The Dallas new era. (Dallas, Paulding County, Ga.) 1898-current, November 04, 1898, Image 7

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-' nr T LOCAL USES. v flow wheat! Bow oats. I UM Tuesday'*,** legal sale day.. Jttdpo X’ W. T. Allgood wai la Dallas Tuesday, A good null fot aale cheap; cash or oa tiaM. I. X. Bu|t*r, McPherson, Oa. DlWMI’B * Cholera Cure. Col. A. J. Csmpspint part of tut week ia Maeoa. • \ To Purify airif: Enrich the Blood Strengthen the Metres and Invigorate the System, use Dr. K. A. Simmons Liver Medlelne. Oeod sewing *i)fiachlnei cheaper than elsewhere at thlaeglce. Mrs. 8. X. ;llagst|als was la Atlanta Saturday. : Ladies' and children'! at s r, weicni. Monthly and Sparing-Down Pains, a'- t> ndant upon . Irregular ami Suppressed Menstruation, l-ait^telleved by Simmons Squaw Vine Wine Tablets. Messrs. Rsrigrts and, Maury Connelly and and James EvanU, of Atlanta, spent Sunday la Dallas, ./ Weary women j)swl an occasional dose of Dr. M. A. Slmnaaps Liver Medicine to Strengthaa their Ngyves and Invigorate their System. Our fall Millinery is now on ■ale; ’tit complete and tasteful as any link you ever saw. Prices loWerthan you ever knew. Come and buy. W. P. Cooper & Bro. Mbi Mettle Parkerid*' gh ref Mr. and gra. ® e Parker,-ff Tujioravllle, was '• '• burled ul./tew Hope Monday. fever.' It docs not have to run a certain course. Cure It quickly aud effectually with One Minute , though Cure, tbit bshtpemedy for all ages } >iyl for the moat sevens .cases. We rec ommend It hecausoufl's good.' A. J. (WbpeKACet* ’ w < Call and examine our stock < j of Shoes, and ,‘get our prices • before jyjjm buy.. * We think yrc can save you money in this lihe. . , Hay Bros. A A' number of the youdg people of Dallas had quite an erijeyable .evening at tht Residence of Mr. and gt). A. B. klarch- map Monday. ; " To Regulkth the giflses, Stop Flooding and too freqndnf appearance of Menses, take Simmona 84uawr-Vine Wine or Tab* •lii-.jit’i .:**• 4 ’ •’ \ Remember the Hay Bros., are selling goods to suit the price of cotton. Mn. Walter Spinks,-after spending ter- er.Ldays at the guestpf the family of Mr. j. W. Spluht, returned to her home lu Atlanta Tuesday. iry Derangement of Digestion, through overwork, wony or emotional ex- cltemon, kre quickly Hetlflod by Dr. M. ii Simmons Liver Medldhe. , the complies! line of La* ales’ Capes ev/er seen in Dal las, now oh sidle at W. P. Copper & Brother’s. Twenty styles'. Prices' $.r.oo to $7.00. The Semi-Weekly Atlanta Journal and The Mpw Era only $1.60. You should not l>e without them. ** A?XI<irefe Burton and Miss Walton of Douglasville, were Ibe guests of tht Nines Fain Sunday^.* Capes at your.own price, at HAT BB08. «, Tire ratlable cure for teucorrhoea.Ova rian Disorders and Falling of Womb, in Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets. ‘ Come in and let us sell you a"suit*of clothes cheaper than you ever bought one. ..... * ■ ‘Hay Bros. spent Saturday America’s Greatest Medicine is Hood's Sarsaparilla, Which absolutely Cures every form of Impure blood, from The pimple on your Face to the great Scrofula sore which Drains your system. Thousands of people Testify that Hood’s Sarsaparilla cures Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Dyspepsia, Malaria, Catarrh, Rheumatism And That Tired Feeling. Remember this And get Hood’s And only Hood’s. Have your legal ada ready for next Issue. Some Lost, Strayed or Followed One OX One red hound dor with wlilto breast, shot marks on hips, answers to tbo name of ‘‘Rattler." Will pay $1.00 