The Dallas new era. (Dallas, Paulding County, Ga.) 1898-current, October 21, 1898, Image 7

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LOCAL LINES. System Run Down Mr. B. F. Wheeler wet In Atlanta Mon. day A good mule for sale'chcap; cash or on time. 1. £. Bulter, McPherson, Qa. Hood's Sarsaparilla Built Hsr Up and Qave Strength VbSMmattem Cured and No Symp- t»mi Have Ivor Neturned. 8*7 purifying the blood, toning the Davis & Finch sell the fa- cre*tlng an appetite, _ ,, , _« .-«• e nood’a Sarsaparilla gives new strength mous Baldwin Fertilizer tor to the weak and run down system. wheat. Dr. W. 0. Connally 1s haring a new roof put on the hotel. Why wear those lorn clothes when you can buy a sewing machine so cheap atttiU office? Mr. J. 8, Turner made a business trip to Yorkvllle Sunday. DeWItt’s Colic ft Cholera Cura. Qetsklr aersa Dveeaterr ae4 Dlarrhwa. Lieut. Ware came up from Grlfflu to spend Saturday and Sunday. My. entire stock of merchan dise at cost and below cost. Bennett. J: K Mrs. James Matthews and her son, Robert, are visiting relatives at Llndale. One Minute Cough Cure suprtses people by Its quick cures and children mnv take It in large quantities without the least ' danger. R. h-swon for, itself the best eputatlon of any preparation used to-day tot colds croup, tickling In the throq|P>r obstinate coughs. A. J. Cooper A Co. Mr. and Mr*. J. H. Matthew*, of York- ville, visited relatives In Atlanta this week. Ladiei’ and children's Hats of all kinds at J. P. Welch’s. Messrs. O. W. Helms and J. E. Carter attended Carroll superior court this week. Davis & Finch have now on hand Bagging and Ties. • Mrs. Bailie Dickson, of Braswell, vislt- L «d iriatlve* In Dallas Tuesday. Good sewing machines cheaper than elsewhere at this office. Davis & Finch sell the fa- t -mous Baldwin Fertilizer for wheat. Prof. D. A. Beweil. of Marietta, vl.lted hi i sister, Mrs. J. C. Wstson, last week. Ml l Davis & Fiftch have Gold en Machine Oil, Red Engine Oil, best Harness Oil and Cylinder Oil, cheap as the V ittapest./ ■ DeWItt’s Witch Hard Balve has th e largest sale of any Balve In the world. This fact and its merit has led dishonest people to attempt to counterfeit It. Look f SMI fb|f the man who attampts to deceive you when you call' for DeWItt’s Witch Hazel S.I.A (h« crest idle cure. A. J Read what It did for this lady: “ My system became run down nntll I was hardly able to (o. A neighbor told m* about Hood’s Sarsaparilla snd I began taking It. In a short time I had Increased several pounds In weight and was able to do ail my homework. Since then I bad an attaok ot rheumatism and they gave as* Hood’s Sarsaparilla and it •nred me. I have never felt any eymp- tome ot rheumatism since.” Mrs. Him- Din YOU, Bed Bolling Springs, Tenn. HOOCl’S farina Is the Best—In (set the One True Blood Purifier, Sold by nil druggists, tl; ali (or ,5. HnodU Dll la are the best after-dinner nOOQ 8 1-1118 pl j| ti ald mgctlon. 28c. The first frost of the senson was seen last week, hut not severe enough to do any damage. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That Is what It was made tor. , Good Hard Prick for sale at W. P. Cooper & Brother’s at <>5.00 per thousand. Use Dr. Mites’ Nbrvb Pi.abteh* (or SPINAL WEAKNESS. All druggists sell ’em (or 23c. Two new dwellings will he erected in Dallas In a short time. More could be rented at fair prices. The completest line of La dies’ Capes ever seen in Dal las, now on sale at W. P. Cooper & Brother’s. Twenty styles. Prices $i .oo to $7.00. More than twenty million free samplq' of DeWItt’s Witch Hazel Salve have been distributed by the manufacturers. What better proof of their confidence It its mer its do you want? It cures piles, bums, scnltU, sores, in the shortest space of lime. A. J. Cooper* Co. Mrs. J. M. Mason, of Atlanta, is visit ing he? parents, Dr. and Mrs. B. Hot el tson. Call and examine our stock of Phoes, and get our prices before you buy. We think we can save you