onee* month (or four months before the neat term of Ibis Court nr the ease Is tried In the New lia, a newspaper published In Tanldlng coaaly, Ga This August tth, 1WI7. C. G. JaNls, I. a. 0. A CHEAT record at cures, ut* quailed in mcdlcgl history, prove# Hood’s Sarsaparilla possesses merit n« known to any other MEDICINE. DeWltt’s Little Early Risen, i Tbs famsas little elite. HI wsaSaatANUBIAN TEA suras Dyspsp- rlalUCrSsia, Canstlpalion sad l*ff> geslion. Regulates tbs Livst. Prise, M ato When you call for DcWItl’s Witch Ha zel 8alve the great pile cure, don’t ac cept anything else. Don't Ire talked Into- accenting a substitute, for piles, for sores, for burns, A. J. Cooper & Co. Says an exchange: “Before a man’, n 'od lie’s a dude; after mn'' i lage bep s ibducd. Before ina'iiage he lies no but tons on Ids d *rt; after iniir : ge he has n< shirt. Befc e marriage he swears lie would not me-ry the best womiin in the vorld; pftcr if . lago he finds that he hn not. When the Populists carry an election, they Hhout that "the people have downed the rings, cliques, bosses and politicians." When they are defeated, they cry out, “•mud." and say the opposition used money, liquor and oilier nefarious meth ods to obtain votes. We wish to stnte Just here that It’s souy crowd that is bought so cheap. We believe the popc'lsts are cs honorable as other people—not more so—,and it’s an in- suit to their manhood to Intimate such thing. But it should tie remcmliered thn' oae has a perfect right to qu't that p: tv t ie same as other parties. We do not be lieve any person who had been voting th' popi ''it ticket, voted democratic In the recent election on arcof it of any offer of money or liquor. We have heard of no lemocruts setting nut, and of only two or liree bids, but which were not accepted. What Scrofula I». Scrofula Is n disease as old as antiquity. It has been handed dowu for general loin and Is the same today as in early times It is emphatically a disease o the bloot and the only way to cure it Is bj purl f>ing the blood. That Is just whin Hood's Sarsaparilla does in every case where It Is given a fullin'.il trial. It cradi cutes all impurities from the blood, itn< cures the sores, boils, pimples and all forms of skin disease due to scrofula taints in the blood. Hood's Barsnpa rllla lias won the grateful praise of vast numbers of pruple by its-grand and com plete cures. Don’t allow scrofula develop In.your blood. Cure it at one c by taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Sour Stomaoh Cure- A long time I was a sufferer from Live and Stomach troubles, i had a du'l paid in my left side under my heart. At times my side became swollen and tbc pain n- cute. My stomach was always sour and I would vomit every time I eat. My bow els were very irregular, causing me pain and distress. I tried many tilings without any benefit. I read of your medicine und concluded to try it, and am glad that I did. I felt better after tbc tint dose. I co illnued to take Ramon's Livur Pills & Tonic Pellets until I was entirely cured.— D. V/. Penland, Otto, Macon Co., N. C. What ab >ut tbe statement of that de. fcated pop, wuo said lie could take one bundled dollars and a little liquor amf carry an election In this county? We heard they offerod$5 apiece for dein. ocrats, but could not buy—there wcie none for sale. Does lie mean to say the populists could have been held intact fpr lout amount? It is on Insult to them. How to I invent Croup. We have two children who are subject to attucks of croup, Whenever an attack is coming on my wife gives them Cham berlain's Cough Remedy ami it always prevents the attack. It Is a household necessity iu this county and no matter what else we run out of, it would not do lo be without Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy. More of it is sold here than of all other cough raediclpes combined.—J. M. Nicklk, of Nickle Bros., merchants, Nickleville, Pa. For sale by A. J. Coop, cr & Co. .DeWiU’s Witch Hazel Salve Vari-s Piles, Scalds, tiarui. The Question Settled. The question of when a man may slap his wife came up for discussion before Magistrate Heuly, of Flushing, L. I., Iasi week, and was settled for all time. William Connell was the prisoner. II' was accused of hitting Mrs. Connell In the face, and hitting her “real hard.” “I biffed her because she rides a wheel and never comes home,” said the prisoner. "She rides off half the night, and I never seo her, although she is married to me." “That being the case, the prisoner Is discharged,” said the Judge.—Courier. Journal. Tax Collector's Notice—2nd Round’ Umphrey's, Wednesday Oct. 2!, Weddlugton, Thursday Oet. 27, Hiram, Friday Oct. 28, California, Saturday Oct 2!). Pi ,r npkinv'.ne, Monday Oct. 81, Dallas, Tuesday Nov. 1, Acorntreo; Wednesday Nov. 2, Twentieth, Thursday Nov. 8, Bn nthtekory, Friday Nov. 4, Raccoon, Saturday Nov. 5, Dallas, Monday Nov. 7, Ur ill, Tuesday Nov. 8, Union, Wednesday Nov. 9, Tallapoosa, Thursday Nov. 10, Ninetueml), F May Nov. 11, Cains, Saturday Nov. 12, Braswell, Monday Nov. 14. A. L. WoirruAN, T. C. u How’s This. We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any cuse of Catarrh that can not he cured by Hall’s Cntarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Props., Toledo, O. Wc th* undersized, have known F. J. Cheney for the last IS years, and believe him perfectly houorahle in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Thuax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Waldino, Rinnan & Marvin, Whole sale Druggist-, Toledo, O. Hull's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mu- surfaces of the system. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Tcstlmo- nitils free. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Farm For Sale. A good 129 acre farm, about 00 in cul- v ion, well improved, two good well- watered pastures; two good tenant houses, within one-fourth mile of Cross Roads church, a good school house, saw and grist mill at same place, about midway between Dallas and Acworth, in Paulding county. One-half cash, remainder on easy terms. Call on or address W. S. Gladden, Roxaua, Ga. Farm Lands on Ten Tears Time I have some farm lands—40, 50, 00, and 120 acre tracts—to sell on ten years lime. No cash payment required. Write or call at once, Will G. Brown, CtjlJipttn, -Via. Knows that the Peerless Remedy for Diseases of the Liver, Kidneys and Bladder is Dr. J. H. McLEAN'S LIVER AMD KIDNEY BALM.... It has Cured Thousands of Des perate Cases. Try It. PRICE, $1.00 PER BOTTLE, roa SALE ST A. J- Copper & Co, A be ■c 'So It O V o A be •c 35 '53 o. bo .S 2 3 sS a* *E ft. cS _ H 2 a bo c 'So fee a bo c -o t > 2 <2 •s, v a 5,° ns db O i) S3 A •£ v •5 rd <u 4> A 3~ O 1 o Q £ a co < e 2 a O A \