to any one returning same to mo. O. W. Fchr, Dallas, Ga. The Hurt La Grlppo Cure. There Is no uso suffering from this dreadful malady, if you will only get the right remedy. You are haring pnln all through your body, your liver la out of order, have no appetite, no life or amhl tlon, have a bad cold, In fact arc complete ly uso I up. Electric Bitters ia the only remedy that will give yon prompt and sure relief. They act directly on your Liver, 81' m irh and Kidneys, toae up th whole system and make you feel like n new being. They are guaranteed to cure or price refunded. For aale at A. J. Cooper z Co».‘ Drug Store, only 50c per bottle. Now open my new stock ofMillinery goods Ladies’ Capes, Dress Goods, Silks and Trim- mines of all kinds. Come in and get the Biggest Bargain you ever bought. J. F. WELCH. Judge C. G. Janes has been re-elected Ju Ige of the Tallnpoosn circuit. From New Zealand. HKRFTOit, New Zealand, Nov. 88, 1806. I am very pleased to state that since I took the agency of Clmmberlain'a medi cines the sale has been vory large, more especially ol the Cough Remedy. In two years I have sold more of this particular remedy tnan of all other m ikes for the previous live years. As to Its etllcacy, I hare been Informed by scores of persons of the good results they have received from It, and know Its value from the use of it in my own household. It is so pleas ant to take that we have to place ‘ho bot tle beyond the reach of the children. E. J. SoAXTI.XBl’KT. For sale by A. J. Cooper & Co. Mr. J. J. Payne, of Atlanta, was shak ing hands with Ills old friends in Dul as last Tuesday. The Beet Plaster. A place of flannel dampened with Cham- lierlaiii’s Pain Halm and hound on to the affected partj is sppcrlor to any plaster. When troubled with a paluin the chest nr Ide, or a lame hack, give It a trial. Yon are rertuln to he more Ilian pleased with ilie prompt rcllof which It affords. Pain lliiliu is also a certain cure for rheumatism' For sale by A. J. Coo|ier A Co. Little Glenn, sun of Mr. and Mrs.. If. L. Owens, died lust Friday night, and was interred at the Dallas cemtery Sntur- lay. We tender our sympathy to the he- reared parents. A Cure for Heulburn- That burning sensation lu the stomach, lliu pains and suffering which I experienc ed for live long years, brought on by con tinued constipation and biliousness, aro I most Indescribable. I tried every kuown r ’tiiedy without effect. Finally I tried It unon’s Liver Pills A Tonic Pellets, fol- wing the directions carefully. After taking a few doses I begun to improve. I have not used more than three boxes and feel us well asfl ever felt. My restoration to perfect health I attribute solely to the Ueu of Kuimoii’s Liver Pills A Tpnlc Pel lets, and I only wish I'could pursuade •tilers to do as I did and be cured—Logan M. Nulls, Amsterdam, Va. • RICH—LcLARTY. The Flashing Eye, Buoyant Footstep and Rosy Complexion result from the use jf Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine. The cheapest jeans in the world, at HAT BROS. The Girl’ll Friend, Simmons Squaw Vine •Vine or Tablets, cause natural appearance and Regular Monthly return of menses. Well, i( you will not bring us that tove wood, bring us some money. Mr. T. Williams, Scnola, Ga., writes: For many years my family have used in c ise of Biliousness, Cnstlvcncss, Indlgrs- lon, Sick Headache aud Sour Stomach, Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine, which, In my opinion. Is over fifty per cent, stronger and lictter than Zeuliu's Regulator, which I have used. Mr. Levi