money in this line. Hay Bros. DAVIS & EVER ON THE ALERT FOR BUSINESS, Now offef some dosing out Bargains in summer goods, not to be touched by would-bc competitors. Remember we are in business to do business and if you fail to patronise us and lose our patronage you injure yourself. We are doing all wo can for Paulding county; let our people show theiy appreciation of home by patronizing home institutions, that not only aid them when money is scarce, but buy all they have to sell winter or summer. We buy more from our customers than we sell them. How many merchants in this section can say as much? Call on us when in town. Command us, we are at your service. Yours to Please^ Davis & Finch 11’ T)ic Scml-Wcckly Atlanta Journal and The New Era only $1.50. You should not be without them. Now open my new stock ofMillinery goods Ladies’ Capes, Dress Goods, Silks and Trim Come in and get the Biggest Bargain you ever bought. J. F. WELCH- VOU MUST Imvo pure blood for ■ good health. Hood’s Sarsaparilla purities the blood. Take Hood’s Sar saparilla If you would BE WELL. 1 Salve the great pile cure, Cooper Co. Ml. H ,L< Pevrson. who Is attending . , !_• - , school at-Tfockraart, was In tow a last IQlIltfS 01 all KllluS. Saturday. “ Truth wears well. People have learned that DeWItt’s Little Early Kisers are re liable little pills for regulating the bowels Jei ^cdrlhg constipation and sick lieBdachc They don’t gripe. ~A. J. Cooper & Co. Mr. F. Smith *111 open a two months’ fall lerm of school at New Hope on Mon day October 81st. % bur ‘fall Millinery is now on sale; ’tis complete and tasteful aS any line you ever saw. Bricks lower than you ever knew. Come and buy. W. P. Cooper & Bro. Mr. J. M. Abies and wife and Dr. E. II. ■a* 'IRoWetrtson and wife attended the Cobb • county fair at Marietta last Saturday. NOTICE. 5,1 ’ ’All parties indebted to me by note or account that is s , , .due, or past due, will please call and settle, as I am going to wind up my business here. J. K. Bennett. If you have not the money to spare to pay your subscription, bring us some cot ton se d. Dr. Greer, our dentist Is still doing the best of dental work at the lowest prlccsi aud will lie glad to do that work for yuu before Oct., lBtlii after that time be will be aw ay several weeks, lie will be very grateful to you, If you will settle that llt- t le account you are due him, as he has some urgent claims to meet. Old fashions in dress tnay be. revived, but no old-fashioned medicine can rcpluee Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy. For sale by A. J. Cooper & Co. Farmers should not forget that it is cheaper to raise their wlient than to buy it with 4-cent cotton. They sliou'd en deavor to raise enough for home eousump- lion, and if they have uny to sell It w ill I) to “dug” on the murket. Oats, os 1 rale, will do better sown intke fall. Ua'sc more giain and ment and forage und less ( cent cotton and "e verily believe you will be more prosperous ami happy. Come in and let us sell you a suit of clothes cheaper than you ever bought ore. Hay Bros. A new gold mine, known as the “Ken ne aw mine,” lias been opened on Mr ,-jnndy Shipp’s farm in Cobb county, near the line of Paulding. Rossman & Petty are the proprietors ami it is claimed that the mine is a rich one! Liver Troubles * and conetipation Arm's Pit.Lt are invaluable, always affording immediate relief. They are - t 4 The Beet PUL” R. S. MAYO, Edna, Minn. * , SOUTHERN RAILWAY. (•B iffiMMi WffcMito ti KtM Jffily •, imm. NoTTS RTATtOlM. Lv ChBllftllOOtftt “Saved Her Life.” tmwww Delicate Children <■» tnr!l*0' Messrs. George Washington and Levi dfi nford of the Srd On. Vol. were up this iA'jr* TT „ Remember the Hay Bros, are selling goods to suit the price of cotton;. Biliousness • _ a._ 11.M -vlil.b nr /anti rf 1 OPS. Is caused by torpid llvgr, Thick pr„ rents dlges- Hon snd permits food td Zsrment snd putrlfy In Ike stomach. Then folio" dizziness, hen., che, Hood’s tuomlna, nervousness, mid, a l( not relieved, bilious (ever U. k a or blood poisoning. Hood’s 111 PIUs stlmulnte the stomach, m ■ ■ ■ reuse the User, eure hendsehe, dizziness, eon- •stpetton, etc. in cents. Sold by all druggists. Jffoaly Pills to take With Hood's v '~»—'Ua. They do not complain of anything in particular. They eat enough, but keep thin and pale. They appear fairly well, but have no strength. You cannot say they are really sick, and so you call them delicate. * Whatcanbedoneforthem? .J Our answer is the same that ! 