Rogers, after several d.ys con finement, died at his home in Dallas last Friday night. He leaves a wife and five bildren and oilier relatives to mourn his oss. We join his many friends in condo- ence to the bereaved. “for COMS 0M DroatirooMes •or regular standard medietas is, HsOeni as# Aoclest Warfare, P Auer’s 8R tUcrrg Pecioror J. HEYWOOD, AM. Professor of Mathematics, OtterMa Uat- Tsrelty, Westerville, 0. HALF-SIZE BOTTLES, fee. Married on Sunday, Oct. 80th, at the residence of R v. A. G. HlinnMc In Pow der Springs, Gu., Dr. J. R. Rich to Miss Lillian McCarty, Rev. A. O. Shankle otll- eiatlng. Dr. Rich Is one of Piiu'ding’s largest and most suceersful planters us well as one of her most ^popular yoyng men. ' He is a son of lion.-' II. C. Rich, ex- rupresentativo of this county. Hiss Lilliun i one of the county’s most beautiful aud xccllent young ladies. We Join their many friends In wishing them a long aud happy voyage over the sea of life. Mrs. Maggie Russom has been quite III for the past few days. Some more side track at the depot would lie a great convenience to the dtl- r.ens of Dallas and surrodndtng country. Will R. Speck, editor of the Warren County Gazette. Rlchardavllle, Ky., writes Tho Dr. J. H. McLean Medicine Co. as follows: "Gentlemen—My wife's pralteg of Dr, J. II. McLean's Strengthening Cor dial and Blond Purifier have overcome my antipathy to writing artestlmonlal for It, and I therefore add my recommendation 'o the hundreds you are doubtless recelv I ig dally valuable remedies. Your strength enlng Cordial Is truly a wonderful strength giving medlelne, and did my wife my good in relieving weakness and nervous prostration than one hundred dol Urs spent with our host physicians give one physician credit, however, for recommending your Cordial.” For sale by A. J. Cooper A Co. NOTICE. All persons Indebted to me are requeu ed to come and settle at oace. A. Holland. Clocks at $a.oo for the next thirty days. Dallas Hardware Co.' Deo volente, we will move Into our new quarters before our next issue, where we invite our friends and foes—personal and political—to call aud see us.JDon't forget to call, and If you are due us anything on subscription, Job work or otherwise; woifld willingly give yfiu a receipt In ex- change for the money. Our creditors are hot on our trail. Come to our rescue. A continual stream of cotton flowed in- ;0 Dallas this week. Prof. G. W. TrIOWe and Sunday in Atlanta. Constipation Causes hilly half the sickness In the world. It ■otaiag Uie digested food joo long In the bowels and prodaces bilious MSS, torpid liver, Indl- gsstiesg bad uste, coated Magas, >l«k headache, to- aomnlst etc. Hood’s Pills ear* eoaet!potion and alj lU ftsolla.aailly and thoroughly, age. AU druggists. Prepared by C. I. Hood * Oo„ Lowell. Mass. Nko oaly *W> Bwd’i Sarsaparilla. What Shall Be Done FOR THE DELICATE OIRL You have tried iron end other tonics. But she keeps pale and thin. Her sallow complexion worries you. Per haps she has a little hacking; cough also. Her head aches; and she cannot study. Give her Scoffs Emulsion ACTIVK SOLICITORS WANT*!) KVKRY WIIKRK for "The Story of Hie Philippines’' l,y Murat Halstead, eommUslo tad by the Gov eminent ns ofllelal Historian tu the War De. pnrtment. The book was written In army amp* at San Francisco, nil the Pacific with General Merritt. In the hospital* at Honolulu, n Hong Kong, In the American treuohea a, Manila. In the Insurgent camps with Aftulnal do, cm the deck of the Olympia with Dowry ' d In . ic roar of liatllc at the fall