1 the best physicians have been - giving for a quarter 6f a cen- * i tury. Give them - ! Scon’s Emulsion | K of 'Cod-Liver Oil with Hypo- j g phosphites. It has most re- 5 K markable nourishing power, j, S It gives color to the blood. It * g brings strength to the mus- K cles. It adds power to the g nerves. It means robust 5 health and vigor. Even deli- J cate infants rapidly gain in *C flesh if given a small amount , % three or four times each day. i K ,oe. ind I1.00 ; all druxgtsU. 1 3 SCOTT A BOWliE, ChemisU, New York. ' •WaVHaMWairtiWaWaMMidialaialalalaNN' M Wln., than whom none la moro highly esteemed or widely known, writes. "In 1890 I had a severe attack of LaGrlppe and at the end of four months, in spite of all physicians, friends and good nursing could do, my lung* heart and nervous system were so completely wrecked, my life wa» de spaired of, my friends giving mo up. 1 could only sleep by the use of opiates. My lungs and heart pained me terribly and my cough was most aggravating. 1 could not Ho In one position but a short time and not on my left side at all. My husband brought me I)r. Miles’ Nervine and Heart Cure and I be gan taking them. Whon 1 had taken a half bottle of each ! was much better and contin uing persistently I took about a dozen bot tles and was completely restored to healthto the surprise of all." Dr. Miles' Remedies are sold by all drug gists under a positive guarantee, first bottle benefits or money re funded. Book on dis eases of the heart end nerves free. Address, ,.... House Burned. The hourc belonging to the estate of G. VV. Foote, Jr., snd occupied Ijy Col. L. M. Washington, wno burnt ln«t Tuesday right aliont 7 q'clock. It caught some., where in the ceiling and the flames hsd msde good headway before discovered. A prrt of the household effects was saved. By persistent work the houses on either side, one occupied by Mr. O. W. Rusiora auikthe other by Mr. Foster, were ssved. Fortunately hut little air was stirring or others would have been burnt. Nature makes a strong fight (gainst dis ease, hut there are times when It needs as sistance to drive out the enemy. Dr. J. II. McLean's Strengthening Cbrdlhl and Blood Purifier supplies the needed help and will soon restore the body ton healthy, vigorous condition. It exercises a stimu lating influence over the organs of diges tion and assimilation, stienglhcnslhonp- )settle, brightens the eye, and Imparts the rosy bloom of henltli to the check. Price 50c. aud $1 a bottle. For sale by A. J Cooper * Co. • Delinquent, We know that cotton Is cheap, money Is scarce und the weather has been unfa vorable for gathering the crops—all of which furnishes a good excuse for your not calling and paying your subscription We know also that you could pay, if nol all, a part of what you owe us. You need not tell ns thut you can’t pay anything on whnt you owe us, unless you wish to shake our confidence In your veracity, We do not believe there Is the name of a single person on our book thut is unnble to pay n part or all they are due us. We do not wish to be eternally reminding you of what you arc due, so come as early a» possible and pay us what you can, for we need all we cun get. Don’t think because the amount is small that we could no* use it to advantage. For broken surfaces, sores, Insect 1 Ites, burns, skin diseases and especially piles there is one reliable remedy, DeWItt’s Witch Hazel Salve. Whc* yoti call for DeWItt’s don’t accept