of Manila. Bonsnaa for agents. Brimful of original plot- taken by government phi togra; hern on the spot. Large book. Low prices. Rig profit*. Freight paid. Credit given. Drop all trashy umdllcial war books. Outfit free. Address, V. T. Barber. Sec'y, Star Inauraucf Bldg, C lilcago. Worsted, Dress-goods, Silks and Trimmings of all kinds, in fact, every thing .in General Mer chandise cheaper than any* other house in town, at HAT BROS. A Narrow tso^pe. ! Thankful words written by Mr*. Ad s K. Hart, of Groton, 8. D. "Was taknn with a bail cold settled on my lungs, cough set In and Anally terminated in Consump- lion. Four Doctors gave me up, as) log I could live but a short time. I gave my self up to my Savior, determined If I could not stay-with my friends oa earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advised to get Dr. King’s New Dl*. rovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds.’ I gave It a trial, took In all eight liottles. It has cured me, and thank God I am saved and now a well and healthy Woman." Trial bottle* free at A- J Coop, er Ado’s, Drugstore. .Regular size 60c and $1.00. Guaranteed or piiee refunded Clocks at $2.00 for the nsxt thirty daye. Dallas IIarchvnrc.Co. Dr. Miles’ Nervine A REMEDY FOR THE Effects of Tobacco. The oil will feed her waiting; body ; the glycerine will soothe her cough, and the hypophos- phites will give new power and vigor to her nerves and brain. Never say you “ cannot take cod-liver oil n until you have tried Scott’s Emulsion. You will be obliged to change your opinion at once. Children especially become very fond ofit; and infants do not know when it is added to their food. joc. and fi.oo; all druggists. & BOWNE. Chemists, New York. [ when SCOTT fflf T HE excessive use of tobacco, especially by young men Is always Injurious and undoubtedly shortens life materially. Mr. Ed. C. Ebnen, compositor on tho Contra- Costa Newt, Martinez, Cal., writes; "I havo used Dr. Miles’ Restorative Nervine and re ceived much benefit from It. I was troubled with nervousness, dizzy spells and sleepless ness, caused by tho uso of tobacco and stim ulants. I tool: I)r. Milos' Nervlno with mar vclously good results, allaying the dizziness, quieting tho nerves, and enabling mo to sleep and rest, proving in my caso a very beneficial remedy.” Dr. Miles* Restoratlvo Nervine Is especially adapted to restoring the nervous system to Its normal condition under such circumstances. It soothes, heals and strengthens. Dr. Mileg’ Remedies aro sold by all drug gists under & positive guarantee, first bottle benefits or money re funded. Book on dis eases of the heart and norves free. Address, DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, U4. The farmsrs will he forced In "self dc- frnst,” to quit raising so much cotton. 8o long ns they raise cotton for less than cost, they may expect to become poorer, nmt so long ss they raise so much of il, they may expect to market It for less than cost. No better lime than now for them to resolve to quit it—at least so much of It. Whpn they raise their , own supplies ut home, they neither raise so much cot. ton nor have need to rulse so much. If we could have lived a thousand ye*re ago, we would quickly observe that mod. ern warfare It far the superior of aaclent warfare. Take the sling with which David killed Uollath, the giant. It lakes a skillful hand to strike a death blow with a sling Look at the Indian who stayed th. white- man with a simple bow and arrow, and the wonderful canoe In which he traveled and raado an attack on the Let us view the times when the warriot would treat his eueniy In the most crue manner by heating him up and causing him to suffer agonies. But civilisation ha. blotted this from history’s page. In colonial times the armor of steel wa> •wed, buttwaa found more of a burden tlfcpt a help. Compare Washington, Lafayette, and tho bravo and noble Admirals Dewey. Hobson, Wheeler, Schley, Sampson, Shif ter, and numerous other*. Iu the dark days of the Revolutionsr, war when Washington had to wade through snow and Ice, he stuck to his oounlry to free his couotrymeo. Even ss late as the- Revolution the Americans had to fight In little boots, while now.n-days are fleet ships with aiv Iron plate on the outside which take* o’ strong cannon to penetrate. Hut we consider Washington a bravo general than Dewey, because he hail to ride In an open bout and was caught In storms with no protection hut that of an overcoat, and Admiral Dewty could fit upon the deck and when It w)u had wealh. er he could go Inatda the ship, and there fore Washington risked his life for the sake of his country. That Is why some point* of ancient wars are more braver than I hat of modern times. In the civil war It took four yean to whip, when It would taka but a year to whip them now. The guns wore sUch rude ones In olden times that it took so long to load them. Now they have guns that can shoot over one hundred times a minutes.' The navy of civilised countries Improve every year. For Instance take the U. S.> who, when sho was settled and up to the Revolution had nothing but boats, and now has second to the beat navy In tho world* The Invention of the torpedo which can destroy a great ship shows that the intelligence of the world and the aup<. dority of the modern to ancient warfare, getting better each day that we live. And the clothing of the soldiers of mod. ern times and the clothing of ancient times. Now the soldiers are clolhed in warm uniforms, but In ancient days they evenleft blood In their track, as they marched, and he whn says that modern Is not superior th ancient times has been sleeping all his life. . . SonnoL Bo vs. Juit opened a complete line of Dry Goods, No tions, Groceries, Shoes, Hats, ladies’ and Gents’ Underwear, Crockery, Tin Ware, and many other articles that yon need. Call and exam ine our stock, vet our prices and be convinced that we will sell you goods as cheap as they can be bought eke* where. We want a share of your patron age, and hope, by fair ; dealings, to get it and retain it. Respt’y HEEK »• (Next door to Cooper's drug store.) .Cft r SOUTHERN TSltr Rft!LMY. fesiUMfld Nrbfldete la Kfltol Jely 0, I sen. -iisn NOTICE, TO ALL AY FRIENDS. > STATIONS. 1 Nu. 10 Ho. 14 L* Chailauuiiga Ar Dalton A> Roma Ar Atlanta f .... 6.19am 7.61 am i.00am 11.40am 7. ;t -pm 8.42 pin 9.40pm li.f> >p:n ll.fljpin $06nm d46a wi 7.25a m 9.40nm Lv Atlanta Ar Maoon Ar JnMup Ar Kvnrott.... Ar Jttokflonvllle Lv Jen up >.,r. .t»f. A# JaokMonvIllo # 7. tb.Olnm l.oopm liioom 8.20am Lv Kvarott hr Urunawlok .......... I have opened up business at 23 West Mitchell* Street, and will be glad to furnish you with all kinds of good things to drink, such ns fine Rye whiskey, from $ji to $$ per gallon. Corm from $i .50 to $2 per gallon, and all kinds of Beer and Wines , "Mkil orders given special attention. When in the City, call on me, and when you' want anything in my line, write me. Respectfully Yours, J. E. BROWN. VOU MUST have pure blood for ■ good health. Hood’s Sarsaparilla purifies the blood. Take Hood’s Sar saparilla If you would WILL. KMOpm I?. lOum &.oohib 6.