counterfeits or frauds. You will not be disappointed horses are with DeWItt’s Witch Hazel Bu|ye. A. J ' A Cooper * Co. Just opened a complete line of Dry Goods, No tions, Groceries, Shoes, Hats,Ladies’ and Gents' Underwear, Crockery, Tin Ware, and many other articles that you need. Call and exam ine our stock, get our prices and be convinced that we will sell you goods as cheap as they can be bought else where. We want a share of your patron age, and hope, by fair dealings, to get it and retain it. Bespt’y. nEEK BROS. (Next door to Cooper's drug store.) Ar Dalton Ar Horne Ar Atlanta Lv Atlanta, Ar Maoon Ar JfHup Ar Jfivnrott *... Ar JankNcinvlUe . .. . Lv Junup !...... Ar JackHonvIllo Lv Evnrett Ar Urunswlok . 7.61am M.00am ||.40am iSOym 7.10pm Oftum 8.4lpm o.4i>pm ti.f»0pm 11 6 'prn TToTlT l.Htpl 8 06um rt.46utn 7.L’6am 0.4()ii m f6.(ilam I.OOptn 7. aonrn 8. Warn 10.10pm 12. loam 1.44am 6.0)mn ft.wura 8.'.Dam 2.38pift o.'.Tipm Arid pm to. lopiu K/soptii 4.30pm No. 10 onrrlee Pullman Sleeping Car C'hut- Uncoiia to Atlanta. No. 14 oarrloN Pullman Bleontnir Car on<1 Day CoaohenChattanooga to JaokH mvlllo anu AS* lauta Ui Hrunswlnk. No. 8 curries Pullman .Sleeping Car Ohutta* nooga to Atlanta. VoTTT STATIONS. __ Lv ATfanta Ar Homo Ar Dalton Ar Chattanooga... Lv C'hattauooga... Ar llurgln Ar Lexington Ar Louisville ArL’Inciiinuti ... Lv Chattanooga... Ar NoMbvIllr , No. 18 oarrle* Pullman Sleeping Car Atlanta So Chattanooga and Chattanooga to Cincinnati. No. 0 carrion Pullmon Sleeping Car Atlanta to Cincinnati and Chattanooga to Loulevlllo. HTATIOKW. Lv (Ihattum oga.. Ar Knoxvlllo Ar MorrlHt Ar Hot Springs. Ar Ashovlllo Ar SullHhury Ar OroonNlioro Ar Wn liington..., Ar Now York. .... .... No. aarrloK PullmtVnn>[nwing ftp >m Sloop No.AJ No. I No. itf 8.46am | 4. luoin116.00pm II Vmin 8.0'mm l.ioara 1.2:1pm I 0.60am| 2.26am 3 |3prn|tl.40uin 4.00am 4.86ptn| 1.16pm 6.10am C. 40pm J o.aonm u,67pm 12.10pm l.4imin j 3.2.1pm 7. f?()ii m I 6.42imi 0.36pm , M2.43pm 1 fl.23am no. 1* oarrinn ruiiiiiisii V log (.'ar Chattanooga u> Now York via Asho- vlllo and SallNiiury to Richmond, arriving Rich mond 6.40 m.m. also Pullman Slooplng Car GreenNboro to Norfolk. No. 10 Is solid train Chattanooga to Salis bury. with Pullman Slooplng Car Chattanooga to Salisbury and Salisbury to New York with out change. STATIOKH. Lv Chattanooga Ar Morristown Ar lMstol Ar Wanhlngton. Ar New York Skin Diseases: For the speedy and permanent eure of tetter,.gait rheum and eczema, Cham berlain's Eye and Skin Ointment is without an equal. It relieves the itch No. < 'No. F Mopin' H.eiura 8.4ftpm ll.66ar» 2.16am 1.2ipm 7.00am a.A6pm NO. a curries ruiimsn owuii' 1 ' ! ^>offa V) Washington and Chattanooga to Now wr» without change. No. 4 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Kno*- HTATloWl. Lv UomoT Ar Anniston Ar Ulrmlngham... Ar Selma Ar Meridian Ar Now Orleans... Xr Jacknon Ar Vicksburg .... Ar Shreveport..... ♦No. 16j|N6Ty. 2.00pm 4.'6upm!Lv Rome 6.40pm 6.67pm|Ar Gad den. ar WjT 0.10am 11.21am lo.oopm 3.66 pm tNo. 16 8.60O#J T.aopm lA30um u.46um 11.36am 7.20pm tNo. lb 6.40pm, 6.67pmiAr t#an nen. ar 0.nosm 6.00pm| 7-loymlAr AAtallq. Ivl 6.46am ft.36nm 6.3 am 6.20am T Daily except Sunday. f Sunday only. tag h .°nd smarting .^'Tn^ntly'end scald head, sore nipple*, Itching piles, chapped hands, chronic sore eyes and granulated lids. a A. BKNSgOTEB, A.Q.P. A.,Chattanooga,Ten* Dr. fadr** Condltlen Powders for re the uorwra o.o best tonic, blood purifier and vermlfnge. Price, 88cent*. Boldby For sale by A. J. Cooper*Co. We Club UOOD’8 Sarsaperilln Is the One n True I " True Blood Purifier, Great Nerve ure. u . Tonic, Stomach Uegula’x/r. To thou. ervesfree. Address, 8i(H d s itu great IllClit |* KNOWN. OR, miMMEDIOAtW.. Elkhart. U4. , THE NEW EBA with The Weekly Constitution, The Weekly Journal, The Thrlee-a-Week World, The Twin -a-week Globe-Democrat, $1.50 The Twit c-a-week Courier-Journal. $1.80 Twlce-n-we. k retrqit Free ♦> Q Home and Fatm, $1)0