**ia H'juum •J.Mp ft/.’hpn* dMptn 10l Ibpru H.fcim OOpm anoojfft to Atlanta. No. 14 ourrles Pullman Sleeping Car and Day tonatooftChattanooga fio JauvHouvIlLi nail AS anta to llmnswink. DouuIwn ( lanta t Na. B Carrjoa Pullman Stooping Car Chut to- to Atlanta. wr ooogtt t Ar Homo Ar Dolton ' Ar Obattnnoogn.... Lv Chattanooga.... Ar purgtn.».. Ar Lexington Ar LouIsvlllo . AVOincTnnotn tfaTi "A 80am S .XOum 7. Warn S. 40i»m B.r/mm • 4. *J4»pm I LlOpm* 4.N)ura LV Chattanooga.... Ar NaahVllto Tfanr 40ffpm flSfipm 7.84pm B. flop it. 9.10pm 7 60pm 7. BOptn Tftl dflfll 1.66pm 7. Mum TiWftin i.iAum 0.40am l.flOum I0.80u(n U.Miini l.oopio Tiiftpm 6.66pm f No. II oarrle*. Pulkqan Sleeping Car Atlanta Id Chattanooga ngd Chattanooga to ClnoInnatL No. 9 curries Pullman Sleeping Cur Atlanta . C||-‘“ *" * —' ID Cincinnati and Chattanooga to LoulovUlo. L? Chattanooga Ar Knoxville Ar AMhcvIlto.... Ar SnllHbury Ar Oreenubora., Ar Kalnlgh Ar Norfolk No.fl._ 140am II. Mam 1.28pm S Ppm IStyui No. 18 I No. if 4. Ilium'16. oopm ROflunt; i.ionm 9. Mum 1I.4MIU 1.16pm G.#>pm 9.62pm 2.26am 4.00am A. 10am 9. Mum 12.10pm 3.23pm 0.12am I D.iJApia 12.43pmI 0.21 urn H-uirlcnPullman DrawlngTto log Car Chattanongu Ui New Yhrk via Ashe ville and Salisbury to Ktohrnond, arriving Rich mond 6.40 n.m. alno Pullman Stooping Car Greenuboro to Norfolk. Nal61a aolld train Chattanooga to Salis bury, with Pullman Sleeping Car Chattan<M)ga to Salisbury and .Salisbury to Now York with out change. TfiTT MTATfONH. Lv Chattanooga ....... Ar Knoxville Ar Morrlutowu. Ar Bristol Ar Washington.....i.'.. Ar Now York No. 4 6.uppm H.4<>um 8.46pm I l.Mun 2.15am l.2.ipm 7.00am 1 3.66pm 7.4oum 1 1.20pm No. 6. curries Pullman Stooping Car Cbatta- 1 to Wanhlngton and Chattanooga to Now without change. rllle to llrl tol. ATATIOIV8. Skin Diseases. LOOK OUT! ^—HERE I COME. Or. MUm* 1 Nervine; Reatorwa. . Health, Old RiiliAWe, with the prettiest and inmt np-to-datc Millinery cter brought to Dallas, which 111m going to sell at Rock Bottom prices. I will not be undersold. Call and see me before purchasing else where. . . . Respectfully, , Mas. Salmi RaospacIl (Over Hay Bros.) DtfWitt’s Witch hazel Salvs Car*, Piles, S«si4», Sara*, For the speedy and permanent cure of tetter, salt rheum and ecsema, Cham berlain's Eya and Skin Ointment Is without an equal. It relieves the Itch ing and smarting almoat Instantly and lta continued uie effect# a permanent cure. It alio cures itch, barber's itch, scald head, core nipples, Itching pile*, chapped hands, chronic lore eyes and granulated lids. Dr. Cady's Ceadltlea Pewden for horses are the beat toaio, blood pnrlfler and vermifuge. Price, 96cent*. Bold by For sale by A. J. Cooper Jfc Co. Lv Home. Ar Anniston Ar Birmingham.... Ar Bslma At Meridian Ar New Orlcana.... Ar Jack.on Ar Vlckaburg Ar Shreveperl tNo. IS 1 |Hn. » |’ - *5.cl6iini'LJepm Lv Rome 6.40pm! fl.S7pmiAr (lad-den. nr ♦No. IS & OOpmI 7.11/pm 1 Ar Attollo. 8.60am . 6.00am Ivl 6.46am 6.20am WIT O.Toam 11.21am 10.00pm $A6pm 7.aopm Kidoam 9.46am ll.36am 7.20pm fNo. 10 8.36am 0 3 >ura t Dally except Sunday. | Sunday only. P. 8.GANNON. Mv.p. A o.M.,WaMhlngton, D.C J. M. CULP. Traf. Mgr., Washington. D. 0* W. A. TURK. O. P. A.. Washington. D. a C A. DENSCOTKH, A.O.P.A..Chattanooga.Tem We Club $1.80 $1.80 $1.46 THE NEW ERA with The Weekly Constitution, The Weekly Journal, The Thrice-a-Wcck World, The Twlce-a-w»ok Globe-Democrat, $1.60 The Twico-a-week Courier-Journal, $1.3o Twlce-a-weck Detroit Free Press, ft-8 .Home and Farm, F-lp m .